138 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
Table 5-5 on page 138 lists the CICS subsystems and their corresponding
Table 5-5 CICS subsystems checklist
5.6 Operators and users
You should identify early on who will use the IBM Tivoli Business Systems
Manager. Console users must be identified early, as this will influence:
? Console server size
? Deployment requirements
? Business System View design
? Workspace creation
You should map the following:
? Authority group: For each user, create a user ID in the console server
machine and associate it to the appropriate IBM Tivoli Business Systems
Manager group
? Monitoring requirement: Each user in each function will need to monitor
different areas, and this must be fulfilled within the appropriate structure of
Business System View and workspace. Some examples are:
Helpdesk needs to see overall system health
Operators needs to monitor the IT system they are responsible for
Business function managers need to see their business system
IT managers need to see the IT equipment
Network administrator only need to see the status of network devices
DSN4 6.1 No No MVS1 No
DSN5 6.1 No No MVS1 No
Subsystem Version Performance
Data sharing OS Discovery
Subsystem Version CICSPlex Performance
PCICS01 7.1 Not applicable Not applicable MVS1
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