12. Technology: Control, Fields of Technology, Measurement, Science, Tools, and Machines


(1) censor to exclude content


(1) take a digital photo and look at it on the camera’s screen

(1) “With film there’s no comparable chimp factor unless you’re taking pictures with something like a Polaroid camera.” —Usenet rec.photo.digital group (http://groups.google.com/group/rec.photo.digital/msg/a16c97e98f49e407?dmode=source&hl=en)


(1) count and observe consumer behavior on Web sites

(1) The digital strategy included plans to clickstream the visitor data to the Web site.


(1) receive electricity, heat, water, and other utilities on a ship or boat from shore side

(1) “The state of Alaska has imposed emission regulations in respect of soot, with quite severe penalties if exceeded, and several harbors in Sweden require cold-ironing or emission reductions when some of the larger ferries are in port.” —Lloyd’s List International, 23 September 1993


(1) combine or mix two different elements


(1) rotate with, or at the same time or rate as, another body


(1) accumulate a pointless and excessive number of photos and Word documents on one’s hard drive


(1) control a function, process, or creation by a computer


(1) clear up; correct; eliminate errors or malfunctions; fix; mend; repair; restore; service; sort out


(1) make or become free of volatile matter


(1) processes and use of tools that electronically allow all activities in the digital sourcing process


(1) participate in a high-tech treasure-hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices


(1) use a script to search via Google for a word or phrase millions of times, making it appear as if many different people actually searched for it; to conspire with other web page authors to create a Google bomb by agreeing on the search phrase and victim site


(1) index update of the Google search engine

MORPH (also see the Earth and Nature)

(1) change shape and form in a computer animation

(2) change shape in form

(2) “Kate Moss is an equivalent cultural icon, a kind of living Barbie for the ’90s. It’s her ability to morph into so many different characters with minor changes in makeup and hair (courtesy of makeup master Dick Page and hair pro Nicholas Jurnjack), her capacity to transform herself over and over, that keeps us captivated.” —Susan Vaughan, “Transformer,” Bazaar, issue 3,454, September 1999, p. 464


(1) smog check; to certify that a vehicle meets emission standards

ZOT (slang)

(1) in slang usage on the Internet, to remove, censor, or ban material or participants

(2) strike or destroy, especially with lightning or other beam or jolt of energy

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