Adams, Marilee (wife), 73, 93

Aggression, 33-39, 102

Agricultural revolution. See Hunter-gatherers

Alexithymia, normative male, 100

“All for One and One for All”, 143

Anger, 101-102

Araujo, Dusty, 122, 123

Archetypal psychology, 156—157

Archetypes, 27—28, 47, 50, 51, 53—54. See also Heroes

Avengers, The (movie series), 52

Baboon behavior, 37—38

Ben (patient of Adams), 23—24, 27, 28, 41, 53, 60—62

Benevolent warrior, 51

Bond, Tony, 86—87

Boredom, 126

Boundaries, personal, 61

Brady, Tom, 137

Brannon, Robert, 34

Brotherly love (philia), 9—10, 125

Brown, Brené, 77, 118

Buscaglia, Leo, 126

Campbell, Joseph, 47

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Life (Adams), 73

Cisco Systems, 10, 148—150

Cisgender men, xx—xxi

Climate change, 5—6

Commitment, 84—88. See also Five Cs

Compassion, 78—81, 102—104. See also Self-compassion; specific topics

as an always-available option, 107—109

courageous, 109—110

defined, 9, 94

ingredients of, 104—107

religion and, 58

Compassion and connection, 9—11

the liberating power of, 11—13

Compassionate and connected lens, 160—161

Competition, 3, 28, 31

Confined man (men), 2—3, 14, 29—30. See also specific topics

Confined man

a confusion, frustrating economy for, 145-146

defined, 2

dethroning, 56

overview and nature of, 2-4, 27-30

roots of, 34-37

taking the measure of, 39-41

terminology, 25

and the 21st century, 4-7

at work, 132-135, 138-139

Confined masculinity crouch, 3, 8, 30-31, 146

Confined self, 25-26

Connection(s), 81-84. See also Compassion and connection; Five Cs

to connect or not to connect, 123-124

connected for good, 55-57

importance, 81-82

intimate, 118-119

with life, 126-128

to nature, 119-120

at work, 126

Connection complications, 120-123

Courage, 74-78. See also Five Cs

etymology of the term, 75

Courageous compassion, 109-110

COVID-19 pandemic, xxii Crouch

confined masculinity, 3, 8, 30-31, 146

defensive, 3, 30, 146

Crouch-crouch effect, 31

Crouching stance, 109

Curiosity, 70-74. See also Five Cs

Curry, Stephen (“Steph”), 144-145

Defensive crouch. See Crouch Depression, 4, 53, 179n3

Nathan’s liberation from, 57-58

Discussion guide, 189-190

“Divine Feminine”, 161

Dominance, xix, 37-38

confined masculinity and, 2, 30

toxic masculinity and, 62

Downward growth, 49-50

Durant, Kevin, 144, 145

Egalitarian world, 36, 41, 180n8

Elizabeth Taylor 50-Plus Network, 122-123

Empathy compassion and, 78-80, 94, 103

gender, 172

Evolution, 36. See also Hunter-gatherers

Extended self

vs. confined self, 25-26

definition and nature of, 26, 48, 58

liberating masculinity and, 48, 49,58

Farming. See Hunter-gatherers Fears associated with confined masculinity, 14-15. See also Homophobia

Feelings, bottled up, 32-33

“Feminine” qualities, 7, 161

50-Plus Network, 122-123

Five Cs, 20, 41, 66-67, 89, 110, 129, 133, 153, 165-166. See also Commitment; Compassion; Connection(s); Courage; Curiosity

combination of the, 88-89

overview, 13—15, 70

For All Leaders, 143—144

Fox, Matthew, 161

Frauenheim, Julius, 80—81

Game of Thrones (TV show), 56

Gay men, 33, 122—123, 125

Gender (in)equality, 36

hunter-gatherers and, xi, 35, 36, 180n6, 180n8

Gender bending and mending, xx—xxii

Gender empathy approach, 172

Gender roles, shifts in and fluidity of, 4

Gilbert, Paul, ix—xiii, 37, 95, 180n8

Godbeer, Richard, 121—122

Golden State Warriors (basketball team), 144—145

Great Place to Work, 135, 140, 149

For All Leaders and, 143

Tony Bond and, 86, 87

Great Place to Work for All, A (Bush et al.), 135, 143

Great Places to Work for All, 143

Greeks, ancient, 24—25

Green, Jeff, 137—138

Groups, questions to discuss in, 189—190

“Growing downward”, 49—50

Hero with a Thousand Faces, The (Campbell), 47

Heroes, ix—x, 24, 52

Hero’s journey, 47, 56

Hillman, James, 156

Homophobia, 121, 122, 125

definitions and meanings of the term, 121

Hunter-gatherers, x—xi, 35, 36, 95

gender (in)equality and, xi, 35, 180n6, 180n8

Hyde, Janet Shibley, 38

Imagination, xxiii, 161

high stakes and active imaginations, xxii—xxiii

Industrial Age, 139

Information Age, 139

Interpersonal distance, 61

Intimacy, 118—119

Intolerance of sexual variation, 33—34

Jackson (M3 member), 97—98, 109—110

Jeff (patient of Adams), 45—48

Jerry (patient of Adams), 11—12, 65, 78—79

John (patient of Adams), 1—2, 11, 75—78

reinvented, 17—20

“Judger” vs. “learner” mindset, 73—74

Jungle, law of the, 37—38

Kelsang Gyatso, Geshe, 59

Kerr, Steve, 10, 144

Laloux, Frederic, 150—152

“Learner” vs. “judger” mindset, 73—74

Lenses, 160—162

Levant, Ronald F., 100

Liberating masculinity. See also specific topics

defining, 7, 50—53

at firms small and large, 148—150

Liberating masculinity (continued) gets to work, 147—148

more ways and more means, 54—55

overview and nature of, 7—9, 55, 57

pop culture and, 47

terminology, 48—50

three ways to live out a, 19

Lieberman, Matthew, 170


brotherly, 9—10, 125

between men, 124—125

M3. See Men Mentoring Men Male psychology, 37

Man of steel

confined, 141—142

from the man of steel to men of teal, 150—151

Man-rules, 34, 40, 49, 84

Marriage, 163—164

Marsh, Travis, 131—133, 141, 151—153

Marty (patient of Adams), 102

Masculinity(ies), 25. See also specific topics

definitions, 25

elements of, 34

a masculinity that makes less cents, 139—140

terminology, 25

Masculinity Self-Assessment. See Reinventing Masculinity Self-Assessment “Me and we” perspective, 59, 62, 87, 103

compassion and, 100, 103

freedom and, 49

liberating masculinity and, 49, 57

nature of, 6

shift from “me” perspective to, 6, 58,59, 63, 64 95, 100

“Me” focus

confined masculinity and, 57

confined self and, 26

“Me” orientation, 108

anger and, 102

“Me” thinking, 59—61

Meditation, 85. See also Mindfulness

Men. See also specific topics legendary virtuous, 69—70

things to do, 194—195

Men Mentoring Men (M3)

Jerry and, 12, 65,78—79

John and, 11, 18, 19, 76

members, 18, 65, 97, 128, 147, 148

origin, xvi, 11, 63

overview and nature of, 11, 63—64, 66, 124—125

Men Mentoring Men (M3)

meetings, 11, 78—79, 97, 98, 102, 109

attending first meeting, 124

Mindfulness, 85, 86, 103

Misogyny, 33—34

Model men, 69—70

Morita, Shoma, 25—26, 48, 49

Murthy, Vivek, 113

Mythology, Greek, 24—25

Nathan (patient of Adams), 80

liberation from depression, 57—58

Nature, connection to, 119—120

Neff, Kristin, 99

Ogawa, Brian, 58

Patriarch, 3—4, 33

Paul (M3 member), 147—148

Peace, compassion, death, and life, 105, 107

Personal space, 61

Philia (brotherly love), 9-10, 125

Pitt, Brad, 76-78

Pragmatic lens, 160

Psychology, 157

Questions to ponder and discuss, 189-190

Rabinowitz, Fredric E., 32

Ramos, Raúl, 82-84

“Real man”, 3-4, 27, 29, 56

Reinventing Masculinity Self-Assessment, xx, 90, 191, 90

Reinvention of masculinity. See also specific topics a conscious, soulful, 15-16

Religion, 58-59

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 62

Robbins, Chuck, 10, 148-149

Role models, 69-70

Roy (patient of Adams), 113-115, 128

“Rugged individual”, fantasy of the, 60

Ryan, Christopher, 180n6, 180n8

San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 122,123

Sapolsky, Robert M., 36-38

Scarcity, finiteness and, 26-27

Self-compassion, 9, 97-103

benefits of developing, 9, 95, 97-101, 103

lack of, 9, 98

Self-criticism, criticizing, 100-102

Self-improvement, 85-86

“Self-made man”, fantasy of a, 29

Seppälä, Emma, 95-96

Sexism, stuck with intolerance and, 33-34

Shame and shaming, 9, 11, 30-32, 62, 63

Social space, 61

“Soft skills”, 13

“Soft” stuff, 81

Sopranos, The (TV show), 56

Soul, 154-165

definition and nature of, 155

lens of the, 161

of the marriage, 163-164

of masculinity, 175-176

Soulful man, 158-159

Soulful masculinity, 16, 57, 160, 164-165. See also Liberating masculinity

Soulful reinvention of masculinity, a conscious, 15-16

Space between people, 61

Sportsmanship, good, 134

Suicidal isolation, 114-115, 118

Superheroes, ix-x

expanding, 52

Sweet, Holly Barlow, 172

Teal, men of

from the man of steel to, 150-151

Teal companies and organizations, 151

Teal mindset, 150-151

Teal movement, 150

Teal principles, 151, 152

Teal Team, 135, 152

Team, no “I” in, 136

Technology, 106

Television shows, 56

Teresa, Mother, 101-102

Toxic masculinity, xxii, 62, 156

and the liberating man, 62 210

Turkel, Studs, 135’—136

Tutu, Desmond, 58—59

Vulnerability, 77, 119

Wade (patient of Adams), 108

Warrior-patriarch, 3—4, 33

Warriors, 15, 51, 55, 56

“We” thinking, 62. See also “Me and we” perspective

Weddle, Jim, 72—74

Wilbur, Ken, 35

Women, xii. See also Misogyny


confined masculinity at, 132—135, 138—139

from confined to expanding at, 142—144

connections at, 126

observing and advancing the world of, 135—138

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