• Gannett, 47

  • The Gap, 140

  • Gates, Thomas N., 477

  • Gatorade, 140, 375

  • GE, 397

  • Gender, 86

  • General Electric, 259

  • General Mills, 35, 130, 131, 379, 389

  • General Motors, 92, 414

  • Generally accepted accounting prac tices (GAAP), 353

  • Generics, 3, 182

  • Geographic locations, 20, 32, 52, 238241

  • Geotargeting, 217

  • Gerstein, Richard, 197

  • Gillette, 167, 459460, 487

  • Gilmore, James H., 153

  • Glazer, Rashi, 246

  • Global brand strategy, 491493
    • brand image, 492

    • brand positioning, 492493

    • brand responses, 492

    • brand salience, 492

    • customer-based brand equity, 491492

    • positioning of, 492493

    • resonance, 492

    • ten commandments for, 512

  • Global customer-based brand equity, 491492, 501511
    • brand building, 502503

    • brand partnerships, 504505

    • brand recall and language, 509510

    • communications strategy, 497498

    • developed vs. developing markets, 500501

    • distribution strategy, 498499

    • global and local control, 507

    • global brand equity measurement system, 509

    • integrated marketing communica tions, 504

    • leveraging brand elements, 509

    • marketing infrastructure, 503504

    • measurement system for, 509

    • operable guidelines, 508509

    • pricing strategy, 499

    • product strategy, 494495

    • similarities/differences in, 501502

    • standardization and customization, 493499, 505507

  • Global marketing
    • advantages of, 486487

    • brand image consistency and, 487

    • brand/product development, 490

    • candidates for global campaigns, 506507

    • consumer differences, 488489

    • consumer response, 488489

    • disadvantages of, 488490

    • economies of scale, 486

    • legal environment and, 490

    • market entry strategies, 505

    • marketing costs, 487

    • power and scope, 487

    • rationale for, 484

    • sustainability and leverage, 487

  • Global tracking, 274275

  • Globalization, 28

  • Godin, Seth, 157158

  • Golder, Peter N., 2223, 24

  • Gome, 514

  • Goods business, 153

  • Goodwill, 344

  • Goodyear, 178

  • Google, 16, 328330, 359

  • Grand Metropolitan, 345

  • Green, Paul E., 339

  • Green Giant, 129

  • Green marketing, 397398
    • consumer behavior, 398

    • lack of credibility, 397398

  • Grewal, Radeep, 440

  • Grey Goose, 256

  • Groupon, 207

  • Growth potential, 103

  • Gucci, 418

  • Guitar Hero, 458

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