Objects and Singletons

The Singleton Design Pattern, discussed in Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software [GHJV95], is one of the easiest to understand and yet one of the most difficult to implement. It turns out that controlling the number of instances of a class isn’t a trivial task—you need to prevent reflective access to constructors, ensure thread safety, and, at the same time, not introduce any overhead to check if an instance exists. By providing support for singletons directly, Kotlin removes the burden of implementing the pattern and the risks of getting it wrong. When you need, you can directly create an object without being forced to first define a class. For simple situations you can use objects, and for more complex cases, where you want to define an abstraction, you may create classes. In this section we’ll focus on objects, how to create them, and how to make use of singletons.

Anonymous Objects with Object Expressions

If you want an object, then you should have an object—no fluff, no ceremony, no tax. Kotlin object expressions are like JavaScript objects and Anonymous Types in C#, although they’re also useful to create instances of anonymous classes, like in Java.

In its most basic form, an object expression is the keyword object followed by a block {}. Such a trivial object expression is limited in use but not entirely purposeless. Suppose we want to represent a few pieces of data related to a circle. One option would be to create a Circle class, but that may be overkill. Another option is to keep around multiple local variables, but that doesn’t give us a sense these are closely related values. Object expression can help here, as in this example:

 fun​ ​drawCircle​() {
 val​ circle = ​object​ ​{ //​an expression
 val​ x = 10
 val​ y = 20
 val​ radius = 30
 //Pass circle.x, circle.y, circle.radius to a draw function here
  println(​"Circle x: ${circle.x} y: ${circle.y} radius: ${circle.radius}"​)
 //Circle x: 10 y: 20 radius: 30

The circle object simply provides a grouping of the three values: x, y, and radius—it’s just that, a grouping of a few local variables. Likewise, you may create an alien object, in a game, with different properties that belong to a dreadful creature that doesn’t deserve the status of a full-blown class.

Instead of defining the properties as val, you may make them mutable with var. You may add methods to the object as well. But if you’re going that far, you might as well create a class instead of defining an anonymous object. That’s because classes don’t have the limitations that anonymous objects have—and there are a few:

  • The internal type of anonymous objects can’t stand as return types to functions or methods.

  • The internal type of anonymous objects can’t be used as types of parameters to functions or methods.

  • If they’re stored as properties in classes, they’ll be considered Any type and none of their properties or methods will then be available for direct access.

In short, the most rudimentary object expression is useful only to group a few local variables together.

With a slight change, anonymous objects can be useful as implementors of interfaces—that is, as anonymous inner classes like in Java. An anonymous inner class typically implements an interface on the fly. Between the object keyword and the block {}, mention the names of the interfaces you’d like to implement, comma separated. Oh, and follow the keyword with a : in this case. Let’s implement the popular Runnable interface from the JDK, here using Kotlin’s object expression.

 fun​ ​createRunnable​(): Runnable {
 val​ runnable = object: Runnable {
 override​ ​fun​ ​run​() { println(​"You called..."​) }
 return​ runnable
 val​ aRunnable = createRunnable()
 aRunnable.run() ​//You called...

The variable runnable holds a reference to an instance of the anonymous inner class. The type of this variable is Runnable. You may return this instance from the function in which it’s created, and the return type will take the type of the interface the anonymous inner class implements. If the instance is created by extending an existing class instead of an interface, then that class will serve as the type.

If the interface implemented by the anonymous inner class is a single abstract method interface (what Java 8 calls a functional interface), then we can directly provide the implementation without the need to specify the method name, like so:

 fun​ ​createRunnable​(): Runnable = Runnable { println(​"You called..."​) }

In addition to using the single abstract method implementation syntax, in the above example, we turned the createRunnable() function into a concise single-expression function by removing the block body and the return keyword.

If the anonymous inner class implements more than one interface, you have to specify the type the instance should represent upon return. Let’s take a look at how to do that by changing the previous example to implement both Runnable and AutoCloseable interface, even though the method still chooses Runnable as the return type.

 fun​ ​createRunnable​(): Runnable = object: Runnable, AutoCloseable {
 override​ ​fun​ ​run​() { println(​"You called..."​) }
 override​ ​fun​ ​close​() { println(​"closing..."​) }

Outside of the function, we’re able to access the instance of the anonymous inner class through an interface it implements—Runnable in this case.

In Kotlin, use object expressions anywhere you’d use anonymous inner classes in Java.

Singleton with Object Declaration

If you place a name between the object keyword and the block {}, then Kotlin considers the definition a statement or declaration instead of an expression. Use an object expression to create an instance of an anonymous inner class and an object declaration to create a singleton—a class with a single instance. Unit is an example of a singleton in Kotlin, but you can create your own singletons using the object keyword.

Let’s create a singleton utility object to get some details about the system on which the code is run:

 object​ Util {
 fun​ ​numberOfProcessors​() = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()

The Util object we created using the object declaration is a singleton. We can’t create objects of Util—it’s not considered to be a class by the Kotlin compiler; it’s already an object. Think of it like a Java class with a private constructor and only static methods. Internally, however, Kotlin represents the singleton object as a static instance of a Util class. The method itself isn’t static in the bytecode unless the @JvmStatic annotation is used (which we’ll see soon in Creating static Methods. You can call the methods of a singleton like you’d call static methods on classes in Java.

Let’s call the numberOfProcessors() method of the singleton:

 println(Util.numberOfProcessors()) ​//8

The call to Util.numberOfProcessors() reports 8 on my machine. What does it say on yours? More? Showoff :).

Singletons aren’t limited to having methods. They may have properties as well, both val and var. Object declarations may implement interfaces or may extend from existing classes, like object expressions do. If a singleton has a base class or interface, then that single instance may be assigned to a reference or passed to a parameter of the base type. Let’s explore these with an example:

 object​ Sun : Runnable {
 val​ radiusInKM = 696000
 var​ coreTemperatureInC = 15000000
 override​ ​fun​ ​run​() { println(​"spin..."​) }
 fun​ ​moveIt​(runnable: Runnable) {
 println(Sun.radiusInKM) ​//696000
 moveIt(Sun) ​//spin...

We can pass the singleton Sun to functions like moveIt(), since it’s expecting an instance of Runnable. We can also access properties of the singleton, like radiusInKM, much like the way we’d access properties on instance of classes. A word of caution: even though this example illustrates the capability of the language, placing mutable state in a singleton isn’t a good idea, especially in a multithreaded application.

Kotlin is highly flexible and unopinionated, in a good way, and lets us choose between top-level functions and singletons. Before we get deeper into the object-oriented concepts, let’s discuss when to choose singletons instead of top-level functions.

Top-Level Functions vs. Singletons

Modularization is key to maintain sanity in any nontrivial application. But we don’t want to also take things to the extreme of death-by-modularity. You can maintain a sensible balance with Kotlin based on the needs of your applications.

Should we choose top-level functions—that is, functions placed directly within a package—or singletons? Before we discuss which is better, let’s take a look at an example of a package with both top-level functions and singletons.

 package​ ​com.agiledeveloper.util
 fun​ ​unitsSupported​() = listOf(​"Metric"​, ​"Imperial"​)
 fun​ ​precision​(): Int = ​throw​ RuntimeException(​"Not implemented yet"​)
 object​ Temperature {
 fun​ ​c2f​(c: Double) = c * 9.0/5 + 32
 fun​ ​f2c​(f: Double) = (f - 32) * 5.0/ 9
 object​ Distance {
 fun​ ​milesToKm​(miles: Double) = miles * 1.609344
 fun​ ​kmToMiles​(km: Double) = km / 1.609344

In the file Util.kt, we’ve defined a package with the package keyword—the syntax for this in Kotlin is just like in Java, minus the semicolon, which is optional. Next we have a few top-level functions placed directly in the file, within the package. Then we have a few singletons, each of which groups methods that closely belong together.

To use a top-level function, like unitsSupported(), we may refer to its fully qualified name, like com.agiledeveloper.util.unitsSupported(), or just the name unitsSupported(), after importing either com.agiledeveloper.util.unitsSupported or com.agiledeveloper.util.*. To access the methods within a singleton we can use similar techniques.

If there’s a conflict in the names imported, we can either use the fully qualified name or define an alias, like import somepackage.SingletonName as ALocalName and then use ALocalName to refer to somepackage.SingletonName.

Let’s use some of the methods from the com.agiledeveloper.util package.

 package​ ​com.agiledeveloper.use
 import​ ​com.agiledeveloper.util.*
 import​ ​com.agiledeveloper.util.Temperature.c2f
 fun​ ​main​() {

The code to use the functions in com.agiledeveloper.util is placed in a new package, com.agiledeveloper.use in this example. It imports all members of the package com.agiledeveloper.util and the c2f method of the Temperature singleton. Within the main() method, we’re calling the top-level function unitsSupported() and the c2f() method of the Temperature singleton without any qualifiers since they’re visible from the imports. But to call the method f2c() of Temperature, we’re qualifying it with the name of the singleton Temperature, which has been imported using the broader import com.agiledeveloper.util.*.

To compile the above two files and execute the code in UseUtil.Kt, use the following commands (use backslash instead of forward slash on Windows):

 $ ​​kotlinc-jvm​​ ​​./com/agiledeveloper/util/Util.kt​​ ​​
  ​​./com/agiledeveloper/use/UseUtil.kt​​ ​​
  ​​-d​​ ​​Util.jar
 $ ​​kotlin​​ ​​-classpath​​ ​​Util.jar​​ ​​com.agiledeveloper.use.UseUtilKt

In addition to showing how to use packages, functions, and singletons, this example shows why we may choose a top-level function or a singleton. If a group of functions are high level, general, and widely useful, then place them directly within a package. If on the other hand, a few functions are more closely related to each other than the other functions, like f2c() and c2f() are more closely related to each other than to milesToKm(), then place them within a singleton. Also, if a group of functions needs to rely on state, you can place that state along with those related functions in a singleton, although a class may be a better option for this purpose. Use caution: placing mutable state in a singleton may cause issues in multithreaded applications. In short, place functions at the top-level and use singletons to group and modularize functions further, based on application needs.

Functions and singletons make good sense when we’re focused on behaviors, computations, and actions. But if we want to deal with state, then classes are a better choice, and Kotlin offers great support for creating those as well.

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