
Photograph credits

Chapter 1: p. 2 top left: © Rubinovaite; p. 2 top center: © Wackerhausen; p. 2 top right: © Ron Chapple Studios/; p. 2 center left: © Locke; p. 2 center right: © Locke; p. 2 bottom left: © Ron Chapple Studios/; p. 2 bottom right: © tanir; p. 6: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 9 left: Robinsons Group of Stores; p. 9 right: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 18: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 20: © Fee Wan Ee/

Chapter 2: p. 24 left: © Locke; p. 24 center: © Bayley; p. 24 right: © Schmidt; p. 43: © Murko; p. 44: © Edyta Pawlowska/

Chapter 3: p. 46 top left: © Olga Bogatyrenko/; p. 46 top right: Angie Tang; p. 46 bottom left: Angie Tang; p. 46 bottom right: Angie Tang; p. 48 top left: Angie Tang; p. 48 right: Angie Tang; p. 48 bottom left: Angie Tang; p. 52: Angie Tang; p. 54 top: © Cikajlo; p. 54 bottom: Angie Tang; p. 55: Sarah Lim; p. 56: Angie Tang; p. 58 top: Angie Tang; p. 58 bottom: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 59: Angie Tang; p. 67: Angie Tang; p. 68: © Guan Toh; p. 69: Angie Tang; p. 70: Angie Tang.

Chapter 4: p. 72: © Chad Mcdermott/; p. 74: Robinsons Group of Stores; p. 79: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 80: Aussino Group Ltd.

Chapter 5: p. 84: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 88: © Tomasz Trojanowski/; p. 89: © Locke; p. 96: Robinsons Group of Stores; p. 104: © Aliaksandr Zharnasek/; p. 108: Angie Tang.

Chapter 6: p. 114 top left: © Christy Thompson/; p. 114 center: © Locke; p. 114 center right: © Zhorov; p. 114 bottom left: © Olgalis/; p. 114 bottom right: © Locke; p. 116: The Executive Home Store – XZQT; p. 119: © Scott Rothstein/

Chapter 7: p. 130: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 134 top: Aussino Group Ltd; p. 134 bottom: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 138 top: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 138 center: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 138 bottom: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 139 top: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 139 bottom: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 140: Aussino Group Ltd; p. 146: © Zts/

Chapter 8: p. 152: © Sebastian Kaulitzki/; p. 155: Agnes Lim; p. 156: © Raycan/; p. 157 top: © Jonas Marcos San Luis/; p. 157 bottom: © Stephen Finn/; p. 158: © Qilux/; p. 159: Sarah Lim; p. 163 top left: © Ti_to_tito/; p. 163 top right: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 163 bottom: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 169: © Teresa Azevedo/; p. 170: Robinsons Group of Stores.

Chapter 9: p. 172: © Alex Brosa/; p. 174: © Scott Rothstein/

Chapter 10: p. 182: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 186: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 187: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 189: The Executive Home Store – XZQT; p. 192: © Fee Wan Ee/

Chapter 11: p. 196: © Geoffrey Whiting/

Chapter 12: p. 234: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 237: Aussino Group Ltd; p. 238: Angie Tang; p. 240: Ricky Lim; p. 241: Ricky Lim.

Chapter 13: p. 252 top: © Suprijono Suharjoto/; p.252 bottom: © Dmitry Kosterev/; p. 254 top: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 254 bottom: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 255 top: Angie Tang; p. 255 bottom: Angie Tang; p. 256 left: Robinsons Group of Stores; p. 256 right: Robinsons Group of Stores; p. 257 top: Aussino Group Ltd; p. 257 bottom: Angie Tang; p. 259: Robinsons Group of Stores; p. 260: Aussino Group Ltd; p. 261: Aussino Group Ltd; p. 262: Robinsons Group of Stores; p. 263 top: Robinsons Group of Stores; p. 263 bottom left: Robinsons Group of Stores; p. 263 bottom right: Robinsons Group of Stores; p. 264: Angie Tang; p. 265 top left: Kingsmen Creatives Ltd; p. 265 top right: Aussino Group Ltd; p. 265 bottom: © Johnny Lye/

Chapter 14: p. 270: © Balderas; p. 280: © Linda & Colin Mckie/

Chapter 15: p. 282: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 289 top: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 289 bottom: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 290 top: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 290 center: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 290 bottom: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 291 top: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 291 center: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 291 bottom: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 292 top: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 292 bottom: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 293 top: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 293 center: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 293 bottom: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd; p. 300: © Fee Wan Ee/; p. 305: Integrated Retail Management Consulting Pte Ltd.

Chapter 16: p. 308: © Prokhorov; p. 313: © Scott Maxwell/; p. 315 © Killer; p. 317 © Horrocks.

Chapter 17: p. 326: © Nulens; p. 343: © Ivan.

Illustration credits

Ong Lay Keng

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