IF YOU'VE PICKED UP THIS BOOK, SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence 24-Hour Trainer, you've decided to jump into one of the most dynamic areas of Business Intelligence: the exciting visualizations, collaboration, and data service capabilities built into SharePoint 2010 through its new service application architecture.

This book, then, is your chance to start delving into this powerful and marketable application. And what's more, this is not just a book you're holding right now. It's a video learning tool as well. We became passionate about video training a number of years ago when we realized that in our own learning we required exposure to multiple teaching techniques to truly understand a topic — a fact that is especially true with tutorial books like this one. So, you'll find hours of videos on the DVD in this book to help you learn how to configure, develop, and deploy solutions for solving Business Intelligence problems within SharePoint 2010. These videos are even better than reading about the topic alone and help demonstrate to you the various tutorials in the book.


This is a beginner book and focuses on covering enough administration to help you through the configuration steps, and leaves the heavy lifting to the other great heavy-duty administration books on the market like Professional SharePoint 2010 Administration. It focuses on introducing the large number of accidental SharePoint developers and administrators to the most common and exciting portions of SharePoint Business Intelligence. It also pulls out best practices and lessons from the field to help you make the most of your learning, prototyping, and project planning.


Our main principle in this book is to teach you only what we think you need to perform your job task. Because of that, it's not a comprehensive reference book but should blend the best of the basics with some great from the field style tips and tricks with real work best practices and proven techniques to help you deliver value quickly. The book blends small amounts of description, a tutorial, and videos to enhance your experience. Each lesson walks you through how to use a particular area of the new SharePoint platform and contains a tutorial. In this tutorial, called “Try It,” you can choose to read the requirements to complete the lesson, the hints of how to go about it, and begin building, or you can read the step-by-step instructions if you learn better that way. Either way if you get stuck or want to see how one of us does the solution, watch the video on the DVD to receive further instruction.


This book covers SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence and the setup, configuration, and planning that should go into a project focused on these topics. It covers Excel Services, PerformancePoint Services, Visio Services, and Business Connectivity Services, as well as Reporting Services development and integration into SharePoint.

By the end of this book, you will be able to take the hard work you've put in on the data model and ETL and turn it into dramatic visualizations and support tremendous ad hoc analysis for your power users. This is the type of deliverable that gets projects approved in our experience.

This book contains 31 lessons, which are broken into 7 sections. The lessons are usually only a few pages long and focus on the smallest unit of work in SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence that we could work on. Each section has a large theme around a given section in SharePoint Business Intelligence:

  • Section I: Getting Started with SharePoint 2010 — This section covers what's new in SharePoint 2010, how to use the administration tools, and how basic security works.
  • Section II: Configuring SharePoint for Business Intelligence — This section walks the reader through configuring the major service applications required for the cool projects you'll be building soon.
  • Section III: Applying SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence in Office — This section introduces how to begin developing SharePoint analysis solutions right from within Office 2010.
  • Section IV: Creating Advanced Analytics in SharePoint — This section covers more advanced things like data refresh and extending the analysis to include PerformancePoint analytics.
  • Section V: Branding and Managing Organizational Business Intelligence — This section introduces you to theming and customizing your SharePoint sites to match the look of your internal applications and environment.
  • Section VI: Scaling SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence — This section introduces you to scaling out these applications as your new solutions take off and grow.
  • Section VII: Implementing SharePoint Business Intelligence in Your Organization — This section helps you work through the process and mechanics of getting a project going on this new technology to show off your new skills.


As mentioned earlier in this Introduction, because we believe strongly in the value of video training, this book has an accompanying DVD containing hours of instructional video. At the end of each lesson in the book, you will find a reference to an instructional video on the DVD that accompanies that lesson. In that video, one of us will walk you through the content and examples contained in that lesson. So, if seeing something done and hearing it explained helps you understand a subject better than just reading about it does, this book and DVD combination is just the thing for you to get started with this technology.


To help you get the most from the text and keep track of what's happening, we've used a number of conventions throughout the book.

images Notes, tips, hints, tricks, and asides to the current discussion are offset and placed in italics like this.

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  • We highlight new terms and important words when we introduce them.
  • We show URLs and code within the text like so:
  • We present code in the following way:
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