Chapter 7. Arrays and Lists

Most programs have to deal with multiple pieces of information. Payroll systems need to calculate the salary of every employee in a company; a space battle game has to track the position of all the ships and missiles; a social networking website needs to be able to show all of the user’s acquaintances. Dealing with large numbers of items is a task at which computers excel, so it’s no surprise that C# has a range of features dedicated to working with collections of information.

Sets of information crop up so often that we’ve already seen some of what C# has to offer here. So we’ll start with a more detailed look at the collection-based features we’ve already seen, and in the next chapter we’ll look at the powerful LINQ (Language Integrated Query) feature that C# offers for finding and processing information in potentially large sets of information.


The ability to work with collections is so important that the .NET Framework’s type system has a feature just for this purpose: the array. This is a special kind of object that can hold multiple items, without needing to declare a field for each individual item. Example 7-1 creates an array of strings, with one entry for each event coming up in one of the authors’ calendars over the next few days. You may notice a theme here (although one misfit appears to be a refugee from an earlier chapter’s theme, but that’s just how the author’s weekend panned out; real data is never tidy).

Example 7-1. An array of strings

string[] eventNames =
    "Swing Dancing at the South Bank",
    "Saturday Night Swing",
    "Formula 1 German Grand Prix",
    "Swing Dance Picnic",
    "Stompin' at the 100 Club"

Look at the variable declaration on the first line. The square brackets after string indicate that eventNames is not just a single string; it’s an array of string values. These square brackets tie in with the syntax for accessing individual elements in the array. Example 7-2 prints the first and fifth items in the array. (So this will print out the text “Swing Dancing at the South Bank”, followed by “Stompin’ at the 100 Club”.)

Example 7-2. Using elements in an array


The number inside the square brackets is called the index, and as you can see, C# starts counting array elements from zero. As you may recall from Chapter 2, the index says how far into the array we’d like C# to look—to access the very first element, we don’t have to go any distance into the array at all, so its index is 0. Likewise, an index of 4 jumps past the first four items to arrive at the fifth.

To modify an array element you just put the same syntax on the lefthand side of an assignment. For example, noticing that I got one of the event names slightly wrong, I can update it, like so:

eventNames[1] = "Saturday Night Swing Club";

While you can change any element of an array like this, the number of elements is fixed for the lifetime of the array. (As we’ll see later, this limitation is less drastic than it first sounds.)


If you try to use too high an index or a negative index when accessing an array element, the code will throw an IndexOutOfRangeException. Since elements are numbered from zero, the highest acceptable index is one less than the number of elements. For example, eventNames[4] is the last item in our five-item array, so trying to read or write eventNames[5] would throw an exception.

The .NET Framework supports arrays whose first element is numbered from something other than zero. This is to support languages such as Visual Basic that have historically offered such a construct. However, you cannot use such arrays with the C# index syntax shown here—you would need to use the Array class’s GetValue and SetValue helper methods to use such an array.

Since the size of an array is fixed at the moment it is constructed, let’s look at the construction process in more detail.

Construction and Initialization

There are two ways you can create a new array in C#. Example 7-1 showed the most straightforward approach—the array variable declaration was followed by a list of the array’s contents enclosed in braces, which is called an initializer list. But this requires you to know exactly what you want in the array when you write the code. You will often work with information that your program discovers at runtime, perhaps from a database or a web service. So C# offers an alternative mechanism that lets you choose the array’s size at runtime.

For example, suppose I decide I’d like to display the events in my calendar as a numbered list. I already have an array of event names, but I’d like to build a new string array that adds a number to the event text. Example 7-3 shows how to do this.

Example 7-3. Creating an array dynamically

static string[] AddNumbers(string[] names)
    string[] numberedNames = new string[names.Length];
    for (int i = 0; i < names.Length ; ++i)
        numberedNames[i] = string.Format("{0}: {1}", i, names[i]);
    return numberedNames;

This AddNumbers method doesn’t know up front what will be in the array it creates—it’s building a modified copy of an existing array. So instead of creating a fixed list of items, it uses this syntax: new ElementType[arrayLength]. This specifies the two things that are fixed when you create a new array: the type and number of elements.

When you create an array with this minimal syntax, the elements all start out with their default values. With the string type used here, the default is null; an array of numbers created this way would contain all zeros. So Example 7-3 immediately goes on to populate the newly created array with some useful values. In fact, that’s also what happened in Example 7-1—when you provide an array with a list of initial contents, the C# compiler turns it into the sort of code shown in Example 7-4.

Example 7-4. How initializer lists work

string[] eventNames = new string[5];
eventNames[0] = "Swing Dancing at the South Bank";
eventNames[1] = "Saturday Night Swing";
eventNames[2] = "Formula 1 German Grand Prix";
eventNames[3] = "Swing Dance Picnic";
eventNames[4] = "Stompin' at the 100 Club";

The array initialization syntax in Example 7-1 is really just convenient shorthand—the .NET Framework itself always expects to be told the number and type of elements, so it’s just a matter of whether the C# compiler works out the element count for you.

The Example 7-1 shorthand works only at the point at which you declare a variable. If your program decides to put a new array into an existing variable, you’ll find that the syntax no longer works (see Example 7-5).

Example 7-5. Where array initializers fail

// Won't compile!
eventNames =
    "Dean Collins Shim Sham Lesson",
    "Intermediate Lindy Hop Lesson",
    "Wild Times - Social Dancing at Wild Court"

The reasons for this are somewhat arcane. In general, C# cannot always work out what element type you need for an array, because it may have more than one choice. For example, a list of strings doesn’t necessarily have to live in an array of type string[]. An array of type object[] is equally capable of holding the same data. And as we’ll see later, initializer lists don’t necessarily have to initialize arrays—this list of strings could initialize a List<string>, for example.

As it happens, only one of those choices would work in Example 7-5—we’re assigning into the eventNames variable, which is of type string[], so you’d think the compiler would know what we want. But since there are some situations which really are ambiguous, Microsoft decided to require you to specify the element type everywhere except for the one special case of initializing a newly declared array variable.

The upshot is not so bad—if you specify the element type, you still get to use the initializer list syntax and have C# count the elements for you. Example 7-6 modifies Example 7-5 by explicitly stating the type of array we’d like before providing its contents. By the way, we could also have added this explicit array type in Example 7-1—it would have worked, it’s just more verbose than necessary in that particular case.

Example 7-6. Combining an explicit element type with an initializer list

// Will compile!
eventNames = new string[]
    "Dean Collins Shim Sham Lesson",
    "Intermediate Lindy Hop Lesson",
    "Wild Times - Social Dancing at Wild Court"

This syntax works anywhere you need an array-typed expression. For example, we could use this to pass in an array to the AddNumbers method in Example 7-3, as shown in Example 7-7.

Example 7-7. Inline array initializer

string[] result = AddNumbers(new string[] { "The Jazz Devil", "Jitterbugs" });

This inline array technique can occasionally be useful if you need to call a method that demands to be passed an array, and you happen not to have one handy. The String class’s Split method illustrates an interesting twist on this.

Array arguments and the params keyword

The String.Split method breaks a string into multiple strings based on separator characters. You tell it which characters to treat as separators by passing a char array. Example 7-8 splits on spaces, commas, and periods.

Example 7-8. Array arguments in the class library

string[] items = inputString.Split(
    new char[] { ' ', ',', '.' },

If inputString contained "One,Two Three, Four. Five.", this would put a five-element array into items containing the strings "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", and "Five".

Example 7-8 asks Split to ignore empty items so that when we get both a period and a space in succession we don’t get an empty string in the results to represent the fact that there were two separators. If you don’t need to skip such things, there’s a simpler overload of Split that illustrates yet another way to initialize an array:

string[] items = inputString.Split(' ', ',', '.'),

It looks like we’ve passed three char arguments to this method. But there’s no such overload of Split—this ends up calling an overload that looks like this:

public string[] Split(params char[] separator) ...

That params keyword is significant. When an argument is marked with this keyword, C# lets you use syntax that makes it look like a series of individual arguments, and it will create an array from these for you. (You’re free to provide the array explicitly if you prefer.) The params keyword can be used on only the very last argument of a method, to avoid potential ambiguity about which values go into arrays and which become arguments in their own right. That’s why Example 7-8 had to create the array explicitly.

The examples so far contain nothing but strings. This is a poor way to represent events in a calendar—it would be useful to know when each event occurs. We could add a second array of type DateTimeOffset[] whose elements correspond to the event names in the original array. But spreading related data across multiple arrays can make code awkward to write and hard to maintain. Fortunately, there’s a better way.

Custom Types in Arrays

You can create an array using any type for the element type—you’re not limited to types provided by the .NET Framework class library. You can use a class defined in the way shown in Chapter 3, such as the calendar event type in Example 7-9.

Example 7-9. Custom class to represent events in a calendar

class CalendarEvent
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset StartTime { get; set; }
    public TimeSpan Duration { get; set; }

This class holds the event’s title, start time, and duration in a single object. We can create an array of these objects, as shown in Example 7-10.

Example 7-10. Creating an array with a custom element type

CalendarEvent[] events =
    new CalendarEvent
        Title = "Swing Dancing at the South Bank",
        StartTime = new DateTimeOffset (2009, 7, 11, 15, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(4)
    new CalendarEvent
        Title = "Saturday Night Swing",
        StartTime = new DateTimeOffset (2009, 7, 11, 19, 30, 00, TimeSpan.Zero),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(6.5)
    new CalendarEvent
        Title = "Formula 1 German Grand Prix",
        StartTime = new DateTimeOffset (2009, 7, 12, 12, 10, 00, TimeSpan.Zero),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(3)
    new CalendarEvent
        Title = "Swing Dance Picnic",
        StartTime = new DateTimeOffset (2009, 7, 12, 15, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(4)
    new CalendarEvent
        Title = "Stompin' at the 100 Club",
        StartTime = new DateTimeOffset (2009, 7, 13, 19, 45, 00, TimeSpan.Zero),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(5)

Notice that Example 7-10 uses the new keyword to initialize each object. This highlights an important point about arrays: individual array elements are similar to variables of the same type. Recall from Chapter 3 that a custom type defined with the class keyword, such as the CalendarEvent type in Example 7-9, is a reference type. This means that when you declare a variable of that type, the variable does not represent a particular object—it’s a storage location that can refer to an object. And the same is true of each element in an array if the element type is a reference type. Figure 7-1 shows the objects that Example 7-10 creates: five CalendarEvent objects (shown on the right), and an array object of type CalendarEvent[] (shown on the left) where each element in the array refers to one of the event objects.

An array with reference type elements

Figure 7-1. An array with reference type elements

As you saw in Chapter 3, with reference types multiple different variables can all refer to the same object. Since elements in an array behave in a similar way to local variables of the element type, we could create an array where all the elements refer to the same object, as shown in Example 7-11.

Example 7-11. Multiple elements referring to the same object

CalendarEvent theOnlyEvent = new CalendarEvent
    Title = "Swing Dancing at the South Bank",
    StartTime = new DateTimeOffset (2009, 7, 11, 15, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero),
    Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(4)

CalendarEvent[] events =

Figure 7-2 illustrates the result. While this particular example is not brilliantly useful, in some situations it’s helpful for multiple elements to refer to one object. For example, imagine a feature for booking meeting rooms or other shared facilities—this could be a useful addition to a calendar program. An array might describe how the room will be used today, where each element represents a one-hour slot for a particular room. If the same individual had booked the same room for two different slots, the two corresponding array elements would both refer to the same person.

An array where all of the elements refer to the same object

Figure 7-2. An array where all of the elements refer to the same object

Another feature that reference type array elements have in common with reference type variables and arguments is support for polymorphism. As you saw in Chapter 4, a variable declared as some particular reference type can refer to any object of that type, or of any type derived from the variable’s declared type. This works for arrays too—using the examples from Chapter 4, if an array’s type is FirefighterBase[], each element could refer to a Firefighter, or TraineeFirefighter, or anything else that derives from FirefighterBase. (And each element is allowed to refer to an object of a different type, as long as the objects are all compatible with the element type.) Likewise, you can declare an array of any interface type—for example, INamedPerson[], in which case each element can refer to any object of any type that implements that interface. Taking this to extremes, an array of type object[] has elements that can refer to any object of any reference type, or any boxed value.

As you will remember from Chapter 3, the alternative to a reference type is a value type. With value types, each variable holds its own copy of the value, rather than a reference to some potentially shared object. As you would expect, this behavior carries over to arrays when the element type is a value type. Consider the array shown in Example 7-12.

Example 7-12. An array of integer values

int[] numbers = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 };

Like all the numeric types, int is a value type, so we end up with a rather different structure. As Figure 7-3 shows, the array elements are the values themselves, rather than references to values.

Why would you need to care about where exactly the value lives? Well, there’s a significant difference in behavior. Given the numbers array in Example 7-12, consider this code:

int thirdElementInArray = numbers[2];
thirdElementInArray += 1;
Console.WriteLine("Variable: " + thirdElementInArray);
Console.WriteLine("Array element: " + numbers[2]);

which would print out the following:

Variable: 6
Array element: 5
An array with value type elements

Figure 7-3. An array with value type elements

Because we are dealing with a value type, the thirdElementInArray local variable gets a copy of the value in the array. This means that the code can change the local variable without altering the element in the array. Compare that with similar code working on the array from Example 7-10:

CalendarEvent thirdElementInArray = events[2];
thirdElementInArray.Title = "Modified title";
Console.WriteLine("Variable: " + thirdElementInArray.Title);
Console.WriteLine("Array element: " + events[2].Title);

This would print out the following:

Variable: Modified title
Array element: Modified title

This shows that we’ve modified the event’s title both from the point of view of the local variable and from the point of view of the array element. That’s because both refer to the same CalendarEvent object—with a reference type, when the first line gets an element from the array we don’t get a copy of the object, we get a copy of the reference to that object. The object itself is not copied.

The distinction between the reference and the object being referred to means that there’s sometimes scope for ambiguity—what exactly does it mean to change an element in an array? For value types, there’s no ambiguity, because the element is the value. The only way to change an entry in the numbers array in Example 7-12 is to assign a new value into an element:

numbers[2] = 42;

But as you’ve seen, with reference types the array element is just a reference, and we may be able to modify the object it refers to without changing the array element itself. Of course, we can also change the element, it just means something slightly different—we’re asking to change which object that particular element refers to. For example, this:

events[2] = events[0];

causes the third element to refer to the same object as the first. This doesn’t modify the object that element previously referenced. (It might cause the object to become inaccessible, though—if nothing else has a reference to that object, overwriting the array element that referred to it means the program no longer has any way of getting hold of that object, and so the .NET Framework can reclaim the memory it occupies during the next garbage collection cycle.)

It’s often tempting to talk in terms of “the fourth object in the array,” and in a lot of cases, that’s a perfectly reasonable approximation in practice. As long as you’re aware that with reference types, array elements contain references, not objects, and that what you really mean is “the object referred to by the fourth element in the array” you won’t get any nasty surprises.

Regardless of what element type you choose for an array, all arrays provide various useful methods and properties.

Array Members

An array is an object in its own right; distinct from any objects its elements may refer to. And like any object, it has a type—as you’ve already seen, we write an array type as SomeType[]. Whatever type SomeType may be, its corresponding array type, SomeType[], will derive from a standard built-in type called Array, defined in the System namespace.

The Array base class provides a variety of services for working with arrays. It can help you find interesting items in an array. It can reorder the elements, or move information between arrays. And there are methods for working with the array’s size.

Finding elements

Suppose we want to find out if an array of calendar items contains any events that start on a particular date. An obvious way to do this would be to write a loop that iterates through all of the elements in the array, looking at each date in turn (see Example 7-13).

Example 7-13. Finding elements with a loop

DateTime dateOfInterest = new DateTime (2009, 7, 12);
foreach (CalendarEvent item in events)
    if (item.StartTime.Date == dateOfInterest)
        Console.WriteLine(item.Title + ": " + item.StartTime);


Example 7-13 relies on a useful feature of the DateTimeOffset type that makes it easy to work out whether two DateTimeOffset values fall on the same day, regardless of the exact time. The Date property returns a DateTime in which the year, month, and day are copied over, but the time of day is set to the default time of midnight.

Although Example 7-13 works just fine, the Array class provides an alternative: its FindAll method builds a new array containing only those elements in the original array that match whatever criteria you specify. Example 7-14 uses this method to do the same job as Example 7-13.

Example 7-14. Finding elements with FindAll

DateTime dateOfInterest = new DateTime (2009, 7, 12);
CalendarEvent[] itemsOnDateOfInterest = Array.FindAll(events,
    e => e.StartTime.Date == dateOfInterest);

foreach (CalendarEvent item in itemsOnDateOfInterest)
    Console.WriteLine(item.Title + ": " + item.StartTime);

Notice that we’re using a lambda expression to tell FindAll which items match. That’s not mandatory—FindAll requires a delegate here, so you can use any of the alternatives discussed in Chapter 5, including lambda expressions, anonymous methods, method names, or any expression that returns a suitable delegate. The delegate type here is Predicate<T>, where T is the array element type (Predicate<CalendarEvent> in this case). We also discussed predicate delegates in Chapter 5, but in case your memory needs refreshing, we just need to supply a function that takes a CalendarEvent and returns true if it matches, and false if it does not. Example 7-14 uses the same expression as the if statement in Example 7-13.

This may not seem like an improvement on Example 7-13. We’ve not written any less code, and we’ve ended up using a somewhat more advanced language feature—lambda expressions—to get the job done. However, notice that in Example 7-14, we’ve already done all the work of finding the items of interest before we get to the loop. Whereas the loop in Example 7-13 is a mixture of code that works out what items we need and code that does something with those items, Example 7-14 keeps those tasks neatly separated. And if we were doing more complex work with the matching items, that separation could become a bigger advantage—code tends to be easier to understand and maintain when it’s not trying to do too many things at once.

The FindAll method becomes even more useful if you want to pass the set of matching items on to some other piece of code, because you can just pass the array of matches it returns as an argument to some method in your code. But how would you do that with the approach in Example 7-13, where the match-finding code is intermingled with the processing code? While the simple foreach loop in Example 7-13 is fine for trivial examples, FindAll and similar techniques (such as LINQ, which we’ll get to in the next chapter) are better at managing the more complicated scenarios likely to arise in real code.


This is an important principle that is not limited to arrays or collections. In general, you should try to construct your programs by combining small pieces, each of which does one well-defined job. Code written this way tends to be easier to maintain and to contain fewer bugs than code written as one big, sprawling mass of complexity. Separating code that selects information from code that processes information is just one example of this idea.

The Array class offers a few variations on the FindAll theme. If you happen to be interested only in finding the first matching item, you can just call Find. Conversely, FindLast returns the very last matching item.

Sometimes it can be useful to know where in the array a matching item was found. So as an alternative to Find and FindLast, Array also offers FindIndex and FindLastIndex, which work in the same way except they return a number indicating the position of the first or last match, rather than returning the matching item itself.

Finally, one special case for finding the index of an item turns out to crop up fairly often: the case where you know exactly which object you’re interested in, and just need to know where it is in the array. You could do this with a suitable predicate, for example:

int index = Array.FindIndex(events, e => e == someParticularEvent);

But Array offers the more specialized IndexOf and LastIndexOf, so you only have to write this:

int index = Array.IndexOf(events, someParticularEvent);

Ordering elements

Sometimes it’s useful to modify the order in which entries appear in an array. For example, with a calendar, some events will be planned long in advance while others may be last-minute additions. Any calendar application will need to be able to ensure that events are displayed in chronological order, regardless of how they were added, so we need some way of getting items into the right order.

The Array class makes this easy with its Sort method. We just need to tell it how we want the events ordered—it can’t really guess, because it doesn’t have any way of knowing whether we consider our events to be ordered by the Title, StartTime, or Duration property. This is a perfect job for a delegate: we can provide a tiny bit of code that looks at two CalendarEvent objects and says whether one should appear before the other, and pass that code into the Sort method (see Example 7-15).

Example 7-15. Sorting an array

    (event1, event2) => event1.StartTime.CompareTo(event2.StartTime));

The Sort method’s first argument, events, is just the array we’d like to reorder. (We defined that back in Example 7-10.) The second argument is a delegate, and for convenience we again used the lambda syntax introduced in Chapter 5. The Sort method wants to be able to know, for any two events, whether one should appear before the other, It requires a delegate of type Comparison<T>, a function which takes two arguments—we called them event1 and event2 here—and which returns a number. If event1 is before event2, the number must be negative, and if it’s after, the number must be positive. We return zero to indicate that the two are equal. Example 7-15 just defers to the StartTime property—that’s a DateTimeOffset, which provides a handy CompareTo method that does exactly what we need.

It turns out that Example 7-15 isn’t changing anything here, because the events array created in Example 7-10 happens to be in ascending order of date and time already. So just to illustrate that we can sort on any criteria, let’s order them by duration instead:

    (event1, event2) => event1.Duration.CompareTo(event2.Duration));

This illustrates how the use of delegates enables us to plug in any number of different ordering criteria, leaving the Array class to get on with the tedious job of shuffling the array contents around to match the specified order.

Some data types such as dates or numbers have an intrinsic ordering. It would be irritating to have to tell Array.Sort how to work out whether one number comes before or after another. And in fact we don’t have to—we can pass an array of numbers to a simpler overload of the Sort method, as shown in Example 7-16.

Example 7-16. Sorting intrinsically ordered data

int[] numbers = { 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 };

As you would expect, this arranges the numbers into ascending order. We would provide a comparison delegate here only if we wanted to sort the numbers into some other order. You might be wondering what would happen if we tried this simpler method with an array of CalendarEvent objects:

Array.Sort(events);  // Blam!

If you try this, you’ll find that the method throws an InvalidOperationException, because Array.Sort has no way of working out what order we need. It works only for types that have an intrinsic order. And should we want to, we could make CalendarEvent self-ordering. We just have to implement an interface called IComparable<CalendarEvent>, which provides a single method, CompareTo. Example 7-17 implements this, and defers to the DateTimeOffset value in StartTime—the DateTimeOffset type implements IComparable<DateTimeOffset>. So all we’re really doing here is passing the responsibility on to the property we want to use for ordering, just like we did in Example 7-15. The one extra bit of work we do is to check for comparison with null—the IComparable<T> interface documentation states that a non-null object should always compare as greater than null, so we return a positive number in that case. Without this check, our code would crash with a NullReferenceException if null were passed to CompareTo.

Example 7-17. Making a type comparable

class CalendarEvent : IComparable<CalendarEvent>
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset StartTime { get; set; }
    public TimeSpan Duration { get; set; }

    public int CompareTo(CalendarEvent other)
        if (other == null) { return 1; }
        return StartTime.CompareTo(other.StartTime);

Now that our CalendarEvent class has declared an intrinsic ordering for itself, we are free to use the simplest Sort overload:

Array.Sort(events);  // Works, now that CalendarEvent is IComparable<T>

Getting your array contents in order isn’t the only reason for relocating elements, so Array offers some slightly less specialized methods for moving data around.

Moving or copying elements

Suppose you want to build a calendar application that works with multiple sources of information—maybe you use several different websites with calendar features and would like to aggregate all the events into a single list. Example 7-18 shows a method that takes two arrays of CalendarEvent objects, and returns one array containing all the elements from both.

Example 7-18. Copying elements from two arrays into one big one

static CalendarEvent[] CombineEvents(CalendarEvent[] events1,
                                     CalendarEvent[] events2)
    CalendarEvent[] combinedEvents =
        new CalendarEvent[events1.Length + events2.Length];
    events1.CopyTo(combinedEvents, 0);
    events2.CopyTo(combinedEvents, events1.Length);

    return combinedEvents;

This example uses the CopyTo method, which makes a complete copy of all the elements of the source array into the target passed as the first argument. The second argument says where to start copying elements into the target—Example 7-18 puts the first array’s elements at the start (offset zero), and then copies the second array’s elements directly after that. (So the ordering won’t be very useful—you’d probably want to sort the results after doing this.)

You might sometimes want to be a bit more selective—you might want to copy only certain elements from the source into the target. For example, suppose you want to remove the first event. Arrays cannot be resized in .NET, but you could create a new array that’s one element shorter, and which contains all but the first element of the original array. The CopyTo method can’t help here as it copies the whole array, but you can use the more flexible Array.Copy method instead, as Example 7-19 shows.

Example 7-19. Copying less than the whole array

static CalendarEvent[] RemoveFirstEvent(CalendarEvent[] events)
    CalendarEvent[] croppedEvents = new CalendarEvent[events.Length - 1];
        events,              // Array from which to copy
        1,                   // Starting point in source array
        croppedEvents,       // Array into which to copy
        0,                   // Starting point in destination array
        events.Length - 1    // Number of elements to copy
    return croppedEvents;

The key here is that we get to specify the index from which we want to start copying—1 in this case, skipping over the first element, which has an index of 0.


In practice, you would rarely do this—if you need to be able to add or remove items from a collection, you would normally use the List<T> type that we’ll be looking at later in this chapter, rather than a plain array. And even if you are working with arrays, there’s an Array.Resize helper function that you would typically use in reality—it calls Array.Copy for you. However, you often have to copy data between arrays, even if it might not be strictly necessary in this simple example. A more complex example would have obscured the essential simplicity of Array.Copy.

The topic of array sizes is a little more complex than it first appears, so let’s look at that in more detail.

Array Size

Arrays know how many elements they contain—several of the previous examples have used the Length property to discover the size of an existing array. This read-only property is defined by the base Array class, so it’s always present.[14] That may sound like enough to cover the simple task of knowing an array’s size, but arrays don’t have to be simple sequential lists. You may need to work with multidimensional data, and .NET supports two different styles of arrays for that: jagged and rectangular arrays.

Arrays of arrays (or jagged arrays)

As we said earlier, you can make an array using any type as the element type. And since arrays themselves have types, it follows that you can have an array of arrays. For example, suppose we wanted to create a list of forthcoming events over the next five days, grouped by day. We could represent this as an array with one entry per day, and since each day may have multiple events, each entry needs to be an array. Example 7-20 creates just such an array.

Example 7-20. Building an array of arrays

static CalendarEvent[][] GetEventsByDay(CalendarEvent[] allEvents,
                                        DateTime firstDay,
                                        int numberOfDays)
    CalendarEvent[][] eventsByDay = new CalendarEvent[numberOfDays][];

    for (int day = 0; day < numberOfDays; ++day)
        DateTime dateOfInterest = (firstDay + TimeSpan.FromDays(day)).Date;
        CalendarEvent[] itemsOnDateOfInterest = Array.FindAll(allEvents,
            e => e.StartTime.Date == dateOfInterest);

        eventsByDay[day] = itemsOnDateOfInterest;

    return eventsByDay;

We’ll look at this one piece at a time. First, there’s the method declaration:

static CalendarEvent[][] GetEventsByDay(CalendarEvent[] allEvents,
                                        DateTime firstDay,
                                        int numberOfDays)

The return type—CalendarEvent[][]—is an array of arrays, denoted by two pairs of square brackets. You’re free to go as deep as you like, by the way—it’s perfectly possible to have an array of arrays of arrays of arrays of anything.

The method’s arguments are fairly straightforward. This method expects to be passed a simple array containing an unstructured list of all the events. The method also needs to know which day we’d like to start from, and how many days we’re interested in.

The very first thing the method does is construct the array that it will eventually return:

CalendarEvent[][] eventsByDay = new CalendarEvent[numberOfDays][];

Just as new CalendarEvent[5] would create an array capable of containing five CalendarEvent elements, new CalendarEvent[5][] would create an array capable of containing five arrays of CalendarEvent objects. Since our method lets the caller specify the number of days, we pass that argument in as the size of the top-level array.

Remember that arrays are reference types, and that whenever you create a new array whose element type is a reference type, all the elements are initially null. So although our new eventsByDay array is capable of referring to an array for each day, what it holds right now is a null for each day. So the next bit of code is a loop that will populate the array:

for (int day = 0; day < numberOfDays; ++day)

Inside this loop, the first couple of lines are similar to the start of Example 7-14:

DateTime dateOfInterest = (firstDay + TimeSpan.FromDays(day)).Date;
CalendarEvent[] itemsOnDateOfInterest = Array.FindAll(allEvents,
    e => e.StartTime.Date == dateOfInterest);

The only difference is that this example calculates which date to look at as we progress through the loop. So Array.FindAll will return an array containing all the events that fall on the day for the current loop iteration. The final piece of code in the loop puts that into our array of arrays:

eventsByDay[day] = itemsOnDateOfInterest;

Once the loop is complete, we return the array:

    return eventsByDay;

Each element will contain an array with the events that fall on the relevant day.

Code that uses such an array can use the normal element access syntax, for example:

Console.WriteLine("Number of events on first day: " + eventsByDay[0].Length);

Notice that this code uses just a single index—this means we want to retrieve one of the arrays from our array of arrays. In this case, we’re looking at the size of the first of those arrays. Or we can dig further by providing multiple indexes:

Console.WriteLine("First day, second event: " + eventsByDay[0][1].Title);

This syntax, with its multiple sets of square brackets, fits right in with the syntax used to declare and construct the array of arrays.

So why is an array of arrays sometimes called a jagged array? Figure 7-4 shows the various objects you would end up with if you called the method in Example 7-20, passing the events from Example 7-10, asking for five days of events starting from July 11. The figure is laid out to show each child array as a row, and as you can see, the rows are not all the same length—the first couple of days have two items per row, the third day has one, and the last two are empty (i.e., they are zero-length arrays). So rather than looking like a neat rectangle of objects, the rows form a shape with a somewhat uneven or “jagged” righthand edge.

A jagged array

Figure 7-4. A jagged array

This jaggedness can be either a benefit or a problem, depending on your goals. In this example, it’s helpful—we used it to handle the fact that the number of events in our calendar may be different every day, and some days may have no events at all. But if you’re working with information that naturally fits into a rectangular structure (e.g., pixels in an image), rows of differing lengths would constitute an error—it would be better to use a data structure that doesn’t support such things, so you don’t have to work out how to handle such an error.

Moreover, jagged arrays end up with a relatively complicated structure—there are a lot of objects in Figure 7-4. Each array is an object distinct from the objects its element refers to, so we’ve ended up with 11 objects: the five events, the five per-day arrays (including two zero-length arrays), and then one array to hold those five arrays. In situations where you just don’t need this flexibility, there’s a simpler way to represent multiple rows: a rectangular array.

Rectangular arrays

A rectangular array[15] lets you store multidimensional data in a single array, rather than needing to create arrays of arrays. They are more regular in form than jagged arrays—in a two-dimensional rectangular array, every row has the same width.


Rectangular arrays are not limited to two dimensions, by the way. Just as you can have arrays of arrays of arrays, so you can have any number of dimensions in a “rectangular” array, although the name starts to sound a bit wrong. With three dimensions, it’s a cuboid rather than a rectangle, and more generally the shape of these arrays is always an orthotope. Presumably the designers of C# and the .NET Framework felt that this “proper” name was too obscure (as does the spellchecker in Word) and that rectangular was more usefully descriptive, despite not being technically correct. Pragmatism beat pedantry here because C# is fundamentally a practical language.

Rectangular arrays tend to suit different problems than jagged arrays, so we need to switch temporarily to a different example. Suppose you were writing a simple game in which a character runs around a maze. And rather than going for a typical modern 3D game rendered from the point of view of the player, imagine something a bit more retro—a basic rendering of a top-down view, and where the walls of the maze all fit neatly onto a grid. If you’re too young to remember this sort of thing, Figure 7-5 gives a rough idea of what passed for high-tech entertainment back when your authors were at school.

Retro gaming—3D is for wimps

Figure 7-5. Retro gaming—3D is for wimps

We don’t want to get too hung up on the details of the game play, so let’s just assume that our code needs to know where the walls are in order to work out where the player can or can’t move next, and whether she has a clean shot to take out the baddies chasing her through the maze. We could represent this as an array of numbers, where 0 represents a gap and 1 represents a wall, as Example 7-21 shows. (We could also have used bool instead of int as the element type, as there are only two possible options: a wall or no wall. However, using true and false would have prevented each row of data from fitting on a single row in this book, making it much harder to see how Example 7-21 reflects the map in Figure 7-5. Moreover, using numbers leaves open the option to add exciting game features such as unlockable doors, squares of instant death, and other classics.)

Example 7-21. A multidimensional rectangular array

int[,] walls = new int[,]
    { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
    { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
    { 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 },
    { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
    { 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 },
    { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 },
    { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
    { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
    { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 },
    { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
    { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
    { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }

There are a couple of differences between this and previous examples. First, notice that the array type has a comma between the square brackets. The number of commas indicates how many dimensions we want—no commas at all would mean a one-dimensional array, which is what we’ve been using so far, but the single comma here specifies a two-dimensional array. We could represent a cuboid layout with int[,,], and so on, into as many dimensions as your application requires.

The second thing to notice here is that we’ve not had to use the new keyword for each row in the initializer list—new appears only once, and that’s because this really is just a single object despite being multidimensional. As Figure 7-6 illustrates, this kind of array has a much simpler structure than the two-dimensional jagged array in Figure 7-4.


While Figure 7-6 is accurate in the sense that just one object holds all the values here, the grid-like layout of the numbers is not a literal representation of how the numbers are really stored, any more than the position of the various objects in Figure 7-4 is a literal representation of what you’d see if you peered into your computer’s memory chips with a scanning electron microscope.

In reality, multidimensional arrays store their elements as a sequential list just like the simple array in Figure 7-3, because computer memory itself is just a big sequence of storage locations. But the programming model C# presents makes it look like the array really is multidimensional.

The syntax for accessing elements in a rectangular array is slightly different from that of a jagged array. But like a jagged array, the access syntax is consistent with the declaration syntax—as Example 7-22 shows, we use a single pair of square brackets, passing in an index for each dimension, separated by commas.

A two-dimensional rectangular array

Figure 7-6. A two-dimensional rectangular array

Example 7-22. Accessing an element in a rectangular array

static bool CanCharacterMoveDown(int x, int y, int[,] walls)
    int newY = y + 1;

    // Can't move off the bottom of the map
    if (newY == walls.GetLength(0)) { return false; }

    // Can only move down if there's no wall in the way
    return walls[newY, x] == 0;


If you pass in the wrong number of indexes, the C# compiler will complain. The number of dimensions (or rank, to use the official term) is considered to be part of the type: int[,] is a different type than int[,,], and C# checks that the number of indexes you supply matches the array type’s rank.

Example 7-22 performs two checks: before it looks to see if there’s a wall in the way of the game character, it first checks to see if the character is up against the edge of the map. To do this, it needs to know how big the map is. And rather than assuming a fixed-size grid, it asks the array for its size. But it can’t just use the Length property we saw earlier—that returns the total number of elements. Since this is a 12×12 array, Length will be 144. But we want to know the length in the vertical dimension. So instead, we use the GetLength method, which takes a single argument indicating which dimension you want—0 would be the vertical dimension and 1 in this case is horizontal.


Arrays don’t really have any concept of horizontal and vertical. They simply have as many dimensions as you ask for, and it’s up to your program to decide what each dimension is for. This particular program has chosen to use the first dimension to represent the vertical position in the maze, and the second dimension for the horizontal position.

This rectangular example has used a two-dimensional array of integers, and since int is a value type, the values get to live inside the array. You can also create multidimensional rectangular arrays with reference type elements. In that case, you’ll still get a single object containing all the elements of the array in all their dimensions, but these individual elements will be null references—you’ll need to create objects for them to refer to, just like you would with a single-dimensional array.

While jagged and rectangular multidimensional arrays give us flexibility in terms of how to specify the size of an array, we have not yet dealt with an irritating sizing problem mentioned back at the start of the chapter: an array’s size is fixed. We saw that it’s possible to work around this by creating new arrays and copying some or all of the old data across, or by getting the Array.Resize method to do that work for us. But these are inconvenient solutions, so in practice, we rarely work directly with arrays in C#. There’s a far easier way to work with changing collection sizes, thanks to the List<T> class.


The List<T> class, defined in the System.Collections.Generic namespace, is effectively a resizable array. Strictly speaking, it’s just a generic class provided by the .NET Framework class library, and unlike arrays, List<T> does not get any special treatment from the type system or the CLR. But from a C# developer’s perspective, it feels very similar—you can do most of the things you could do with an array, but without the restriction of a fixed size.


You may be wondering why .NET offers arrays when List<T> appears to be more useful. The answer is that it wouldn’t be possible for List<T> to exist if there were no arrays: List<T> uses an array internally to hold its elements. As you add elements, it allocates new, larger arrays as necessary, copying the old contents over. It employs various tricks to minimize how often it needs to do this.

List<T> is one of the most useful types in the .NET Framework. If you’re dealing with multiple pieces of information, as programs often do, it’s very common to need some flexibility around the amount of information—fixed-size lists are the exception rather than the rule. (An individual’s calendar tends to change over time, for example.) So have we just wasted your time with the first half of this chapter? Not at all—not only do arrays crop up a lot in APIs, but List<T> collections are very similar in use to arrays.

We could migrate most of the examples seen so far in this chapter from arrays to lists. Returning to our earlier, nonrectangular example, we would need to modify only the first line of Example 7-10, which creates an array of CalendarEvent objects. That line currently reads:

CalendarEvent[] events =

It is followed by the list of objects to add to the array, contained within a pair of braces. If you change that line to this:

List<CalendarEvent> events = new List<CalendarEvent>

the initializer list can remain the same. Notice that besides changing the variable declaration to use the List<T> type (with the generic type argument T set to the element type CalendarEvent, of course) we also need an explicit call to the constructor. (Normally, you’d expect parentheses after the type name when invoking a constructor, but those are optional when using an initializer list.) As you saw earlier, the use of new is optional when assigning a value to a newly declared array, but C# does not extend that courtesy to other collection types.

While we can initialize the list in much the same way as we would an array, the difference is that we are free to add and remove elements later. To add a new element, we can use the Add method:

CalendarEvent newEvent = new CalendarEvent
        Title = "Dean Collins Shim Sham Lesson",
        StartTime = new DateTimeOffset (2009, 7, 14, 19, 15, 00, TimeSpan.Zero),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(1)


This appends the element to the end of the list. If you want to put the new element somewhere other than at the end, you can use Insert:

events.Insert(2, newEvent);

The first argument indicates the index at which you’d like the new item to appear—any items at or after this index will be moved down to make space. You can also remove items, either by index, using the RemoveAt method, or by passing the value you’d like to remove to the Remove method (which will remove the first element it finds that contains the specified value).


List<T> does not have a Length property, and instead offers a Count. This may seem like pointless inconsistency with arrays, but there’s a reason. An array’s Length property is guaranteed not to change. A List<T> cannot make that guarantee, and so the behavior of its Count property is necessarily different from an array’s Length. The use of different names signals the fact that the semantics are subtly different.

List<T> also offers AddRange, which lets you add multiple elements in a single step. This makes it much easier to concatenate lists—remember that with arrays we ended up writing the CombineEvents method in Example 7-18 to concatenate a couple of arrays. But with lists, it becomes as simple as the code shown in Example 7-23.

Example 7-23. Adding elements from one list to another



The one possible downside of List<T> is that this kind of operation modifies the first list. Example 7-18 built a brand-new array, leaving the two input arrays unmodified, so if any code happened still to be using those original arrays, it would carry on working. But Example 7-23 modifies the first list by adding in the events from the second list. You would need to be confident that nothing in your code was relying on the first list containing only its original content. Of course, you could always build a brand-new new List<T> from the contents of two existing lists. (There are various ways to do this, but one straightforward approach is to construct a new List<T> and then call AddRange twice, once for each list.)

You access elements in a List<T> with exactly the same syntax as for an array. For example:

Console.WriteLine("List element: " + events[2].Title);


As with arrays, a List<T> will throw an IndexOutOfRangeException if you use too high an index, or a negative index. This applies for writes as well as reads—a List<T> will not automatically grow if you write to an index that does not yet exist.

There is a subtle difference between array element access and list element access that can cause problems with custom value types (structs). You may recall that Chapter 3 warned that when writing a custom value type, it’s best to make it immutable if you plan to use it in a collection. To understand why, you need to know how List<T> makes the square bracket syntax for element access work.

Custom Indexers

Arrays are an integral part of the .NET type system, so C# knows exactly what to do when you access an array element using the square bracket syntax. However, as List<T> demonstrates, it’s also possible to use this same syntax with some objects that are not arrays. For this to work, the object’s type needs to help C# out by defining the behavior for this syntax. This takes the form of a slightly unusual-looking property, as shown in Example 7-24.

Example 7-24. A custom indexer

class Indexable
    public string this[int index]
            return "Item " + index;
            Console.WriteLine("You set item " + index + " to " + value);

This has the get and set parts we’d expect in a normal property, but the definition line is a little unusual: it starts with the accessibility and type as normal, but where we’d expect to see the property name we instead have this[int index]. The this keyword signifies that this property won’t be accessed by any name. It is followed by a parameter list enclosed in square brackets, signifying that this is an indexer property, defining what should happen if we use the square bracket element access syntax with objects of this type. For example, look at the code in Example 7-25.

Example 7-25. Using a custom indexer

Indexable ix = new Indexable();
ix[42] = "Xyzzy";

After constructing the object, the next line uses the same element access syntax you’d use to read an element from an array. But this is not an array, so the C# compiler will look for a property of the kind shown in Example 7-24. If you try this on a type that doesn’t provide an indexer, you’ll get a compiler error, but since this type has one, that ix[10] expression ends up calling the indexer’s get accessor. Similarly, the third line has the element access syntax on the lefthand side of an assignment, so C# will use the indexer’s set accessor.


If you want to support the multidimensional rectangular array style of index (e.g., ix[10, 20]), you can specify multiple parameters between the square brackets in your indexer. Note that the List<T> class does not do this—while it covers most of the same ground as the built-in array types, it does not offer rectangular multidimensional behavior. You’re free to create a jagged list of lists, though. For example, List<List<int>> is a list of lists of integers, and is similar in use to an int[][].

The indexer in Example 7-24 doesn’t really contain any elements at all—it just makes up a value in the get, and prints out the value passed into set without storing it anywhere. So if you run this code, you’ll see this output:

Item 10
You set item 42 to Xyzzy

It may seem a bit odd to provide array-like syntax but to discard whatever values are “written,” but this is allowed—there’s no rule that says that indexers are required to behave in an array-like fashion. In practice, most do—the reason C# supports indexers is to make it possible to write classes such as List<T> that feel like arrays without necessarily having to be arrays. So while Example 7-24 illustrates that you’re free to do whatever you like in a custom indexer, it’s not a paragon of good coding style.

What does any of this have to do with value types and immutability, though? Look at Example 7-26. It has a public field with an array and also an indexer that provides access to the array.

Example 7-26. Arrays versus indexers

// This class's purpose is to illustrate a difference between
// arrays and indexers. Do not use this in real code!
class ArrayAndIndexer<T>
    public T[] TheArray = new T[100];
    public T this[int index]
            return TheArray[index];
            TheArray[index] = value;

You might think that it would make no difference whether we use this class’s indexer, or go directly for the array. And some of the time that’s true, as it is in this example:

ArrayAndIndexer<int> aai = new ArrayAndIndexer<int>();
aai.TheArray[10] = 42;
aai[20] = 99;

This swaps freely between using the array and the indexer, and as the output shows, items set through one mechanism are visible through the other:


However, things are a little different if we make this class store a mutable value type. Here’s a very simple modifiable value type:

struct CanChange
    public int Number { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

The Number and Name properties both have setters, so this is clearly not an immutable type. This might not seem like a problem—we can do more or less exactly the same with this type as we did with int just a moment ago:

ArrayAndIndexer<CanChange> aai = new ArrayAndIndexer<CanChange>();
aai.TheArray[10] = new CanChange { Number = 42 };
aai[20] = new CanChange { Number = 99, Name = "My item" };

That works fine. The problem arises when we try to modify a property of one of the values already inside the array. We can do it with the array:

aai.TheArray[10].Number = 123;

That works—it prints out 123 as you’d expect. But this does not work:

aai[20].Number = 456;

If you try this, you’ll find that the C# compiler reports the following error:

error CS1612: Cannot modify the return value of
'ArrayAndIndexer<CanChange>.this[int]' because it is not a variable

That’s a slightly cryptic message. But the problem becomes clear when we think about what we just asked the compiler to do. The intent of this code:

aai[20].Number = 456;

seems clear—we want to modify the Number property of the item whose index is 20. And remember, this line of code is using our ArrayAndIndexer<T> class’s indexer. Looking at Example 7-26, which of the two accessors would you expect it to use here? Since we’re modifying the value, you might expect set to be used, but a set accessor is an all or nothing proposition: calling set means you want to replace the whole element. But we’re not trying to do that here—we just want to modify the Number property of the value, leaving its Name property unmodified. If you look at the set code in Example 7-26, it simply doesn’t offer that as an option—it will completely replace the element at the specified index in the array. The set accessor can come into play only when we’re providing a whole new value for the element, as in:

aai[20] = new CanChange { Number = 456 };

That compiles, but we end up losing the Name property that the element in that location previously had, because we overwrote the entire value of the element.

Since set doesn’t work, that leaves get. The C# compiler could interpret this code:

aai[20].Number = 456;

as being equivalent to the code in Example 7-27.

Example 7-27. What the compiler might have done

CanChange elem = aai[20];
elem.Number = 456;

And in fact, that’s what it would have done if we were using a reference type. However, it has noticed that CanChange is a value type, and has therefore rejected the code. (The error message says nothing about value types, but you can verify that this is the heart of the problem by changing the CanChange type from a struct to a class. That removes the compiler error, and you’ll find that the code aai[20].Number = 456 works as expected.)

Why has the compiler rejected this seemingly obvious solution? Well, remember that the crucial difference between reference types and value types is that values usually involve copies—if you retrieve a value from an indexer, the indexer returns a copy. So in Example 7-27 the elem variable holds a copy of the item at index 20. Setting elem.Number to 456 has an effect on only that copy—the original item in the array remains unchanged. This makes clear why the compiler rejected our code—the only thing it can do with this:

aai[20].Number = 456;

is to call the get accessor, and then set the Number property on the copy returned by the array, leaving the original value unaltered. Since the copy would then immediately be discarded, the compiler has wisely determined that this is almost certainly not what we meant. (If we really want that copy-then-modify behavior, we can always write the code in Example 7-27 ourselves, making the fact that there’s a copy explicit. Putting the copy into a named variable also gives us the opportunity to go on and do something with the copy, meaning that setting a property on the copy might no longer be a waste of effort.)


You might be thinking that the compiler could read and modify a copy like Example 7-27, and then write that value back using the set indexer accessor. However, as Example 7-24 showed, indexer accessors are not required to work in the obvious way, and more generally, accessors can have side effects. So the C# compiler cannot assume that such a get-modify-set sequence is necessarily safe.

This problem doesn’t arise with reference types, because in that case, the get accessor returns a reference rather than a value—no copying occurs because that reference refers to the same object that the corresponding array entry refers to.

But why does this work when we use the array directly? Recall that the compiler didn’t have a problem with this code:

aai.TheArray[10].Number = 123;

It lets that through because it’s able to make that behave like we expect. This will in fact modify the Number property of the element in the array. And this is the rather subtle difference between an array and an indexer. With an array you really can work directly with the element inside the array—no copying occurs in this example. This works because the C# compiler knows what an array is, and is able to generate code that deals directly with array elements in situ. But there’s no way to write a custom indexer that offers the same flexibility. (There are reasons for this, but to explain them would require an exploration of the .NET Framework’s type safety rules, which would be lengthy and quite outside the scope of this chapter.)

Having established the root of the problem, let’s look at what this means for List<T>.

Immutability and List<T>

The List<T> class gets no special privileges—it may be part of the .NET Framework class library, but it is subject to the same restrictions as your code. And so it has the same problem just described—the following code will produce the same compiler error you saw in the preceding section:

List<CanChange> numbers = new List<CanChange> { new CanChange() };
numbers[0].Number = 42;  // Will not compile

One way of dealing with this would be to avoid using custom value types in a collection class such as List<T>, preferring custom reference types instead. And that’s not a bad rule of thumb—reference types are a reasonable default choice for most data types. However, value types do offer one compelling feature if you happen to be dealing with very large volumes of data. As Figure 7-1 showed earlier, an array with reference type elements results in an object for the array itself, and one object for each element in the array. But when an array has value type elements, you end up with just one object—the values live inside the array, as Figure 7-3 illustrates. List<T> has similar characteristics because it uses an array internally.

For an array with hundreds of thousands of elements, the simpler structure of Figure 7-3 can have a noticeable impact on performance. For example, I just ran a quick test on my computer to see how long it would take to create a List<CanChange> with 500,000 entries, and then run through the list, adding the Number values together. Example 7-28 shows the code—it uses the Stopwatch class from the System.Diagnostics namespace, which provides a handy way to see how long things are taking.

Example 7-28. Microbenchmarking values versus references in lists

Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
int itemCount = 500000;
List<CanChange> items = new List<CanChange>(itemCount);
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
    items.Add(new CanChange { Number = i });
Console.WriteLine("Creation: " + sw.ElapsedTicks);
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
    total += items[i].Number;
Console.WriteLine("Total: " + total);
Console.WriteLine("Sum: " + sw.ElapsedTicks);

With CanChange as a value type, it takes about 150 ms on my machine to populate the list, and then about 40 ms to run through all the numbers, adding them together. But if I change CanChange from a struct to a class (i.e., make it a reference type) the numbers become more like 600 ms and 50 ms, respectively. So that’s about 25 percent longer to perform the calculations but a staggering four times longer to create the collection in the first place. And that’s because with CanChange as a reference type, we now need to ask the .NET Framework to create half a million objects for us instead of just one object when we initialize the list. From the perspective of an end user, this is the difference between a tiny hiatus and an annoyingly long delay—when an application freezes for more than half a second, users begin to wonder if it has hung, which is very disruptive.


Please don’t take away the message that value types are four times faster than reference types—they aren’t. A micro benchmark like this should always be taken with a very strong pinch of salt. All we’ve really measured here is how long it takes to do something contrived in an isolated and artificial experiment. This example is illuminating only insofar as it demonstrates that the choice between value types and reference types can sometimes have a profound effect. It would be a mistake to draw a generalized conclusion from this.

Notice that even in this example we see significant variation: the first part of the code slowed down by a factor of four, but in the second part, the impact was much smaller. In some scenarios, there will be no measurable difference, and as it happens there are situations in which value types can be shown to be slower than reference types.

The bottom line is this: the only important performance measurements are ones you make yourself on the system you are building. If you think your code might get a useful speedup by using a value type instead of a reference type in a large collection, measure the effect of that change, rather than doing it just because some book said it would be faster.

Since the use of value types in a collection can sometimes offer very useful performance benefits, the rule of thumb we suggested earlier—always use reference types—looks too restrictive in practice. So this is where immutability comes into play. As we saw earlier in this section, the fact that a get accessor can only return a copy of a value type causes problems if you ever need to modify a value already in a collection. But if your value types are immutable, you will never hit this problem. And as we’ll see in Chapter 16, there are other benefits to immutable types.

So we now know how List<T> is able to make itself resemble an array. Having understood some of the subtle differences between array element access and custom indexers, let’s get back to some of the other functionality of List<T>.

Finding and Sorting

Earlier we saw that the Array class offers a variety of helper methods for finding elements in arrays. If you try to use these directly on a List<T>, it won’t work. The following code from Example 7-14 will not compile if events is a List<CalendarEvents>, for example:

DateTime dateOfInterest = new DateTime (2009, 7, 12);
CalendarEvent[] itemsOnDateOfInterest = Array.FindAll(events,
    e => e.StartTime.Date == dateOfInterest);

This will cause an error, because Array.FindAll expects an array, and we’re now giving it a List<T>. However, all the finding and sorting functionality we saw earlier is still available; you just have to use the methods provided by List<T> instead of Array:

DateTime dateOfInterest = new DateTime(2009, 7, 12);
List<CalendarEvent> itemsOnDateOfInterest = events.FindAll(
    e => e.StartTime.Date == dateOfInterest);

Notice a slight stylistic difference—whereas with arrays, FindAll is a static method provided by the Array class, List<T> chooses to make its FindAll method an instance member—so we invoke it as events.FindAll. Style aside, it works in exactly the same way. As you might expect, it returns its results as another List<T> rather than as an array.

This same stylistic difference exists with all the other techniques we looked at before. List<T> provides Find, FindLast, FindIndex, FindLastIndex, IndexOf, LastIndexOf, and Sort methods that all work in almost exactly the same way as the array equivalents we looked at earlier, but again, they’re instance methods rather than static methods.

Since List<T> offers almost everything you’re likely to want from an array and more besides, List<T> will usually be your first choice to represent a collection of data. (The only common exception is if you need a rectangular array.) Unfortunately, you will sometimes come up against APIs that simply require you to provide an array. In fact, we already wrote some code that does this: the AddNumbers method back in Example 7-3 requires its input to be in the form of an array. But even this is easy to deal with: List<T> provides a handy ToArray() method for just this eventuality, building a copy of the list’s contents in array form.

But wouldn’t it be better if we could write our code in such a way that it didn’t care whether incoming information was in an array, a List<T>, or some other kind of collection? It is possible to do exactly this, using the polymorphism techniques discussed in Chapter 4.

Collections and Polymorphism

Polymorphic code is code that is able to work on a variety of different forms of data. The foreach keyword has this characteristic. For example:

foreach (CalendarEvent ev in events)

This code works if events is an array—CalendarEvent[]—but it works equally well if events is a List<CalendarEvent>. And in fact, there are many more specialized collection types in the .NET Framework class library that we’ll look at in a later chapter that foreach can work with. You can even arrange for it to work with custom collection classes you may have written yourself. All this is possible because the .NET Framework defines some standard interfaces for representing collections of things. The foreach construct depends on a pair of interfaces: IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator<T>. These derive from a couple of nongeneric base interfaces, IEnumerable and IEnumerator. These interfaces are defined in the class library, and they are reproduced in Example 7-29.

Example 7-29. Enumeration interfaces

namespace System.Collections.Generic
    public interface IEnumerable<out T> : IEnumerable
        new IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator();

    public interface IEnumerator<out T> : IDisposable, IEnumerator
        new T Current { get; }

namespace System.Collections
    public interface IEnumerable
        IEnumerator GetEnumerator();

    public interface IEnumerator
        bool MoveNext();
        object Current { get; }
        void Reset();

The split between the generic and nongeneric interfaces here is a historical artifact. Versions 1.0 and 1.1 of .NET did not support generics, so only the base IEnumerable and IEnumerator interfaces existed. When .NET 2.0 shipped in 2005, generics were introduced, making it possible to provide versions of these interfaces that were explicit about what type of objects a collection contains, but in order to maintain backward compatibility the old version 1.x interfaces had to remain. You will normally use the generic versions, because they are easier to work with.

Conceptually, if a type implements IEnumerable<T> it is declaring that it contains a sequence of items of type T. To get hold of the items, you can call the GetEnumerator method, which will return an IEnumerator<T>. An enumerator is an object that lets you work through the objects in an enumerable collection one at a time.[16] The split between enumerables and enumerators makes it possible to have different parts of your program working their way through the same collection at the same time, without all of them needing to be in the same place. This can be useful in multithreaded applications (although as we’ll see in a later chapter, you have to be extremely careful about letting multiple threads use the same data structure simultaneously).


Some enumerable collections, such as List<T>, can be modified. (.NET defines an IList<T> interface to represent the abstract idea of a modifiable, ordered collection. List<T> is just one implementation IList<T>.) You should avoid modifying a collection while you’re in the process of iterating through it. For example, do not call Add on a List<T> in the middle of a foreach loop that uses that list. List<T> detects when this happens, and throws an exception.

Note that unlike IList<T>, IEnumerable<T> does not provide any methods for modifying the sequence. While this provides less flexibility to the consumer of a sequence, it broadens the range of data that can be wrapped as an IEnumerable<T>. For some sources of data it doesn’t make sense to provide consumers of that data with the ability to reorder it.

These interfaces make it possible to write a function that uses a collection without having any idea of the collection’s real type—you only need to know what type of elements it contains. We could rewrite Example 7-3 so that it works with any IEnumerable<string> rather than just an array of strings, as shown in Example 7-30.

Example 7-30. Using IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator<T>

static string[] AddNumbers(IEnumerable<string> names)
    List<string> numberedNames = new List<string>();

    using (IEnumerator<string> enumerator = names.GetEnumerator())
        int i = 0;
        while (enumerator.MoveNext())
            string currentName = enumerator.Current;
            numberedNames.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", i, currentName));
            i += 1;
    return numberedNames.ToArray();

Since List<T> and arrays both implement IEnumerable<T>, this modified code in Example 7-30 will now work with List<string>, as well as arrays, or any other collection class that implements IEnumerable<string>. For more information on the subtleties of type compatibility and enumerations, see the sidebar on the next page.

Example 7-30 works much harder than it needs to—it creates the enumerator explicitly, and walks through the objects by calling MoveNext in a loop, retrieving the Current value each time around. (A newly created enumerator needs us to call MoveNext before first reading Current. It doesn’t automatically start on the first item because there might not be one—collections can be empty.) As it happens, that’s exactly what foreach does, so we can get that to do the work for us. Example 7-31 does the same thing as Example 7-30, but lets the C# compiler generate the code.

Example 7-31. Using an IEnumerable<T> with foreach

static string[] AddNumbers(IEnumerable<string> names)
    List<string> numberedNames = new List<string>();
    int i = 0;
    foreach (string currentName in names)
        numberedNames.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", i, currentName));
        i += 1;
    return numberedNames.ToArray();

This example only half enters into the spirit of things—it can accept any IEnumerable<string>, but it stubbornly continues to return an array. This isn’t necessarily a problem; after all, arrays implement IEnumerable<T>. However, our code is a little inelegant in the way that it creates a List<string> and then converts that into an array at the end. There’s a better way—C# makes it very easy to provide a sequence of objects directly as an IEnumerable<T>.

Creating Your Own IEnumerable<T>

Before version 2 of C# (which shipped with Visual Studio 2005), writing your own enumerable types was tedious—you had to write a class that implemented IEnumerator, and that would usually be a separate class from the one that implemented IEnumerable, because multiple enumerators can be active simultaneously for any single collection. It wasn’t hugely tricky, but it was enough of a hassle to put most people off. But C# 2 made it extremely easy to provide enumerations. Example 7-32 shows yet another reworking of the AddNumbers method.

Example 7-32. Implementing IEnumerable<T> with yield return

static IEnumerable<string> AddNumbers(IEnumerable<string> names)
    int i = 0;
    foreach (string currentName in names)
        yield return string.Format("{0}: {1}", i, currentName);
        i += 1;

Instead of using the normal return statement, this method uses yield return. This special form of return statement can only be used inside a method that returns either an enumerable or an enumerator object—you’ll get a compiler error if you try to use it anywhere else. It works rather differently from a normal return. A normal return statement indicates that the method has finished, and would like to return control to the caller (returning a value, if the method’s return type was not void). But yield return effectively says: “I want to return this value as an item in the collection, but I might not be done yet—I could have more values to return.”

The yield return in Example 7-32 is in the middle of a foreach loop. Whereas a normal return would break out of the loop, in this case the loop is still running, even though the method has returned a value. This leads to some slightly surprising flow of execution. Let’s look at the order in which this code runs. Example 7-33 modifies the AddNumbers method from Example 7-32 by adding a few calls to Console.Writeline, so we can see exactly how the code runs. It also includes a Main method with a foreach loop iterating over the collection returned by AddNumbers, again with some Console.WriteLine calls to keep track of what’s going on.

Example 7-33. Exploring yield return

class Program
    static IEnumerable<string> AddNumbers(IEnumerable<string> names)
        Console.WriteLine("Starting AddNumbers");
        int i = 0;
        foreach (string currentName in names)
            Console.WriteLine("In AddNumbers: " + currentName);
            yield return string.Format("{0}: {1}", i, currentName);
            i += 1;
        Console.WriteLine("Leaving AddNumbers");

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string[] eventNames =
            "Swing Dancing at the South Bank",
            "Saturday Night Swing",
            "Formula 1 German Grand Prix",
            "Swing Dance Picnic",
            "Stompin' at the 100 Club"

        Console.WriteLine("Calling AddNumbers");
        IEnumerable<string> numberedNames = AddNumbers(eventNames);
        Console.WriteLine("Starting main loop");
        foreach (string numberedName in numberedNames)
            Console.WriteLine("In main loop: " + numberedName);
        Console.WriteLine("Leaving main loop");

Here’s the output:

Calling AddNumbers
Starting main loop
Starting AddNumbers
In AddNumbers: Swing Dancing at the South Bank
In main loop: 0: Swing Dancing at the South Bank
In AddNumbers: Saturday Night Swing
In main loop: 1: Saturday Night Swing
In AddNumbers: Formula 1 German Grand Prix
In main loop: 2: Formula 1 German Grand Prix
In AddNumbers: Swing Dance Picnic
In main loop: 3: Swing Dance Picnic
In AddNumbers: Stompin' at the 100 Club
In main loop: 4: Stompin' at the 100 Club
Leaving AddNumbers
Leaving main loop

Even though the main method calls AddNumbers only once, before the start of the loop, you can see from the output that the code flits back and forth between the main loop and AddNumbers for each item in the list.

That’s how yield return works—it returns from the method temporarily. Execution will continue from after the yield return as soon as the code consuming the collection asks for the next element. (More precisely, it will happen when the client code calls MoveNext on the enumerator.) C# generates some code that remembers where it had got to on the last yield return so that it can carry on from where it left off.


You might be wondering what happens if the consumer abandons the loop halfway through. If that happens, execution will not continue from the yield return. However, as you saw in Example 7-30, code that consumes an enumeration should have a using statement to ensure that the enumerator is always disposed of—a foreach loop will always do this for you. The enumerator generated by C# to implement yield return relies on this to ensure that any using or finally blocks inside your enumerator method run correctly even when the enumeration is abandoned halfway through.

This causes a slight wrinkle in the story regarding exception handling. You’ll find that you cannot use yield return inside a try block that is followed by a catch block, for example, because it’s not possible for the C# compiler to guarantee that exceptions will be handled consistently in situations where enumerations are abandoned.

This ability to continue from where we left off as the consumer iterates through the loop illustrates a subtler benefit of yield return: it doesn’t just make the code slightly neater; it lets the code be lazy.

Lazy collections

The AddNumbers method in Example 7-31 creates all of its output before it returns anything. We could describe it as being eager—it does all the work it might need to do right up front. But the modified version in Example 7-32, which uses yield return, is not so eager: it generates items only when it is asked for them, as you can see from the output of Example 7-33. This approach of not doing work until absolutely necessary is often referred to as a lazy style. In fact, if you look closely at the output you’ll see that the AddNumbers method in Example 7-33 is so lazy, it doesn’t seem to run any code at all until we start asking it for items—the Starting AddNumbers message printed out at the beginning of the AddNumbers method (before it starts its foreach loop) doesn’t appear when we call AddNumbers—as you can see, the Starting main loop message appears first, even though Main doesn’t print that out until after AddNumbers returns. This illustrates that none of the code in AddNumbers runs at the point when we call AddNumbers. Nothing happens until we start retrieving elements.


Support for lazy collections is the reason that IEnumerable<T> does not provide a Count property. The only way to find out how many items are in an enumeration is to enumerate the whole lot and see how many come out. Enumerable sequences don’t necessarily know how many items they contain until you’ve asked for all the items.

Lazy enumeration has some benefits, particularly if you are dealing with very large quantities of information. Lazy enumeration makes it possible to start processing data as soon as the first item becomes available. Example 7-34 illustrates this. Its GetAllFilesInDirectory returns an enumeration that returns all the files in a folder, including all those in any subdirectories. The Main method here uses this to enumerate all the files on the C: drive. (In fact, the Directory class can save us from writing all this code—there’s an overload of Directory.EnumerateFiles that will do a lazy, recursive search for you. But writing our own version is a good way to see how lazy enumeration works.)

Example 7-34. Lazy enumeration of a large, slow data set

class Program
    static IEnumerable<string> GetAllFilesInDirectory(string directoryPath)
        IEnumerable<string> files = null;
        IEnumerable<string> subdirectories = null;
            files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directoryPath);
            subdirectories = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(directoryPath);
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
            Console.WriteLine("No permission to access " + directoryPath);
        if (files != null)
            foreach (string file in files)
                yield return file;
        if (subdirectories != null)
            foreach (string subdirectory in subdirectories)
                foreach (string file in GetAllFilesInDirectory(subdirectory))
                    yield return file;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        foreach (string file in GetAllFilesInDirectory(@"c:"))

If you run this, you’ll find it starts printing out filenames immediately, even though it clearly won’t have had time to discover every single file on the hard disk. (That’s why we’re not using the overload of Directory.GetFiles that recursively searches subdirectories for us. As you’ll see in Chapter 8, the Directory class can save us from writing all this code, but it insists on finding all the files before starting to return any of them.)

It’s possible to chain enumerations together. For example, we can combine Example 7-34 with the AddNumbers function, as shown in Example 7-35.

Example 7-35. Chaining lazy enumerators together

IEnumerable<string> allFiles = GetAllFilesInDirectory(@"c:");
IEnumerable<string> numberedFiles = AddNumbers(allFiles);
foreach (string file in numberedFiles)

If we’re using the version of AddNumbers from Example 7-32—the one that uses yield return—this will start printing out filenames (with added numbers) immediately. However, if you try it with the version from Example 7-31, you’ll see something quite different. The program will sit there for as many minutes as it takes to find all the filenames on the hard disk—it might print out some messages to indicate that you don’t have permission to access certain folders, but it won’t print out any filenames until it has all of them. And it ends up consuming quite a lot of memory—on my system it uses more than 130 MB of memory, as it builds up a huge List<string> containing all of the filenames, whereas the lazy version makes do with a rather more frugal 7 MB.

So in its eagerness to do all of the necessary work up front, Example 7-31 actually slowed us down. It didn’t return any information until it had collected all of the information. Ironically, the lazy version in Example 7-32 enabled us to get to work much faster, and to work more efficiently.


This style of enumeration, in which work is done no sooner than necessary, is sometimes called deferred execution. While that’s more of a mouthful, it’s probably more fitting in cases where the effect is the opposite of what lazy suggests.

Lazy enumeration also permits an interesting technique whereby infinite loops aren’t necessarily a problem. A method can yield an infinite collection, leaving it up to the caller to decide when to stop. Example 7-36 returns an enumeration of numbers in the Fibonacci series. That’s an infinite series, and since this example uses the BigInteger type introduced in .NET 4, the quantity of numbers it can return is limited only by space and time—the amount of memory in the computer, and the impending heat death of the universe, respectively (or your computer’s next reboot, whichever comes sooner).

Example 7-36. An infinite sequence

using System.Numerics; // Required for BigInteger


static IEnumerable<BigInteger> Fibonacci()
    BigInteger current = 1;
    BigInteger previous = 1;
    yield return 1;
    while (true)
        yield return current;
        BigInteger next = current + previous;
        previous = current;
        current = next;

Because consumers of enumerations are free to stop enumerating at any time, in practice this sort of enumeration will just keep going until the calling code decides to stop. We’ll see some slightly more practical uses for this when we explore parallel execution and multithreading later in the book.

The concept of chaining lazy enumerations together shown in Example 7-35 is a very useful technique—it’s the basis of the most powerful feature that was added in version 3 of C#: LINQ. LINQ is such an important topic that the next chapter is devoted to it. But before we move on, let’s review what we’ve seen so far.


The .NET Framework’s type system has intrinsic support for collections of items in the form of arrays. You can make arrays out of any type. They can be either simple single-dimensional lists, nested arrays of arrays, or multidimensional “rectangular” arrays. The size of an array is fixed at the moment you create it, so when we need a bit more flexibility we use the List<T> generic collection class instead. This works more or less like an array, except we can add and remove items at will. (It uses arrays internally, dynamically allocating new arrays and copying elements across as necessary.) Both arrays and lists offer various services for finding and sorting elements. Thanks to the IEnumerable<T> interface, it’s possible to write polymorphic code that can work with any kind of collection. And as we’re about to see, LINQ takes that idea to a whole new level.

[14] There’s also a LongLength, which is a 64-bit version of the property, which theoretically allows for larger arrays than the 32-bit Length property. However, .NET currently imposes an upper limit on the size of any single array: it cannot use more than 2 GB of memory, even in a 64-bit process. So in practice, LongLength isn’t very useful in the current version of .NET (4). (You can use a lot more than 2 GB of memory in total in a 64-bit process—the 2 GB limit applies only to individual arrays.)

[15] Rectangular arrays are also sometimes called multidimensional arrays, but that’s a slightly confusing name, because jagged arrays also hold multidimensional data.

[16] If you’re familiar with C++ and its Standard Template Library, an enumerator is broadly similar in concept to an iterator in the STL.

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