Data Classes

Much like the case classes of Scala, the data classes of Kotlin are specialized classes that are intended to carry mostly data rather than behavior. The primary constructor is required to define at least one property, using val or var. Non-val or var parameters aren’t allowed here. You may add other properties or methods to the class, within the body {}, if you desire.

For each data class Kotlin will automatically create the equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods. In addition, it provides a copy() method to make a copy of an instance while providing updated values for select properties. It also creates special methods that start with the word component—-component1(), component2(), and so on—to access each property defined through the primary constructor. We’ll refer to these methods as componentN() methods for convenience.

Here’s an example data class that represents a task or a to-do item, annotated with the data keyword to convey the intent:

 data class​ Task(​val​ id: Int, ​val​ name: String,
 val​ completed: Boolean, ​val​ assigned: Boolean)

Any property defined within the class body {}, if present, will not be used in the generated equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods. Also, no componentN() method will be generated for those.

Continuing with the same example, let’s create an object of the data class and exercise one of the generated methods, toString().

 val​ task1 = Task(1, ​"Create Project"​, ​false​, ​true​)
 //Task(id=1, name=Create Project, completed=false, assigned=true)
 println(​"Name: ${}"​) ​//Name: Create Project

The String returned by toString() has properties and their values listed in the same order in which they appeared in the primary constructor’s parameter list. You may access any of the properties by their name, like the name property is accessed in our example.

For data classes, Kotlin generates a copy() method that creates a new object with all the properties of the receiver object copied into the result object. Unlike the equals(), hashCode(), and the toString() methods, the copy() method includes any property defined within the class, not just those presented in the primary constructor. Each parameter to the method receives a default argument, and we may pass an alternative value to any property using named arguments. Let’s use this technique to copy task1 but provide a different value for a couple of properties:

 val​ task1Completed = task1.copy(completed = ​true​, assigned = ​false​)
 //Task(id=1, name=Create Project, completed=true, assigned=false)

The newly created instance has copies of all properties from the original, but it has new values assigned to the completed and assigned properties. The copy() function only performs a shallow copy of primitives and references. The objects referenced internally are not deep copied by the method. This isn’t an issue if the entire hierarchy of nested objects is immutable.

The main purpose of the componentN() methods is for destructuring—see Destructuring. Any class, including Java classes, that has componentN() methods can participate in destructuring.

Here’s an example to extract the id and assigned properties from an instance of Task:

 val​ id =
 val​ isAssigned = task1.assigned
 println(​"Id: $id Assigned: $isAssigned"​) ​//Id: 1 Assigned: true

But that’s boring and takes as many lines as the number of properties we want to extract. Instead, we can use the destructuring capability of data classes.

To destructure, we have to extract the properties in the same order as they appear in the primary constructor. However, we’re not required to extract each and every property. If you don’t want a property, simply leave it out from the request. If you need the value of a property that comes after a property you want to ignore, then use underscore—which is the international symbol for “I don’t care.” An example will help clarify this:

 val​ (id, _, _, isAssigned) = task1
 println(​"Id: $id Assigned: $isAssigned"​) ​//Id: 1 Assigned: true

The local variables into which the properties should be extracted may be defined as val, as in the code we just used, or var. The id local variable is assigned the value of the id property from task1—for this Kotlin invokes the component1() method. We ignore the name and completed properties. Then we assign the assigned property’s value to the local variable named isAssigned—here again, Kotlin uses the component4() method. If there were any more properties—which there aren’t in this example—they’d be ignored and _ wouldn’t be required in the trailing positions.

The destructuring of data classes in Kotlin comes with a significant limitation. In JavaScript, object destructuring is based on property names, but, sadly, Kotlin relies on the order of properties passed to the primary constructor. If a developer inserts a new parameter in between current parameters, then the result may be catastrophic.

For example, suppose we add a new parameter in between the name and the completed parameter of Task’s primary constructor. Any use of the constructor will now have to be modified and recompiled. But, the effect on destructuring is severe. For example, the previous destructuring code won’t cause any compilation error, but the isAssigned variable will now be assigned the value of the completed property instead of the assigned property, due to the change in the ordering of the parameters.

Instead of using type inference, if we specify the type during destructuring, we might get some relief in some situations, but specifying types won’t entirely solve the issue in all cases. Whereas we can agree that changing the order of parameters is a poor programming practice, this issue reinforces the need to perform good automated testing, even for statically typed languages like Kotlin.

With the choices offered by Kotlin we have to decide when to use a data class vs. a regular class. Use a data class in these situations:

  • You’re modeling data more than behavior.

  • You want equals(), hashCode(), toString(), and/or copy() to be generated, knowing that you may override any of these methods if you like.

  • It makes sense for the primary constructor to take at least one property—no-argument constructors are not allowed for data classes.

  • It makes sense for the primary constructor to take only properties.

  • You want to easily extract data from the object using the destructuring facility (be aware that the extraction is based on the order of properties and not their names).

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