This book is dedicated to all those accidental SharePoint administrators and developers who were writing SSIS or TSQL or building a report when their boss tapped them on the shoulder and asked if they knew anything about SharePoint. The question really meant “You should know something about SharePoint.” This book was designed for you. Many of you came to our sessions at SQL Saturday, PASS Summit, countless user group meetings, and free trainings asking about SharePoint and how to get going on this big new platform. You said the administrative books were great but too deep for someone looking to prototype and get up and running quickly, so we answered with this new title. We love the excitement that SharePoint is bringing to the business intelligence world, and hope this new book gives you the confidence to go after it.


Matthew 19:26


To my wife and kids, thanks for supporting me.


“Not to us O Lord, but to your name give glory”

-Psalm 115:1


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