InStr, InStrB Functions

Named Arguments



InStr([start, ]stringtosearch, stringtofind[, _


Use: Optional

Data Type: Numeric

The starting position for the search.


Use: Required

Data Type: String

The string being searched.


Use: Required

Data Type: String

The string being sought.


Use: Optional

Data Type: Integer

The type of string comparison.

Return Value

A variant of subtype Long.


Finds the starting position of one string within another.

Rules at a Glance

  • The return value of InStr is influenced by the values of stringtosearch and stringtofind, as the following table details:

    Condition InStr Return Value
    stringtosearch is zero-length 0
    stringtosearch is Null Null
    stringtofind is zero-length start
    stringtofind is Null Null
    stringtofind is not found 0
    stringtofind found within stringtosearch Position at which the start of stringtofind is found
    start > len(stringtofind) 0

  • If the start argument is omitted, InStr commences the search with the first character of stringtosearch.

  • If the start argument is Null, an error occurs.

  • You must specify a start argument if you are specifying a comparemode argument.

  • VB5 and VBA support intrinsic constants for comparemode, as follows:

    Comparison Mode Value Constant
    Binary (default) 0 vbBinaryCompare
    Text—case insensitive 1 vbTextCompare
    Database (Microsoft Access only) 2 vbDatabaseCompare

  • If the comparemode argument contains Null, an error is generated.

  • If comparemode is omitted, the type of comparison is determined by the Option Compare setting.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

You can use the InStrB function to compare byte data contained within a string. In this case InStrB returns the byte position of stringtofind, as opposed to the character position.

See Also

InStrRev Function, Left Function, Mid Function, Option Compare Statement, Right Function, StrComp Function
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