• Campbell, William I., 165

  • Campbell’s Soup, 58, 8283

  • Candler, Asa, 34

  • Cannibalization, 416417, 423

  • Canon, 127

  • Carpenter, Gregory S., 246

  • Cash cows, 367

  • Catalog retailers, 172

  • Categorical brand recall, 315

  • Categorization perspective, 431432

  • Category benefits, 58

  • Category coherence, 433

  • Category expected life analysis, 347

  • Category extension, 420

  • Category extensions, 364

  • Category leaders, 82

  • Category management, 285

  • Category points-of-parity, 56

  • Cause marketing, 234, 387, 537
  • Celebrity endorsement, 250254
  • Centralization, 493, 507

  • Chang, Dae Ryun, 342

  • Channel strategy, 171181
    • channel design, 171173

    • channel support, 175

    • company-owned stores, 177179

    • cooperative advertising, 176177

    • direct channels, 177179

    • indirect channels, 173177

    • push and pull strategies, 173174

    • retail segmentation, 176

    • web strategies, 180

  • Characters, 128130
    • benefits of, 129130

    • cautions on, 130

    • creative/strategic thinking for, 132

  • Chernev, Alexander, 439

  • Chief brand officer (CBO), 283

  • Chief marketing officers (CMOs), 103

  • China, 510, 513515
    • emerging local leaders, 514

    • foreign interest in, 513514

    • global strategy of, 515

    • growing consumer class, 513

  • Chivas Regal, 467

  • Chobani, 405

  • Choice, 46

  • Chrysler, 87

  • Cisco, 1011, 374

  • Clark, Bruce, 281

  • CLIF Bar, 151

  • Clorox, 435

  • Coach, 468

  • Co-branding, 241247
    • advantages/disadvantages of, 242243

    • co-branded ingredient, 245

    • guidelines for, 243244

    • ingredient branding, 244247

  • Coca-Cola, 45, 34, 209, 343344, 494495, 498499, 508

  • Cohen, Dorothy, 143144

  • Coldplay, 451

  • Colgate Total, 529

  • Colgate Wisp, 122

  • Colgate-Palmolive, 498, 508

  • Colvin, Geoffrey, 98

  • Commitment, 323

  • Commodity business, 153

  • Commodity product, 10

  • Commonality, 221222

  • Commonality leveraging strategy, 235

  • Communicability, 59

  • Communicate, 68

  • Communications strategy, 497498, 530531

  • Community, 93, 96

  • Company brand, 370371

  • Company-owned stores, 177179

  • Comparative methods, 336340, 351
    • brand-based approaches, 336337

    • conjoint analysis, 339340

    • marketing-based approaches, 337339

  • Comparison tasks, 302

  • Competence, 543

  • Competition, 28, 5354, 490

  • Competitive analysis, 53

  • Competitive factors, brand extension candidates, 428

  • Competitive frame of reference, 5758

  • Competitive leverage, 421

  • Competitive points-of-parity, 56

  • Complementarity, 222, 235, 523

  • Completion tasks, 300

  • Comprehension, 192

  • Conceptual combinations, 245

  • Conformability, 222

  • Conjoint analysis, 339340

  • Conley, Chip, 303

  • Conlon, Jerome, 66

  • Consideration advantages, 46, 96

  • Consistency, 523

  • Consumer behavior, 192, 297. See also Customer(s)
    • brand extensions and, 420424, 426427

    • brands and, 67

    • green marketing and, 398

    • managerial assumptions, 420422

  • Consumer decisions, 46

  • Consumer dialogue, 158

  • Consumer guides, 24

  • Consumer needs, 488

  • Consumer price perceptions, 163164

  • Consumer promotion, 204207

  • Consumer purchase motivation, 46

  • Consumer research, 309

  • Consumer-based brand equity
    • brand dynamics, 323324

    • CBBE model and, 324

    • comprehensive models of, 323324

    • equity engine, 323324

    • pyramid model, 79

  • Consumer-brand relationship, 321

  • Contact, 152

  • Contribution, 221

  • Converse, 26

  • Cook, Scott, 11

  • Cooperative advertising, 176177

  • Copy testing, 196

  • Copyrights, 7

  • Core benefit level, 3

  • Core brand associations, 268, 411

  • Corporate (family) brand tracking, 272274

  • Corporate brand, 10, 11, 235238, 388, 541

  • Corporate brand equity, 380

  • Corporate brand level, 370371

  • Corporate brand personality, 381

  • Corporate branding, 380392
    • brand equity, 380

    • brand personality, 381

    • social responsibility, 386387

  • Corporate credibility, 9596, 385386

  • Corporate expertise, 385

  • Corporate factors, brand extension candidates, 428

  • Corporate image, 272274, 371

  • Corporate image associations, 383

  • Corporate image campaigns, 387389

  • Corporate image dimensions, 381386
    • attributes, benefits, attitudes, 381383

    • corporate credibility, 385386

    • people and relationships, 383384

    • values and programs, 384385

  • Corporate likeability, 385

  • Corporate name changes, 390392

  • Corporate reputations, 382

  • Corporate societal marketing (CSM), 395396

  • Corporate sponsors, 258259

  • Corporate trademark licensing, 250

  • Corporate trustworthiness, 385

  • Correlational points-of-parity, 56

  • Cost, 28, 222

  • Cost approach, 346

  • Cost-per-click, 209

  • Cottrill, Geoff, 26

  • Counterfeiting brands, 118, 144

  • Country of origin/geographic areas, 238241

  • Courtesy, 543

  • Coverage, 220221

  • Crawley, Dennis, 217

  • Crayola Crayons, 155, 360

  • Creative strategy, 194

  • Credence goods, 7

  • Credibility, 9596, 385386, 411

  • Crisis marketing, 476478

  • Cross-category assortment, 242

  • Cultural events, 254255

  • Cultural segments, 32, 483484

  • Customer diversity, 530531

  • Customer empowerment, 532

  • Customer equity, 106108
    • Blattberg and colleagues, 107

    • brand equity vs., 108109

    • defined, 106

    • Kumar and colleagues, 108

    • maximizing of, 98

    • Rust, Zeithaml, and Lemon, 107108

  • Customer experience management (CEM), 154

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV), 106107

  • Customer mind-set, 101102
    • brand activity, 102

    • brand associations, 101

    • brand attachment, 102

    • brand attitudes, 101

    • brand awareness, 101

  • Customer service programs, 160

  • Customer value
  • Customer visits, 309

  • Customer-based brand equity (CBBE), 4043. See also Brand building; Global customer-based brand equity
    • brand awareness, 4548

    • brand equity as bridge, 4243, 324

    • brand image, 4851

    • brand knowledge, 4345

    • brand priorities, 528532

    • defined, 4041

    • differential effect of, 41

    • global customer-based brand equity, 491492

    • response to marketing, 4142

    • sources of, 4551

    • summary of, 520522

    • tactical guidelines, 522525

  • Customer-centered brand management, 98

  • Customer-focused corporate image association, 383384

  • Customer(s)
    • acquisition of new customers, 471472

    • brand line extensions and, 411

    • brand schematic, 440

    • confusion/frustration of, 413

    • engaged customers, 94, 96, 396

    • knowledge and awareness of, 2425

    • risk perceived by, 408

  • Customization, standardization vs., 493499

  • CVS, 53, 162

  • Cybersquatting, 127, 144

  • Cyrix, 102

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