vararg and Spread

Functions like println() take a variable number of arguments. The vararg feature of Kotlin provides a type-safe way to create functions that can receive a variable number of arguments. The spread operator is useful to explode or spread values in a collection as discrete arguments. We’ll look at vararg first and spread next.

Variable Number of Arguments

In Functions with Block Body, we wrote a max() function that took an array of numbers. In the call to the function, as expected, we passed an array of values. If we already have an array of values, then it’s not a big deal; but if we have a discrete set of values, then to call the function we’ll have to create a temporary array of those values and then pass that array. Tedious.

In Kotlin, functions may take a variable number of arguments. Let’s convert the max() function to be more flexible for the caller.

 fun​ ​max​(​vararg​ numbers: Int): Int {
 var​ large = Int.MIN_VALUE
 for​ (number ​in​ numbers) {
  large = ​if​ (number > large) number ​else​ large
 return​ large

Compared to the max() function we wrote previously, this version has two changes, both in the parameter list. First, the parameter numbers is prefixed with the keyword vararg. Second, the type of the parameter is specified as Int instead of IntArray. The real type of the parameter numbers is an array; the vararg annotates the parameter to be an array of the specified type.

Let’s make a couple of calls to the function, passing a few discrete values.

 println(max(1, 5, 2)) ​//5
 println(max(1, 5, 2, 12, 7, 3)) ​//12

That worked nicely—we can pass any number of arguments and Kotlin’s type checking will ensure that the different arguments are of the right type.

The max() function took only one parameter, but you can use vararg when a function takes more than one parameter as well. But only one parameter may be annotated as vararg.

Here’s a function that takes two parameters, but only the trailing one is marked as vararg.

 fun​ ​greetMany​(msg: String, ​vararg​ names: String) {
  println(​"$msg ${names.joinToString("​, ​")}"​)
 greetMany(​"Hello"​, ​"Tom"​, ​"Jerry"​, ​"Spike"​) ​//Hello Tom, Jerry, Spike

In the call, the first argument binds to the first parameter, and the remaining arguments are passed to the vararg parameter.

The type of the vararg parameter may be independent of the type of any of the other parameters the function takes.

The vararg parameter isn’t required to be the trailing parameter, but I highly recommend that it is. Consider the following version of the greetMany() function:

 fun​ ​greetMany​(​vararg​ names: String, msg: String) {
  println(​"$msg ${names.joinToString("​, ​")}"​)

When calling the function, if you pass any number of unnamed String arguments the compiler will assume all of them are for the vararg parameter. For it to know that a value is for the msg parameter, you’ll have to use a named argument, like so:

 greetMany(​"Tom"​, ​"Jerry"​, ​"Spike"​, msg = ​"Hello"​) ​//Hello Tom, Jerry, Spike

If you annotate a non-trailing parameter with vararg, then the caller is forced to use named arguments.

Here are some recommendations on where to place the vararg parameter:

  • Place it in trailing position so callers aren’t forced to use named arguments.
  • Place it before the last parameter if the last argument is expected to be a lambda expression—we’ll explore this further later in the book.

We saw how Kotlin makes it easy to pass a variable number of arguments, but what if we have an array with values already? The spread operator comes to the rescue in that case.

Spread Operator

Take another look at the max() function with vararg in the previous example—it made it easier to pass different numbers of arguments. Sometimes, though, we may want to pass values that are in an array or list to a function with vararg. Even though the function may take a variable number of arguments, we can’t directly send an array or a list. This is where the spread operator comes in. To look at an example of using this operator, let’s start with the following instance:

 val​ values = intArrayOf(1, 21, 3)

The vararg implies that we may pass any number of arguments to this single parameter. But if we pass an array as argument, we’ll get an error:

 println(max(values)) ​//ERROR
 //type mismatch: inferred type is IntArray but Int was expected

Even though internally the type of vararg parameter is an array, Kotlin doesn’t want us to pass an array argument. It’ll only accept multiple arguments of the specified vararg type.

To use the data in the array, we may try the following:

 println(max(values[0], values[1], values[2])) ​//SMELLY, don't

But that’s verbose, and you’ll never be able to proudly show that code to anyone, not even to mom.

Where the parameter is annotated as vararg, you may pass an array—of right type, of course—by prefixing it with the spread operator *. Let’s pass the array values as an argument to the numbers parameter of max():

 println(max(*values)) ​//21

That’s much better. By placing a * in front of the argument, you’re asking Kotlin to spread the values in that array as discrete values for the vararg parameter. No need to write verbose code; the combination of vararg and spread restores harmony.

If we have an array, we can use spread, but often we work with lists instead of arrays. If we want to pass a list of values, then we can’t use the spread operator on the list directly. Instead, we have to convert the list to an array, of the desired type, and then use spread. Here’s an example of how that would look:

 println(max(*listOf(1, 4, 18, 12).toIntArray()))

If the elements in the list and the type of vararg are of a different type than Int, then use the appropriate to...Array() method of List<T> to convert to an array of the desired type.

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