CByte Function

Named Arguments





Use: Required

Data Type: Numeric or String

A string or numeric expression that evaluates to between 0 and 255.

Return Value

expression converted to Byte data type.


Converts expression to a Byte data type. The byte data type is the smallest data storage device in VBA. Being only one byte in length, it can store unsigned numbers between and 255.

Rules at a Glance

  • If expression is a string, the string must be capable of being treated as a number.

  • If expression evaluates to less than or more than 255, an overflow error is generated.

  • If expression isn't a whole number, CByte rounds the number prior to conversion.


If IsNumeric(sMyNumber) Then
    If val(sMyNumber) >= 0 and val(sMyNumber) <= 255 Then
        BytMyNumber = Cbyte(sMyNumber)
    End If
End If

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • Check that the value you pass to CByte is neither negative nor greater than 255.

  • Use IsNumeric to insure the value passed to CByte can be converted to a numeric expression.

  • When using CByte to convert floating point numbers, fractional values up to but not including .5 are rounded down, while values of .5 and above are rounded up.

See Also

IsNumeric Function, Chapter 3
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