
  • two 2N3904 transistors

  • three 1N4148 silicon diodes

  • a 1.5 μF electrolytic capacitor

  • a 10 μF electrolytic capacitor

  • two 10k resistors (coded with brown-black-orange stripes)

  • a 100k variable resistor, preferably an audio taper

  • a 5k linear taper variable resistor (not an audio taper)

  • two control knob covers, such as RadioShack part #274-415

  • two 1/4″ mono phone jacks (guitar jacks)

  • a small, sturdy box to serve as the project enclosure (Before choosing an enclosure, flip ahead to Step 13 or back to On Enclosures in Supplies.)

  • a 9-volt battery clip

  • a 9-volt battery

  • 22- or 24-gauge bare bus wire

  • 24-gauge insulated hook-up wire

  • a DPDT switch, such as RadioShack part #275-666

  • a small SPST switch, such as RadioShack part #275-612

Tools and supplies

Figure 16-2. Tools and supplies

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