
Advertising 254

Back end tasks 143

Balance sheet 338

Budget 329

Capital 332

Cash 331

Expense 331

Merchandise 330

Sales 330

Budgetary control 329

Cash 78, 331

Flow 331

Payments 331

Receipts 331

Cash management 120

Cash discrepancies 121

Cash discrepancy report 122

Cash float 121

Daily sales collection 123

Petty cash 120

Cash register 116

Operating instructions 116

Precaution measures 116

Cashier 126

Responsibilities 127

Traits 128

Central Business Districts 66

Channel of distribution 5

Checking 90

Guidelines 91

Checklist 82, 123

Cash handling and control 123

Standards checklist 83

Circulation and control of keys 166

City shopping areas 67

Concerns of retailers 10

Conduct 150

Consumer Protection Act 276

Control 7

Convenience stores 8

Cost of goods sold 339

Credit cards 78

Culture 312

Current ratio 339

Customer 28

Dissatisfied 28

Loyal 29

Needs 31

Satisfied 29

Customer loyalty scheme 265

Customer rewards 265

Customer satisfaction 11

Customer service 36, 38, 40, 184, 187-190

Attributes 188

Features 187

Handling complaints 190

Handling enquiries 188

Objectives 187

Product knowledge 189

Quality 187

Service recovery 190

Debt-to-equity ratio 339

Definitions 49

Delivery 178

Department stores 8

Discount stores 8

Display 261

End-of-day 77

E-tailing 5

E-tailers 8

Ethical issues 272

Evaluation and selection 49

Accessibility 54

Alternatives 51

Checklist 61

Condition and age of building 57

Cost – rental, operations and maintenance cost 60

Customers 51

Parking 55

Pedestrians 52

Position in the location 59

Regulations 57

Shape and shape of unit 60

Space planning 60

Store organization 56

Types of products 50

Vehicles 53

Visibility 58

Excellent customer service 184, 192

Exchange 175

Expense control 341

Expenses 329, 331

Fixed 331

Variable 331

Expiry and damaged goods control 100

Monitoring expired and damaged goods 101

Fair Trading Act 276

Financial control 328

Financial management 328

Financing 329

Formats of retailing 7

Front end tasks 137

Functions of retailers 7

Future of retailing 18

Gross margin 337

Gross margin on sales 341

Guidelines for placing price tickets 95

Historical / ethnic districts 67

Housekeeping 74, 82, 137

Hypermarkets 8

Importance 48

Location 48

Site 48

Income statement 339

Information technology 287

Benefits 287

Misconceptions 301

Interactive kiosks 299

Internet technology 295

Intranet 296

Selling and promotion 298

Setting up online shop 296

Inventory 334

Control 334

Periodic 334

Perpetual 334

Job description 322

Legal issues 273

Advertising 274, 278-280

Merchandising 274

Pricing 275

Retail selling 275

Store location 275

Store operations 275

Location and site characteristics 15

Maintaining standards 80

Maintenance 137

Markdowns 108, 333

Avoiding / delaying markdowns 112

Early markdowns 109

How much to markdown 110

Late markdowns 109

Types of markdown 111

Marking alternatives 92

Computerised marking 93

Non-marking 92

Pre-priced 92

Un-priced 92

Marking / price tagging 92

Markups 338

Mass Rapid Transit Station 68

Merchandise 240, 247, 258

Assortment 241, 244

Buying 240

Buying process 241

Control 247

Display 259

From whom to buy 246

How much to buy 242

Performance 247

Plan 241

Presentation 258

Sources of information 242

What to buy 242

When to buy 247

Merchandising 7

Neighbourhood convenience precinct 65

Nets 78

Occupier’s liability 169

Operating expenses 329, 339

Operations 7

Ordering 86

Guidelines 88

Organisation structure 310

Distinguish jobs 310

Hierarchy of authority 311

Organisation chart 311

Payment processing 117

Cash 117

Cash memo 119

Credit card fraud 118

Credit cards 118

Nets 118

Sales transaction 117

People management 314

Compensating 318

Recruiting 314

Selecting 315

Supervising 319

Training 316

Personnel 7

Point-of-sale (POS) system 76, 284

Back-end 76, 286

Front-end 76, 287

Integrated 285

Stand-alone 285

Power failure / black-out 165

Pre-customer contact 199

Presenting the product 13

Preventive measures 154

Accidents 157

Fire hazards 157

Staff responsibilities 154

Price tickets 93

Information included on price tickets 93

Types of price tickets 94

Profit and loss statement 339

Profit performance 341

Promoting the products 14

Promoting the store 14

Promotions 7

Quality check 91

Quantity check 91

Quick ratio 339

Receipts 174

Receiving 89

Guidelines 89

Refund 175

Re-marking 95

Remedial works 158

Procedures – fire hazards, customer is injured, power failure/black out 159

Reservation 174

Restricted areas 165

Retail performance 338

Retail Pro software system 301, 305-307

Retail selling process 198, 200, 202, 205, 209, 214, 221, 223, 225

Acknowledge 201

Add on selling 223

Approach 202

Close the sale 221

Farewell 225

Follow up 226

Handle objections 214

Handle queries 214

Identify needs 205

Presenting the product 209

Sell benefits 210

Selling up 225

Retail technology 17

Retailing 4

Return on investment 343

Returns and claims 101

Guidelines for goods returns 102

Goods return form 103

Right product 12

Rights of merchandising 236

Robbery 167

Sales 332

Sales per square foot 343

Sales policies 174

Sales promotion 255

Schedules 145

Shop image 261, 264, 268-269

Shop layout 133

Cashier counter 135

Customer circulation 135

Fixtures and fittings 135

Types 134

Shop safety 154

Shop security 160

Shoplifting 160

Detective and preventive measures 161

Loss control equipment 162

Specialty shopping malls 68

Specialty stores 8

Staff appearance 148

Staff pilferage 164

Staff purchases 105

Entitlement form / card 106

Start-up cost 328

Stock 334

Shortages 337

Turnover 334

Turnover rate 335

Stock count sheet 105

Stock-sales ratio 331

Stock sheet 97

Stocktake 103

After stocktake 104

Before stocktake 104

During stocktake 104

Storage 96

Forward stock 96

Guidelines 96

Receipt and removal of stock 97

Reserve stock 96

Store policy 180

Suburban regions 65

Supermarkets 8

Suppliers 242, 246-247

Technology applications 301

Terms and conditions of employment 324

Tills 174

Transfer 97

Inter-outlet transfers 97

Receiving stock from other outlets 99

Transfer form 99

Transfer of stock to another outlet 98

Types of retailers 4

Visual presentation 261

Working capital 329

X-Read 79

Z-Read 79

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