Function Fluency with infix

Dots and parenthesis are common in code we write, but on many occasions leaving those out can make the code less noisy and easier to follow. For example, the following is familiar code in Java:

 if​(obj ​instanceof​ String) {

Imagine Java had insisted that we write if(obj.instanceOf(String)) {—what a clutter that would have been. Instead, we used a nice syntax if(obj instanceof String) {—that’s much easier to read, and it uses what is called the infix notation, where an operator is infixed or implanted in the middle of its operands. That syntax is nice, but in Java such fluency is limited to predefined operators. In Kotlin you can use the infix notation—that is, leave out dots and parenthesis—for your own code and thus make the code expressive, less noisy, and easier to read.

In the earlier example with Circle and Point, we saw this:

 println(circle.contains(point1)) ​//true
 println(point1 ​in​ circle) ​//true

We used the dot and parenthesis to invoke contains() but didn’t use those with in. The reason is obvious: contains() is a method, but in is an operator, like +. Operators always enjoy infix notation automatically in Kotlin, but methods don’t by default. That’s a good reason for the difference, but we don’t have to accept that and settle quietly. If we want to use contains much like the way we used in, we can do that in Kotlin, but after a change.

If we mark a method with infix annotation, then Kotlin will allow us to drop the dot and parenthesis. infix may be combined with operator, but operator isn’t required for infix—they are orthogonal to each other.

To see infix notation in action, we’ll start with this:

 operator​ ​fun​ Circle.​contains​(point: Point) =
  (point.x - cx) * (point.x - cx) + (point.y - cy) * (point.y - cy) <
  radius * radius

Let’s change it to the following:

 operator​ ​infix​ ​fun​ Circle.​contains​(point: Point) =
  (point.x - cx) * (point.x - cx) + (point.y - cy) * (point.y - cy) <
  radius * radius

Now, we can write:

 println(circle.contains(point1)) ​//true

And we can also write:

 println(circle contains point1) ​//true

What’s the big deal in not having dot and parenthesis? you may ask. It leads to more fluent code and less noise—characteristics that are helpful for creating DSLs—we’ll see this in Chapter 13, Creating Internal DSLs.

Kotlin offers some flexibility for infix functions but also comes with some limitations: infix methods are required to take exactly one parameter—no vararg and no default parameters.

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