Type-Safe Builders

A key benefit of using a statically typed language is verifying the soundness of code at compile time. Anytime we deviate from the syntax permitted by the language, the compiler will let us know in no uncertain terms. This prevents a variety of errors from slipping to runtime and thus saves time. When working with DSLs, however, we’re inventing the syntax that’s permitted. The compiler doesn’t have enough details to discern if a particular property access or a method call is legitimate when used within the DSL. This is where type-safe builders come in. Using a special annotation, you can instruct the compiler to keep an eye on the scope of properties and methods. Let’s explore that with a built-in example in Kotlin and then by creating our own custom builder.

HTML Builder

My wife says that I’m really good at typing…backspaces. If your typing skills are like mine, you’ll appreciate finding errors sooner than later. Fail fast is a virtue, and compile-time failures can save hours of runtime debugging. We enjoy good compiler support for code we write in languages like Java and Kotlin, but what about creating HTML?

Looking at the built-in type-safe HTML builder in Kotlin is a good way to learn how type safety can be provided with DSLs in general and when working with HTML in particular. Play with the HTML builder at the online try-Kotlin site.[22]

You may create an HTML content like this:

  <h1>Methods' Behavior<h1>
  <p>This is a sample</p>

Unless you were highly observant when reading the above HTML content, you may not have noticed that there’s an error in there. More complex HTML content makes finding mistakes extremely hard. Asking someone to debug, just to find a silly mistake that caused the browser to display content poorly, is time consuming, costly for the organization, frustrating, embarrassing, and a disgrace to humanity.

An HTML builder can help in two ways. First, it can help us to write code instead of plain text that’ll generate the HTML content. Second, it can verify, before generation, if the syntax is sound.

Visit the site specific for the Kotlin HTML builder[23] example and replace the entire main() method with the following code:

 fun​ ​main​() {
 val​ result =
  html {
  h1 { +​"Methods' Behavior"​ }
  p { ​"This is a sample"​ }

Click on the Run button on the top right. The site reports two errors: it complains that h1 and p are unresolved references. The reason is that we placed these tags at the wrong level, outside of the body tag. Let’s fix that with the following code:

 fun​ ​main​() {
 val​ result =
  html {
  body {
  h1 { +​"Methods' Behavior"​ }
  p { ​"This is a sample"​ }

Again, replace the entire main() method on the site with the corrected code and click on the Run button. This time the code will execute successfully and produce an HTML output.

You saw type safety in action right there. Study the code example at that site to see how it was created, and then move forward. Also take a look at Kotlinx.html,[24] an alternative HTML builder that provides greater flexibility and error handling.

An XML Builder

Inspired by the HTML builder, let’s build our own XML builder now.

First, let’s look at the data for which we want to create an XML representation.

 val​ langsAndAuthors =
  mapOf(​"JavaScript"​ to ​"Eich"​, ​"Java"​ to ​"Gosling"​, ​"Ruby"​ to ​"Matz"​)

The Map contains a few language names and their authors. From this data we’ll create the XML representation, with names of the languages as attributes and author names as text content. Let the fun begin.

Just like HTML, XML is a hierarchical structure of elements. We’ll start with a root. At each level there may be zero or more attributes and multiple child elements. Let’s define some vocabulary for our DSL: xml to get the DSL in motion, element to define an element, and attributes can go within the element declaration. We may use text to represent a text content for an element. With these we can create a sample of the DSL, like so:

 val​ xmlString = xml {
  root(​"languages"​) {
  langsAndAuthors.forEach { name, author ->
  element(​"language"​, ​"name"​ to name) {
  element(​"author"​) { text(author) }

Now we need to build the classes and methods that will process this and similar pieces of code that use our DSL. The first line in the DSL is xml {...}—that looks easy to implement. We can design xml as a function that takes a lambda as its parameter. From within that function we can return an object of an XMLBuilder() that will take over the building of the XML document. In other words, xml() will serve as a bootstrap function. Here’s the short and succinct xml() function:

 fun​ ​xml​(block: XMLBuilder.() -> Node): Node = XMLBuilder().run(block)

The function creates an instance of a yet-to-be-implemented XMLBuilder class. The parameter to the xml() function is a block—a lambda—with a receiver of type XMLBuilder. Within the xml() function we invoke the block with the receiver as instance of XMLBuilder that we just created. That tells us that any methods or functions called within the block passed to the xml() function will run in the context of this receiver. The reason we used run() is that it executes the given block of code in the context of the receiver and returns the result of the block—we saw this in Fluency with Any Object. Since the lambda parameter specifies the return type to be an instance of a Node class, the result of calling the xml() function is an instance of Node. We’ll soon create both the XMLBuilder class and the Node class.

The first line of code within the lambda passed to the xml() function is a call to a root() function. Since the lambda runs in the context of the instance of XMLBuilder created within the xml() function, the XMLBuilder should have this method. Whatever the root() method returns, the xml() function will return. From the details we know so far, that has to be an instance of Node. Let’s define the XMLBuilder class with the root() method:

 class​ XMLBuilder {
 fun​ ​root​(rootElementName: String, block: Node.() -> Unit): Node =

The root() method takes two parameters: rootElementName of type String to receive the name of the root element—languages in this example—and block for a lambda that will run in the context of a Node instance as receiver. The lambda won’t return anything, as indicated by Unit. The root() method creates an instance of Node, passing the rootElementName as an argument to the constructor, then runs the given block, the lambda, in the context of the Node instance just created. The reason we use apply() here instead of run() is we don’t care to return anything from the block passed to apply(), we merely want to run the lambda in the context of the Node instance and return that Node instance.

Within the block passed to the root() method we iterate over the Map of languages and authors, langsAndAuthors, and for each name and author we create a nested element. This element, also an instance of Node, will reside within the Node created by the root() function—that is, the receiver to the block. To achieve this behavior we can make element() a method of Node. This method will create a child Node and insert it into the current Node as its child. Each instance of Node needs to keep a collection of attributes, a collection of children nodes, and a text value.

In short, the Node should have the three properties just mentioned and two methods: element() and text(). Oh, we also need a method to create a String representation of the Node, but with proper indentation. Here’s the code for the Node:

 class​ Node(​val​ name: String) {
 var​ attributes: Map<String, String> = mutableMapOf()
 var​ children: List<Node> = listOf()
 var​ textValue: String = ​""
 fun​ ​text​(value: String) { textValue = value }
 fun​ ​element​(childName: String,
 vararg​ attributeValues: Pair<String, String>,
  block: Node.() -> Unit):Node {
 val​ child = Node(childName)
  attributeValues.forEach { child.attributes += it }
  children += child
 return​ child.apply(block)
 fun​ ​toString​(indentation: Int):String {
 val​ attributesValues = ​if​ (attributes.isEmpty()) ​""​ ​else
  attributes.map { ​"${it.key}='${it.value}'"​ }.joinToString(​" "​, ​" "​)
 val​ DEPTH = 2
 val​ indent = ​" "​.repeat(indentation)
 return​ ​if​ (!textValue.isEmpty())
  |${children.joinToString(" ") { it.toString(indentation + DEPTH) }}
 override​ ​fun​ ​toString​() = toString(0)

Take some time to walk through the call to the xml() function and how each line will result in calls to create an instance of XMLBuilder first, and then instances of Node.

Let’s run the code to see the output, the result of our XML building DSL code processed by the xml() function, and the Node class:

  <language name='JavaScript'>
  <language name='Java'>
  <language name='Ruby'>

The most exciting feature of Kotlin used in this design is the lambdas with receiver, both in the xml() function and in the element() method. This allows the lambdas to execute in the context of an instance of Node, thus enabling the methods of Node to be called without using this. notation in the DSL.

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