Index, 163

Accountability, 79

Airline pilots, 37

All-or-nothing trap, 179–187

Apathy, 169

Apple, 15

Areas of concern, 40–41

Areas of influence, 40–42

Armstrong, Neil, 48

Assets, 85–86

Balance, 183

Barriers to entry, 91

Basketball, 70–71

Beacon(s) in the fog, 37–46

and areas of influence, 40–42

finding your, 40, 52–56, 188

and goals, 37, 42–44

heading directly toward, 87

Benchmarks, 56

Big, audacious goal, 37

Blair, Curtis, 32–33

Blockbuster, 52

Bookkeeping, 114–115

Bootstrap Business (Rich Christiansen), 5, 13, 113


keeping zigzags under control with, 144–148

for staying out of the weeds, 150–157

Budgets, 95

Buffett, Warren, 149

Business principles, 82

Buyers, 91


financial, 15, 30

mental, 15, 20–23, 30

relationship, 15, 23–30, 98–99

as resource, 114


adding resources to, 111–112

beginnings of, 89–90

hidden assets at, 85

naming of, 5

reward systems at, 165

scale component at, 135

selling of, 103

Catalyzing statements, 46–52

Christensen, Ladd, 35–36

Competence, 78, 100

Competitions, 92

Comrie, Steve, 45–46

Concern, areas of, 40–41

Confidence, 84

“Constructing with integrity,” 49–50

Cooperation, 78

Covey, Stephen R., 40

Credit card companies, 132

Cultural sensitivity, 79

Customers, 133

Debt, 102

Decision Matrix, 138–141

Decision-making, 78, 138–141

Destination, identifying your, 38 (See also Beacon[s] in the fog)

Determination, 83, 107, 188

Developing countries, 56

Digital assets, 134–136

Discipline, 169

Distribution channels, 92

Diversions, 150

Documentation, 118–119

Doorman Principle, 73 bubble, 84


importance of, 19–20

and learning process, 22

80/20 rule, 99–101

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 46

Employees, 110–113

Engineers, 94

Entitlement mentality, 167–168


defining, 35–36

success with, 87

venture capital for, 153–154

Entry, barriers to, 91

Equipment, 114

Ethical behavior, 50

Facebook, 15

Failure, 102, 170

Family, 98, 152–153

Family-owned businesses, 108–109, 146

Financial capital, 15, 30

Financial number(s), 97, 147

Financial stability, 152–153

Financial targets, 97–98, 148, 189

Five Forces Competitive Position Model, 90

Five-Minute Whiteboard, 119–122

Freedom, 78

Friends, 74, 98


naming of company, 33

profitability at, 102–103

scale phase at, 141

values at, 56, 78–79

Fujita, 51–52

Gates, Bill, 51, 135–136


big audacious, 37

purpose of, 42–44, 53

quarterly, 176

racing straight toward your, 88

system of, 166

Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect (Bob Rotella), 185

Golfing, 185

Google, 15

Gratitude, 79, 99

Guarantees, 155–156

Guardrails, 148–150, 183, 189

Gunderson, Garrett, 13–14, 53

Helping society, 78

Hewlett-Packard, 15

Hiring, 110–113

Horne, Peter, 26–28, 181, 182, 184

The Hot Shoppe, 89

Hunter, Abbie, 31

Iacocca, Lee, 163

Incompetence, 100

Independence, 79

India, 105–106

Inefficiencies, 150

Influence, areas of, 40–42

Integrity, 79

IPOs (initial public offerings), 84

Japan, 51–52

Jobs, Steve, 52

Kennedy, John F., 46–48, 57

Kentucky Fried Chicken, 117–118

Leadership, 79

Learning process, 22

Lombardi, Vince, 162

Long-term goals, 42

Marriott, J. Willard, 88–89

Marriott Corporation, 88

Marx, Colette, 113

The Mask program, 46

MBAs, 20–21

McDonald’s, 52

Mediocrity, 101

Mendozian, Alex, 148

Mental capital, 15, 20–23, 30

Micromanagement, 108

Microsoft, 15, 135–136

Mid-term goals, 42

Mission statements, 49, 71–72

Mitsubishi, 26, 28, 167

Mortgage Saver 101 website, 133

Mortgaging your house, 98

Motivation, 162–166, 190

Music industry, 128, 84

NCAA tournament, 70

Netline, 23–24

New hires, 74

Noorda, Ray, 26, 65–67

Novell, 16, 26, 65

Out-of-Bounds worksheet, 158

Outsourcing, 114

Owens, Dave, 16

Pacing, 87–90

Packer, Boyd K., 36

Parenting, 78

Partners, 74

Passion, 23, 188

Perfectionists, 99, 100

Personal networks, 156

Porter, Michael E., 90

Porter, Ron, 4, 13–14, 85, 89, 111, 112

Porter Model, 90–92

Poverty, 45, 56


building, 115–119

time spent on, 144

Profitability, 81–104

and 80/20 rule, 99–101

and business principles, 82

and confidence, 84

defined, 83

determining cash needed for, 95–99

and failure, 102

finding hidden assets for, 85–86

at Froghair, 102–103

getting ideas for, 90–94

meeting goal of, 188–189

minimizing risk for, 86–87

and pacing, 87–90

Quarterly goals, 176

“Rabbit syndrome,” 93

Reid, David, 45–46

Relationship capital, 23–29

as component in Value Equation, 15, 30

and profitability, 98–99


integrity in, 50

values in, 78

Resources, 13–34

adding, 107–115, 189

application of, 29

employees as, 110–113

financial capital, 15, 30

identification of current, 17–20, 31, 188

list of, 99, 100

mental capital, 15, 20–23, 30

misconceptions about, 14

for reaching goals, 15

relationship capital, 15, 23–30, 98–99

time spent on, 144, 145

and Value Equation, 15, 30

views of, 16

Responsibility, 79

Retail businesses, 134

Rewards, 161–178

earning, 170–172

and entitlement mentality, 167–168

and failure, 170

flexibility with, 168

motivating with, 162–166, 190

purpose of, 162

system for, 166–167

and the whip, 169

for yourself, 172–174

Risk, 86–87

Rotella, Bob, 185

Sandefer, Jeff, 186–187

Sapio, Rick, 47, 73, 74

Scale, 127–142

and decision making, 138–141

examples of, 130–131

purpose of adding, 127–129, 189

rules of, 131–136

as shift in mind-set, 136–138

time spent on, 145

Search engine optimization (SEO), 5, 21, 85–86

Services, 89

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R. Covey), 40

Shah Jahan, 106, 108

Short-term goals, 42

Short-term successes, 150

Soul purpose, 53–55

Soul Purpose stairway, 55

Soul Purpose wheel, 53

Soviet Union, 47

Space travel, 46–48, 57

Substitutes, 91

Suppliers, 91

Taj Mahal, 105–106

Teams, 153

Technology, 94

Time, 97, 147

Timing, 131–132

Toys “R” Us, 52

Transaction businesses, 132

Trump, Donald, 18, 34

U.S. Department of Treasury, 89

Value Equation:

components in, 15, 30

results of, 99

Values, 59–80

assessment of, 61–62, 75–76

awareness of, 63, 188

behavior determined by, 65

clarity of, 71–74

convenience of, 70–71

creating list of, 74, 77–79

defined, 60

at Froghair, 56

function of, 59–61

for guiding us through rough times, 67–70

importance of establishing, 151

ranking of, 139

staying focused on, 156–157

Venture capital, 153–154

Wandering aimlessly, 37

“The whip,” 169

Work/family balance, 183

World hunger, 172

Zigzag Principle:

as approach to business and life, 188

avoiding all or nothing trap with, 186

components of, 9–11, 188–190

defining, 6

and laws of nature, 7

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