Non-Local and Labeled return

By default lambdas aren’t allowed to have the return keyword, even if they return a value. This is a significant difference between lambdas and anonymous functions—the latter is required to have return if returning values and it signifies only a return from the immediate lambda and not the outer calling function. In this section, we’ll look at why return is not allowed by default, how to use labeled return, and when non-local return is permitted.

return Not Allowed by Default

return is not valid in lambdas by default, but you can use it under some special situations. This can be quite confusing if you don’t take the time to fully understand the context and the consequences. Take this topic a bit slow for the details to sink in.

We’ll use a function to illustrate the concepts in this section. This function takes two parameters, an Int and a lambda, and returns Unit.

 fun​ ​invokeWith​(n: Int, action: (Int) -> Unit) {
  println(​"enter invokeWith $n"​)
  println(​"exit invokeWith $n"​)

Within the invokeWith() function, we pass the given Int parameter to the given lambda referenced using action(). Quite simple, nothing exciting yet.

Let’s call invokeWith() from within a caller() function and then call the caller() function.

1: fun​ ​caller​() {
(1..3).forEach { i ->
invokeWith(i) {
println(​"enter for $it"​)
if​ (it == 2) { ​return​ } ​//ERROR, return is not allowed here
println(​"exit for $it"​)
10:  }
println(​"end of caller"​)
15: caller()
println(​"after return from caller"​)

The caller() function iterates over values 1 to 3 and calls the invokeWith() function for each value. The lambda attached to the invokeWith() function prints a message when we enter it and then again when we exit it. If the value of the lambda’s parameter, referenced using the implicit reference it, is equal to 2 we request an immediate return using the return keyword.

The line with return will fail compilation. The reason for this becomes clear if we look at that line in the overall context of the entire code. When we call return on line 6, Kotlin doesn’t know if we mean (1) to exit the immediate lambda and continue executing code within invokeWith() right after the call to action(n), or (2) we mean to exit the for loop we entered on line 2, or (3) exit the function caller() we entered on line 1. To avoid this confusion, Kotlin doesn’t permit return by default. However, Kotlin makes two exceptions to this rule—labeled return and non-local return. We’ll see these next, one at a time.

Labeled return

If you want to exit the current lambda immediately, then you may use a labeled return, that is return@label where label is some label you can create using the syntax label@. Let’s use a labeled return in a modified version of the caller().

1: fun​ ​caller​() {
(1..3).forEach { i ->
invokeWith(i) here​@​ {
println(​"enter for $it"​)
if​ (it == 2) {
10:  println(​"exit for $it"​)
println(​"end of caller"​)
15: }
println(​"after return from caller"​)

We replaced the return with return@here on line 7 and, in addition, added a label here@ on line 3. The compiler won’t complain at this use of return.

The labeled return causes the control flow to jump to the end of the labeled block—that is, exit the lambda expression. The behavior here is equivalent to the continue statements used in imperative-style loops where the control skips to the end of the loop. In this case, it skips to the end of the lambda expression. We can observe this behavior from the output of the previous code, shown here:

 enter invokeWith 1
 enter for 1
 exit for 1
 exit invokeWith 1
 enter invokeWith 2
 enter for 2
 exit invokeWith 2
 enter invokeWith 3
 enter for 3
 exit for 3
 exit invokeWith 3
 end of caller
 after return from caller

Instead of using an explicit label, like @here, we can use an implicit label that is the name of the function to which the lambda is passed. We can thus replace return@here with return@invokeWith and remove the label here@, like so:

 fun​ ​caller​() {
  (1..3).forEach { i ->
  invokeWith(i) {
  println(​"enter for $it"​)
 if​ (it == 2) {
  println(​"exit for $it"​)
  println(​"end of caller"​)

Even though Kotlin permits the use of method names as labels, prefer explicit labels instead. That makes the intention clearer and the code easier to understand.

The compiler won’t permit labeled return to arbitrary outer scope—you can only return out of the current encompassing lambda. If you want to exit out of the current function being defined, then you can’t do that by default, but you can if the function to which the lambda is passed is inlined. We looked at the default behavior in the previous subsection. Let’s explore the inlining option next.

Non-Local return

The return keyword is not allowed by default in lambdas. You may use a labeled return and that restricts the control flow to only return out of the current lambda. Non-local return is useful to break out of the current function that’s being implemented, right from within a lambda. Let’s modify the caller() function once again to see this feature.

1: fun​ ​caller​() {
(1..3).forEach { i ->
println(​"in forEach for $i"​)
5: if​ (i == 2) { ​return​ }
invokeWith(i) {
println(​"enter for $it"​)
10: if​ (it == 2) { ​return​@invokeWith }
println(​"exit for $it"​)
15:  println(​"end of caller"​)
println(​"after return from caller"​)

In the caller() function, within the lambda passed to forEach() we return if i == 2 on line 5. We know that on line 10, Kotlin doesn’t permit return but only a labeled return. But, in line 5 it doesn’t have any qualms about it. Curious—before we discuss the why, let’s address the what; that is, let’s understand the behavior of this return. Unlike the labeled return which exits the encompassing lambda, this return on line 5 will exit the encompassing function being defined—caller() in this example. Thus, it’s called the non-local return.

Let’s verify this behavior by executing the caller() function:

 in forEach for 1
 enter invokeWith 1
 enter for 1
 exit for 1
 exit invokeWith 1
 in forEach for 2
 after return from caller

When the execution hits the return statement, it bails all the way out of the caller(), and the code following the call to caller() is executed after return.

Now to the question: Why did Kotlin disallow return, without label, of course, within the lambda we passed to invokeWith(), but didn’t flinch at the return within the lambda passed to forEach()? The answer is hidden in the definition of the two functions.

We defined invokeWith() as the following:

 fun​ ​invokeWith​(n: Int, action: (Int) -> Unit) {

On the other hand, forEach() is defined, in the Kotlin standard library, like this:

 inline​ ​fun​ <T> ​Iterable​<T>.forEach(action: (T) -> Unit): Unit {

The answer lies in the keyword inline. We’ll focus on this keyword in the next section—let’s recap the behavior of return before we move forward:

  • return is not allowed by default within lambdas.
  • You may use a labeled return to step out of the encompassing lambda.
  • Use of non-local return to exit from the encompassing function being defined is possible only if the function to which the lambda is passed is defined with inline.

Here are some ways to deal with the complexity associated with the behavior of return:

  • You can use labeled return anytime to return out of the lambda.

  • If you’re able to use return, remember that it will exit out of the encompassing function that’s being defined and not merely from within the encompassing lambda or from within the caller of the lambda.

  • If you’re not allowed to use return, don’t worry; Kotlin will let you know in no uncertain terms.

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