Type Statement

Named Arguments



[Private | Public] Type varname
						elementname [([subscripts])] As type
   [elementname [([subscripts])] As type]
   . . .
End Type


Use: Optional

Type: Keyword

Gives the user-defined type scope through all procedures in all modules in the project. Public and Private are mutually exclusive.


Use: Optional

Type: Keyword

Restricts the scope of the user-defined type to those procedures within the same module. Public and Private are mutually exclusive.


Use: Required

The name of the user-defined type.


Use: Required

Data Type: Any

The name of an element of the user-defined type.


Use: Optional

Data Type: Numeric literal or constant

The dimensions of an array element.


Use: Required

The data type of the element.


Used at module level to define a user-defined type.

Rules at a Glance

  • A user-defined type can contain one or more elements.

  • The Type statement can't be used within a procedure; it can be used only within the declaration section of a module.

  • In form and code modules, user-defined types are Public by default. You can reduce the scope and visibility of a user-defined type to the current module by using the Private keyword.

  • Until Version 6 of VB, publicly declared user-defined types were not permitted in class modules. Now, VB6 has introduced the remote user-defined types, which allow you to declare a property as a user-defined type, or have a class method return a user-defined type. The following snippet shows how to implement a remote user-defined type property within a class module:

    Public Type udtTestType
       EmployeeNo As Integer
       EmployeeName As String
    End Type
    Private mudtTestType As udtTestType
    Public Property Get TestType() As udtTestType
        TestType = mudtTestType
    End Property
    Public Property Let TestType(udtVal As udtTestType)
        mudtTestType = udtVal
    End Property

  • A variable can be declared as being of a user-defined type by using the Dim, Private, Public, ReDim, or Static statements anywhere within the scope of the user-defined type.

  • The subscriptsclause uses the following syntax:

    [lowerbound To] upperbound [, _
    [lowerbound To] upperbound] . . .

  • When the optional lowerbound clause isn't present, the lower bound of the array defaults to that defined by the Option Base statement.

  • If an Option Base statement has not been used in the current module, the lower bound is zero.

  • lowerbound and upperbound must be stated as numeric literals or constants; variables can't be used.

  • Contrary to standard variable naming conventions, keywords can be used for the names of the elements of a user-defined type. However, this isn't recommended, since it makes code confusing to read.

  • type may be Byte, Boolean, Currency, Date, Double, Integer, Long, Object, Single, String, Variant, another user-defined type, or an object type.

  • The following table shows the values held by each data type when an element is initialized:

    Data Type Initial Value
    Numeric 0
    Variable-length string Zero-length string ("")
    Fixed-length string Filled with zeros
    Variant Empty
    Object Nothing
    Date Saturday 3o December 1899 12:00:00

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • Frequently, related items of information in an application are stored to parallel arrays. There is far less coding (and confusion) involved, however, if the elements are stored to a user-defined type instead. Using an array of user-defined types also tends to produce more readable code than using a multidimensional array.

  • User-defined types are central to building advanced data structures such as linked lists, stacks, and queues.

  • Visual Basic classes and collections of classes have largely taken over from user-defined types. A class module can be thought of as a direct development of the user-defined type. In a class module, properties replace the elements of a user-defined type. Furthermore, class modules contain subroutines and functions and can have scope outside of the current project. However, VB6 has somewhat revived the user-defined type by allowing user-defined types to be passed across process boundaries. For more information, see Chapter 4.

  • Using remote user-defined types requires NT 5, NT 4 Service Pack 4, or the latest version of DCOM95. Win98 also support remote user-defined types.

  • When using UDTs in an ActiveX Server (in VB6 onwards), a client of the server sees the UDT as an ActiveX object. Proof of this comes from the fact that you can use the TypeOf operator (which compares one object with another) with a user-defined type, as the following example demonstrates. This example also shows the use of the new vbUserDefinedType vartype constant, and the use of TypeName with a remote UDT. The first code snippet comes from an ActiveX server, which is referenced by a standard EXE project (the second code snippet) using the References dialog (this works only with early binding).

    Code From Class Module in ActiveX DLL Project

    Option Explicit
    Public Type udtTestType
        Name As String
        Age As Integer
    End Type

    Code From Form Module in Standard EXE Project

    Option Explicit
    Private udtTest As udtTestType
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
       If VarType(udtTest) = vbUserDefinedType Then
          Debug.Print "user defined type"
       End If
       'returns "udtTestType"
       Debug.Print TypeName(udtTest) 
       ' returns "Integer"
       Debug.Print TypeName(udtTest.Age) 
       'returns "String"
       Debug.Print TypeName(udtTest.Name) 
        If TypeOf udtTest Is udtTestType Then
            Debug.Print "this is a udtTestType"
        End If
    End Sub

See Also

ReDim Statement
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