• Packaging, 136139
    • benefits of, 137

    • brand extensions, 409

    • changes in, 139

    • color of, 138139

    • design of, 138139, 312

    • innovations in, 138

    • objectives of, 136

    • point of purchase, 138

    • psychology of, 141

    • shelf impact of, 138

    • trademark issues of, 145

  • Paid media, 211

  • Palmisano, Sam, 236

  • Palmolive, 495, 508

  • Pan, Yigang, 510

  • Panda Express, 69

  • Pandora, 16

  • Parent brand, 405, 411, 414416, 422, 430

  • Park, C. Whan, 245, 432, 434, 438

  • Park, Chan Su, 342

  • Park, Jongwon, 438, 440

  • Part worth, 339

  • Participating marketing, 157158

  • Partner quality, 323

  • Patek Philippe, 292

  • Patents, 7

  • Patriotic appeals, 239

  • People
    • branding of, 1718

    • celebrity endorsement, 250254

    • corporate image associations, 383384

  • Peppers, Don, 156157

  • Pepsi-Cola, 4, 140, 255

  • Perceived quality, 159

  • Perceptual maps, 42

  • Performance, 81, 95

  • Permission marketing, 157158

  • Perry, Michael, 349

  • Person brand, 255

  • Personal digital assistants (PDAs), 63

  • Personality ratings, 307

  • Personalizing marketing, 153158
    • experiential marketing, 153154

    • one-to-one marketing, 156157

    • permission marketing, 157158

  • Personas, 271

  • Pessemier, Edgar, 338

  • Pharmaceuticals, 35

  • Pharmacia, 35

  • Philip Morris, 165

  • Philips Consumer Electrics, 388

  • Physical goods, 913

  • Physical risk, 7

  • Physiological needs, 64

  • Pine, B. Joseph, 153

  • Pischetsrieder, Bernd, 106

  • Place advertising, 200204

  • Place branding, 20

  • Planter’s, 338

  • Plosives, 123

  • Point of purchase, 138, 203204

  • Points-of-difference (PODs), 5556
    • choice of, 5960

    • deliverability criteria, 59

    • desirability criteria, 59

    • establishing of, 6062

  • Points-of-parity associations (POPs)
    • establishing of, 6062

    • points-of-difference vs., 5657

  • Political positioning, 61

  • Pop-up stores, 177

  • Porsche 911, 314

  • Porsche Boxster, 313

  • Positioning. See Brand positioning

  • Positioning guidelines, 5765
    • competitive frame of reference, 5758

    • deliverability criteria, 59

    • desirability criteria, 5960

    • laddering, 6364

    • leveraging equity of entity, 60

    • points-of-parity/-differences, 5457, 5960

    • politicians, 61

    • reacting, 65

    • redefining the relationship, 62

    • separate the attributes, 60

    • updating positioning over time, 6365

  • Posters, 201202

  • Potential product level, 3

  • Power brand, 487

  • Precision marketing, 200

  • Preemptive cannibalization, 416

  • Prestige-oriented brands, 432

  • Prevention focus, 440

  • Price bands, 163

  • Price segmentation, 169

  • Price stability, 170171

  • Pricing strategy
    • to build brand equity, 165171

    • consumer price perceptions, 163164

    • everyday low pricing (EDLP), 169171

    • global strategy, 499

    • product costs, 167168

    • product design and delivery, 167

    • product prices, 168

    • promotion and, 242

    • value pricing, 165166

  • Principle of commonality, 379380

  • Principle of differentiation, 377

  • Principle of growth, 374

  • Principle of prominence, 378

  • Principle of relevance, 377

  • Principle of simplicity, 376

  • Principle of survival, 374

  • Principle of synergy, 374

  • Print media, 198200

  • Pritchard, Marc, 197

  • Private label strategies, 15, 182184

  • Procter & Gamble, 2, 2728, 34, 35, 64, 155, 168170, 285, 365, 473, 500501, 505, 530531

  • Product category structure, 8182

  • Product costs, 167168

  • Product descriptor, 372

  • Product design, 533

  • Product design and delivery, 167

  • Product hierarchy, 82

  • Product levels, 34

  • Product line, 359

  • Product mix, 359, 525

  • Product placement, 203

  • Product prices, 168

  • Product strategy, 159162
  • Product-brand relationships, 359

  • Product-brand tracking, 272

  • Product-feature similarity, 432

  • Production, economies of scale in, 486

  • Product-related attributes/benefits, 432

  • Product-related performance associa tions, 457458

  • Product(s)
    • attributes, benefits, or attitudes, 381385

    • augmented product level, 3

    • brands vs., 36

    • core benefit level, 3

    • defined, 3

    • expected product level, 3

    • generic product level, 3

    • potential product level, 3

  • Program quality multiplier, 101

  • Projective techniques, 300302

  • Prominence, 378

  • Promotion, 9, 204208
    • advantages/disadvantages of, 204208

    • brand extensions, 409

    • consumer promotion, 204207

    • issues in, 204205

    • trade promotion, 208

  • Promotion focus, 440

  • Proof points, 56

  • Prophet’s brand valuation methodology, 347348

  • Protectability, 119

  • Psychographic factors, 52, 86

  • Psychological risk, 7

  • Public relations, 218

  • Publicity, 218

  • Puligadda, Sanjay, 440

  • Pull strategy, 174

  • Purchase intentions, 316317

  • Push strategy, 174

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