Mid, MidB Statements

Named Arguments



Mid(stringvar, start[, length]) = string


Use: Required

Data Type: String

The name of the string variable to be modified.


Use: Required

Data Type: Variant (Long)

The position within stringvar at which the replacement commences.


Use: Optional

Data Type: Variant (Long)

The number of characters in stringvar to replace.


Use: Required

Required: String

The string that replaces characters within stringvar.


Replaces a section of a string with characters from another string.

Rules at a Glance

  • If you omit length, as many characters of string as can be fitted into stringvar are used.

  • If start + length is greater then the length of stringvar, string is truncated to fit in the same space as stringvar. This means that the length of stringvar isn't altered by the Mid statement.

  • If start is less than 0, runtime error 5, "Invalid procedure call or argument," occurs.

  • The MidB version of the Mid statement is used with byte data held within a string. When using MidB, both start and length refer to the number of bytes, as opposed to the number of characters.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • If string contains Null, runtime error 94, "Invalid Use of Null," is generated.

  • VB6 includes the Replace function, which enhances the functionality of the Mid statement by allowing you to specify the number of times the replacement is carried out in the same string.

  • Although the documentation refers to Mid when it appears on the left side of an assignment statement as a statement and on the right side as a function, you may find it easier to remember their purpose and syntax if you consider both variations as functions. In the second case, stringvar is passed to the function by value, and therefore it isn't modified by the function itself, which returns the substring desired. In the first case, stringvar is passed to the function by reference, so that, when the function returns, its value is modified accordingly.

See Also

Mid, MidB Functions; Replace Function
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