InstrRev Function (VB6)

Named Arguments



InstrRev(sourcestring, soughtstring[, start[, compare]])


Use: Required

Data Type: String

The string to be searched.


Use: Required

Data Type: String

The substring to be found within sourcestring.


Use: Optional

Data Type: Numeric

The starting position of the search. If no value is specified, start defaults to 1.


Use: Optional

Type: vbBinaryCompare constant

The method that compares soughtstring with sourcestring ; its value can be vbBinaryCompare, vbTextCompare, or vbDatabaseCompare.

Return Value



Determines the starting position of a substring within a string by searching from the end of the string to its beginning.

Rules at a Glance

  • While InStr searches a string from left to right, InStrRev searches a string from right to left.

  • vbBinaryCompare is case sensitive; that is, InstrRev matches both character and case, whereas vbTextCompare is case insensitive, matching only character, regardless of case.

  • The default value for compare is vbBinaryCompare.

  • start designates the starting point of the search and is the number of characters from the start of the string.

  • If start is omitted, the search begins from the last character in source-string.

  • sourcestring is the complete string in which you want to find the starting position of a substring.

  • If soughtstring isn't found, InStrRev returns 0.

  • If soughtstring is found within sourcestring, the value returned by InStrRev is the position of sourcestring from the start of the string.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The usefulness of a function that looks backward through a string for the occurrence of another string isn't immediately apparent.


This example uses both InStr and InStrRev to highlight the different results produced by each. Using a sourcestring of "I like the functionality that InStrRev gives", InStr finds the first occurrence of "th" at character 8, while InStrRev finds the first occurrence of "th" at character 26.

Dim myString As String
Dim sSearch As String
myString = "I like the functionality that InsStrRev gives"
sSearch = "th"

Debug.Print InStr(myString, sSearch)						    
Debug.Print InStrRev(myString, sSearch)

See Also

InStr Function
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