
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


!= not equal to operator, if Statements
& address-of operator, Pointers
&& Boolean combination operator (if both true), if Statements
* dereference operator, Pointers
* multiplication operator, Expressions and Statements
+ addition operator, Expressions and Statements
++ increment operator, Increment and Decrement Operators
+= adding value operator, Assignment Statements, Race conditions
- subtraction operator, Expressions and Statements
-- decrement operator, Increment and Decrement Operators
-> member access operator, Pointers
. delineation operator, Namespaces and Types
/ division operator, Expressions and Statements
/* */ multi-line comment, Comments, Regions, and Readability
// single-line comment, Comments, Regions, and Readability
/// XML Documentation Comments, XML Documentation Comments
32-bit processes, Managed Code, Integers, Array Size, 64-bit Versus 32-bit64-bit Versus 32-bit
3D graphics, 3D graphics
64-bit processes, Managed Code, Integers, Array Size, 64-bit Versus 32-bit64-bit Versus 32-bit
: calling one constructor from another, Value Types and Reference Types
: part of ternary operator, if...else
; end statement, Projects and Solutions
< less than operator, if Statements
<= less than or equal to operator, if Statements
= field initializer operator, Fields: A Place to Put Data
== equal to operator, if Statements
=> lambda expression, Creating Delegates with Lambda Expressions
> greater than operator, if Statements
>= greater than or equal to operator, if Statements
? part of ternary operator, if...else
@” " string literal, Escaping Special Characters
[ ] array index, Arrays
(backslash) escape character, Escaping Special CharactersEscaping Special Characters
line feed, Composing Strings
carriage return, Composing Strings
{} braces, C# containment, Namespaces and Types, Projects and Solutions
|| Boolean combination operator (if either true), if Statements


∀ universal quantifier, Testing the Whole Collection
abstract base classes, Requiring Overrides with abstractRequiring Overrides with abstract, Explicit Interface Implementation
abstracting ideas, Abstracting Ideas with Classes and StructsObject-oriented analysis
accepting incoming connections, Implementing Services with the Socket Class
accessibility modifiers, Protection Levels, Inheritance and ProtectionInheritance and Protection
ACL (access control list), WCF configuration
Action<T>, Generic Actions with Action<T>Generic Actions with Action<T>
ActiveX Controls, Importing ActiveX ControlsImporting a Control in .NET
Add method, List<T>, Collections and Polymorphism, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, Creating, Updating, and Deleting
Add Reference menu item, Projects and Solutions
AddAnything method, The dynamic Type, Ordinary .NET objects
AddBefore/AddAfter methods, Linked Lists
adding value (+=) operator, Assignment Statements, Race conditions
addition (+) operator, Expressions and Statements
AddNew method, Data Binding
AddNumbers method, Finding and Sorting, Creating Your Own IEnumerable<T>, Creating Your Own IEnumerable<T>
AddProcess method, Generic Actions with Action<T>
AddRange method, List<T>, Concatenation
AddTo methods, Creating, Updating, and Deleting
administrative privileges, WCF configuration
ADO.NET, Classic ADO.NETADO.NET data sets, The EntityClient ADO.NET Provider
Adobe PDF Reader control, Importing a Control in .NETImporting a Control in .NET
affine transformations, Transforms
aggregation, Association Through Composition and Aggregation, Testing the Whole Collection
air traffic control example, Object-oriented analysis, Defining ClassesRepresenting State with Properties, Protection LevelsProtection Levels, Initializing with a ConstructorInitializing with a Constructor, Fields: A Place to Put DataRead-only Fields and Properties, Related Constants with enumRelated Constants with enum, Value Types and Reference TypesValue Types and Reference Types, OverloadingOverloaded Methods and Default Named Parameters, Object InitializersObject Initializers, Defining MethodsDefining Methods, Static Fields and PropertiesStatic Constructors
constructors, overloading, OverloadingOverloaded Methods and Default Named Parameters
declaring an enum, Related Constants with enumRelated Constants with enum
defining classes, Defining ClassesRepresenting State with Properties
defining methods, Defining MethodsDefining Methods
defining variables/types, Value Types and Reference TypesValue Types and Reference Types
initializing with a constructor, Initializing with a ConstructorInitializing with a Constructor
object initializers, Object InitializersObject Initializers
setting protection levels, Protection LevelsProtection Levels
setting up fields and properties, Fields: A Place to Put DataRead-only Fields and Properties
specs for, Object-oriented analysis
static fields and properties, Static Fields and PropertiesStatic Constructors
aliases, Integers
All operator, Testing the Whole Collection
ampersand (&), address-of operator, Pointers
anchoring, Docking and Anchoring
animation, Animation
anonymous methods, Using Anonymous Methods
anonymous type, Projections
Any operator, Testing the Whole Collection
APM (Asynchronous Programming Model), The Asynchronous Programming ModelThe Asynchronous Programming Model, Tasks and the Asynchronous Programming Model
appdomains, Unloading
AppendLine method, Mutable Strings with StringBuilder
application isolation, Isolation by user and application
args variable, Flow Control with Selection Statements
argument exceptions, Deciding What to Catch
arrays, Flow Control with Selection Statements, Construction and InitializationArray arguments and the params keyword, Array arguments and the params keyword, Custom Types in ArraysCustom Types in Arrays, Array MembersMoving or copying elements, Array SizeRectangular arrays, Arrays of arrays (or jagged arrays)Arrays of arrays (or jagged arrays), Rectangular arraysRectangular arrays, Rectangular arrays, Rectangular arrays, List<T>Finding and Sorting, Custom IndexersImmutability and List<T>
construction and initialization of, Construction and InitializationArray arguments and the params keyword
custom indexers in, Custom IndexersImmutability and List<T>
custom types in, Custom Types in ArraysCustom Types in Arrays
jagged, Arrays of arrays (or jagged arrays)Arrays of arrays (or jagged arrays), Rectangular arrays
List<T> as resizable, List<T>Finding and Sorting
members/elements of, Array MembersMoving or copying elements
multidimensional, Rectangular arrays
params keyword, Array arguments and the params keyword
rectangular, Rectangular arraysRectangular arrays
size of, Array SizeRectangular arrays
as keyword, The Last Resort: Checking Types at Runtime
ASCII, Encoding Characters
ASP.NET, Web Forms Fundamentals (see Web Forms and ASP.NET)
.aspx extension, Web Forms Fundamentals
assemblies, .NET Components: Assemblies, ReferencesReferences, Writing LibrariesWriting Libraries, ProtectionInternal protection, NamingSigning and Strong Names, LoadingUnloading
loading, LoadingUnloading
naming, NamingSigning and Strong Names
overview, .NET Components: Assemblies
protecting, ProtectionInternal protection
referencing, ReferencesReferences
writing libraries, Writing LibrariesWriting Libraries
AssemblyInfo.cs, Projects and Solutions
assignment statements, Assignment Statements
associations, Association Through Composition and Aggregation, Inheritance and Polymorphism, RelationshipsNavigation properties
asterisk (*) dereference operator, Pointers
asynchronous file operations, Asynchronous File OperationsAsynchronous File Operations, WebRequest and WebResponse
asynchronous programming, Asynchronous ProgrammingAd Hoc Asynchrony, Tasks and the Asynchronous Programming Model
Atom, Stream-based uploads and downloads
attached properties, Layout Panels
attributes, XML AttributesXML Attributes, AttributesUsing an attribute
authentication, Authentication
Authenticode signature, Isolation by user and application
auto properties, Fields: A Place to Put Data


backlog, Implementing Services with the Socket Class
backslash (), escape character, Escaping Special CharactersEscaping Special Characters
base classes, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Calling Base Class MethodsCalling Base Class Methods, Requiring Overrides with abstract
Base64 encoding, Representing Binary As Text with Base64 EncodingRepresenting Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding
basic authentication, Authentication
basic profile, Web Application with Client-Side Code
Begin methods, The Asynchronous Programming Model, Tasks and the Asynchronous Programming Model
BeginTransaction/EnlistTransaction methods, Transactions
behaviors, Animation
Berners-Lee, Tim, Downloading resources
BigInteger, Integers
binary, Projects and Solutions, Floating point, Representing Binary As Text with Base64 EncodingRepresenting Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding, Assemblies
bindings, Server configuration for duplex and sessions, Control Templates, Data BindingData Binding, Data BindingData Binding, Data BindingData Binding
bit fields, Related Constants with enum
bitmaps, Images
bitness, 64-bit Versus 32-bit
blocking APIs, Asynchronous Programming
BlockingCollection, BlockingCollection
BOM (Byte Order Mark), Why Encodings Matter
bool type, if Statements
boxing, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types
braces {}, C# containment, Namespaces and Types, Projects and Solutions
brackets [ ], array index, Arrays
break keyword, switch and case Statements, Breaking Out of a Loop
breakpoints, foreach Statements, Debugging with Return Values, Managing Isolated Storage
buffering, Stream Buffers
bugs, defined, Dealing with Errors
Bustamante, Michele Leroux, WCF Test Client and Host
button element, Xaml and Code BehindXaml and Code Behind, Layout PanelsTransforms, ControlsStyles, Postback versus nonpostback events, Data BindingAdding Controls and Events
Byte Order Mark, Why Encodings Matter


C#, Introducing C#C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, Language StyleContinuity and the Windows Ecosystem, Managed Code, Managed Code, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, Summary, Getting Started, Object Initializers, Creating Your Own IEnumerable<T>, Query Expressions, Anonymous types, C# 4.0 Interop Syntax EnhancementsOptional ref
compared to Java, Managed Code
creating a new program in, Getting Started
improvements in version 2.0, Creating Your Own IEnumerable<T>
improvements in version 3.0, Object Initializers, Query Expressions, Anonymous types
improvements in version 4.0, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, C# 4.0 Interop Syntax EnhancementsOptional ref
Internet resources for, Summary
language style, Language StyleContinuity and the Windows Ecosystem
and managed code, Managed Code
overview, Introducing C#C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010
C++, Language Style, Managed Code
memory management issues in, Managed Code
and .NET Framework, Language Style
caching, CachingCaching, Controlling cache behavior
calculated properties, Initializing with a Constructor
call stack, Methods, Debugging with Return Values
callback interface, Bidirectional Communication with Duplex Contracts
calling base class methods, Calling Base Class MethodsCalling Base Class Methods
calling client from server, Calling the client from the serverCalling the client from the server
camel casing, Representing State with Properties, Functional Composition with delegate
CancelAsync method, The Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern
cancellation, Cancellation
cancelling events, Notifying Clients with EventsNotifying Clients with Events
Canvas panel, Layout Panels
carriage return ( ), Composing Strings
cascading deletes, Creating, Updating, and Deleting
cast operator, Floating point
catch blocks, Handling ExceptionsWhen Do finally Blocks Run?
chaining enumerations, Lazy collections
char types, The String and Char Types, Checking Character Types
characters, Accessing Characters by Index, Getting a Range of CharactersGetting a Range of Characters
charmap, Encoding and Decoding
child elements, Elements
Church, Alonzo, Creating Delegates with Lambda Expressions
cipher text, Streams That Aren’t Files
classes, Language Style, Namespaces and Types, Abstracting Ideas with Objects and Classes, Object-oriented analysis, Defining Classes, Thus Far and No Farther: sealed, Generic Actions with Action<T>
defined, Abstracting Ideas with Objects and Classes
how to decide on, Object-oriented analysis
how to define, Namespaces and Types, Defining Classes
in .NET, Language Style
nested, Generic Actions with Action<T>
sealing, Thus Far and No Farther: sealed
CleanupTestDirectories method, Creating and Securing Directory Hierarchies
CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), Value Types and Reference Types
ClickOnce Publication Wizard, Isolation by user and application
Close method, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010
closures, Generic Delegates for Functions
CLR (Common Language Runtime), Language Style
code pages, Encoding Characters
code points, Encoding Characters
code separation, Web Forms Fundamentals
code-behind files, Xaml and Code Behind, Web Forms Fundamentals, Code-Behind Files, Adding Controls and Events
codespace, Encoding Characters
collection classes, Language Style, Methods, Collections and PolymorphismCollections and Polymorphism, Lazy collectionsLazy collections, DictionariesSparse arrays, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>Dictionaries and LINQ, HashSet and SortedSet, Queues, Linked Lists, Stacks
defined, Methods
dictionaries, DictionariesSparse arrays
HashSet and SortedSet, HashSet and SortedSet
IDictionary<TKey>, <TValue>, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>Dictionaries and LINQ
lazy, Lazy collectionsLazy collections
linked lists, Linked Lists
and polymorphisms, Collections and PolymorphismCollections and Polymorphism
queues, Queues
stacks, Stacks
when working in C++, Language Style
colon (:), calling one constructor from another, Value Types and Reference Types
COM automation, Continuity and the Windows Ecosystem, The Dynamic Style and COM Automation, COM objects
Combine methods, Well-Known Folders
command-line inputs, Flow Control with Selection Statements
comments, use of, Comments, Regions, and ReadabilityXML Documentation Comments
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), Value Types and Reference Types
Common Language Runtime (CLR), Language Style
comparable types, Ordering elements
CompareBytes method, Streams
CompareFiles method, Reading Files into Memory
CompareTo method, Ordering elements
comparison operators, if Statements, All Sorts of “Empty” Strings
Comparison<T>, Ordering elements
compilation, Projects and Solutions, Overloaded Methods and Default Named Parameters, Custom Indexers, let Clauses, Anonymous types
Compile method, LINQ to Entities
composability with delegates, Composability and Extensibility with Delegates (see extensibility with delegates)
composing strings, Composing StringsUpper- and Lowercase
composite formatting, Composite Formatting with String.Format
composition, Association Through Composition and Aggregation, Functional Style and Composition
Concat method, Composing Strings, The dynamic Type
concatenation, Concatenation, Composing Strings, Concatenating Path Elements Safely
conceptual models, The Entity Data Model
Concurrent Programming on Windows (Joe Duffy), Deadlocks and livelocks
Configure method, Functional Composition with delegate
Connect method, Session-based communication, Connecting to Services with the Socket Class
connection handling, database, Connection HandlingConnection Handling
Console Application template, Getting Started
const modifier, Fields Can Be Fickle, but const Is Forever
constrained layout, General-purpose layout properties
constructors, Initializing with a Constructor, Value Types and Reference TypesToo Many Constructors, Mr. Mozart, FileStream ConstructorsSetting Advanced Options
Contains method, HashSet and SortedSet
contended resource, defined, Dealing with Errors
content controls, Content controlsUser Controls
contention, Threads
context switches, The Stack
contextual keywords, Initializing with a Constructor
continuations, Continuations
ContinueWith method, Continuations, Error Handling
control characters, Encoding Characters, Encoding Characters
controls, Importing ActiveX ControlsImporting a Control in .NET, Importing a Control in .NETImporting a Control in .NET, ControlsUser Controls, Items controls, Server Controls, Adding Controls and EventsAdding Controls and Events, ControlsControls
ActiveX, Importing ActiveX ControlsImporting a Control in .NET
Adobe PDF Reader, Importing a Control in .NETImporting a Control in .NET
Silverlight/WPF, ControlsUser Controls
web form, Server Controls, Adding Controls and EventsAdding Controls and Events
Windows Forms, ControlsControls
Xaml libraries, Items controls
conversions, Expressions and Statements, Conversions
cookies, Using cookies
copying array elements, Moving or copying elements
CopyTo method, Moving or copying elements, Writing Data with Streams
Count method/property, List<T>, Aggregation
countdown, Countdown
coupling, Composability and Extensibility with Delegates
CreateDirectory methods, Well-Known Folders
CreateEncryptor method, An Adapting Stream: CryptoStream
CreateFile method, Writing Text with a StreamWriter, Pointers
CreateInstance/CreateComInstanceFrom/CreateComInstanceFrom methods, Late Binding
CreateNewItem method, Data Binding
CreateText method, Writing Text with a StreamWriter
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations, Creating, Updating, and DeletingCreating, Updating, and Deleting
CryptoStream, An Adapting Stream: CryptoStream
.cs extension, Getting Started
culture sensitivity, Culture SensitivityCulture Sensitivity
currency values, Currency
current working directory, Path and the Current Working Directory
Curry, Haskell, Creating Delegates with Lambda Expressions
custom attributes, Custom AttributesUsing an attribute
custom dynamic objects, Custom dynamic objects
custom event storage, Exposing Large Numbers of EventsExposing Large Numbers of Events
custom exceptions, Custom ExceptionsCustom Exceptions
custom indexers, Custom IndexersImmutability and List<T>
custom interfaces (COM), COM objects
custom numeric format strings, Custom Numeric Format StringsCustom Numeric Format Strings


Dahl, Ole-Johan, Abstracting Ideas with Objects and Classes
data access with LINQ, Composability
data binding, Data BindingData Binding, Data BindingData Binding, Data BindingData Binding
data parallelism, Data ParallelismPLINQ: Parallel LINQ
database LINQ providers, LINQ and Databases
databases, WCF Data Services, Databases, The Entity Data ModelThe Entity Data Model, Generated CodeGenerated Code, Changing the Mapping, RelationshipsMultiplicity, QueriesThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider, LINQ to Entities, Entity SQLThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider, Object ContextConnection Handling, Connection HandlingConnection Handling, Creating, Updating, and DeletingCreating, Updating, and Deleting, TransactionsTransactions, Optimistic ConcurrencyOptimistic Concurrency, Context and Entity Lifetime, Context and Entity Lifetime, WCF Data ServicesWCF Data Services
changing the mapping of, Changing the Mapping
connection handling, Connection HandlingConnection Handling
context and entity lifetime, Context and Entity Lifetime
creating, updating, deleting data, Creating, Updating, and DeletingCreating, Updating, and Deleting
Entity data model, The Entity Data ModelThe Entity Data Model
and ESQL, Entity SQLThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider
functions delegates versus expressions, LINQ to Entities
generated code from .edmx, Generated CodeGenerated Code
and object context, Object ContextConnection Handling, Context and Entity Lifetime
optimistic concurrency, Optimistic ConcurrencyOptimistic Concurrency
queries, QueriesThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider
relationships between tables, RelationshipsMultiplicity
and SQL Server 2008 Express, Databases
transactions, TransactionsTransactions
WCF Data Services, WCF Data Services, WCF Data ServicesWCF Data Services
DataSet class, ADO.NET data sets
date and time strings, Dates and TimesDates and Times
daytime service, IP, IPv6, and TCP, Implementing Services with the Socket Class
deadlocks, Deadlocks and livelocks
deadly embraces, Deadlocks and livelocks
debugger (Visual Studio), foreach Statements, Exceptions, Examining File Information, Managing Isolated Storage
decimal floating point, Decimal floating point
decimal format, Decimal
declarative pinning, Pointers
decoding, Encoding and Decoding, Encoding and Decoding
decrement (--) operator, Increment and Decrement Operators
decryption, Representing Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding
default constructors, Value Types and Reference Types
default named parameters, Overloaded Methods and Default Named ParametersOverloaded Methods and Default Named Parameters
deferred execution, Lazy collections, Deferred Execution, LINQ and Databases, LINQ to Entities
degenerate query, Projections
degrees, in relationships, Multiplicity
delegates, Functional Composition with delegateFunctional Composition with delegate, Delegates in PropertiesDelegates in Properties, Delegates and Lambdas
Delete method, Deleting Files, Writing Text with a StreamWriter
DeleteObject method, Creating, Updating, and Deleting
deleting files, Deleting Files
Dequeue method, Queues
derived classes, Inheritance and PolymorphismReplacing Methods in Derived Classes
Descendants method, Search Axes
Deserialize method, XML Serialization
design by contract philosophy, Exceptions
dictionaries, DictionariesSparse arrays
digest authentication, Authentication
digital signing, Signing and Strong Names
Dijkstra, Edsger, Breaking Out of a Loop
directories, Inspecting Directories and FilesExamining Directories, Creating and Securing Directory HierarchiesCreating and Securing Directory Hierarchies, Deleting a DirectoryDeleting a Directory
creating and securing, Creating and Securing Directory HierarchiesCreating and Securing Directory Hierarchies
deleting, Deleting a DirectoryDeleting a Directory
inspecting, Inspecting Directories and FilesExamining Directories
disambiguation, Namespaces and Types
Disconnect method, Session-based communication, Calling the client from the server
disconnected operation, ADO.NET data sets
DisplayMatches function, Reading Files into Memory
DisplayResults method, Reading Files into Memory
Distinct operator, Set Operations
divide-by-zero problems, Dealing with Errors
division (/) operator, Expressions and Statements
division, integer versus floating-point, Expressions and Statements
DLL, Projects and Solutions, .NET Components: Assemblies, Loading from the Application Folder, P/Invoke, Items controls
.dll extension, Projects and Solutions, .NET Components: Assemblies
do while Statements, while and do Statements
docking, Docking and Anchoring
DockPanel, Layout Panels
document processing example, Composability and Extensibility with Delegates (see extensibility with delegates)
Domain Name Service (DNS), IP, IPv6, and TCP
Don’t Make Me Think (Krug), Adding Controls and Events
dot (.) delineation operator, Namespaces and Types
double keyword, Variable Types
double type, Floating pointFloating point, Dealing with Errors
Download methods, Downloading resources, Downloading resources, Asynchronous Programming, The Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern
downloading from URL, Downloading resources
dry (don’t repeat yourself) principle, Initializing with a Constructor
dual-mode sockets, Implementing Services with the Socket Class
Duffy, Joe, Deadlocks and livelocks
duplex clients, Duplex clientDuplex client
duplex contracts, Bidirectional Communication with Duplex Contracts
dynamic keyword, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, Object Types and dynamic, Ordinary .NET objects, Ordinary .NET objects, dynamic in Noninterop Scenarios?
dynamic object types, Object Types and dynamicCustom dynamic objects
dynamic programming, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, Static Versus DynamicThe dynamic Type
dynamic properties, Dynamic properties
dynamic type, The dynamic Type
DynamicWhere method, dynamic in Noninterop Scenarios?


∃ existential quantifier, Testing the Whole Collection
EDM (Entity Data Model), The Entity Data Model
.edmx extension, Generated Code
EF (Entity Framework), LINQ and Databases, LINQ and Databases, WCF Data Services, The Entity Data ModelThe Entity Data Model, The Entity Data ModelThe Entity Data Model, Changing the Mapping, Navigation propertiesNavigation properties, Multiplicity, Inheritance, Queries, LINQ to EntitiesThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider, LINQ to Entities, Entity SQLThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider, The EntityClient ADO.NET Provider, Connection HandlingConnection Handling, Creating, Updating, and DeletingCreating, Updating, and Deleting, WCF Data Services
and ADO.NET, The EntityClient ADO.NET Provider
connection handling in, Connection HandlingConnection Handling
and CRUD operations, Creating, Updating, and DeletingCreating, Updating, and Deleting
and EDM, The Entity Data ModelThe Entity Data Model
and ESQL, Entity SQLThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider
first release, LINQ and Databases
inheritance, Inheritance
and Link to Entities, LINQ to EntitiesThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider
and mapping, Changing the Mapping
multiplicity, Multiplicity
and navigation properties, Navigation propertiesNavigation properties
queries in, Queries, LINQ to Entities
versus LINQ to SQL, LINQ and Databases
and WCF, WCF Data Services, WCF Data Services
elements, Array MembersOrdering elements, Elements, XML Elements, Searching for a Single Node, Elements and ControlsTransforms, Graphical Elements3D graphics
array, Array MembersOrdering elements
graphical, Graphical Elements3D graphics
method, Searching for a Single Node
UI, Elements and ControlsTransforms
XML, Elements, XML Elements
embarrassingly parallel tasks, Myth: Multiple logical processors will necessarily make things faster
empty strings, All Sorts of “Empty” StringsAll Sorts of “Empty” Strings
encapsulation, Abstracting Ideas with Methods, Initializing with a Constructor, Composability and Extensibility with Delegates
encoding characters, Encoding CharactersWhy Represent Strings As Byte Sequences?
encryption, Streams That Aren’t FilesRepresenting Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding
EncryptString method, Streams That Aren’t Files
End methods, The Asynchronous Programming Model, The Asynchronous Programming Model, Tasks and the Asynchronous Programming Model
EndGetHostEntry method, The Asynchronous Programming Model
endpoints, WCF configuration
English, cultural variants in, Culture Sensitivity
Enqueue method, Queues
Entity Data Model (EDM), The Entity Data Model
Entity Framework (EF), LINQ and Databases (see EF (Entity Framework))
entity lifetime, Context and Entity Lifetime
Entity SQL (ESQL), Entity SQLThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider
entry point, .NET Components: Assemblies
enum keyword, Related Constants with enumRelated Constants with enum, Returning Error Values
EnumerateFiles method, Query Expressions
enumerations, Collections and Polymorphism, Lazy collectionsLazy collections, Query Expressions, Reading, Writing, and Locking Files
FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare, Reading, Writing, and Locking Files
filenames, Query Expressions
lazy, Lazy collectionsLazy collections
and variance, Collections and Polymorphism
equals (=), field initializer operator, Fields: A Place to Put Data
Equals methods, Dictionaries
errors, Dealing with ErrorsDealing with Errors, When and How to FailWhen and How to Fail, Returning Error ValuesDebugging with Return Values, Debugging with Return Values, ExceptionsHandling Exceptions, Handling ExceptionsWhen Do finally Blocks Run?, Deciding What to CatchDeciding What to Catch, Custom ExceptionsCustom Exceptions, Creating Your Own IEnumerable<T>, Error Handling
custom exceptions, Custom ExceptionsCustom Exceptions
debugging with return values, Debugging with Return Values
deciding what to catch, Deciding What to CatchDeciding What to Catch
exceptions, ExceptionsHandling Exceptions
overview, Dealing with ErrorsDealing with Errors
setting return values, Returning Error ValuesDebugging with Return Values
task handling, Error Handling
try, catch, finally blocks, Handling ExceptionsWhen Do finally Blocks Run?, Creating Your Own IEnumerable<T>
when and how to fail, When and How to FailWhen and How to Fail
escape characters, Escaping Special CharactersEscaping Special Characters
ESQL (Entity SQL), Entity SQLThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider
evaluation order, Expressions and Statements
event keyword, Notifying Clients with Events
event overlaps, Testing the Whole Collection
event storage management, Exposing Large Numbers of EventsExposing Large Numbers of Events
EventHandler<T>, Notifying Clients with Events
events handling, Notifying Clients with EventsExposing Large Numbers of Events, Events, Web Forms Events, Adding Controls and EventsAdding Controls and Events, Event Handling
exception types, Deciding What to Catch
exceptions, ExceptionsHandling Exceptions, Custom ExceptionsCustom Exceptions, Creating Your Own IEnumerable<T>, When Files Go Bad: Dealing with ExceptionsFinding and Modifying Permissions
custom, Custom ExceptionsCustom Exceptions
for files, When Files Go Bad: Dealing with ExceptionsFinding and Modifying Permissions
.exe extension, Projects and Solutions, .NET Components: Assemblies
existential quantifier, Testing the Whole Collection
ExpandoObject class, ExpandoObject
explicit, Defining Methods, Explicit Interface ImplementationExplicit Interface Implementation, Construction and Initialization, Explicit Loading, Items controls
element types, Construction and Initialization
interface implementation, Explicit Interface ImplementationExplicit Interface Implementation
loading, Explicit Loading
member access, Defining Methods
TreeViewItem containers, Items controls
exponential form, Exponential form
Expression Blend, Microsoft, Xaml and Objects
expression trees, Creating Delegates with Lambda Expressions
Expression<T> type, LINQ to Entities
expressions, Expressions and StatementsExpressions and Statements
extensibility and polymorphism, Association Through Composition and Aggregation, Inheritance and PolymorphismInheritance and Polymorphism, Replacing Methods in Derived ClassesReplacing Methods with virtual and override, Inheritance and ProtectionInheritance and Protection, Calling Base Class MethodsCalling Base Class Methods, Thus Far and No Farther: sealedThus Far and No Farther: sealed, Requiring Overrides with abstractRequiring Overrides with abstract, All Types Are Derived from ObjectBoxing and Unboxing Value Types, C# Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance of ImplementationC# Supports Multiple Inheritance of Interface, Deriving Interfaces from Other InterfacesExplicit Interface Implementation, The Last Resort: Checking Types at Runtime, X Stands for eXtensible
all types derived from Object, All Types Are Derived from ObjectBoxing and Unboxing Value Types
association through composition and aggregation, Association Through Composition and Aggregation
calling base class methods, Calling Base Class MethodsCalling Base Class Methods
checking types at runtime, The Last Resort: Checking Types at Runtime
deriving interfaces from other interfaces, Deriving Interfaces from Other InterfacesExplicit Interface Implementation
inheritance and polymorphism, Inheritance and PolymorphismInheritance and Polymorphism
inheritance and protection, Inheritance and ProtectionInheritance and Protection
marking a class sealed, Thus Far and No Farther: sealedThus Far and No Farther: sealed
multiple inheritance, C# Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance of ImplementationC# Supports Multiple Inheritance of Interface
replacing methods in derived classes, Replacing Methods in Derived ClassesReplacing Methods with virtual and override
requiring overrides with abstract, Requiring Overrides with abstractRequiring Overrides with abstract
XML, X Stands for eXtensible
extensibility with delegates, Composability and Extensibility with DelegatesComposability and Extensibility with Delegates, Functional Composition with delegateFunctional Composition with delegate, Generic Actions with Action<T>Generic Actions with Action<T>, Generic Predicates with Predicate<T>Generic Predicates with Predicate<T>, Using Anonymous Methods, Creating Delegates with Lambda ExpressionsCreating Delegates with Lambda Expressions, Delegates in PropertiesDelegates in Properties, Generic Delegates for FunctionsGeneric Delegates for Functions, Notifying Clients with EventsExposing Large Numbers of Events
creating delegates with lambda expressions, Creating Delegates with Lambda ExpressionsCreating Delegates with Lambda Expressions
delegates in properties, Delegates in PropertiesDelegates in Properties
functional composition with delegate, Functional Composition with delegateFunctional Composition with delegate
generic action with Action<T>, Generic Actions with Action<T>Generic Actions with Action<T>
generic delegates for functions, Generic Delegates for FunctionsGeneric Delegates for Functions
generic predicates with Predicate<T>, Generic Predicates with Predicate<T>Generic Predicates with Predicate<T>
notifying clients with events, Notifying Clients with EventsExposing Large Numbers of Events
setup, Composability and Extensibility with DelegatesComposability and Extensibility with Delegates
using anonymous methods, Using Anonymous Methods
extension methods, Extension Methods and LINQExtension Methods and LINQ, Getting a Range of Characters, Ordinary .NET objects
external client, External Client and .NET Web Service
external party web service, .NET Client and External Party Web Service


F#, Language Style
factory methods, Object Initializers
fall-through in case statements, switch and case Statements
fetching, Downloading resources
fibers, Threads and the OS Scheduler
field initializer, Fields: A Place to Put Data
fields, Fields: A Place to Put DataRead-only Fields and Properties
File.Exists method, When Files Go Bad: Dealing with Exceptions
FileInfo object, Path and the Current Working Directory, Finding and Modifying Permissions
FileOptions enumeration, Setting Advanced Options
files and streams, Inspecting Directories and FilesExamining Directories, Examining Directories, Manipulating File PathsPath and the Current Working Directory, Creating Temporary Files, Deleting Files, Well-Known FoldersWell-Known Folders, Concatenating Path Elements Safely, Creating and Securing Directory HierarchiesCreating and Securing Directory Hierarchies, Deleting a DirectoryDeleting a Directory, Writing Text FilesWriting Text with a StreamWriter, When Files Go Bad: Dealing with ExceptionsFinding and Modifying Permissions, Finding and Modifying PermissionsFinding and Modifying Permissions, Reading Files into MemoryReading Files into Memory, StreamsWriting Data with Streams, Reading, Writing, and Locking FilesReading, Writing, and Locking Files, FileStream ConstructorsSetting Advanced Options, Asynchronous File OperationsAsynchronous File Operations, Isolated StorageManaging Isolated Storage, Managing User Storage with QuotasManaging Isolated Storage, Streams That Aren’t FilesRepresenting Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding, An Adapting Stream: CryptoStream, In Memory Alone: The MemoryStream
asynchronous file operations, Asynchronous File OperationsAsynchronous File Operations
concatenating path elements safely, Concatenating Path Elements Safely
creating and securing directory hierarchies, Creating and Securing Directory HierarchiesCreating and Securing Directory Hierarchies
creating temporary files, Creating Temporary Files
CryptoStream, An Adapting Stream: CryptoStream
dealing with exceptions, When Files Go Bad: Dealing with ExceptionsFinding and Modifying Permissions
deleting a directory, Deleting a DirectoryDeleting a Directory
deleting files, Deleting Files
examining directories, Examining Directories
FileStream constructors, FileStream ConstructorsSetting Advanced Options
finding and modifying permissions, Finding and Modifying PermissionsFinding and Modifying Permissions
inspecting directories and files, Inspecting Directories and FilesExamining Directories
isolated storage, Isolated StorageManaging Isolated Storage
managing user storage with quotas, Managing User Storage with QuotasManaging Isolated Storage
manipulating file paths, Manipulating File PathsPath and the Current Working Directory
MemoryStream, In Memory Alone: The MemoryStream
reading files into memory, Reading Files into MemoryReading Files into Memory
reading, writing, and locking files, Reading, Writing, and Locking FilesReading, Writing, and Locking Files
streams, StreamsWriting Data with Streams
streams that aren’t files, Streams That Aren’t FilesRepresenting Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding
well-known folders, Well-Known FoldersWell-Known Folders
writing text files, Writing Text FilesWriting Text with a StreamWriter
filtering, Filtering
finalization, Error Handling
finally blocks, Handling Exceptions
FindAll method, Finding elements, Arrays of arrays (or jagged arrays), Finding and Sorting
finding and replacing content, Finding and Replacing Content
fine-grained concurrency, Fine-grained concurrency
firefighter training and simulation example, Extensibility and Polymorphism (see extensibility and polymorphism)
firewalls, Bidirectional Communication with Duplex Contracts, Implementing Services with the Socket Class
fixed keyword, Pointers, Pointers
Fixed-point format, Fixed point
[Flags] enum, Related Constants with enum
flags-style enumeration, Setting Advanced Options
floating point types, Floating pointFloating point
flow control, Flow Control with Selection StatementsBreaking Out of a Loop
flushing data, Stream Buffers
fonts, What Is a String?
for statements, for Statements
ForEach methods, Myth: Maxing the CPU must mean we’re going really fast, Parallel For and ForEachPLINQ: Parallel LINQ
foreach statements, foreach Statements, Collections and Polymorphism, Collections and PolymorphismCreating Your Own IEnumerable<T>
format characters, Encoding Characters
format items, Composite Formatting with String.Format
formatting data for output, Formatting Data for OutputRound trip
friendly feed rendering, WCF Data Services
FromAsync method, Tasks and the Asynchronous Programming Model
Func<> types, Generic Delegates for Functions
functional coding/style, Namespaces and Types, Composability and Extensibility with Delegates, Functional Style and Composition, Concatenation
functional decomposition, Abstracting Ideas with Methods
functions, Abstracting Ideas with Methods, Generic Delegates for FunctionsGeneric Delegates for Functions
futures, Tasks with results


GAC (global assembly cache), Loading from the GAC
garbage collection, Managed Code
general format, General
GenerateIV/GenerateKey methods, Streams That Aren’t Files
generic classes, List<T>Finding and Sorting
List<T>, List<T>Finding and Sorting
generic delegates, Generic Actions with Action<T>Generic Actions with Action<T>, Generic Predicates with Predicate<T>Generic Predicates with Predicate<T>, Notifying Clients with Events
Action<T>, Generic Actions with Action<T>Generic Actions with Action<T>
EventHandler<T>, Notifying Clients with Events
Predicate<T>, Generic Predicates with Predicate<T>Generic Predicates with Predicate<T>
generic types, List<T>
get accessor, Representing State with PropertiesInitializing with a Constructor, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types
GetAccessControl method, Finding and Modifying Permissions
GetAllFilesInDirectory method, Query Expressions
GetCipherText method, Representing Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding
GetEnumerator method, Collections and Polymorphism
GetFiles method, Examining Directories
GetFolderPath method, Well-Known Folders, Well-Known Folders
GetHashCode method, Dictionaries
GetLength method, Rectangular arrays
GetMachineStoreForApplication/Domain/Assembly methods, Machine isolation
GetMembers method, Finding all type members, Finding type methods
GetMethods, Finding type methods
GetRandomFileName method, Deleting Files
GetResourceStream method, Explicit Loading
GetStream method, WebRequest and WebResponse
GetString method, Encoding and Decoding, Pointers
GetTempFileName method, Creating Temporary Files
GetType method, XML Serialization, Type Discovery
GetUserStoreForAssembly/GetUserStoreForDomain methods, Isolation by user and assembly
GetWeb methods, Stream-based uploads and downloads
global assembly cache (GAC), Loading from the GAC
global namespace, Namespaces and Types
Go method, The Stack, The Thread Pool, Race conditions
GoNow method, Notification
governing type, Related Constants with enum
graphic characters, Encoding Characters
Grid panel, Layout PanelsLayout Panels
groupby clause, Using multiple sources
grouping, GroupingGrouping
guard clauses, Exceptions


IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), IP, IPv6, and TCP
ICollection<T>, Aggregation
IDataReader, IDataReader and friendsADO.NET data sets
IDictionary<TKey>, <TValue>, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>Dictionaries and LINQ
IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator<T>, Collections and Polymorphism, Extension Methods and LINQ, Functional Style and Composition
if statements, if Statementsif...else
if...else statements, if...elseif...else
IL (Intermediate Language), Managed Code, Projects and Solutions
images, Images
immutability, Value Types and Reference Types, Immutability and List<T>, Functional Style and Composition, Strings Are Immutable
of sources, Functional Style and Composition
of strings, Strings Are Immutable
of value types, Value Types and Reference Types, Immutability and List<T>
implementation, switching of, Initializing with a Constructor
implicit transactions, Transactions
Implicit type conversions, Expressions and Statements
in keyword, Collections and Polymorphism
Include method, Navigation properties
IncreaseQuotaTo method, Managing User Storage with Quotas
increment operator (++), Increment and Decrement Operators
indexed properties, Indexed Properties
indexers, Custom IndexersImmutability and List<T>
indexes, array, Arrays
IndexOf method, Finding and Replacing Content
infinite series, Lazy collections
inheritance, Inheritance and PolymorphismInheritance and Polymorphism, Inheritance
initialization vector, Streams That Aren’t Files
initialization, field, Fields: A Place to Put Data
initializer list, Construction and Initialization
InitializeService method, WCF Data Services
inline array initializer, Construction and Initialization
inlined methods, Using Anonymous Methods
inner exceptions, Handling Exceptions
inscrutable identifiers, Looking up values
InspectDirectories method, Inspecting Directories and Files, Finding and Modifying Permissions
integers (int), IntegersIntegers, Related Constants with enum
IntelliSense, Creating Delegates with Lambda Expressions, Culture Sensitivity, Ordinary .NET objects, Xaml and Code Behind
interface keyword, C# Supports Multiple Inheritance of Interface
interfaces, C# Supports Multiple Inheritance of InterfaceExplicit Interface Implementation, Collections and Polymorphism
Intermediate Language, Managed Code, Projects and Solutions
internal protection level, Protection Levels, Internal protectionInternal protection
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), IP, IPv6, and TCP
Internet Protocol, IP, IPv6, and TCPIP, IPv6, and TCP
interop assemblies, Interop AssembliesNo PIA
interop scenarios, FileStream Constructors
interop syntax enhancements, C# 4.0 Interop Syntax EnhancementsOptional ref
interoperability, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, Interop with COM and Win32
into keyword, Grouping
intrinsic ordering, Ordering elements
Invoke function, Functional Composition with delegate, Late Binding
IP/IPv6, IP, IPv6, and TCPIP, IPv6, and TCP
is keyword, The Last Resort: Checking Types at Runtime
is-a association, Association Through Composition and Aggregation
IsAssignableFrom method, Reflecting on a Specific Type
ISet<T>, HashSet and SortedSet
IsHighSurrogate/IsLowSurrogate methods, Encoding Characters
IsNumber/IsLetter methods, Encoding Characters
isolated storage, Files and Streams, Isolated StorageManaging Isolated Storage
IsWhitespace method, Trimming Whitespace
iteration statements, Iteration StatementsBreaking Out of a Loop
iteration variables, for Statements


lambda expressions, Creating Delegates with Lambda ExpressionsCreating Delegates with Lambda Expressions, Delegates and Lambdas, Ordinary .NET objects
late binding, Late BindingLate Binding
layout panels, Layout PanelsTransforms
layout properties, General-purpose layout propertiesTransforms
layout slot, Layout Panels
lazy enumeration, Lazy collectionsLazy collections, Deferred Execution
lazy loading, Navigation properties
Learning ASP.NET 3.5 (Liberty, Hurwitz, MacDonald), Programming ASP.NET Applications
Learning WCF (Bustamante), WCF Test Client and Host
least-significant byte (LSB), Encoding and Decoding
let clauses, let Clauses
Liberty, Jesse, Programming ASP.NET Applications
libraries, Projects and Solutions, Writing LibrariesWriting Libraries
life cycle, Web Forms Life Cycle
LIFO (last in, first out) queues, Fine-grained concurrency
ligatures, Encoding Characters
lightweight value types, Value Types and Reference Types
line feed, Composing Strings
linked lists, Linked Lists
LINQ (Language Integrated Query), Composability, Namespaces and Types, Query ExpressionsQuery Expressions Versus Method Calls, LINQ Concepts and TechniquesDeferred Execution, Filtering, OrderingOrdering, Concatenation, GroupingGrouping, ProjectionsNumbering items, Zipping, Testing the Whole Collection, Set Operations, Joining, Conversions, Searching in XML with LINQSearching in XML with LINQ, LINQ and Databases
aggregation, Testing the Whole Collection
concatenation, Concatenation
concepts and techniques, LINQ Concepts and TechniquesDeferred Execution
conversions, Conversions
data access with, Composability
and databases, LINQ and Databases
filtering, Filtering
grouping, GroupingGrouping
joining, Joining
namespace, Namespaces and Types
ordering, OrderingOrdering
projections, ProjectionsNumbering items
query expressions, Query ExpressionsQuery Expressions Versus Method Calls
searching in XML with, Searching in XML with LINQSearching in XML with LINQ
set operations, Set Operations
zipping, Zipping
LINQ to Entities, LINQ to EntitiesThe EntityClient ADO.NET Provider
LINQ to SQL, LINQ and Databases
LINQ to XML, Creating XML DocumentsCreating XML Documents
Linux, Continuity and the Windows Ecosystem, WPF and Silverlight
Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP), Inheritance and Polymorphism
Liskov, Barbara, Inheritance and Polymorphism
List<T> class, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Composability and Extensibility with Delegates, List<T>Finding and Sorting
listening, Implementing Services with the Socket ClassImplementing Services with the Socket Class
literal expressions, Expressions and Statements
literal strings/chars, The String and Char Types
little-endian form, Encoding and Decoding
livelocks, Deadlocks and livelocks
Load method, Creating XML Documents, Navigation properties, Explicit Loading, Type Discovery
LoadFile method, Streams, Explicit Loading
LoadFiles function, Reading Files into Memory
loading assemblies, LoadingUnloading
localhost, IP, IPv6, and TCP, Implementing Services with the Socket Class
lock keyword, Notification
locking, MonitorMutexes
logical processors, Threads and the OS Scheduler
loops, breaking out of, Breaking Out of a Loop
low surrogates, Encoding Characters
lowercase letters, Upper- and Lowercase
Lowy, Juval, WCF Test Client and Host
LSP (Liskov Substitution Principle), Inheritance and Polymorphism


Mac OS X, Continuity and the Windows Ecosystem
MacDonald, Brian, Programming ASP.NET Applications
machine isolation, Machine isolation
machine language, Projects and Solutions
machine translation, Composability and Extensibility with Delegates (see extensibility with delegates)
Maharry, Dan, Programming ASP.NET Applications
Main method, Namespaces and Types, Flow Control with Selection Statements, Defining Methods
MakeTestDirectories method, Well-Known Folders, When Files Go Bad: Dealing with Exceptions
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), Explicit Loading
many-to-many relationships, Multiplicity
mapping, database, The Entity Data Model, Changing the Mapping
media, Media
MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework), Explicit Loading
member access (->) operator, Pointers
members of a type, Finding all type members
memory, reading files into, Reading Files into MemoryReading Files into Memory
MemoryStream, In Memory Alone: The MemoryStream
Message property, Exceptions
metadata, Sharing contracts, .NET Components: Assemblies, Reflection
methods, Namespaces and Types, MethodsMethods, Abstracting Ideas with Classes and StructsObject-oriented analysis, Abstracting Ideas with Methods, Abstracting Ideas with Methods, Overloaded Methods and Default Named ParametersOverloaded Methods and Default Named Parameters, Defining MethodsDeclaring Static Methods, Declaring Static Methods, Hiding Base Members with newHiding Base Members with new, Replacing Methods with virtual and overrideReplacing Methods with virtual and override, Replacing Methods with virtual and overrideReplacing Methods with virtual and override, Calling Base Class MethodsCalling Base Class Methods, Thus Far and No Farther: sealed, Using Anonymous Methods, Query Expressions Versus Method Calls
abstracting ideas with, Abstracting Ideas with Classes and StructsObject-oriented analysis
anonymous, Using Anonymous Methods
calling base class, Calling Base Class MethodsCalling Base Class Methods
declaring, Defining MethodsDeclaring Static Methods
defined, Namespaces and Types
hiding, Hiding Base Members with newHiding Base Members with new
and LINQ queries, Query Expressions Versus Method Calls
needs of users and developers, Abstracting Ideas with Methods
overloaded, Overloaded Methods and Default Named ParametersOverloaded Methods and Default Named Parameters
overview, MethodsMethods
replacing, Replacing Methods with virtual and overrideReplacing Methods with virtual and override
static, Declaring Static Methods
versus functions, Abstracting Ideas with Methods
virtual, Replacing Methods with virtual and overrideReplacing Methods with virtual and override, Thus Far and No Farther: sealed
MIME features, Other Networking Features
ML programming language, Language Style
monitors, MonitorMonitor, MonitorMutexes, NotificationNotification, Events, BlockingCollection
BlockingCollection, BlockingCollection
events, Events
locking, MonitorMutexes
notification, NotificationNotification
overview, MonitorMonitor
Moonlight project, Continuity and the Windows Ecosystem
MoveFile method, P/Invoke
moving/copying array elements, Moving or copying elements
MSB (most-significant byte), Encoding and Decoding
multidimensional arrays, Rectangular arrays
multiple inheritance, C# Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance of ImplementationC# Supports Multiple Inheritance of Interface
multiple sort criteria, Ordering
multiple sources, Using multiple sources
multiplexing, Threads and Asynchronous Code
multiplication (*) operator, Expressions and Statements
multiplicity, relationship, Multiplicity
multithreaded coding, Multithreaded Coding Is HardSynchronization
mutable strings, Mutable Strings with StringBuilderMutable Strings with StringBuilder
mutexes, Mutexes


namespaces (.NET), Namespaces and TypesNamespaces and Types, Projects and Solutions
NaN (not a number), Dealing with Errors
navigation properties, EF, Navigation properties, Creating, Updating, and Deleting
nested classes, Generic Actions with Action<T>
.NET client/server, .NET Client and .NET Server.NET Client and External Party Web Service
.NET Framework, The .NET Framework Class LibraryLanguage Style, The .NET Framework Class Library, Language Style, Language Style, Continuity and the Windows Ecosystem, Continuity and the Windows Ecosystem, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, Value Types and Reference Types, Overloaded Methods and Default Named Parameters, Static Constructors, All Types Are Derived from Object, C# Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance of ImplementationC# Supports Multiple Inheritance of Interface, Array Size, Collections and Polymorphism, Using cookies, The .NET Data Access LandscapeADO.NET data sets, .NET Components: Assemblies
and array size, Array Size
and assemblies, .NET Components: Assemblies
and C#, The .NET Framework Class LibraryLanguage Style
and C++, Language Style
class library, The .NET Framework Class Library
and collections, Collections and Polymorphism
continuity with Windows ecosystem, Continuity and the Windows Ecosystem
and cookies, Using cookies
and data access, The .NET Data Access LandscapeADO.NET data sets
and default constructors, Overloaded Methods and Default Named Parameters
memory management in, Value Types and Reference Types
and multiple inheritance, C# Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance of ImplementationC# Supports Multiple Inheritance of Interface
multiple language support in, Language Style
order of static initialization, Static Constructors
security model of, Continuity and the Windows Ecosystem
types derived from Object, All Types Are Derived from Object
version 4, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010
networking, Choosing a Networking Technology, Choosing a Networking Technology, Web Application with Client-Side CodeWeb Application with Client-Side Code, .NET Client and .NET Server.NET Client and External Party Web Service, .NET Client and External Party Web Service, Bidirectional Communication with Duplex ContractsDuplex client, HTTPAuthentication, Sockets, IP, IPv6, and TCPIP, IPv6, and TCP, Connecting to Services with the Socket ClassImplementing Services with the Socket Class
(see also WCF (Windows Communication Foundation))
bidirectional communication with duplex contracts, Bidirectional Communication with Duplex ContractsDuplex client
choosing technology, Choosing a Networking Technology
client-side code, Web Application with Client-Side CodeWeb Application with Client-Side Code
external party web service, .NET Client and External Party Web Service
HTTP, HTTPAuthentication
Internet Protocol, IP, IPv6, and TCPIP, IPv6, and TCP
.NET client/server, .NET Client and .NET Server.NET Client and External Party Web Service
sockets, Sockets, Connecting to Services with the Socket ClassImplementing Services with the Socket Class
new keyword, Replacing Methods in Derived Classes, Custom Types in Arrays, Projections
NHibernate, Non-Microsoft Data Access Technologies
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), IP, IPv6, and TCP
no-PIA, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, No PIA
nodes, Searching for a Single Node
noninterop scenarios (dynamic), dynamic in Noninterop Scenarios?dynamic in Noninterop Scenarios?
nonpostback events, Postback versus nonpostback events
not equal to (!=) operator, if Statements
NotePosted method, Calling the client from the server
null character, Escaping Special Characters, All Sorts of “Empty” Strings
null keyword, Value Types and Reference Types
numbering from zero, Flow Control with Selection Statements
numbering items, Numbering items
numeric format, Numeric
Nygaard, Kristen, Abstracting Ideas with Objects and Classes


object context, Generated Code, Object Context, Context and Entity Lifetime
object-oriented programming, Abstracting Ideas with Objects and Classes
objects, Abstracting Ideas with Objects and Classes, Object InitializersObject Initializers, Xaml and ObjectsXaml and Objects
defined, Abstracting Ideas with Objects and Classes
initializers, Object InitializersObject Initializers
and Xaml, Xaml and ObjectsXaml and Objects
Office, Microsoft, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, Dynamic, The Dynamic Style and COM Automation, Interop Assemblies
one-to-many relationships, Multiplicity
one-to-one relationships, Multiplicity
OnGetHostEntryComplete method, The Asynchronous Programming Model
OnProcessing/OnProcessed methods, Notifying Clients with Events
Open method, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, COM objects
OpenRead/OpenWrite methods, Reading, Writing, and Locking Files, Stream-based uploads and downloads
optimistic concurrency, Optimistic ConcurrencyOptimistic Concurrency
order of evaluation, Expressions and Statements
OrderBy method, Ordering
ordering, OrderingOrdering
Organize Usings item, Namespaces and Types
orthotopes, Rectangular arrays
out keyword, Collections and Polymorphism
output, The .NET Framework Class Library, Formatting Data for OutputRound trip
formatting, Formatting Data for OutputRound trip
to console, The .NET Framework Class Library
overexpression of concurrency, Fine-grained concurrency
overloading, OverloadingOverloaded Methods and Default Named Parameters, The Last Resort: Checking Types at Runtime
overriding, Replacing Methods with virtual and override, Requiring Overrides with abstractRequiring Overrides with abstract


P/Invoke, P/InvokeP/Invoke
Page_Load method, Adding Controls and Events
Parallel class, Parallel For and ForEachPLINQ: Parallel LINQ
parallel execution, Threads and Asynchronous Code
Parallel LINQ, PLINQ: Parallel LINQ
parameter list, Namespaces and Types
parameters, avoiding SQL attacks with, IDataReader and friends
params keyword, Array arguments and the params keyword
parent-child relationships, Parent-child relationships
parental element, Elements
partial keyword, Generated Code
partial-trust scenarios, Pointers
Pascal casing, Representing State with Properties, Functional Composition with delegate
Path class/methods, Manipulating File Paths, Concatenating Path Elements Safely
patterns, Object Initializers
peer-to-peer networking, Other Networking Features
percent format, Percent
permissions, Creating and Securing Directory HierarchiesCreating and Securing Directory Hierarchies, Creating and Securing Directory HierarchiesFinding and Modifying Permissions, Setting Permissions During Construction
PIAs (primary interop assemblies), C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, Interop Assemblies
pinging, Other Networking Features
pinning, Pointers
“pit of success,” designing for the, Fields Can Be Fickle, but const Is Forever
Platt, David, Adding Controls and Events
PLINQ (Parallel LINQ), PLINQ: Parallel LINQ
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object), Generated Code
pointers, PointersPointers
polymorphism, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Collections and PolymorphismCollections and Polymorphism
(see also extensibility and polymorphism)
popping, Methods
port numbers, IP, IPv6, and TCP
post conditions, Exceptions
Post method, Thread Affinity and Context
postback events, Postback versus nonpostback events
PostNote method, Proxy
precedence, Expressions and Statements
preconditions, Exceptions
predicate, defined, Generic Actions with Action<T>
Predicate<T>, Generic Predicates with Predicate<T>Generic Predicates with Predicate<T>
primary interop assemblies (PIAs), C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, Interop Assemblies
printable characters, Encoding Characters
private protection level, Protection LevelsInitializing with a Constructor
procedural coding, Namespaces and Types
Process method, Notifying Clients with Events
Program.cs, Getting Started
Programming ASP.NET 3.5 (Liberty, Maharry, and Hurwitz), Programming ASP.NET Applications
Programming WCF Services (Lowy), WCF Test Client and Host
programming, basic techniques, Getting StartedGetting Started, Namespaces and TypesNamespaces and Types, Projects and SolutionsProjects and Solutions, Comments, Regions, and ReadabilityXML Documentation Comments, VariablesDecimal floating point, Expressions and StatementsIncrement and Decrement Operators, Flow Control with Selection StatementsBreaking Out of a Loop, MethodsMethods
comments, regions, and readability, Comments, Regions, and ReadabilityXML Documentation Comments
expressions and statements, Expressions and StatementsIncrement and Decrement Operators
flow control with selection statements, Flow Control with Selection StatementsBreaking Out of a Loop
getting started, Getting StartedGetting Started
methods, MethodsMethods
namespaces and types, Namespaces and TypesNamespaces and Types
projects and solutions, Projects and SolutionsProjects and Solutions
variables, VariablesDecimal floating point
project, Getting Started, Projects and Solutions, XML Documentation Comments
creating in Visual Studio, XML Documentation Comments
defined, Getting Started, Projects and Solutions
projections, ProjectionsNumbering items
properties, Representing State with PropertiesInitializing with a Constructor, Delegates in PropertiesDelegates in Properties
Properties panel (Solution Explorer), Iteration Statements
property elements, Layout Panels
protected internal modifier, Inheritance and ProtectionInheritance and Protection
protected modifier, Inheritance and ProtectionInheritance and Protection
protection levels, Protection LevelsProtection Levels, ProtectionInternal protection
Proust, Marcel, Pointers
proxies, ProxyProxy, Working with proxies
public protection level, Protection Levels
Pulse/PulseAll methods, Notification
pushing, Methods


race conditions, Race conditionsRace conditions
RAD (Rapid Application Development), Web Forms Fundamentals
radio buttons, Adding Controls, Data BindingAdding Controls and Events
RaisePostDataChangedEvent method, Web Forms Life Cycle
raising events, Notifying Clients with Events
random numbers, Deleting Files, Streams That Aren’t Files
range checking, When and How to Fail
range variables, Query Expressions
Rapid Application Development, Web Forms Fundamentals
Read method, Streams, Writing Data with Streams, Pointers
read-only fields and properties, Read-only Fields and PropertiesRead-only Fields and Properties, Static Constructors
ReadAll methods, Iteration Statements, Reading Files into Memory, Myth: Threads are necessary to get work done
reader/writer locks, Reader/writer locks
ReadLines method, Reading Files into Memory, Static Versus Dynamic
ReadNumbersFromFile method, Methods
ReadToEnd method, Connecting to Services with the Socket Class
rectangular arrays, Rectangular arraysRectangular arrays
ref object, Optional ref
refactoring, Methods
reference types, Value Types and Reference Types, Custom Types in Arrays, Custom Types in Arrays
reference versus value, Value Types and Reference Types
References item, Projects and Solutions
references, assembly, ReferencesReferences
reflection, ReflectionLate Binding
Refresh method, Optimistic Concurrency
regions and readability, Comments, Regions, and ReadabilityXML Documentation Comments
Register method, Cancellation
Remove Unused Usings item, Namespaces and Types
Remove/RemoveAt method, List<T>
RemoveAt method, Monitor
repaginating, Composability and Extensibility with Delegates (see extensibility with delegates)
Replace methods, Finding and Replacing Content, Static Versus Dynamic
replacing methods, Replacing Methods with virtual and overrideReplacing Methods with virtual and override
responsiveness, Threads and Asynchronous Code
REST (Representational State Transfer), Web Application with Client-Side Code
RESTful Web Services (Ruby and Richardson), Web Application with Client-Side Code
rethrowing an exception, Handling Exceptions
return keyword, Methods
return values, Returning Error ValuesDebugging with Return Values
Richardson, Leonard, Web Application with Client-Side Code
Right method, Getting a Range of Characters
root element, Elements
round-trip format, Round trip
Ruby, Sam, Web Application with Client-Side Code
runnable threads, Threads and the OS Scheduler
runtime, The Last Resort: Checking Types at Runtime


Sandcastle, Microsoft, XML Documentation Comments
SaveChanges method, Creating, Updating, and Deleting
schedulers, Threads and the OS Scheduler, Schedulers
Schneier, Bruce, Streams That Aren’t Files
sealing classes, Thus Far and No Farther: sealed
search axes, Search Axes
Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World (Schneier), Streams That Aren’t Files
security issues, Managed Code, Protection Levels, Fields: A Place to Put Data, Inheritance and Protection, Creating and Securing Directory HierarchiesCreating and Securing Directory Hierarchies, When Files Go Bad: Dealing with ExceptionsFinding and Modifying Permissions, Isolated Storage, Managing Isolated Storage, Streams That Aren’t FilesRepresenting Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding, WCF Contracts, WCF configuration, WCF configuration, Bidirectional Communication with Duplex Contracts, Authentication, WCF Data Services, Entity SQL, WCF Data Services, Pointers, Examining the Code
access control lists, WCF configuration
accessibility modifiers, Protection Levels, Inheritance and Protection
authentication, Authentication
directory hierarchies, Creating and Securing Directory HierarchiesCreating and Securing Directory Hierarchies
dynamic queries, Entity SQL
encryption, Streams That Aren’t FilesRepresenting Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding
exceptions, When Files Go Bad: Dealing with ExceptionsFinding and Modifying Permissions
fields initialization, Fields: A Place to Put Data
firewalls, Bidirectional Communication with Duplex Contracts
.NET security model, Managed Code, Isolated Storage, Managing Isolated Storage, Examining the Code
Silverlight, Pointers
stack traces, WCF configuration
WCF contracts, WCF Contracts
WCF data services, WCF Data Services, WCF Data Services
Seek method, Moving Around in a Stream
select clause, Query Expressions
Select method, Query Expressions Versus Method Calls, Projections
selection statements, flow control with, Flow Control with Selection StatementsBreaking Out of a Loop
SelectKeyAndIV method, Streams That Aren’t Files
SelectMany method, Using multiple sources
semicolon (;) end statement, Projects and Solutions
separated presentation, Data Templates
serialization, Custom Exceptions, XML SerializationCustomizing XML Serialization Using Attributes
server configuration, Server configuration for duplex and sessions
server-side controls, Web Forms Life Cycle, Adding Controls, Server Controls
service contract, WCF Contracts
session-based communication, Session-based communication
set accessor, Representing State with Properties, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types
set-based operations, Set Operations
SetAccessControl method, Finding and Modifying Permissions
shapes, ShapesShapes
sharing contracts, Sharing contracts
side effects, Creating Delegates with Lambda Expressions
signed assemblies, Isolation by user and assembly
signed integer types, Integers
Silverlight, Microsoft, Web Application with Client-Side CodeWeb Application with Client-Side Code, WCF configuration, Downloading resources, Using cookies, Silverlight and Data Access, WCF Data Services, References, Loading from a Silverlight .xap File, Silverlight script objects, Pointers, WPF and Silverlight, Xaml and Code BehindXaml and Objects, Graphical Elements3D graphics
(see also WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and Silverlight)
and assembly references, References
and cookies, Using cookies
and Data Access, Silverlight and Data Access
and graphical elements, Graphical Elements3D graphics
loading from, Loading from a Silverlight .xap File
and partial trust, Pointers
script objects, Silverlight script objects
and WCF, Web Application with Client-Side CodeWeb Application with Client-Side Code, WCF configuration, Downloading resources, WCF Data Services, Xaml and Code BehindXaml and Objects
Simula 67, Abstracting Ideas with Objects and Classes
Skip operator, Getting Selective
SMT (simultaneous multithreading), Threads and the OS Scheduler
SMTP relays, Other Networking Features
sockets, Sockets, Connecting to Services with the Socket ClassImplementing Services with the Socket Class
Solution Explorer, Projects and Solutions
solutions, Projects and Solutions
SortedSet<T>, HashSet and SortedSet
sorting arrays, Ordering elements, Finding and Sorting
source code, Projects and Solutions
sparse arrays, Sparse arrays
special folders, Well-Known FoldersWell-Known Folders
special permissions, Creating and Securing Directory Hierarchies
speculation, Threads and Asynchronous Code
spellchecking, Composability and Extensibility with Delegates (see extensibility with delegates)
SpinLock, SpinLock
Split method, Splitting It Up Again
splitting strings, Splitting It Up Again
SQL injection attacks, IDataReader and friends, Entity SQL
SQL Profiler, LINQ to Entities
SQL Server 2008 Express, Databases
stacks, Methods, Value Types and Reference Types, Debugging with Return Values, Stacks, The StackThe Stack
standard numeric format strings, Standard Numeric Format StringsRound trip
Start method, The Stack, Notification
StartNew method, Tasks, Tasks with results
state sharing, The StackThe Stack
state, view, View state
statement-form lambda, Creating Delegates with Lambda Expressions, Generic Delegates for Functions
statements, Expressions and Statements
static fields/properties, Namespaces and Types, Declaring Static MethodsStatic Constructors, Internal protection, Static Versus Dynamic
static keyword, Defining Methods
static versus dynamic, Static Versus DynamicThe dynamic Type
Step Into item, foreach Statements
storage management for events, Exposing Large Numbers of EventsExposing Large Numbers of Events
store schemas, The Entity Data Model
stores, Stores
Stream buffering, Stream Buffers
streams, StreamsWriting Data with Streams, Streams That Aren’t FilesRepresenting Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding, Stream-based uploads and downloads
StreamWriter/Reader, Writing Text with a StreamWriterWriting Text with a StreamWriter, Reading and Writing Text
StringBuilder, Mutable Strings with StringBuilderMutable Strings with StringBuilder
strings, if Statements, StringsWhat Is a String?, The String and Char Types, Literal Strings and CharsEscaping Special Characters, Formatting Data for Output, Standard Numeric Format StringsRound trip, Custom Numeric Format StringsCustom Numeric Format Strings, Dates and TimesDates and Times, Going the Other Way: Converting Strings to Other Types, Composite Formatting with String.Format, Culture SensitivityCulture Sensitivity, Exploring Formatting Rules, Accessing Characters by Index, Strings Are Immutable, Getting a Range of CharactersGetting a Range of Characters, Composing StringsUpper- and Lowercase, Manipulating TextMutable Strings with StringBuilder, Finding and Replacing Content, All Sorts of “Empty” StringsAll Sorts of “Empty” Strings, All Sorts of “Empty” Strings, Trimming WhitespaceTrimming Whitespace, Checking Character Types, Encoding CharactersWhy Represent Strings As Byte Sequences?
accessing characters by index, Accessing Characters by Index
checking character types, Checking Character Types
comparing, if Statements, All Sorts of “Empty” Strings
composing, Composing StringsUpper- and Lowercase
composite formatting with String.Format, Composite Formatting with String.Format
converting to other types, Going the Other Way: Converting Strings to Other Types
culture sensitivity, Culture SensitivityCulture Sensitivity
custom numeric format, Custom Numeric Format StringsCustom Numeric Format Strings
dates and times, Dates and TimesDates and Times
empty, All Sorts of “Empty” StringsAll Sorts of “Empty” Strings
encoding, Encoding CharactersWhy Represent Strings As Byte Sequences?
exploring formatting rules, Exploring Formatting Rules
finding and replacing content, Finding and Replacing Content
formatting data for output, Formatting Data for Output
getting a range of characters, Getting a Range of CharactersGetting a Range of Characters
immutability of, Strings Are Immutable
literal strings and chars, Literal Strings and CharsEscaping Special Characters
manipulating text with, Manipulating TextMutable Strings with StringBuilder
overview, StringsWhat Is a String?
standard numeric format, Standard Numeric Format StringsRound trip
string and char types, The String and Char Types
trimming whitespace, Trimming WhitespaceTrimming Whitespace
strongly named assemblies, Signing and Strong Names
strongly typed DataSet, ADO.NET data sets
struct keyword, Value Types and Reference Types
styles, StylesStyles
subscribing to events, Notifying Clients with Events, Notifying Clients with Events
Substring method, Getting a Range of Characters
subtraction (-) operator, Expressions and Statements
Sum method, Ordinary .NET objects
surface area, minimizing, Protection Levels
Swann’s Way (Proust), Pointers
switch and case statements, switch and case Statements
symmetric algorithm, Streams That Aren’t Files
synchronization primitives, Synchronization PrimitivesMonitor, Synchronization PrimitivesMonitor, NotificationNotification
monitors, Synchronization PrimitivesMonitor
notification, NotificationNotification
overview, Synchronization PrimitivesMonitor
System namespace types, Namespaces and Types
System.Double type, Dealing with Errors


Take method, BlockingCollection
Take operator, Getting Selective
target, attribute, Attributes
Task Parallel Library, The Task Parallel LibraryTasks and the Asynchronous Programming Model
tasks, The Task Parallel LibraryTasks and the Asynchronous Programming Model
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), IP, IPv6, and TCPImplementing Services with the Socket Class
templates, Control TemplatesData Templates
temporary files, Creating Temporary Files
ternary operator, if...else
ternary relationships, Multiplicity
test command-line switch, Examining File Information
test directories, Well-Known Folders
Test method, dynamic in Noninterop Scenarios?
text, What Is a String?, What Is a String?, Culture SensitivityCulture Sensitivity, Manipulating Text, All Sorts of “Empty” StringsTrimming Whitespace, Encoding CharactersWhy Represent Strings As Byte Sequences?, Writing Text FilesWriting Text with a StreamWriter, Reading and Writing Text, Streams That Aren’t FilesRepresenting Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding, Thread Affinity and Context, Xaml and Code Behind, Data Binding, Controls, Data BindingEvent Handling
and culture sensitivity, Culture SensitivityCulture Sensitivity
encoding/decoding, Encoding CharactersWhy Represent Strings As Byte Sequences?
encryption, Streams That Aren’t FilesRepresenting Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding
fonts, What Is a String?
manipulating, Manipulating Text
reading and writing, Reading and Writing Text
strings, What Is a String?
and text boxes, Thread Affinity and Context, Data Binding, Controls, Data BindingEvent Handling
and TextBlock, Xaml and Code Behind
whitespace in, All Sorts of “Empty” StringsTrimming Whitespace
writing files, Writing Text FilesWriting Text with a StreamWriter
TextWriter, Writing Text with a StreamWriter
this keyword, Value Types and Reference Types, Defining Methods, Custom Indexers, Extension Methods and LINQ
thread pools, The Thread Pool
threads, ThreadsThreads, Threads and the OS SchedulerThreads and the OS Scheduler, The StackThe Stack, Thread Affinity and Context, Common Thread MisconceptionsMyth: Maxing the CPU must mean we’re going really fast, Multithreaded Coding Is HardSynchronization, Synchronization Primitives, Monitor, Asynchronous Programming
(see also asynchronous programming)
(see also synchronization primitives)
affinity and context, Thread Affinity and Context
multithreaded coding, Multithreaded Coding Is HardSynchronization
myths regarding, Common Thread MisconceptionsMyth: Maxing the CPU must mean we’re going really fast
and OS Scheduler, Threads and the OS SchedulerThreads and the OS Scheduler
overview, ThreadsThreads
safety and, Monitor
and stack, The StackThe Stack
throw keyword, Handling Exceptions
Thumbnail property, Data Templates
tightly controlled deployment, Tightly controlled deployment
ToArray method, Methods, Finding and Sorting, Representing Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding
ToBuffer method, Representing Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding
ToLowerInvariant/ToUpperInvariant, Upper- and Lowercase
ToString method, Formatting Data for Output, Dates and Times
TPL (Task Parallel Library), The Task Parallel LibraryTasks and the Asynchronous Programming Model
transactions, database, TransactionsTransactions
transforms, Transforms
Transmission Control Protocol, IP, IPv6, and TCPImplementing Services with the Socket Class
triggers, Animation
trimming whitespace, Trimming WhitespaceTrimming Whitespace
try blocks, Handling ExceptionsWhen Do finally Blocks Run?
TryGetValue method, Caching, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
TryParse methods, Going the Other Way: Converting Strings to Other Types
turtle robotics example, Dealing with ErrorsDealing with Errors, When and How to FailWhen and How to Fail, Returning Error ValuesDebugging with Return Values, Debugging with Return Values, ExceptionsHandling Exceptions, Handling ExceptionsWhen Do finally Blocks Run?, Deciding What to CatchDeciding What to Catch, Custom ExceptionsCustom Exceptions
custom exceptions, Custom ExceptionsCustom Exceptions
debugging with return values, Debugging with Return Values
deciding what errors to catch, Deciding What to CatchDeciding What to Catch
exceptions, ExceptionsHandling Exceptions
setting return values, Returning Error ValuesDebugging with Return Values
setup, Dealing with ErrorsDealing with Errors
try, catch, finally blocks, Handling ExceptionsWhen Do finally Blocks Run?
when and how to fail, When and How to FailWhen and How to Fail
types, Namespaces and TypesNamespaces and Types, Variable TypesMethods, Variable Types, Expressions and Statements, if Statements, List<T>, Type DiscoveryType Discovery, No PIA
bool, if Statements
and discovery, Type DiscoveryType Discovery
and equivalence, No PIA
implicit conversion of, Expressions and Statements
namespace, Namespaces and TypesNamespaces and Types
numeric, Variable Types
and parameters, List<T>
variable, Variable TypesMethods


UI (user interface), Web Forms Fundamentals, Adding Controls and Events
UML 2.0, Association Through Composition and Aggregation
unboxing, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types
“unexpected” errors, Dealing with Errors
unhandled exceptions, Exceptions
Unicode, Encoding Characters, Encoding and Decoding
Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0, Association Through Composition and Aggregation
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), Downloading resources
Uniform Resource Locators, Downloading resources (see URLs)
universal quantifier, Testing the Whole Collection
universal sortable form, Dates and Times
unsafe keyword, Pointers, Pointers
unsigned integer types, Integers
UpdatePosition method, Defining Methods
UpdateUi method, Schedulers
uploading methods, Uploading resources
uppercase letters, Upper- and Lowercase
Uri class, Downloading resources
URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), Downloading resources
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), Getting Started, Namespaces and Types, XML Documentation Comments, Expressions and Statements, Breaking Out of a Loop, Representing State with Properties, Value Types and Reference Types, Exceptions, Exceptions, Upper- and Lowercase, When Files Go Bad: Dealing with Exceptions, WCF Test Client and Host, WCF configuration, Downloading resources, IP, IPv6, and TCP, Non-Microsoft Data Access Technologies, Signing and Strong Names, Explicit Loading, Unloading, Pointers, Layout Panels, Examining the Code
appdomains, Unloading
Daytime Protocol, IP, IPv6, and TCP
defined, Downloading resources
Dijkstra letter on go-to statements, Breaking Out of a Loop
Exception class, Exceptions
MEF, Explicit Loading
misleading MSDN documentation on structs, Value Types and Reference Types
MSDN on culture-sensitive string operations, Upper- and Lowercase
MSDN on long paths, When Files Go Bad: Dealing with Exceptions
naming/capitalization conventions, Representing State with Properties
.NET Framework class library namespaces, Namespaces and Types
NHibernate, Non-Microsoft Data Access Technologies
precedence in expression evaluation, Expressions and Statements
Project Gutenberg, Pointers
Sandcastle documentation tool, XML Documentation Comments
secure coding in .NET, Examining the Code
Silverlight Toolkit, Layout Panels
Spec#, Exceptions
strong names, Signing and Strong Names
Visual Studio Express (free edition), Getting Started
Visual Studio logging privileges, WCF configuration
Wireshark, WCF Test Client and Host
UseItem method, Monitor, Notification
user controls, User Controls
user interface (UI), Web Forms Fundamentals
user state, Asynchronous File Operations
user storage, Managing User Storage with Quotas
UseStream method, Reading and Writing Text
using directives, Getting Started
UTF-8, UTF-16, Encoding CharactersEncoding and Decoding, Writing Text with a StreamWriter, Representing Binary As Text with Base64 Encoding
utility features, .NET Framework, The .NET Framework Class Library


VALUE keyword, Entity SQL
value types, Value Types and Reference Types, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Custom Types in Arrays
value versus reference, Value Types and Reference Types
var keyword, Query Expressions, Anonymous types, Dictionaries, The dynamic Type
variables, VariablesDecimal floating point
variance, Collections and Polymorphism
VB.NET, Language Style
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), The Dynamic Style and COM Automation
Vertical Stack panel, Layout PanelsLayout Panels
view models, Data Templates
virtual methods, Replacing Methods with virtual and overrideReplacing Methods with virtual and override, Thus Far and No Farther: sealed
visibility and accessibility modifiers, Protection Levels
visual state manager, The Visual State Manager
Visual Studio, Microsoft, Language Style, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010, Getting Started, Getting Started, Projects and Solutions, Implementing Services with the Socket Class, Generated Code, References, Writing LibrariesWriting Libraries, Xaml and Code Behind
2010, Language Style, C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010C# 4.0, .NET 4, and Visual Studio 2010
free Express version, Getting Started
generated code in, Generated Code
handling of libraries, Projects and Solutions, Writing LibrariesWriting Libraries
New Project dialog box, Getting Started
and references, References
running client and server copies, Implementing Services with the Socket Class
and Xaml, Xaml and Code Behind
void keyword, Namespaces and Types


Wait method, Notification, Tasks
WaitAll method, Tasks
WaitUntilReady method, Notification
WCF (Windows Communication Foundation), The .NET Framework Class Library, Dynamic properties, WCF, Creating a WCF Project, WCF ContractsWCF Contracts, WCF Test Client and HostWCF Test Client and Host, Hosting a WCF ServiceWCF configuration, Writing a WCF ClientProxy, WCF Data Services, WCF Data Services, WCF Data ServicesWCF Data Services
contracts, WCF ContractsWCF Contracts
creating a project, Creating a WCF Project
Data Services, WCF Data Services, WCF Data ServicesWCF Data Services
and Entity Framework, WCF Data Services
hosting a service, Hosting a WCF ServiceWCF configuration
Test Client and Host, WCF Test Client and HostWCF Test Client and Host
writing a client program, Writing a WCF ClientProxy
and XML, WCF
weakly controlled deployment, Weakly controlled deployment
web application projects, Creating a Web Application
Web Forms and ASP.NET, Web Forms Fundamentals, Web Forms Events, Web Forms Life Cycle, Creating a Web Application, Code-Behind Files, Adding ControlsServer Controls, Data BindingData Binding, Examining the CodeExamining the Code, Adding Controls and EventsAdding Controls and Events
adding controls and events, Adding Controls and EventsAdding Controls and Events
adding controls to, Adding ControlsServer Controls
code-behind files, Code-Behind Files
creating a web application, Creating a Web Application
data binding, Data BindingData Binding
events, Web Forms Events
examining the code, Examining the CodeExamining the Code
life cycle, Web Forms Life Cycle
overview, Web Forms Fundamentals
WebClient, WebClientStream-based uploads and downloads
WebRequest and WebResponse, WebRequest and WebResponseUsing cookies
website projects, Creating a Web Application
well-known folders, Well-Known FoldersWell-Known Folders
where clauses, Delegates and Lambdas, Where Clauses
Where method, Query Expressions Versus Method Calls, dynamic in Noninterop Scenarios?
while and do statements, while and do Statementswhile and do Statements
whitespace, Projects and Solutions, Representing State with Properties, All Sorts of “Empty” StringsTrimming Whitespace
in C# code, Projects and Solutions, Representing State with Properties
in text output, All Sorts of “Empty” StringsTrimming Whitespace
Why Software Sucks (Platt), Adding Controls and Events
Windows Communication Foundation, WCF (see WCF)
Windows Forms, Importing a Control in .NETImporting a Control in .NET, Windows Forms, Creating the Application, Adding a Binding SourceAdding a Binding Source, ControlsControls, Docking and AnchoringDocking and Anchoring, Data BindingEvent Handling, Event Handling
and ActiveX, Importing a Control in .NETImporting a Control in .NET
adding a binding source, Adding a Binding SourceAdding a Binding Source
controls, ControlsControls
creating the application, Creating the Application
data binding, Data BindingEvent Handling
docking and anchoring, Docking and AnchoringDocking and Anchoring
event handling, Event Handling
versus WPF, Windows Forms
Windows, .NET and, Continuity and the Windows Ecosystem
word wrapping, Layout Panels
WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and Silverlight, The .NET Framework Class Library, WPF and SilverlightWPF and Silverlight, Xaml and Code BehindXaml and Objects, Elements and Controls, Elements and Controls, Layout PanelsTransforms, Transforms, ControlsUser Controls, Control TemplatesStyles, The Visual State Manager, Data BindingData Binding, Data TemplatesData Templates, Windows Forms
control templates, Control TemplatesStyles
controls, Elements and Controls, ControlsUser Controls
data binding, Data BindingData Binding
data templates, Data TemplatesData Templates
elements, Elements and Controls
layout panels, Layout PanelsTransforms
overview, WPF and SilverlightWPF and Silverlight
transforms, Transforms
versus Windows Forms, Windows Forms
visual state manager, The Visual State Manager
and Xaml, Xaml and Code BehindXaml and Objects
WrapPanel, Layout Panels
wrappers, .NET Framework, The .NET Framework Class Library
Write method, Writing Data with Streams, Pointers
“write-only code”, Comments, Regions, and Readability
WriteAllText methods, Writing Text with a StreamWriter, Writing Text with a StreamWriter
WriteLine method, Namespaces and Types, Expressions and Statements, Reading and Writing Text, Implementing Services with the Socket Class
writing data with streams, Writing Data with Streams
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