Sequences for Lazy Evaluation

Simply put, collections are eager and sequences are lazy. Sequences are optimized wrappers around collections intended to improve performance. In this section, we’ll look at what that means and how to decide when to use collections and when to use sequences.

Unlike Java, the methods like filter(), map(), and so on are available in Kotlin directly on collections like List<T>, instead of only on a Stream<T>. The designers of Java made a decision against offering these methods on collections for performance reasons. The designers of Kotlin, on the other hand, decided to lean toward convenience, and they expect us to choose wisely.

Use the internal iterators on collections directly in Kotlin when the collection size is small. For larger collections, use the internal iterators through a sequence. The reason for this is that unlike operations on collections that are evaluated eagerly, the function calls on sequences are evaluated lazily. Laziness defers execution of code to the point where they may be eliminated if unnecessary. That optimization can save time and resources that may otherwise be spent on computations whose results may never be used. And laziness also makes it possible to create infinite sequences that are evaluated on demand. We’ll explore these ideas and discuss their benefits here.

Improve Performance with Sequences

Let’s revisit the example from the previous section where we obtained the first adult in a given list. We’ll use the same Person class and the people list we created earlier. Using the internal iterators filter(), map(), and first(), we get the name of the first adult in the group. Instead of passing lambdas to filter() and map(), we’ll pass function references. The filter() method takes a reference to an isAdult() function, and the map() method takes a reference to the fetchFirstName() function.

 fun​ ​isAdult​(person: Person): Boolean {
  println(​"isAdult called for ${person.firstName}"​)
 return​ person.age > 17
 fun​ ​fetchFirstName​(person: Person): String {
  println(​"fetchFirstName called for ${person.firstName}"​)
 return​ person.firstName
 val​ nameOfFirstAdult = people

As you would expect, the value stored in nameOfFirstAdult is Jill, no surprises there. But the effort to get that result is significant. The filter() method executes eagerly to call the isAdult() function and creates a list of adults. Then the map() method also executes eagerly to call the fetchFirstName() function and creates yet another list of names of adults. Finally, the two intermediate temporary lists are discarded when first() gets just the first element from the list returned by map(). Although only one value is expected as the final result, the execution ends up performing a lot of work, as we can see from the output:

 isAdult called for Sara
 isAdult called for Jill
 isAdult called for Paula
 isAdult called for Paul
 isAdult called for Mani
 isAdult called for Jack
 isAdult called for Sue
 fetchFirstName called for Jill
 fetchFirstName called for Paula
 fetchFirstName called for Paul
 fetchFirstName called for Jack

This was a small collection, but what if we had hundreds of thousands of elements in the collection. That would result in a lot of computations whose results aren’t used in the end—what a waste.

This is where the lazy evaluation capabilities of sequences come in. We can wrap a collection into a sequence using the asSequence() method and then apply the same internal iterator methods that we used on the collection, but this time on the sequence. Let’s change the previous code to do that.

 val​ nameOfFirstAdult = people.asSequence()

The only difference between the previous code and this one is the call to asSequence() before the filter() call. A small change but a huge gain in performance, as we see from the output:

 isAdult called for Sara
 isAdult called for Jill
 fetchFirstName called for Jill

Instead of eagerly creating a list of adults, the filter() method, when called on a sequence, returns another sequence. Likewise, the call to map() on a sequence returns yet another sequence. But the lambdas passed to filter() or map() haven’t been called yet. When the first() method is called, the actual evaluation that was deferred so long is triggered. Unlike the other methods on sequence that return a sequence, the terminal methods like first() return a result of executing the pipeline of operations. By nature, sequences defer evaluation until a terminal method is called and then minimally perform operations to get the desired result.

Both the direct use of internal iterators on collections and their use via sequences lead to elegant functional-style code. Whereas the computations are performed eagerly when internal iterators are run on collections, the same operations execute lazily when run on sequences.

Since sequences do less work, should we use them all the time instead of calling the internal iterators on collections directly? The short answer is no. If the collection is very small, the difference in performance will be rather negligible. Eager evaluation, which is easier to debug and easier to reason, may be better in that case. However, if the collection size is large, in the hundreds of thousands of elements, then using sequence will remove the significant overhead of creating intermediate collections and eliminated computations.

Infinite Sequences

Performance isn’t the only benefit of laziness. Laziness can also help perform on-demand computation and that, in turn, can help to create infinite or unbounded sequences of elements. An infinite sequence starts with a value and is followed by a sequence of numbers that follow a particular pattern of occurrence. For example, the Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,… follows the pattern that the value at a position is equal to the sum of values at the previous two positions. The numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,… form an infinite sequence of even numbers that start with 2.

Kotlin provides a few different ways to create an infinite sequence. The generateSequence() function is one way. Let’s use that function to create an infinite sequence of prime numbers as a way to illustrate the power of sequences to create unbounded sequences of values. We’ll start with some convenience functions to lead up to the use of generateSequence().

Given a number n, the isPrime() function returns true if the number is prime and false otherwise:

 fun​ ​isPrime​(n: Long) = n > 1 && (2 until n).none { i -> n % i == 0L }

The nextPrime() function takes a number n and returns the prime number after that value. For example, if we provide 5 or 6 as input, it will return the next prime number 7. The method is marked as tailrec to prevent the possibility of StackOverflowError—see Chapter 14, Programming Recursion and Memoization, for a discussion of tail call optimization.

 tailrec​ ​fun​ ​nextPrime​(n: Long): Long =
 if​ (isPrime(n + 1)) n + 1 ​else​ nextPrime(n + 1)

Given the above two functions, we can create an infinite sequence of prime numbers starting with any prime number, using the generateSequence() function, like so:

 val​ primes = generateSequence(5, ::nextPrime)

One overloaded version of the generateSequence() function takes a seed value as the first parameter and a function, a lambda expression, as the second parameter. The lambda takes in a value and returns a result value. In this example, we use a function reference to the nextPrime() function which, given a number, returns the next prime number. Thus, primes holds an infinite sequence of prime numbers starting with 5.

In the call to generateSequence(), if the second argument, which is a call to the nextPrime(), were executed immediately and repeatedly, then we’d end up with an infinite collection of values. Such execution doesn’t make sense both from the time and space points of view. The trick here is that generateSequence() is lazy and it doesn’t execute the nextPrime() function until we ask for the values. We can ask for any number of values using the take() method. This method gives us a view into the regions of the infinite sequence that we’re interested in viewing or using. Let’s use the take() method to get 6 values from the primes infinite series of prime numbers.

 System.​out​.println(primes.take(6).toList()) ​//[5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]

The call to toList() triggers the evaluation of the elements in the sequence, but take() produces only the given number of values.

With the ability to create infinite sequences, we can model problems with lazy evaluation to create sequence of values whose bounds aren’t known ahead of time.

Instead of writing the nextPrime() recursive function and then using the generateSequence() function, we can also use the sequence() function. This function takes a lambda that runs as a continuation, which is an advanced and relatively new topic in Kotlin. We’ll dive extensively into continuations and coroutines later in this book. For now, when you see the yield() call, read it as “return a value to the caller and then continue executing the next line of code.” In other words, continuations give an illusion of writing a function with multiple return points.

Let’s replace the nextPrime() function and the call to generateSequence() in the previous example with the following:

 val​ primes = sequence {
 var​ i: Long = 0
 while​ (​true​) {
 if​ (isPrime(i)) {

The result of the call to sequence() is an instance that implements the Sequence interface. Within the lambda provided to the sequence() function, we have an infinite loop that yields prime numbers. The code within the lambda is executed on demand, only when a value is requested or taken from the sequence. The iteration starts with the value i being 0 and the first prime number yielded by the code is 2. We can take as many values as we like from this infinite sequence, but we can also skip or drop some values. Since the sequence of primes starts with 2, let’s use drop() to throw away a couple of initial values and then take six values after that:

 println(primes.drop(2).take(6).toList()) ​//[5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]

If you have a separate function, like nextPrime(), that can produce the next value in a sequence, then use that function with generateSequence() to generate an infinite sequence. On the other hand, if you want to combine the code to generate the next value in a sequence with the code to create the infinite sequence, then use the sequence() function.

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