Chapter 6. Dealing with Errors

Errors happen all the time; they’re a fact of life:

  • Despite the best efforts of Microsoft Word, an army of highly skilled reviewers and editors, and even your authors, it would be surprising if there wasn’t a typographical error in a book of this length.

  • Although they are relatively few and far between, there are bugs in the .NET Framework—hence the need for occasional service packs.

  • You might type your credit card number for an online transaction and accidentally transpose two digits; or forget to type in the expiration date.

Like it or not, we’re going to have to face up to the fact that there are going to be errors of all kinds to deal with in our software too. In this chapter, we’ll look at various types of errors, the tools that C# and the .NET Framework give us to deal with them, and some strategies for applying those tools.

First, we need to recognize that all errors are not made the same. We’ve classified a few of the more common ones in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1. A far-from-exhaustive list of some common errors




A failure to implement a contract according to its documentation.

Unexpected behavior

A failure to document a contract properly for all expected input.

Unexpected input

A client passes data to a method that is outside some expected range.

Unexpected data type

A client passes data to a method that is not of the expected type.

Unexpected data format

A client passes data to a method in a format that is not recognized.

Unexpected result

A client receives information from a method that it did not expect for the given input.

Unexpected method call

The class wasn’t expecting you to call a particular method at that time—you hadn’t performed some required initialization, for example.

Unavailable resource

A method tried to access a resource of some kind and it was not present—a hardware device was not plugged in, for instance.

Contended resource

A method tried to access a scarce resource of some kind (memory or a hardware device that cannot be shared), and it was not available because someone else was using it.

Although bugs are probably the most obvious type of error, we won’t actually be dealing with them directly in this chapter. We will, however, look at how our error-handling techniques can make it easier (or harder!) to find the bugs that are often the cause of the other, better defined issues.

Let’s get started with an example we can use to look at error-handling techniques. We’re going to branch out into the world of robotics for this one, and build a turtle-controlling application. The real-world turtle is a rectangular piece of board on which are mounted two motors that can drive two wheels. The wheels are located in the middle of the left and right edges of the board, and there are nondriven castor wheels at the front and back to give it a bit of stability. We can drive the two motors independently: we can move forward, move backward, or stop. And by moving the wheels in different directions, or moving one wheel at time, we can steer it about a bit like a tank.

Let’s create a class to model our turtle (see Example 6-1).

Example 6-1. The Turtle class

class Turtle
    // The width of the platform
    public double PlatformWidth
        get; set;

    // The height of the platform
    public double PlatformHeight
        get; set;

    // The speed at which the motors drive the wheels,
    // in meters per second. For ease, we assume that takes account
    // of the distance traveled by the tires in contact
    // with the ground, and any slipping
    public double MotorSpeed
        get; set;

    // The state of the left motor
    public MotorState LeftMotorState
        get; set;

    // The state of the right motor
    public MotorState RightMotorState
        get; set;

    // The current position of the turtle
    public Point CurrentPosition
        get; private set;

    // The current orientation of the turtle
    public double CurrentOrientation
        get; private set;

// The current state of a motor
enum MotorState

In addition to the motor control, we can define the size of the platform and the speed at which the motors rotate the wheels. We also have a couple of properties that tell us where the turtle is right now, relative to its point of origin, and the direction in which it is currently pointing.

To make our turtle simulator actually do something, we can add a method which makes time pass. This looks at the state of the different motors and applies an appropriate algorithm to calculate the new position of the turtle. Example 6-2 shows our first, somewhat naive, go at it.

Example 6-2. Simulating turtle motion

// Run the turtle for the specified duration
public void RunFor(double duration)
    if (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Stopped &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Stopped)
        // If we are at a full stop, nothing will happen

    // The motors are both running in the same direction
    // then we just drive
    if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Running) ||
        (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed))

    // The motors are running in opposite directions,
    // so we don't move, we just rotate about the
    // center of the rig
    if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed) ||
        (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Running))

If both wheels are pointing in the same direction (forward or reverse), we drive (or reverse) in the direction we are pointing. If they are driving in opposite directions, we rotate about our center. If both are stopped, we will remain stationary.

Example 6-3 shows the implementations of Drive and Rotate. They use a little bit of trigonometry to get the job done.

Example 6-3. Simulating rotation and movement

private void Rotate(double duration)
    // This is the total circumference of turning circle
    double circum = Math.PI * PlatformWidth;
    // This is the total distance traveled
    double d = duration * MotorSpeed;
    if (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed)
        // And we're going backwards if the motors are reversed
        d *= -1.0;
    // So we've driven it this proportion of the way round
    double proportionOfWholeCircle = d / circum;
    // Once round is 360 degrees (or 2pi radians), so we have traveled
    // this far:
    CurrentOrientation =
        CurrentOrientation + (Math.PI * 2.0 * proportionOfWholeCircle);

private void Drive(double duration)
    // This is the total distance traveled
    double d = duration * MotorSpeed;
    if (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed)
        // And we're going backwards if the motors are reversed
        d *= -1.0;
    // Bit of trigonometry for the change in the x,y coordinates
    double deltaX = d * Math.Sin(CurrentOrientation);
    double deltaY = d * Math.Cos(CurrentOrientation);

    // And update the position
    CurrentPosition =
        new Point(CurrentPosition.X + deltaX, CurrentPosition.Y + deltaY);

Let’s write a quick test program to see whether the code we’ve written actually does what we expect (see Example 6-4).

Example 6-4. Testing the turtle

static void Main(string[] args)
    // Here's our turtle
    Turtle arthurTheTurtle =
        new Turtle {PlatformWidth = 10.0, PlatformHeight = 10.0, MotorSpeed = 5.0};


    // We want to proceed forwards
    arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Running;
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Running;
    // For two seconds


    // Now, let's rotate clockwise for a bit
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    // PI / 2 seconds should do the trick
    arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.PI / 2.0);


    // And let's go into reverse
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;

    // And run for 5 seconds


    // Then rotate back the other way
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Running;
    // And run for PI/4 seconds to give us 45 degrees
    arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.PI / 4.0);


    // And finally drive backwards for a bit
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4.0));




private static void ShowPosition(Turtle arthurTheTurtle)
        "Arthur is at ({0}) and is pointing at angle {1:0.00} radians.",

We chose the times for which to run quite carefully so that we end up going through relatively readable distances and angles. (Hey, someone could design a more usable facade over this API!) If we compile and run, we see the following output:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 1.57 radians.
Arthur is at (-25,10) and is pointing at angle 1.57 radians.
Arthur is at (-25,10) and is pointing at angle 0.79 radians.
Arthur is at (-27.5,7.5) and is pointing at angle 0.79 radians.

OK, that seems fine for basic operation. But what happens if we change the width of the platform to zero?

Turtle arthurTheTurtle =
    new Turtle { PlatformWidth = 0.0, PlatformHeight = 10.0, MotorSpeed = 5.0 };

Not only does that not make much sense, but the output is not very useful either; clearly we have divide-by-zero problems:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle Infinity radians.
Arthur is at (NaN,NaN) and is pointing at angle Infinity radians.
Arthur is at (NaN,NaN) and is pointing at angle NaN radians.
Arthur is at (NaN,NaN) and is pointing at angle NaN radians.

Clearly, our real-world turtle could go badly wrong if we told it to rotate through an infinite angle. At the very least, we’d get bored waiting for it to finish. We should prevent the user from running it if the PlatformWidth is less than or equal to zero. Previously, we used the following code:

// Run the turtle for the specified duration
public void RunFor(double duration)
    if (PlatformWidth <= 0.0)
        // What to do here?

    // ...

That detects the problem, but what should we do if our particular turtle is not set up correctly? Previously, we silently ignored the problem, and returned as though everything was just fine. Is that really what we want to do?

For this application it might be perfectly safe, but what if another developer uses our turtle with a paintbrush strapped to its back, to paint the lines on a tennis court? The developer added a few extra moves at the beginning of his sequence, and he didn’t notice that he had inadvertently done so before he initialized the PlatformWidth. We could have a squiggly paint disaster on our hands!

When and How to Fail

Choosing when and how to fail is one of the big debates in software development. There is a lot of consensus about what we do, but things are much less clear-cut when it comes to failures.

You have a number of choices:

  1. Try to plow on regardless.

  2. Try to make sense of what has happened and work around it.

  3. Return an error of some kind to your caller, and hope the caller knows what to do with it.

  4. Stop.

At the moment, we’re using option 1: try to plow on regardless; and you can see that this might or might not be dangerous. The difficulty is that we can be sure it is safe only if we know why our client is calling us. Given that we can’t possibly have knowledge of the continuum of all possible clients (and their clients, and their clients’ clients), plugging on regardless is, in general, not safe. We might be exposing ourselves to all sorts of security problems and data integrity issues of which we cannot be aware at this time.

What about option 2? Well, that is really an extension of the contract: we’re saying that particular types of data outside the range we previously defined are valid, it is just that we’ll special-case them to other values. This is quite common with range properties, where we clamp values outside the range to the minimum and maximum permitted values. Example 6-5 shows how we could implement that.

Example 6-5. Range checking

class Turtle
    // The width of the platform must be between 1.0 and 10.0 inclusive
    // Values outside this range will be coerced into the range.
    private double platformWidth;
    public double PlatformWidth
        get { return platformWidth; }
            platformWidth = value;

    // The height of the platform must be between 1.0 and 10.0 inclusive
    // Values outside this range will be coerced into the range.
    private double platformHeight;
    public double PlatformHeight
        get { return platformHeight; }
            platformHeight = value;

    // The new constructor initializes the platform size appropriately
    public Turtle()

    // This method enforces the newly documented constraint
    // we added to the contract
    private void EnsurePlatformSize()
        if (PlatformWidth < 1.0)
            PlatformWidth = 1.0;
        if (PlatformWidth > 10.0)
            PlatformWidth = 10.0;
        if (PlatformHeight < 1.0)
            PlatformHeight = 1.0;
        if (PlatformHeight > 10.0)
            PlatformHeight = 10.0;
    // ...

Here we documented a constraint in our contract, and enforced that constraint first at construction, and then whenever clients attempt to modify the value.

We chose to enforce that constraint at the point when the value can be changed because that makes the effect of the constraint directly visible. If users set an out-of-bounds value and read it back they can immediately see the effect of the constraint on the property. That’s not the only choice, of course. We could have done it just before we used it—but if we changed the implementation, or added features, we might have to add lots of calls to EnsurePlatformSize, and you can be certain that we’d forget one somewhere.

When we run the application again, we see the following output:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 15.71 radians.
Arthur is at (-1.53075794227797E-14,35) and is pointing at angle 15.71 radians.
Arthur is at (-1.53075794227797E-14,35) and is pointing at angle 7.85 radians.
Arthur is at (-3.53553390593275,35) and is pointing at angle 7.85 radians.

Although this is a very useful technique, and it has clearly banished those less-than-useful NaNs, we have to consider: is this the right solution for this particular problem? Let’s think about our tennis-court-painting robot again. Would we really want it to paint the court as though it were a 1-meter-wide robot, just because we forgot to initialize it? Looking at the distances traveled and the angles through which it has turned, the answer is clearly no!


Constraints such as this are useful in lots of cases. We might want to ensure that some UI element not extend off the screen, or grow too big or small, for example. But equally, an online banking application that doesn’t permit transactions less than $10 shouldn’t just clamp the amount the user entered from $1 to $10 and carry on happily!

So let’s backtrack a little and look at another option: returning a value that signifies an error.

Returning Error Values

For many years, programmers have written methods that detect errors, and which report those errors by returning an error code. Typically, this is a Boolean value of some kind, with True representing success and False failure. Or you might use either an int or an enum if you need to distinguish lots of different types of errors.


Before we add an error return value, we should remove the code we just added that silently enforces the constraints. We can delete EnsurePlatformSize and any references to it. (Or if you’re following along in Visual Studio and don’t want to delete the code, just comment out all the relevant lines.)

So where are we going to return the error from? Our first instinct might be to put it in the RunFor method, where we suggested earlier; but look at the code—there’s nothing substantive there. The problem actually occurs in Rotate. What happens if we change the Rotate method later so that it depends on different properties? Do we also update RunFor to check the new constraints? Will we remember?

It is Rotate that actually uses the properties, so as a rule of thumb we should do the checking there. It will also make the debugging easier later—we can put breakpoints near the origin of the error and see what is going wrong.

Let’s change the Rotate method and see what happens (see Example 6-6).

Example 6-6. Indicating errors through the return value

private bool Rotate(double duration)
    if (PlatformWidth <= 0.0)
        return false;
    // This is the total circumference of turning circle
    double circum = Math.PI * PlatformWidth;
    // This is the total distance traveled
    double d = duration * MotorSpeed;
    if (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed)
        // And we're going backwards if the motors are reversed
        d *= -1.0;
    // So we've driven it this proportion of the way round
    double proportionOfWholeCircle = d / circum;
    // Once round is 360 degrees (or 2pi radians), so we have traveled
    CurrentOrientation =
        CurrentOrientation + (Math.PI * 2.0 * proportionOfWholeCircle);
    return true;

If we compile and run with our all-new error checking added, we see the following output:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,-15) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,-15) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,-18.5355339059327) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.

Hmmm; that’s not very good. Rotate has indeed failed, but we’ve carried on driving the turtle up and down that line because we didn’t do anything with the return value.


This is the great benefit, and great downside, of error return values: you can just ignore them.

Let’s look at where we call Rotate and see what we can do with that error (see Example 6-7).

Example 6-7. Detecting failure and then wondering what to do with it

// Run the turtle for the specified duration
public void RunFor(double duration)
    // ...

    // The motors are running in opposite directions,
    // so we don't move, we just rotate about the
    // center of the rig
    if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed) ||
        (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Running))
        if (!Rotate(duration))
            // It failed, so what now?

It is simple enough to check to see if it failed, but what are we actually going to do about it? Is there any action we can take? Not surprisingly, the answer is no—we know no more about the needs of our caller than we did when we were discussing the other options. So we are going to have to pass the error on up. Example 6-8 shows an implementation of Run that does that.

Example 6-8. Passing the buck

// Run the turtle for the specified duration
// Returns false if there was a failure
// Or true if the run succeeded
public bool RunFor(double duration)
    if (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Stopped &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Stopped)
        // If we are at a full stop, nothing will happen
        return true;

    // The motors are both running in the same direction
    // then we just drive
    if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Running) ||
        (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed))
        return true;

    // The motors are running in opposite directions,
    // so we don't move, we just rotate about the
    // center of the rig
    if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed) ||
        (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Running))
        return Rotate(duration);

    // We didn't expect to get here
    return false;

Notice that we updated our documentation for the public method as we changed the contract. We also have to return values from all of the exit points of our method.

That has exposed another problem with our implementation: we never supported one motor at the stop condition, and the other at the driving or reversing condition. Well, that’s fine—we can return an error if we hit those conditions now.

One problem with this contract is that we can’t tell why our error occurred. Was it due to the state of the motors, or a problem with Rotate? We could create an enum that lets us distinguish between these error types:

enum TurtleError

Then we could use the enum as shown in Example 6-9.

Example 6-9. Indicating errors with an enum

// Run the turtle for the specified duration
// Returns one of the TurtleError values if a failure
// occurs, or TurtleError.OK if it succeeds
public TurtleError RunFor(double duration)
    if (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Stopped &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Stopped)
        // If we are at a full stop, nothing will happen
        return TurtleError.OK;

    // The motors are both running in the same direction
    // then we just drive
    if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Running) ||
        (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed))
        return TurtleError.OK;

    // The motors are running in opposite directions,
    // so we don't move, we just rotate about the
    // center of the rig
    if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed) ||
        (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Running))
        if (!Rotate(duration))
            return TurtleError.RotateError;
    return TurtleError.MotorStateError;

OK so far, although it is starting to get a bit tortuous, and we’re going up only one call in the stack. But let’s build and run anyway:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,-15) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,-15) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,-18.5355339059327) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.

Yup; we’re no better off than before, because all we’ve done is to pass the responsibility up to the client, and they are still free to ignore our pleadings. Given that the problem is a result of our oversight in the first place, what is the likelihood that we’ll remember to check the error message?

Things would be even worse if this was in a library; we could recompile against this new version, and everything would seem fine, while in the background everything would quietly be going horribly wrong.

It is probably about time we did something with the error message, so let’s see what happens in our client code (see Example 6-10).

Example 6-10. Handling an error

static void Main(string[] args)
    Turtle arthurTheTurtle =
        new Turtle {
            PlatformWidth = 0.0,
            PlatformHeight = 10.0,
            MotorSpeed = 5.0 };


    // We want to proceed forwards
    arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Running;
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Running;
    // For two seconds
    TurtleError result = arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(2.0);

    if (result != TurtleError.OK)


    // Now, let's rotate clockwise for a bit
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    // PI / 2 seconds should do the trick
    result = arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.PI / 2.0);
    if (result != TurtleError.OK)


    // And let's go into reverse
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;

    // And run for 5 seconds
    result = arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(5);
    if (result != TurtleError.OK)


    // Then rotate back the other way
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Running;
    // And run for PI/4 seconds to give us 45 degrees
    result = arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.PI / 4.0);
    if (result != TurtleError.OK)


    // And finally drive backwards for a bit
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    result = arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4.0));
    if (result != TurtleError.OK)



private static void HandleError(TurtleError result)
    Console.WriteLine("We hit turtle error {0}", result);

Every time we call the RunFor method, we have to stash away the error message that is returned, check it for problems, and then decide what we’re going to do.

In this instance, we decided to quit the application, after showing an error message to the user, because it isn’t safe to continue.

If we compile and run, here’s the output:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
We hit turtle error RotateError

From an application point of view, this is much better behavior than before: we were able to stop when we hit our first problem. Unfortunately, we had to write quite a lot of boilerplate code to achieve that end, and our code is much less readable than it was before. We also created a huge number of potential exit points out of our function, which decreases its maintainability. So while it is better, I’m not totally happy with it; this is catching just one potential error from one function, and we have almost as many lines of code dealing with that as we do our success scenario, scattered throughout our whole program!

Debugging with Return Values

So we finally spotted the problem, and stopped it from causing trouble. How do we find out what is wrong? Well, first we should take a look at the error message. That tells us that it has something to do with rotating the turtle, which gives us a bit of a clue. The easiest way to see what is really going on, though, might be to set a breakpoint in our error handler and see what state the system is in when the error occurs.

To set a breakpoint, we can put the cursor on the line where we want to break into the debugger, and press F9. Figure 6-1 shows the code with a breakpoint set.

Code with a breakpoint set

Figure 6-1. Code with a breakpoint set

If we run this now, the application will break into the debugger when we hit our error handler. If we press Ctrl-Alt-C, we can inspect the call stack to see where we went wrong, as shown in Figure 6-2.

Call stack, broken in the error handler

Figure 6-2. Call stack, broken in the error handler

As you can see, there’s not an awful lot to help us; we lost context in which the error occurred because we returned out of the method that had the actual problem, and wound back up to our calling function.

It isn’t completely useless—we now know which call had the problem (this time), so we can put a breakpoint on the relevant line and run again; but what if this was a hard-to-reproduce, intermittent error? We may have lost our one chance this week to identify and fix the problem!

These are not the only problems with a return-value-based approach to error handling. What if we already need to use the return value on the method? We’re heading into the realm of “magic” values that mean an error has occurred, or we could add out or ref parameters to allow our method to return both a useful output and an error code.

And what about property setters; we don’t have the option of a return value, but we might well like to return an error of some kind if the value is out of range.

If you’re thinking “surely there has to be a better way,” you’re right. C# (like most modern languages) supports an alternative means of signaling errors: exceptions.


Rather than return an error code from a method, we can instead throw an instance of any type derived from Exception. Let’s rewrite our Rotate method to do that (see Example 6-11).

Example 6-11. Indicating an error with an exception

private void Rotate(double duration)
    if (PlatformWidth <= 0.0)
        throw new InvalidOperationException(
            "The PlatformWidth must be initialized to a value > 0.0");
    // This is the total circumference of turning circle
    double circum = Math.PI * PlatformWidth;
    // This is the total distance traveled
    double d = duration * MotorSpeed;
    if (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed)
        // And we're going backwards if the motors are reversed
        d *= −1.0;
    // So we've driven it this proportion of the way round
    double proportionOfWholeCircle = d / circum;
    // Once round is 360 degrees (or 2pi radians), so we have traveled
    CurrentOrientation =
        CurrentOrientation + (Math.PI * 2.0 * proportionOfWholeCircle);
    // return true; (This is now redunant, so you can delete it)

Notice that we changed the return specification back to void, and removed the unnecessary return at the end. The interesting bit, though, is in our test at the beginning of the method.

Rather than return an instance of an enum, we throw an instance of the InvalidOperationException class.

InvalidOperationException is one of several types derived from Exception. It is intended to be used when an operation fails because the current state of the object itself doesn’t allow the method to succeed (rather than, say, because a parameter passed in to the method was incorrect). That seems to fit this case quite nicely, so we can make use of it.


Back before C# 3.0, you could throw an instance of any type you liked (e.g., a string). In C# 3.0, a constraint was added that only types derived from Exception can be thrown.

If we take a look at the Exception class (see we’ll see that it has a Message property. That’s what we’re setting with the string we pass to the constructor, and it can be any text we like—preferably something that will help us (or one of our clients) debug the problem in the future.

There’s also a property called Data. This is a dictionary of key/value pairs that lets us associate more information with the exception, and it can be extremely useful for debugging or logging purposes.

Replacing the return value with an exception, we will need to perform a bit of surgery on our application to get it to compile.

First, let’s change the Turtle.RunFor method so that it no longer returns a value, and delete the TurtleError enumeration (see Example 6-12).

Example 6-12. Passing the buck is no longer required

// Run the turtle for the specified duration
public void RunFor(double duration)
    if (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Stopped &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Stopped)
        // If we are at a full stop, nothing will happen

    // The motors are both running in the same direction
    // then we just drive
    if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Running) ||
        (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed))

    // The motors are running in opposite directions,
    // so we don't move, we just rotate about the
    // center of the rig
    if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed) ||
        (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
        RightMotorState == MotorState.Running))


Then, we can update the calling program, and strip out the code that deals with the return value (see Example 6-13).

Example 6-13. Main no longer checking explicitly for errors

static void Main(string[] args)
    Turtle arthurTheTurtle = new Turtle {
        PlatformWidth = 0.0, PlatformHeight = 10.0, MotorSpeed = 5.0 };


    // We want to proceed forwards
    arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Running;
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Running;
    // For two seconds


    // Now, let's rotate clockwise for a bit
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    // PI / 2 seconds should do the trick
    arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.PI / 2.0);


    // And let's go into reverse
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;

    // And run for 5 seconds


    // Then rotate back the other way
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Running;
    // And run for PI/4 seconds to give us 45 degrees
    arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.PI / 4.0);


    // And finally drive backwards for a bit
    arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
    arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4.0));



Finally, we can delete the HandleError method.

OK, what happens if you compile and run (make sure you press F5 or choose DebugStart Debugging so that you run in the debugger)? Well, you drop very rapidly into the debugger, as you can see in Figure 6-3.

An unhandled exception in the debugger

Figure 6-3. An unhandled exception in the debugger

As the debugger implies, we’ve broken in here because the exception is unhandled; but notice that we’ve broken right at the point at which the exception actually occurred. Even if we hadn’t provided some nice descriptive error text, we can clearly see why we failed, unlike with error codes, where by the time the debugger got involved, we had already lost track of the root cause of the failure.

If we want an even closer look, we can click the View Detail link on the callout. This produces a dialog containing a property grid view of the exception object that was thrown. We can examine this to help us debug the problem. (You can see the Message and Data properties that we previously looked at, and I’ve popped open the StackTrace for the exception, in the example in Figure 6-4.)

That’s already a huge improvement over the return value approach; but are there any obvious downsides to throwing an exception?

Exception detail with stack trace open

Figure 6-4. Exception detail with stack trace open

Well, the first downside is that throwing an exception is way more expensive than simply returning a value. You don’t really want to throw an exception just to manage your normal flow of control. Passing parameters and looking at internal state is always going to be a better choice for anything you might call “the success path.”

That being said, expense is, of course, relative, and as usual, you should use the best tool for the job. Plus, exceptions are actually lower cost than return values if you don’t actually throw them. In our previous example, we allocated and copied return values even if everything was OK. With the exception model, the success path is basically free.


The debate about when to use exceptions versus return values continues to rage in our industry. I don’t expect it to let up anytime soon. As I said at the beginning of the chapter, it is almost like we’re not really on top of the whole error-handling situation.

We’ve seen what happens if we don’t handle an exception that we throw (i.e., it percolates up until eventually we crash); and while that behavior is far more satisfactory than the situation when we ignored a return value, we would like to do much better. We want to handle the error and exit gracefully, as we did before.

As you might expect, C# provides us with language features to do just that: try, finally, and catch.

Handling Exceptions

When we handled our return values, we had to propagate them up the call stack by hand, adding appropriate return values to each and every method, checking the result, and either passing it up or transforming and passing it as we go.

Exceptions, on the other hand, propagate up the stack automatically. If we don’t want to add a handler, we don’t have to, and the next call site up gets its chance instead, until eventually we pop out at the top of Main and either break into the debugger or Windows Error Handling steps in.

This means we can take a more structured approach to error handling—identifying points in our application control flow where we want to handle particular types of exceptions, and gathering our error-handling code into easily identified blocks.

The try, catch, and finally keywords help us to define those blocks (along with the ubiquitous braces).

In our example, we have no need to handle the potential errors from each and every call to RunFor separately. Instead, we can wrap the whole set into a single set of try, catch, and finally blocks, as shown in Example 6-14.

Example 6-14. Handling exceptions

static void Main(string[] args)
    Turtle arthurTheTurtle = new Turtle {
        PlatformWidth = 0.0, PlatformHeight = 10.0, MotorSpeed = 5.0 };


        // We want to proceed forwards
        arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Running;
        arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Running;
        // For two seconds


        // Now, let's rotate clockwise for a bit
        arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
        // PI / 2 seconds should do the trick
        arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.PI / 2.0);


        // And let's go into reverse
        arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
        arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;

        // And run for 5 seconds


        // Then rotate back the other way
        arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Running;
        // And run for PI/4 seconds to give us 45 degrees
        arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.PI / 4.0);


        // And finally drive backwards for a bit
        arthurTheTurtle.RightMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
        arthurTheTurtle.LeftMotorState = MotorState.Reversed;
        arthurTheTurtle.RunFor(Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4.0));

    catch (InvalidOperationException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Error running turtle:");

If any of the code in the try block throws an exception, the runtime looks to see if there are any catch blocks whose exception type matches the type of that exception. It matches successfully if the catch parameter is either of the same type, or of a less-derived (base) type than that of the exception.

You can have any number of catch blocks for different types of exceptions, and it will look through them in the order they are defined; the first one that matches wins (even if there is a “better” match farther down).

If it doesn’t find a suitable match, the exception will be propagated on up the call stack, just as though there was no try block.

To see how this works in practice, let’s quickly modify the code in Example 6-14 to catch Exception as well, as shown in Example 6-15.

Example 6-15. Poorly placed catch block

catch (Exception e2)
    Console.WriteLine("Caught generic exception...");
catch (InvalidOperationException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Error running turtle:");
    Console.WriteLine("Waiting in the finally block...");

If you try to compile this, you’ll see the following error:

A previous catch clause already catches all exceptions of this or of a
super type ('System.Exception')

This occurs because Exception is an ancestor of InvalidOperationException, and the clause appears first in the list of catch blocks. If we switch those around, we compile successfully, as shown in Example 6-16.

Example 6-16. Catching exceptions in the right order

catch (InvalidOperationException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Error running turtle:");
catch (Exception e2)
    Console.WriteLine("Caught generic exception...");
    Console.WriteLine("Waiting in the finally block...");

When the flow of control leaves the try block successfully, or the flow of control exits the last catch block if an exception occurred in the try block, the code in the finally block is executed. In other words, the code in the finally block is always executed, regardless of whether there was an exception.

If you designed your exception-handling code nicely, you’ll almost certainly use far more finally blocks than you do catch blocks. The finally block is a good place for cleaning up your resources, or winding back internal state if an error occurs, to ensure that your pre- and post conditions are still valid, whereas a catch block allows you to deal with an error condition you, as a client, understand in some way—even if it is only to present a message to the user (as in this case).

If we compile and run our code again, we’ll see the following output:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Error running turtle:
The PlatformWidth must be initialized to a value > 0.0
Waiting in the finally block...

Notice how the error-handling code is now consolidated neatly into clearly defined blocks, rather than scattered throughout our code, and we’ve been able to cut down substantially on the number of points of return from our method.

At the moment, we’re not handling any exceptions in our Turtle itself. Let’s imagine that our Turtle is being provided to clients in a library, and we (as the leading vendors of turtle simulators) want the library to do some internal logging when errors occur: maybe we have an opt-in customer experience program that sends telemetry back to our team.

We still want the errors to propagate up to the client for them to deal with; we just want to see them on the way past.

C# gives us the ability to catch, and then transparently rethrow, an exception, as shown in Example 6-17.

Example 6-17. Rethrowing an exception

// Run the turtle for the specified duration
public void RunFor(double duration)

        if (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Stopped &&
            RightMotorState == MotorState.Stopped)
            // If we are at a full stop, nothing will happen

        // The motors are both running in the same direction
        // then we just drive
        if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
            RightMotorState == MotorState.Running) ||
            (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
            RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed))

        // The motors are running in opposite directions,
        // so we don't move, we just rotate about the
        // center of the rig
        if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
            RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed) ||
            (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
            RightMotorState == MotorState.Running))

    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Log message: " + ex.Message);
        // Rethrow

The first thing to notice is that we caught the base Exception type, having just said that we almost never do that. We want to log every exception, and because we’re rethrowing rather than eating it, we won’t simply ignore exceptions we weren’t expecting.

After we execute our handler code (just writing the message to the console in this case), we use the throw keyword, without any object, to rethrow the exception we just caught.

If you compile and run that, you’ll see the following output:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Log error: The PlatformWidth must be initialized to a value > 0.0
Error running turtle:
The PlatformWidth must be initialized to a value > 0.0
Waiting in the finally block

Notice that we get the output from both of the exception handlers.

That’s not the only way to throw from a catch block: it is perfectly reasonable to throw any exception from our exception handler! We often do this to wrap up an exception that comes from our implementation in another exception type that is more appropriate for our context. The original exception is not thrown away, but stashed away in the InnerException property of the new one, as shown in Example 6-18.

Example 6-18. Wrapping one exception in another

// Run the turtle for the specified duration
public void RunFor(double duration)

        if (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Stopped &&
            RightMotorState == MotorState.Stopped)
            // If we are at a full stop, nothing will happen

        // The motors are both running in the same direction
        // then we just drive
        if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
            RightMotorState == MotorState.Running) ||
            (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
            RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed))

        // The motors are running in opposite directions,
        // so we don't move, we just rotate about the
        // center of the rig
        if ((LeftMotorState == MotorState.Running &&
            RightMotorState == MotorState.Reversed) ||
            (LeftMotorState == MotorState.Reversed &&
            RightMotorState == MotorState.Running))

    catch (InvalidOperationException iox)
        throw new Exception("Some problem with the turtle...", iox);
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Log here
        Console.WriteLine("Log message: " + ex.Message);
        // Rethrow

Notice how we passed the exception to be wrapped as a parameter to the new exception when we constructed it. Let’s make a quick modification to the exception handler in Main to take advantage of this new feature (see Example 6-19).

Example 6-19. Reporting an InnerException

static void Main(string[] args)
    Turtle arthurTheTurtle = new Turtle {
        PlatformWidth = 0.0, PlatformHeight = 10.0, MotorSpeed = 5.0 };


       // ...
    catch (InvalidOperationException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Error running turtle:");
    catch (Exception e1)
        // Loop through the inner exceptions, printing their messages
        Exception current = e1;
        while (current != null)
            current = current.InnerException;
        Console.WriteLine("Waiting in the finally block");

If we compile and run again, we can see the following output, including the messages from both the outer and inner exceptions:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Some problem with the turtle has occurred
The PlatformWidth must be initialized to a value > 0.0
Waiting in the finally block

Clearly, wrapping an implementation-detail exception with something explicitly documented in our public contract can simplify the range of exception handlers you require. It also helps to encapsulate implementation details, as the exceptions you throw can be considered part of your contract.

On the other hand, are there any disadvantages to throwing a wrapped exception (or indeed rethrowing the original exception explicitly, rather than implicitly with throw;)? As programming tends to be a series of compromises, the answer is, as you might expect, yes.

If you explicitly (re)throw an exception, the call stack in the exception handler starts at the new throw statement, losing the original context in the debugger (although you can still inspect it in the inner exception in the object browser). This makes debugging noticeably less productive.

Because of this, you should consider carefully whether you need to wrap the exception, and always ensure that you implicitly (rather than explicitly) rethrow exceptions that you have caught and then wish to pass through.

When Do finally Blocks Run?

It is worth clarifying exactly when the finally block gets executed, under a few edge conditions.

First, let’s see what happens if we run our example application outside the debugger. If we do that (by pressing Ctrl-F5) we’ll see that Windows Error Handling[12] materializes, and presents the user with an error dialog before we actually hit our finally block at all! It is like the runtime has inserted an extra catch block in our own (top-level) exception handler, rather than percolating up another level (and hence out of our scope, invoking the code in the finally block).

And what happens when exceptions are thrown out of the exception handlers?

Let’s add a finally block to our RunFor method (see Example 6-20).

Example 6-20. Seeing when finally blocks run

// Run the turtle for the specified duration
public void RunFor(double duration)
        // ...
    catch (InvalidOperationException iox)
        throw new Exception("Some problem with the turtle has occurred", iox);
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Log here
        Console.WriteLine("Log error: " + ex.Message);
        // Rethrow
        Console.WriteLine("In the Turtle finally block");

If you compile and run this code, you’ll see the following output:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
In the Turtle finally block
Arthur is at (0,10) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
In the Turtle finally block
Some problem with the turtle has occurred
The PlatformWidth must be initialized to a value > 0.0
Waiting in the finally block

So our finally block executes after the exception is thrown, but before it executes the exception handlers farther up the stack.

Deciding What to Catch

One important question remains: how did we know what exception type to catch from our code? Unlike some other languages (e.g., Java) there is no keyword which allows us to specify that a method can throw a particular exception. We have to rely on good developer documentation. The MSDN documentation for the framework itself carefully documents all the exceptions that can be thrown from its methods (and properties), and we should endeavor to do the same.

The .NET Framework provides a wide variety of exception types that you can catch (and often use). Let’s revisit Table 6-1 (the common error types) and see what is available for those situations (see Table 6-2).

Table 6-2. Some common errors and their exception types




Unexpected input

A client passes data to a method that is outside some expected range.




Unexpected data type

A client passes data to a method that is not of the expected type.


Unexpected data format

A client passes data to a method in a format that is not recognized.


Unexpected result

A client receives information from a method that it did not expect for the given input (e.g., null).


Unexpected method call

The class wasn’t expecting you to call a particular method at that time; you hadn’t performed some required initialization, for example.


Unavailable resource

A method tried to access a resource of some kind and it failed to respond in a timely fashion; a hardware device was not plugged in, for instance.


Contended resource

A method tried to access a scarce resource of some kind (memory or a hardware device that cannot be shared) and it was not available because someone else was using it.



Obviously, that’s a much abbreviated list, but it contains some of the most common exceptions you’ll see in real applications. One of the most useful that you’ll throw yourself is the ArgumentException. You can use that when parameters passed to your methods fail to validate.

Let’s make use of that in our RunFor method. Say that a “feature” of our turtle hardware is that it crashes and becomes unresponsive if we try to run it for zero seconds. We can work around this in our software by checking for this condition in the RunFor method, and throwing an exception if clients try this, as shown in Example 6-21.

Example 6-21. Throwing an exception when arguments are bad

public void RunFor(double duration)
    if (duration <= double.Epsilon)
        throw new ArgumentException(
            "Must provide a duration greater than 0",
        // ...
    catch (InvalidOperationException iox)
        throw new Exception("Some problem with the turtle has occurred", iox);
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Log here
        Console.WriteLine("Log error: " + ex.Message);
        // Rethrow
        Console.WriteLine("In the Turtle finally block");

The second parameter in this constructor should match the name of the parameter that is in error. The first represents the exception message.


When you come to use ArgumentNullException (which you throw when you are erroneously passed a null argument) you’ll find that the error message and parameter arguments are swapped around in the constructor. This irritating inconsistency has been with us since .NET 1.0, and too much code depends on it to fix it now.

The code in Example 6-22 updates Main, to sneak in an attempt to run it for zero seconds.

Example 6-22. Testing for the expected exception

static void Main(string[] args)
    Turtle arthurTheTurtle = new Turtle {
        PlatformWidth = 0.0, PlatformHeight = 10.0, MotorSpeed = 5.0 };


    // ...
    catch (InvalidOperationException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Error running turtle:");
    catch (Exception e1)
        // Loop through the inner exceptions, printing their messages
        Exception current = e1;
        while (current != null)
            current = current.InnerException;
        Console.WriteLine("Waiting in the finally block");

If we compile and run, we’ll see the following output:

Arthur is at (0,0) and is pointing at angle 0.00 radians.
Must provide a duration greater than 0
Parameter name: duration
Waiting in the finally block

Notice how the error message automatically includes the details of the problem parameter.

Custom Exceptions

You might want to create your own exceptions for a couple of reasons:

  • My exception is a special snowflake.

  • I want to group my exceptions together for layered exception handling.

The first of these is the most problematic. You should think very carefully about whether your exception is really special, or whether you can just reuse an existing exception type.

When you introduce new exceptions, you’re asking clients to understand and deal with a new type of problem, and you’re expecting them to handle it in a special way. There are occasional instances of this, but more often the differences are in the context (i.e., that it was thrown from your code) rather than the exception itself (i.e., something was out of range, invalid, null, or unavailable, or it timed out).

Slightly more often, you provide custom exception types when you want to provide a convenient API over some additional information that comes along with the exception. The Exception.Data property we discussed earlier might be a better solution—it gives you somewhere to put information without needing to add a new kind of exception. But the convenience of a dedicated property might outweigh the costs of introducing a custom exception.

Finally, you might wish to create a custom exception class to allow you to conceptually group some subsystem’s exceptions together. DbException is an example of this in the .NET Framework; it represents the various errors that can occur when using a database. There are various specialized errors that derive from this, such as the SqlException thrown by the SQL Server subsystem, but the common base class enables you to write a single catch for all database errors, rather than having to handle provider-specific errors.

Again, you should think carefully about this before doing it: what client exception-handling scenarios are you enabling, and why do you need the custom type?

However, having been through all of this, creating your own exception type is very simple. Let’s create a TurtleException for our exception wrapper (see Example 6-23).


Whether we really want a TurtleException is another matter. I’m not sure I really would in these circumstances, but your mileage may vary.

Example 6-23. A custom exception

class TurtleException : Exception
    public TurtleException()

    public TurtleException(string message)
        : base(message)
    { }

    public TurtleException(string message, Exception innerException)
        : base(message, innerException)

    // For serialization support
    protected TurtleException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
        : base(info, context)

The first thing to notice is that we derive from Exception.

If you’ve plowed through the MSDN documentation you might have noticed the ApplicationException type, which derives from Exception, and was provided as a base class for application-defined exceptions. Why, you might ask, are we not deriving from ApplicationException?

Well, ApplicationException adds no functionality to Exception, and the .NET designers could not come up with a scenario where it was useful to catch ApplicationException (as opposed to Exception). Sadly, they only realized this after .NET 1.0 had shipped, so it is in the library, but it is now deprecated. You should neither derive from nor catch ApplicationException.

Also, we provide a bunch of standard constructors: a default parameterless constructor, one that takes a message, and one that takes a message and an inner exception. Even if you add more properties to your own exception that you wish to initialize in the constructor, you should still provide constructors that follow this pattern (including the default, parameterless one).

The final constructor supports serialization. We do this because Exception itself is marked as a serializable class, which means that derived classes have to be too. This enables exceptions to cross appdomain boundaries.[13] We’re just calling the base class’s constructor here. Because there is no constructor inheritance in C#, we need to provide a matching constructor which calls the one in our base. If we didn’t do this, any code that polymorphically used our TurtleException as its base Exception might break.


In this chapter, we reviewed the various types of errors that might occur in our software and looked at several strategies for handling them. These include ignoring the problem, aborting the application, returning errors, and throwing exceptions. We also saw some of the benefits and pitfalls of returning errors, and how exceptions can often provide a more robust and flexible means of alerting your clients to problems. We saw how we can handle exceptions in layers, sometimes catching, using, and then rethrowing an exception, sometimes wrapping an implementation exception in a public exception type, and sometimes allowing exceptions to bubble up to the next layer of handlers. We saw what happens when an unhandled exception pops out at the top of the stack, and how we can use finally blocks at each layer to ensure that application state remains consistent, and resources can be released, whether exceptions occur or not. We then took a quick review of some of the most common exceptions provided by the framework, and how we might use them. Finally, we looked at creating our own exception types and why we might (and might not) wish to do so.

We’ve come a long way in the past few chapters, covering all of the everyday C# programming concepts you’ll need. In the next few chapters, we’ll look at features of the .NET Framework in more detail, and how we can best use them in C#; starting with the collection classes.

[12] Or “Dr. Watson” as the crash handler was more colorfully named on older versions of Windows.

[13] An appdomain is a kind of process within a process. We’ll talk about them a little more in Chapter 11 and Chapter 15, but they’re mainly used by systems that need to host code, such as ASP.NET.

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