Exception Handling

Many things can go wrong when making requests to web services, updating databases, accessing a file, and so on. When delegating a task to run asynchronously, we have to be defensive and handle failures gracefully. How we deal with exceptions depends on how we start a coroutine—using launch() or async().

launch and Exceptions

If we use launch(), then the exception won’t be received on the caller side—it’s a fire and forget model, though you may optionally wait for the coroutine to complete. To illustrate this behavior and find a way to gracefully handle exceptions, let’s query the airport status using some invalid airport codes.

 import​ ​kotlinx.coroutines.*
 fun​ ​main​() = runBlocking {
 try​ {
 val​ airportCodes = listOf(​"LAX"​, ​"SF-"​, ​"PD-"​, ​"SEA"​)
 val​ jobs: List<Job> = airportCodes.map { anAirportCode ->
  launch(Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob()) {
 val​ airport = Airport.getAirportData(anAirportCode)
  println(​"${airport?.code} delay: ${airport?.delay}"​)
  jobs.forEach { it.join() }
  jobs.forEach { println(​"Cancelled: ${it.isCancelled}"​) }
  } ​catch​(ex: Exception) {
  println(​"ERROR: ${ex.message}"​)

We used two valid airport codes and two invalid codes. Instead of using async(), we’re using launch() in this example to see how it deals with exceptions. The launch() function returns a Job object that represents the coroutine it starts. We use that object to wait for the coroutine to complete either successfully or with failure. Then we query the isCancelled property of Job to check if the job completed successfully or it was cancelled due to failure.

Let’s take a look at the output of running this code. Note that the output you see on your system may not exactly match the one shown here:

 LAX delay: false
 SEA delay: true
 Exception in thread "DefaultDispatcher-worker-1" Exception in ...

That’s sad—the try-catch we placed around the calls to launch() and the calls to join() had no effect. Instead, we see an unpleasant termination of the program with an exception message spilled on the console. The reason for this behavior is that coroutines that are started using launch() don’t propagate exceptions to their caller. That’s the nature of launch(), but we gotta do better when programming with this function.

If you’re using launch(), then make sure to set up an exception handler. An exception handler CoroutineExceptionHandler, if registered, will be triggered with the details of the context and the exception. Let’s create a handler and register it with the launch() calls.

 import​ ​kotlinx.coroutines.*
 fun​ ​main​() = runBlocking {
 val​ handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { context, ex ->
 "Caught: ${context[CoroutineName]} ${ex.message?.substring(0..28)}"​)
 try​ {
 val​ airportCodes = listOf(​"LAX"​, ​"SF-"​, ​"PD-"​, ​"SEA"​)
 val​ jobs: List<Job> = airportCodes.map { anAirportCode ->
  launch(Dispatchers.IO + CoroutineName(anAirportCode) +
  handler + SupervisorJob()) {
 val​ airport = Airport.getAirportData(anAirportCode)
  println(​"${airport?.code} delay: ${airport?.delay}"​)
  jobs.forEach { it.join() }
  jobs.forEach { println(​"Cancelled: ${it.isCancelled}"​) }
  } ​catch​(ex: Exception) {
  println(​"ERROR: ${ex.message}"​)

This version of code has only two changes, compared to the previous version. First, we create a handler which prints the details of the context of the coroutine that failed, along with the exception details of the failure. Second, in the call to launch(), we register the handler, along with a name for the coroutine for easy identification. Let’s run this version and see how the program copes with the failures.

 Caught: CoroutineName(PD-) Unable to instantiate Airport
 Caught: CoroutineName(SF-) Unable to instantiate Airport
 SEA delay: true
 LAX delay: false
 Cancelled: false
 Cancelled: true
 Cancelled: true
 Cancelled: false

That’s much better. The exceptions are handled gracefully by the registered handler. Instead of printing on the console, we can choose to log the error, send a notification to the support, play sad music… the options are endless once we have a handler of the failure. And the program doesn’t quit ungracefully; instead it proceeds to display the output of whether the job is completed or cancelled.

The output also shows one other behavior of coroutine we haven’t discussed—if a coroutine fails with an unhandled exception, then the coroutine is cancelled. We’ll discuss cancellation further in Cancellations and Timeouts.

async and Exceptions

launch() doesn’t propagate the exception to its caller, so we should register an exception handler when using launch(). The async() function, however, returns a Deferred<T> instance, which will carry the exception and deliver to the caller when await() is called. It makes no sense to register an exception handler to async() if the handler, if registered, will be ignored.

Instead of using launch() with invalid airport codes, let’s use async() to see how the exceptions are handled differently by the two functions. We handle the exception using try-catch around the call to await(), using exception-handling syntax that we’re all familiar with.

 import​ ​kotlin.system.*
 import​ ​kotlinx.coroutines.*
 fun​ ​main​() = runBlocking {
 val​ airportCodes = listOf(​"LAX"​, ​"SF-"​, ​"PD-"​, ​"SEA"​)
 val​ airportData = airportCodes.map { anAirportCode ->
  async(Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob()) {
 for​ (anAirportData ​in​ airportData) {
 try​ {
 val​ airport = anAirportData.await()
  println(​"${airport?.code} ${airport?.delay}"​)
  } ​catch​(ex: Exception) {
  println(​"Error: ${ex.message?.substring(0..28)}"​)

For the first iteration, we use map() and the functional style. But for the second iteration over the list of Deferred<T>, we use the imperative style for-loop instead of the functional style forEach(). Even though forEach() may be used for this iteration as well, the imperative style is a better choice here. If we use forEach(), then the lambda, with all the code to handle the exception, won’t be concise and expressive. As we discussed in Chapter 10, Functional Programming with Lambdas, avoid creating multiline, verbose lambdas where possible.

Let’s take a look at the output to see how async() dealt with the exception.

 LAX false
 Error: Unable to instantiate Airport
 Error: Unable to instantiate Airport
 SEA true

The output shows what we expect—async() and await() not only make it easier to make asynchronous calls, they also deal well with exceptions.

When working with the previous examples, we got a hint about how unhandled exceptions cancel coroutine. A coroutine may be cancelled intentionally when we no longer care for the task, it may be cancelled due to failure, or it may be forced to cancel by a parent coroutine. We also may want to put a timeout on how long a task takes. All these sound intriguing—let’s examine them next.

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