Cross-Cultural Competency

Cross-Cultural Competency is the ability to operate in different cultural settings.


(1) diverge or deviate from the straight path; diverge from the expected

Résumé bullet points:

Aberrated from standard operating procedure (SOP) in cases that demanded field expediency


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Professional Demeanor and Presence, Reliability, Self-Manageable, and Work Ethic}

(1) bear; continue; endure; go on being; put up with; stomach; take; tolerate

(2) hold; remain; stand fast; stand for

(3) remain with someone; stay

Collocates to: agreements, conditions, laws, norms, rules; resolutions, wishes


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Attention to Detail, Cognitive Load Management, Commitment and Detail, Common Sense, Flexibility, Learn, and Self-Manageable}

(1) acquire; assimilate; attract; consume; digest; endure; engulf; fascinate; imbibe; soak up; sustain; take in; use up

(1) During the recent economic downturn, Boeing absorbed most of the price increases.

(2) draw into oneself; grasp; realize; recognize; take in; understand

(3) become captivated, interested, engaged, or preoccupied in; fascinated

Résumé bullet points:

Absorbed the work of departments that have been eliminated, doubling my responsibilities


{also use in Accountability, Cross-Cultural Competency, Take Direction, and Team Player}

(1) admit; agree; believe; consent; say you will

(2) receive with gladness and approval

(3) receive; take something being offered

(4) bow to; endure; put up with; resign yourself to; tolerate

Résumé bullet points:

Accepted the responsibilities for all my decisions


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Common Sense, Flexibility, Leadership, Learn, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Professional Demeanor, Team Player, and Work Ethic}

(1) acclimatize; accustom yourself; adapt; adjust; become accustomed to a new environment or situation; familiarize; get used to


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Compassion, Common Sense, Customer Awareness, Flexibility, and Outgoing}

(1) house; lodge; provide accommodations; put up

(2) adapt; be big enough for; contain; have capacity for; hold; reconcile; seat

(3) do a favor or a service for someone

(4) adjust; become accustomed; familiarize; get used to; make suitable

(5) allow for; assist; be of service; consider; find ways to help; oblige

Résumé bullet points:

Accommodated the health, attire, and religious needs of all immigrant workers without a loss of team cohesiveness or productivity


{also use in Social Intelligence}

(1) accustom; aware; become familiar with; explain; inform; introduce; know; notify; present; run by; tell

(2) come to know personally

Résumé bullet points:

Acquainted with proactive leadership and management styles


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attention to Detail, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Creativity, Flexibility, Learn, and HARD SKILLS: Engineering and R&D}

(1) acclimate; accommodate; adjust; change; conform; fashion; fit; get used to; make suitable; reconcile; square; suit; tailor

(2) make fit, often by modification

(3) cause something to change for the better

Résumé bullet points:

Adapted working conditions to comply and exceed ADA requirements


{also use in Accountability, Common Sense, Engineering, R&D, Flexibility, and Work Ethic}

(1) accommodate; alter; amend; attune; bend; change; correct; fine-tune; fix; modify; pacify; regulate; resolve; rectify; settle; tune-up; tweak

Résumé bullet points:

Adjusted hours to accommodate mothers with infant child care issues


(1) abet; alleviate; assist; benefit; facilitate; give support to; help; minister to; serve; sustain; subsidize

Résumé bullet points:

Aided workers with time off and reimbursement for fees for taking and passing English as a Second Language course.


{also use in Compassion}

(1) alleviate; calm; dispel; put to rest; relieve; subside

Résumé bullet points:

Allayed the fears of immigrant workers by hosting regular immigration rights workshops


{also use in Outgoing and Social Intelligence}

(1) align; associate; befriend; confederate; friend; help; league; join; support

Résumé bullet points:

Allied with local businesses to create networking groups for immigrant workers


(1) absorb; accommodate; incorporate; standardize

Résumé bullet points:

Assimilated quickly when transferred to our facility in Lima, Peru


(1) add to; boost; bump up; enlarge; expand; increase; supplement

Résumé bullet points:

Augmented fulfillment positions with workers from sheltered workshops


{also use in Accountability, Attention to Detail, and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving}

(1) assess; calculate; collate; compare; consider; evaluate; even out; equalize; keep upright; offset; settle; square; stabilize; stay poised; steady; tally; total; weigh; weight up

Résumé bullet points:

Balanced the needs of workers with aggressive production objectives


{also use in Risk Tolerant}

(1) add new interests or new activities; begin doing new things

Résumé bullet points:

Branched out in new endeavors


(1) develop; enlarge; expand; extend; stretch; thicken; open up; widen

Résumé bullet points:

Broadened the diversity of 1,000 employees by work-sharing and cross-training


{also used in Team Player}

(1) cooperate; work together

Résumé bullet points:

Coadjuted worker disputes with one representative elected by worker votes


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Cognitive Load Management, Commitment and Dedication, Flexibility, Leadership, Learn, Social Intelligence, and Team Player}

(1) blend; come together as one; combine; fuse or cause to grow together; join; merge; mingle; mix together different elements or parts; unite

Résumé bullet points:

Coalesced organization’s research into field leader


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Commitment and Dedication, Cross-Cultural Competency, Self-Manageable, Take Direction, and Work Ethic}

(1) act as a team; assist; cooperate; pool resources; team up; work jointly with; work together

Résumé bullet points:

Collaborated with all union leaders to ensure company HR polices were in union contract specifications


{also use in Critical Thinking}

(1) bring together; merge; strengthen; unite

Résumé bullet points:

Consolidated five manufacturing and assembly operations into one location, making it more convenient for many workers and saving the company $2.5 million annually


{also use in Attention to Detail and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) associate; calculate or show the reciprocal relation between; come together; bring into mutual relation; correspond; parallel

(1) A person’s race is weakly correlated with his eventual success in life.


{also use in Flexibility and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) branch out; expand; spread out; vary

Résumé bullet points:

Diversified product selection for 2011 Winter Catalog, resulting in 10 percent increase in sales


(1) accept; include; involve; support; take on; welcome

(2) clasp or hug in friendship, sociability, affection, or desire

(3) contain; encircle; enclose; perceive to include; surround; take in mentally

Résumé bullet points:

Embraced diversity as a hiring strategy


(1) cover; overlap

(1) The emergency data center imbricated our in-house data center during the blackout.


{also use in Companionate and Intelligence}

(1) blend; bring together; federate; merge; solidify; tie; unite

Résumé bullet points:

Unified global workforce of 13,000 individuals

Computational Thinking

Computational thinking is the ability to translate vast amounts of data into abstract concepts and to understand database reasoning.


{also use in Social Intelligence and HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) accumulate; amass; collect; combine; gather together; sum; total; whole

Résumé bullet points:

Aggregated all customer suggestions into topics for brainstorming sessions


(1) allot; designate; devote; distribute

(2) divide a sum of money or resources

Collocates to: for, funds, land, resources, quotas

Résumé bullet points:

Allocated resources based on strategic value of the request


(1) allot; assign; divide and give out parts or shares according to a plan

Résumé bullet points:

Apportioned interns to engineers based on work assignments


{also use in New Media Literature, Reliability}

(1) annals; collection; documentation; files; place or keep records in archive; library; store of data

Résumé bullet points:

Archived project management scope statements


{also use in Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Honesty and Integrity}

(1) accredit; arrogate; attribute something to someone; assert that something has been caused by someone or something

(1) The error was ascribed to a faulty chip.

Collocates to: attributes, meaning, motives, powers, tendencies, traits, qualities, values


{also use in Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, and HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) allocate; allot; choose; consign; dispense; dole out; give; hand over; pick; select; transfer

(2) appoint; delegate; designate; detail; name

Résumé bullet points:

Assigned student interns to departments


{also use in Accounting and Finance, Attention to Detail, and Design Mind-Set}

(1) appraise; assess; check; count; examine; inspect; review; verify the accounting records of

Résumé bullet points:

Audited scope statements of projects with results documents


(1) computerize; mechanize; program

Résumé bullet points:

Automated enrollment process, ensuring higher levels of student satisfaction


{also use in Accountability, Accounting and Finance, and Engineering and R&D}

(1) account; coax; compute; consider; deem; determine something; entice; enumerate; figure; persuade; rate

Résumé bullet points:

Calculated the cost of industrial sales calls


{also use in Attention to Detail and Gather Data and Convert into Information}

(1) arrange; assort; catalog; categorize; class; distribute into groups; grade; group; list by some order or sequence; organize; sort

Collocates to: advertising, as, by, documents, exposure, information


{also use in Gather Data and Convert into Information}

(1) organize into a system of rules, codes, or principles to make clear and coherent

Résumé bullet points:

Codified rating system to rank the industry’s more efficient logistics systems


(1) arrange; catalog; set up

Résumé bullet points:

Collocated formulas so common key terms could be found by internal search engine


{also use in Gather Data and Self-Manageable}

(1) amass; assemble; collect and edit something; compose; gather and put together in an orderly form

Résumé bullet points:

Compiled copies of project final deliverables for company library


{also use in Attention to Detail, Cross-Cultural Competency, and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) associate; bring into mutual relation; calculate or show the reciprocal relation between; come together; correspond; parallel

(1) The survey data indicated that the two factors were strongly correlated.


{also use in New Media Literacy}

(1) retrieval of facts and information from large databases

Résumé bullet points:

Data mined for analysis online usage and customer interaction data using GM’s preferred statistical package, SAS, and GM’s preferred database software, Oracle SQL


(1) store large data files for making business decisions

Résumé bullet points:

Data warehoused using heterogeneous environment of super-sized Oracle clusters, regular databases, Amazon RDS nodes, and Amazon EC2-based map-reduce clusters


(1) catalog; create information for storing; file; folder; list; record

Résumé bullet points:

Databased all OSHA compliance claims


(1) put content in digital form

Résumé bullet points:

Digitized products and production


(1) archetype; design; facsimile; hold up as an example; mold; use an example to demonstrate meaning or prototype purpose; original; representation; standard

Résumé bullet points:

Modeled all proposed marketing plans.


(1) arrange on order by class or categories

(2) place, arrange, or separate according to some class or category

Résumé bullet points:

Sorted 14,000 customer files into 6 segmented markets.


{also use in Attention to Detail, HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance, and Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) add up; chart; count; put facts in a table or column tally; total;

Résumé bullet points:

Tabulated and summarized results of consumer panel discussions

Customer Awareness, Able to Deal with Customers

Being customer aware means having empathy for customers and generally doing anything reasonable to satisfy customers’ needs.


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Flexibility, Outgoing, and Self-Manageable}

(1) agree; allow; approach; ascend; attain; come to; comply; conform; consent; enter upon; give assent; grant; succeed to; take over

Résumé bullet points:

Acceded to subordinates’ significantly higher levels of authority and responsibility in dealing with customers, thus improving customer service, retention, morale, and productivity


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Common Sense, Compassionate, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility and Outgoing}

(1) to house; lodge; provide accommodations; put up

(2) adapt; be big enough for; contain; have capacity for; hold; reconcile; seat

(3) do a favor or a service for someone

(4) adjust; become accustomed; familiarize; get used to; make suitable

(5) allow for; assist; be of service; consider; find ways to help; oblige

Résumé bullet points:

Accommodated customers by customizing billing due dates


{also use in Accountability, Attention to Detail, Reliability, and HARD SKILLS: Administration and Organizational}

(1) approve; attribute; authorize; credit; endorse; recognize; sanction

(2) certify; supply with credentials or authority

Collocates to: colleges; courses, education, fully; ideas, institutions, programs, schools


{also use in Accomplishments, Design Mind-Set, Gather Data and Convert into Information, and Risk Tolerant}

(1) attain; buy; come to possess; earn; gain; get; hold; obtain; purchase; receive

Résumé bullet points:

Acquired and merged US Census data into customer database


{also use in Accomplishments, Achievements, Attention to Detail and Accuracy, Creativity, Leadership, and Risk Tolerant}

(1) activate; arouse to action; motivate; put into motion; start; trigger

Résumé bullet points:

Actuated employees’ sense of ownership by motivating them to do well by being good


(1) allure; appeal; captivate; charm; draw; enchant; fascinate; lure; magnetize; pull

Résumé bullet points:

Attracted significantly higher numbers of customers to Web site with targeted email

Attracted high-volume prospects with special promotions


(1) cause to become joined or linked

(2) bring together in a common cause or emotion

Résumé bullet points:

Brought together vendors in regular strategic value chain planning

Brought together the most talented thought leaders in the field


{also use in Accountability and Research and R&D}

(1) construct; erect; put up; raise; rear

(2) grow; improve; increase

Résumé bullet points:

Built added value to Cline firms by focusing on customer-centric approach

Built and empowered award-winning cohesive teams that consistently achieved high standards of quality and productivity in completive markets


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Leadership, Self-Confidence, and Work Ethic}

(1) bear the main responsibility for something

Résumé bullet points:

Carried the water for stronger customer initiatives


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Customer Awareness, Intelligence, and Self-Manageable}

(1) develop; encourage; foster; help; nurture; promote; refine; support to tend to; till; work on

Résumé bullet points:

Cultivated repeat buyers with targeted marketing


(1) aid; encourage, help, or comfort

(2) carry or bear the weight for; keep from falling, slipping, or dropping

(3) give approval; uphold

Résumé bullet points:

Supported an ever-growing number of customers seeking cloud solutions

Design Mind-Set

A design mind-set is the ability to develop tasks and work processes for the desired outcomes.


{also use in Accomplishments, Customer Awareness, Gather Data and Convert into Information, and Risk Tolerant}

(1) attain; buy; come to possess; earn; gain; get; hold; obtain; purchase; receive

Résumé bullet points:

Acquired training, knowledge, and experience to serve a project management team leader


(1) add together; append; augment; combine; count up; enhance; summate; supplement; tally; tote up; join; unite

(2) be logical; make sense

(3) put figures together to make a total

(4) complement; improve; increase

Résumé bullet points:

Added four new customers, a new industry, and more than $1 million in revenue


{also use in Critical Thinking}

(1) affix; bond; hold; hold fast; glutamate; remain; stick to something; stay

Résumé bullet points:

Adhered to highest standards for quality


[also use in Accountability, Cognitive Load Management, and Critical Thinking}

(1) act as judge; listen; mediate; preside over argument; settle

Résumé bullet points:

Adjudicated disputes between engineers over technical issues


{also use in Attention to Detail, Commitment and Dedication, Self-Manageable, and Social Intelligence}

(1) ally; adjust; bring oneself into agreement with; correct; level; parallel; straighten

(2) arrange something in reference to something else

Résumé bullet points:

Aligned personal objectives with the objectives of the firm


(1) change for the better; correct; enhance; improve; modify; set right

Résumé bullet points:

Amended field manuals to incorporate new standards


(1) estimate; determine worth of; give notice; inform; judge

Résumé bullet points:

Appraised the value of low-mileage luxury automobiles


(1) acquaint; describe; enlighten; explain; impart; inform; notify; pass on; tell

Résumé bullet points:

Apprised customers of options of leasing versus buying


{also use in Accountability and Self-Manageable}

(1) accept; agree to; attest; back up; command; commend; endorse; favor; praise; ratify; sanction; support

(2) allow; authorize; consent; grant; pass; sanction

Résumé bullet points:

Approved all proposals to key accounts


{also use in Attention to Detail and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) gamut; place in an orderly arrangement; set out for display or use

(2) marshal troops; parade; place an order

Collocates to: about, according, against, around, before, behind, in, on


{also use in Analytical, Computational, and Research}

(1) affirm; allege; aver; avow; claim; contend; declare; emphasize; protest; state strongly; stress

(2) champion; defend; establish; insist upon; maintain; make a claim for; stand up for; support; uphold

(1), (2) The American HQ asserted authority over the European partner firm.


(1) estimate; impose; judge; value

(2) estimate the value, cost, benefit, or worth of

Résumé bullet points:

Assessed the value of potential acquisitions


{also use in Attention to Detail, Cognitive Load Management, and Communications}

(1) assert; aver; avouch; avow; declare earnestly or solemnly; hold; maintain

(1) He asseverated that the mistakes in the report would be corrected.


{also use in Accounting and Finance, Attention to Detail, and Computational Thinking}

(1) appraise; assess; check; count; examine; inspect; review; verify the accounting records of

Résumé bullet points:

Audited Information Technology (IT) infrastructures, maintaining data integrity and operating effectively to achieve the organization’s goals or objectives


(1) confirm; endorse; serve to prove; substantiate; validate

Résumé bullet points;

Authenticated the sealed bids for auction items in excess of $25,000


{also use in New Media Literacy}

(1) process as a single unit or batch in automatic data processing

Résumé bullet points:

Batch processed customer invoices


(1) test something under the most difficult of conditions

(1) The cloud computing software was battle tested when our system failed in a blackout.


{also use in Attention to Detail, Learn, Professional Demeanor; HARD SKILLS: Advertising, Branding, PR, Sales, and Marketing; and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) commence; identify and learn from the best business practices; level point of reference; standard; target

Résumé bullet points:

Benchmarked annual department results


{also use in Leadership, Risk Tolerant, and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, Computational}

(1) field test; road test; sample prior to rollout

Résumé bullet points:

Beta tested all new versions of cloud software


(1) branch; divide into sections; fork; split into two sections or pieces

(1) The bifurcated analysis displayed the expected results.


(1) hold up; prop up; reinforce; support

Résumé bullet points:

Bolstered revenues and profits with constant development of aftermarket products and services


(1) bracket; enclose; precede and follow

(1) The technology plan bookended our business plan covering today’s needs as well as our projected needs into the next decade.


{also use in Common Sense and Self-Manageable}

(1) initiate; manage without assistance; succeed with few resources

Résumé bullet points:

Bootstrapped new product development during economic downturn


{also use in Commitment and Dedication}

(1) be the reason for; cause

Résumé bullet points:

Brought about changes in outdated performance measurements


(1) arrange; classify; list; put together; register

Résumé bullet points:

Cataloged all design changes


{also use in Attention to Detail and HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) consolidate; bring power of something to the central organization

Résumé bullet points:

Centralized all regulatory reporting


{also use in Attention to Detail, Honesty, and Integrity}

(1) assure; attest; confirm; testify; verify; vouch; witness

Résumé bullet points:

Certified Cisco platform designer


(1) design; diagram; graph; graphic presentation; map; plan; plot; table; visual aid

(2) chronicle; follow; keep record of; log; monitor; outline; project; record; resister

Résumé bullet points:

Chartered development of software simulation and modeling methods from vendors


(1) systematic statement or instructions

Résumé bullet points:

Coded medical records, monitoring all government-related coding and billing practices, including NCD, LCD/LMRP, OCE and CCI edit management, payment reconciliation, and financial impact analysis


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Cogitative Load Management, Team Player, and HARD SKILLS: Gather Data and Convert to Information}

(1) assemble or collect to compare; bring together; gather; pool; pull together

Résumé bullet points:

Collated binary search or half-interval search algorithms


(1) align; design in particular way; set up in particular way

Résumé bullet points:

Configured multiple models of Cisco switches in a VLAN configuration


{also use in New Media Literacy}

(1) clear up; correct; eliminate errors or malfunctions; fix; mend; repair; restore; service; sort out

Résumé bullet points:

Debugged department’s software


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving}

(1) characterize; classify; describe; determine or set down boundaries; distinguish; identify; label; term

(2) circumscribe; delimitate; delimit; demarcate; mark out

Résumé bullet points

Defined global budgeting, forecasting, revenue, and profitability objectives for 17 international business units


{also use in Attention to Detail, Design Mind-Set, and Time Management}

(1) define; demarcate; determine; fix boundaries; restrict; set limits; state clearly

(1) The study’s results were also delimited to the specific instruments used.

Collocates to: area, boundaries, carefully, clearly, spatially, within


(1) set boundaries; set mark; separate clearly

Collocates to: area, by, border, boundaries, clearly, sharply, space


(1) give authority to someone else to act as your agent or deputy

Résumé bullet points

Deputed by CEO to perform some duties


(1) call; circumscribe; choose; elect; entitle; identify; label; name; nominate; select; style; title

(2) allocate; indicate; point out; specify

Résumé bullet point:

Designated point person on design issues


{also use in Cognitive Thinking and Self-Manageable}

(1) clear; free from entanglements and ties; find solutions to problems; straighten out

(1) Her insights and negotiating skills disentangled the otherwise complicated situation.


(1) indoctrinate; influence; inspire thoroughly; instill; pervade

Résumé bullet points:

Imbued with the spirit of “just get it done”


{also use in Gather Data and Convert into Information, Take Direction, and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) examine; make a remark; monitor; notice; perceive; say; scrutinize; study; survey; view; watch attentively

(1) The marketplace was observed for signs of shifting consumer behavior.


{also use in Accountability and Attention to Detail}

(1) combine and adapt to obtain a particular outcome

(2) arrange or organize surreptitiously to achieve a desired effect

Résumé bullet points:

Orchestrated companywide get-out-the-vote campaigns, including publicity, civics training, and transportation pools on election day


{also use in Attention to Detail and Reliability}

(1) continue something; repeat something insistently or over and over again

Résumé bullet point:

Perseverated regardless of obstacles


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance}

(1) estimate; expect; forecast; plan; proposal; scheme

(2) extend outward toward something else

(3) cause a light shadow to fall on a surface

(4) attribute an emotion to another person

Résumé bullet points:

• Managed a project involving designing a new toy that became top-selling product for four years


{also use in Attitude and HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance}

(1) work toward a solution through logical thinking and reason

(1) My ratiocinated approach helped a previously divided staff to accept the new policy as beneficial to the health of the firm and to their job security.


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Creativity, and Accounting and Finance}

(1) find a solution; settle

(2) provide or find a suitable answer to a problem

Résumé bullet points:

Solved many design problems


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) stack strategies, ideas, or plans

Résumé bullet points:

Stove piped customer suggestions and ideas to have them ready to implement on short notice


(1) make more efficient by employing faster or simpler working method

(2) improve the efficiency or appearance of; modernize

Résumé bullet points:

Streamlined accounts receivable system, improving cash flow


(1) be synchronous; direct a desired outcome; move or occur at the same time or rate

(1) The accounts team synchronized the sales, aftermarket activities, billing, warranty program, and follow-up service.


(1) brainstorm; get ideas down; list ideas and thoughts; strategize

(1) The marketing manager white boarded the brainstorming session.

Drive and Passion, Tenacity

Drive and passion are the motivation to work hard and excel.


{also use in Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail and Accuracy, Cognitive Load Management}

(1) accent; emphasize; heighten; intensify

(1) My branding plan accentuated the product’s unique benefits in a way that more people could relate.

(2) play up; make more noticeable; stress something

Collocates to: differences, opportunities, positives, shapes

Résumé bullet points:

Accentuated company’s strategic objectives in the design and writing of the annual report, which won an award from the PR Association


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Accuracy and Precision, Attention to Detail, Leadership, Motivated, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, and Work Ethic}

(1) achieve; attain; bring about; carry out; cause to happen; complete; do; gain; get done; finish; fulfill; make happen; make possible; produce; pull off; reach; realize; undertake

Résumé bullet points:

Accomplished all stated goal on time and within budget


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attitude, Education, Leadership, Motivated, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Risk Tolerant, and Self-Confidence}

(1) accomplish; attain; complete; conclude; do; finish; get; perform; pull off; reach; realize

(2) succeed in doing something

Résumé bullet points:

Achieved the highest performance evaluation ratings


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Education, Motivated, and Self-Manageable}

(1) accrue; accumulate; assemble; build up; collect; compile; gather together; hoard; pile up; store up

Résumé bullet points:

Amassed 75 customer appreciation letters and recommendations


(1) combat; competition; duel; encounter; fight; fracas; fray; melee; skirmish; wage a fight against

Résumé bullet points:

Battled for market share


{also use in Risk Tolerant and Self-Manageable}

(1) unexpected gain or improvement

(2) new idea

Résumé bullet points:

Broke through clutter of competition to lead


{also use in Common Sense}

(1) push back against an aggressive person; stand up against an intrusive or aggressive or assertive verbal assault

(1) In the past, Tom would have just sulked away, but today he bumped the shark and made Phil back down from his pompous position.

(2) fight back against a bully


(1) contest; deft; dare; went up against

(2) goal; go through ordeal or trial of courage, strength, will, ideas; obstacle

Résumé bullet points:

Challenged “this is the way it was always done” thinking


(1) course; conduit; control; direct; feed; path; route

(2) concentrate; focus

Résumé bullet points:

Challenged outmoded, obsolete methods and suggested progressive, empirical, tested approaches


(1) break down big problems or issues into smaller components that are easier to work on

(2) remove or withdraw gradually

(1) The sales team chipped away at the competition’s lead.


(1) bid; charge; direct; enjoin; instruct; lead; order; require; tell

Résumé bullet points:

Commanded respect by my work ethic, dedication, and personal commitment


(1) content; contest; state of rivalry; match skills with someone

Résumé bullet points:

Competed for top sales honors every year


(1) carry on; control; direct; guide; head; lead; manage; operate; steer; supervise

Résumé bullet points:

Conducted English as a second language courses for immigrant workers


{also use in Social Intelligence and Work Ethic}

(1) chip in; come across; come through; donate; exacerbate; give or supply in common with others; kick in; subscribe

Résumé bullet points:

Contributed 20 percent of the annual sales revenues


(1) arrange; assemble; call; gather; organize; set up; summon

Résumé bullet points:

Convened an idea exchange of the industry’s top thought leaders


(1) free from burden, free something hindering; rid of something undesirable; unburden

Résumé bullet points:

Disencumbered marketing from the “push” mentality


(1) apportion; arrange; deal; dispense; divide; divvy; dole out; measure; parcel; portion; scatter; share; spread

Résumé bullet points:

Distributed workload among 20 engineers


{also use in Accountability and Work Ethic}

(1) allow; authorize; give authority or power to; sanction

(2) make one stronger and more confident, especially in controlling his life and claiming his rights

Résumé bullet points:

Empowered all staff with authority and responsibility


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Accountability}

(1) beat; go beyond; surpass what was expected or thought possible; be more or greater than; outdo

Résumé bullet points:

Exceeded expectations and quotas of all supervisors


{also use in Work Ethic}

(1) shine; stand out; surpass

(2) be better, greater, or superior to others in the same field, profession, endeavor

Résumé bullet points:

Excelled in foreign language skills; capable of speaking six languages fluently


(1) accomplish; carry out; carry into effect; finish; follow through; fulfill

(2) create or produce in accordance with an idea or plan

(3) perform as expected; run an instruction or program

Résumé bullet points:

Executed all responsibilities and duties of a Rotary Fellowship winner


(1) illustrate by example; serve or show as a good example

(2) make a legally attested or certified copy or transcript of a document under seal

Résumé bullet points:

Exemplified professionalism, honesty, and dependability in carrying out duties and responsibilities as treasurer, overseeing annual budget of $2.5 million


(1) admonish strongly; encourage earnestly by advice or warning; insist; press; push; urge

Résumé bullet points:

Exhorted team to work to their strengths


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Time Management}

(1) accelerate; hurry up; rush

(2) speed up or make easy the process of or action of

(3) dispatch; send off; issue officially

Collocates to: process, shipping, timetables, treatment, trials

Résumé bullet points:

Expedited shipping services for customers


{also use in Work Ethic and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) bypass others; rapid; speed up

Résumé bullet points:

Fast-tracked market growth projects


{also use in Accountability}

(1) aggressive; arbitrate; insert; intercept; interfere; intermediate; meddle; mediate; unsolicited opinion; offer assistance or presence; put between

Résumé bullet points:

Interposed an additional barrier between the host and the clients


(1) begin; commence; dispatch; embark; get underway; hurl; initial steps; introduce; release something; let loose something; send off; shoot; start or kick off something

(2) introduce something; inaugurate; present; reveal; start marketing; unleash; unveil

Résumé bullet points:

Launched five new business start-ups.


(1) arrange; assemble; gather all resources to achieve a goal; mobilize; organize

(2) put in delineated order

Résumé bullet points:

Marshaled 20-person, multidiscipline, cross-functional project management team


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accounting and Finance, and Accountability}

(1) make best use of; make as great or as large as possible; raise to the highest possible degree

Résumé bullet points:

Maximized merit bonus every year


{also use in Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Commitment and Dedication, Communication, Creativity, Drive and Passion, Leadership, and Motivated}

(1) cause; egg on; encourage; incentivize; induce; inspire; provide with a motive; prompt; provoke; stimulate; trigger

Résumé bullet points:

Motivated staff by focusing on their individual strengths


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Creativity, Manageable, Motivated, and Self-Confidence}

(1) first to develop new ideas or concepts; lead the way

Résumé bullet points:

Pioneered concept of using interns


(1) argue; discuss; join in a cause; take part

(1) Our foreign subsidiary weighed in on the discussion to shift production back to the US.


(1) give full attention to something

(2) aim directly at

Résumé bullet points:

Zeroed in on highest priority prospects

Flexibility, Availability

Flexibility is the ability to make changes when the circumstances are right to manage business needs.


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Attention to Detail, Cognitive Load Management, Commitment and Detail, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Learn, and Self-Manageable}

(1) assimilate; acquire; attract; consume; digest; endure; engulf; fascinate; imbibe; sustain; soak up; take in; use up

(2) draw into oneself; grasp; realize; recognize; take in; understand

(3) become captivated, interested, engaged, or preoccupied in; fascinate

Résumé bullet points:

Absorbed additional new department, including personnel, budget, and objectives, and led all managers in department productivity gains of prior year


{also use in Accountability, Customer Awareness, Flexibility, Outgoing, and Self-Manageable}

(1) agree; allow; approach; ascend; attain; come to; comply; conform; consent; enter upon; give assent; grant; succeed to; take over

(2) enter upon an office

Résumé bullet points:

Acceded to the post of president of industry trade association


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Leadership, Learn, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Professional Demeanor, Team Player, and Work Ethic}

(1) acclimatize; accustom yourself; adapt; adjust; become accustomed to a new environment or situation; familiarize; get used to

Résumé bullet points:

Acclimated to new roles and responsibilities quickly


{also use in Accomplishments, Common Sense, Compassionate, Cross-Cultural Competency, Customer Awareness, Flexibility, and Outgoing}

(1) house; lodge; provide accommodations; put up

(2) adapt; be big enough for; contain; have capacity for; hold; reconcile; seat

(3) do a favor or a service for someone

(4) adjust; become accustomed; familiarize; get used to; make suitable

(5) allow for; assist; be of service; consider; find ways to help; oblige

Collocates to: change, demand, desire, difference, growth, guest, need, request, passengers, schedule, space, special case(s), student


{also use in Cross-Cultural Competency}

(1) acclimatize to; acquaint; adapt; adjust to; attune to; familiarize; get to know; get used to; habitual; inure

(2) become accustomed to

Résumé bullet points:

Accustomed to new responsibilities in shortest possible time


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attention to Detail, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Creativity, Cross-Cultural Competency, Learn, and HARD SKILLS: Engineering and R&D}

(1) acclimate; accommodate; adjust; change; conform; fashion; fit; get used to; make suitable; reconcile; square; suit; tailor

(2) make fit, often by modification

(3) cause something to change for the better

Résumé bullet points:

Adapted quickly to new routine of the management team from acquiring company


{also use in Accountability, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Engineering, R&D, and Work Ethic}

(1) accommodate; alter; amend; attune; bend; change; correct; fine-tune; fix; make change; modify; pacify; regulate; resolve; rectify; settle; tune up; tweak

Résumé bullet points:

Adjusted to relocation


{also use in Accountability and Polite}

(1) accord; affirm; concur; consent; get together; grant; harmonize; jibe; match; say yes; square

Résumé bullet points:

Agreed to serve as leader of new products development team


(1) every other; in turns; rotate; swing; vary

(2) exchange; serve as a substitute; swap

(3) appear repetitively and regularly in a sequence with something else

Résumé bullet points:

Alternated with another manager as building fire warden


{also use in Critical Thinking}

(1) adjudicate; decide; intercede; judge; mediate; negotiate; pass judgment; referee; settle; sort out

Résumé bullet points:

Arbitrated disputes between businesses and customers


{also use in Accountability, Accomplishments and Achievements, Cognitive Load Management, Commitment and Dedication, Cross-Cultural Competency, Leadership, Learn, Social Intelligence, and Team Player}

(1) come together as one; combine; grow together; join; unite

Collocates to: around, groups, to, with


(1) act together; agree; be of the same opinion; coincide; come to agreement with others

(1) The majority of the members concurred with the president’s remarks.


{also use in Cross-Cultural Competency and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) branch out; expand; spread out; vary

Résumé bullet points:

Diversified the staff


(1) bargain; confer, reach agreement by discussion or compromise

Résumé bullet points:

Negotiated multimillion dollar contracts

Honesty and Integrity

Honesty and integrity describe one’s conscious act to consistently do what is legal, ethical, and morally correct.


{also use in Accountability, Learn, Outgoing, Professional Demeanor, and Self-Manageable}

(1) admit; allow; avow; concede; confess; fess up; grant; own up; recognize

(2) answer; react; reply; respond; return

(3) greet; nod to; salute; wave to

Résumé bullet points:

Acknowledged by industry association as one of the field’s Top 50 Thought Leaders


{also use in Accountability, Attention to Detail and Accuracy, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving}

(1) acknowledge; affirm; announce; assert; asseverate; avow; confirm; establish; insist; pronounce; state; validate; verify

(2) encourage; support; sustain; uphold

Résumé bullet points:

Affirmed the strategic objectives of the investors


{also use in Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Computational Thinking}

(1) accredit; arrogate; assert that something has been caused by someone or something; attribute something to someone

Collocates to: attributes, meaning, motives, powers, qualities, tendencies, traits, values


(1) comfort; convince; declare; ensure; give surety; guarantee; pledge; promise; reassure; swear

(2) confirm; know for sure; nail down; substantiate; verify

Résumé bullet points:

Assured intellectual property legal compliance of all software program purchases


{also use in Communications}

(1) certify or witness or swear to

(1) The product claims were attested to by three independent sources.


{also use in Attention to Detail and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving}

(1) affirm; assert the truthfulness of something; avow; claim; declare; maintain; profess; state; swear

Résumé bullet points:

Averred all technological claims in firm’s marketing and promotional materials


{also use in Attention to Detail, Design Mind-Set, and Reliability}

(1) assure; attest; confirm; testify; verify; vouch; witness

(1) The team certified that the project was complete.


(1) aspect; cause; issue; make a part; make a reason

(2) sell accounts receivables to obtain cash before the due date on the account

Résumé bullet points:

Factored receivables as stopgap measure to obtain needed cash


(1) work in an unstructured manner without the processes and resources of an employer; work not as an employee

Résumé bullet points:

Freelanced as a photographer


(1) accumulate; acquire; assemble; bring together; bunch up; collect; gain; gather; get; harvest; heap; earn; reap

Résumé bullet points:

Garnered support of Board of Directors for strategic decisions


Intelligence is generally associated with knowledge, abstract thought, understanding, self-awareness, communication, reasoning, learning, having emotional knowledge, retaining, planning, and problem solving.


{also use in Cognitive Load Management}

(1) detach; draw away from; extract; remove; select; separate; take out

(2) abridge; condense; pr[ac]ecis; shorten; take or extract the relevant or important information from; purloin; synopsize; summarize

Collocates to: context, data, information, knowledge, manner, social



{also use in Learn and Professional Demeanor}

(1) consider; ponder; think; use one’s power of mind

Résumé bullet points:

Cerebrated with industry thought leaders and top management on strategic issues


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Customer Awareness, Self-Manageable, and Social Intelligence}

(1) develop; encourage; foster; help; nurture; promote; refine; support

(2) tend to; till; work on

Résumé bullet points:

Cultivated network of thought leaders to bounce ideas off


{also use in Learn}

(1) dig; examine; explore; inquire; investigate; look into; research; search

(2) dip into; dive; hunt; plunge; reach; rummage

Résumé bullet points:

Delved into new technologies


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Common Sense, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Gather Data and Convert into Information}

(1) ascertain; be first to learn something; determine; expose; find out; hear; learn; realize, see, or uncover something

Résumé bullet points:

Discovered new applications for products


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Communications, Compassionate, Learn, and Social Intelligence}

(1) educate; enlighten; illuminate; improve; inform; instruct; teach

(2) uplift morally, spiritually, or intellectually

(1), (2) The retreat program edified all who attended.


{also use in Attention to Detail, Communications, and Learn}

(1) discipline; edify; impart knowledge; inform; instruct; mentor; teach; train; tutor

(2) develop and train the innate capacities of by schooling or education

(3) provide knowledge in a particular area

Résumé bullet points:

Educated team so they knew as much as me as about our business


{also use in Attention to Detail, Cognitive Load Management, Critical Thinking, and Leadership}

(1) come to conclusion; derive; evoke; solve a problem based on thoughtful consideration of facts

(1) The consulting team deduced from their observations that the firm needed to build its brand.

(2) deduce; draw out; elicit; infer

(3) bring out or develop; elicit from


{also use in Cogitative Load Management and Learn}

(1) receive in the mind and retain; soak; steep; take in

(1) Repetition advertising imbibed viewers with slogans, jingles, and themes that were supposed to come into their attention unexpectedly.


{also use in Attention to Detail}

(1) construe; explain; present in understandable terms; represent the terms of individual belief or judgment; tell the meaning of

Résumé bullet points:

Interpreted the impact of all proposed new Federal regulations on the business giving the strategic planning group advanced planning time, thus keeping us ahead of the competition

Leadership and Management

Leadership is the ability to use personal influence to get others to aid and support the achievement of a commonly agreed-upon task and to set priorities.


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Learn, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Professional Demeanor, Team Player, and Work Ethic}

(1) acclimatize; accustom yourself; adapt; adjust; become accustomed to a new environment or situation; familiarize; get used to

(1) It took longer than he thought to become acclimated to New York City social life.

Résumé bullet points:

Acclimated to leadership role quickly


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Accuracy and Precision, Attention to Detail, Drive, Passion and Tenacity, Motivated, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, and Work Ethic}

(1) achieve; attain; bring about; carry out; cause to happen; complete; do; gain; get done; finish; fulfill; make happen; make possible; produce; pull off; reach; realize; undertake

(1) The project team accomplished their first milestone on schedule.

Résumé bullet points:

Accomplished all assigned goals and objectives


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attitude, Education, Leadership, Motivated, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Risk Tolerant, and Self-Confidence}

(1) accomplish; attain; complete; conclude; do; finish; get; reach; perform; pull off; realize

(1) The firm achieved greater success when it began hiring more qualified candidates.

(2) succeed in doing something

Résumé bullet points:

Achieved highest ratings possible for leadership in employee surveys of job satisfaction


{also use in Risk Tolerant and Self-Manageable}

(1) accomplish; acquit yourself; be active; behave; do something; take action; take steps; operate; proceed; react; respond; work

(2) act out; appear in; feign; impersonate; mock; perform; play in; pretend; simulate

Résumé bullet points:

Acted as interim store manager during search for new manager



(1) make real or actual; realize

(2) fulfill the potential of

Résumé bullet points:

Actualized the theory and concepts of Transformational Leadership


{also use in Accomplishments, Attention to Detail, Creativity, Customer Awareness, and Risk Tolerant}

(1) activate; arouse to action; motivate; put into motion; start; trigger

(1) Toni’s speech actuated the congress to finally act on the bill.

Collocated with: controlled, hydraulically pneumatically, series, valves

Résumé bullet points:

Actuated employees to do well by being good



(1) allege; bring forward; cite as evidence; lead to; present; put forward

Résumé bullet points:

Adduced evidence by results that leadership can be conditional and situational


{also use in Cognitive Load Management and Risk Tolerant}

(1) foreshadow; give a general description of something but not the details; obscure; overshadow; predict; prefigure; presage; summarize

Résumé bullet points:

Adumbrated the principle that in a free market anyone can succeed



{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability. Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Creativity, Learn, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, and Self-Manageable}

(1) correct a mistake; improve; make better; tolerate

(1) Phillip ameliorated the issues in the business plan prior to the meeting with the investors.

(2) correct a deficiency or defect; make right a wrong; take action that makes up for one’s negative or improper actions

Résumé bullet points:

Ameliorated the situation in which field sales had no input to marketing’s lead generation program



(1) consider; dissect; evaluate; examine; explore; interpret; investigate; probe; question; scrutinize; study

(1) Randi analyzed the situation from all positions before making her decision.

Collocates to: analysis, data, findings, results, sample, study

Résumé bullet points:

Analyzed more data, from a larger more diverse range of sources, in the shortest time possible



(1) apply; an attribute of; be appropriate; be part of; belong; relate to

(1) The importance of good communication skills appertains today as it did 200 years ago.



(1) determine; discover; establish; find out; learn; realize; uncover

(1) He ascertained the problems by careful observation.

(2) find out with certainty

Collocates to: definitely, easily, facts, fully, having

Résumé bullet points:

Ascertained validity of worker’s claims of unfair practices by supervisors


(1) absorb; accommodate; incorporate; standardize

Collocates to: easily, gradually, readily, thoroughly

Résumé bullet points:

Assimilated the lessons learned working with veteran managers.


(1) confirm; endorse; serve to prove; substantiate; validate

Résumé bullet points:

Authenticated documents sent by foreign investors


{also use in Design Mind-Set, Risk Tolerant, and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, Computational}

(1) field test; road test; sample prior to rollout

Résumé bullet points:

Beta tested only products that met my strict functionality tests


{also use in Commitment, Dedication, Self-Confidence, and Work Ethic}

(1) bear the main responsibility for something

Résumé bullet points:

Carried the water for employee benefits


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, and Self-Confidence}

(1) advocate; back; be a winner; campaign for; crusade for; excel; fight for; stand up for; support; uphold

Résumé bullet points:

Championed the project team members who demonstrated creativity, innovation, and courage


{also use in Accountability, Accomplishments and Achievements, Commitment and Dedication, Cognitive Load Management, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Learn, Social Intelligence, and Team Player}

(1) combine; come together as one; grow together; join; unite

Collocated with: around, became, finally, formally into

Résumé bullet points:

Coalesced geographically diverse collection of 11 individuals into a strong unified team


(1) arrange; catalog; gather; set up

Résumé bullet points:

Collected and analyzed data


(1) collate; contrast; exchange thoughts or ideas about something

Résumé bullet points:

Compared favorably to others who had faced similar situations


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Communications, and Learn}

(1) create an understandable point out of a concept; interpret something from the abstract

(1) She took on the project and conceptualized the whole thing before committing it to paper.

Collocated with: approach, experience, perception, theories

Résumé bullet points:

Conceptualized the idea that leadership is situational and conditional


(1) assemble; call together; convene; summon to a meeting

Collocated with: assembly, congress, groups, meeting, officials, people

Résumé bullet points:

Convoked panels of thought leaders


(1) amass; collect; gather; choose; glean; pick out; select

(1) The new sales manager culled out the weaker performers.

Résumé bullet points:

Culled vendors and suppliers who did not fit into value chain relationship


{also use in Attention to Detail and Accuracy, Cognitive Load Management, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Intelligence}

(1) come to conclusion; solve a problem based on thoughtful consideration of facts; derive; evoke

(1) They educed that the world was not flat.

(2) deduce; draw out; elicit; infer

(3) bring out or develop

Collocated with: change, evidence, facts, good, order, reason

Résumé bullet points:

Educed the need to search internally for job candidates


(1) correct or edit; remove faults in a scholarly or literary work; improve

(1) Our auditor emended the forms that incorrectly listed us an LLC.

(2) make scholarly corrections in a text


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Motivated}

(1) add to; augment; boost; develop; endow with beauty and elegance; grace

(2) improve the quality or condition of

(3) digitally or electronically improve the quality, tone, pitch, image of photos, recordings

Résumé bullet points:

Enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of in-house training


(1) facilitate, lead, manage, supervise meetings focused on problem-solving agenda

Résumé bullet points:

Facilitated problem-solving meetings that led to numerous ideas that were adopted


{also use in Critical Thinking and Social Intelligence}

(1) activate; propel someone or something into sudden action; stimulate

(1) The FDC’s action galvanized the drug industry to form a PAC to lobby against the rules.


(1) encourage; provide one with a reason to work harder; provide with an incentive

Résumé bullet points:

Incentivized employees to continue education with full tuition reimbursement program


(1) begin; commence; dispatch; embark; get underway; hurl; introduce; initial steps; launch release something; let loose something; send off; shoot; start or kick off something

(2) introduce something; inaugurate; reveal; present; start marketing; unleash; unveil

Résumé bullet points:

Launched successful direct mail campaigns in months the experts said are not good for mail campaigns


(1) control; force; influence; power; pull; weight

Résumé bullet points:

Leveraged employees’ strengths


(1) be in charge; handle effectively; watch and direct

(2) achieve something; be successful

(3) carry or function

Résumé bullet points:

Managed multiple assignments, tasks, and responsibilities


(1) have a substantial effect on; weigh heavily on

(1) The sales team militated against altering the compensation plan.


(1) determine training needs; reevaluate

Résumé bullet points:

Revamped product training


(1) activate; begin; initiate; open up

(2) jump, leap, or jerk in a startled way; make a sudden, involuntary, unexpected movement as if surprised

Résumé bullet points:

Started intuitional investment consultancy for not-for-profit organizations

Started small business value chain referral service connecting new business owners with vendors and suppliers seeking to specialize in value chain relationships


(1) organize; prioritize; put in place some organized and written plan

Résumé bullet points:

Systematized common sense into firm’s policies


(1) assume command or management; assume control over others; step up when needed

Résumé bullet points:

Took charge in crisis situations


(1) investigate and determine why things did not go according to plan; look into cause of problems

Résumé bullet points:

Troubleshot issues arising out of mergers and acquisitions, takeovers, and downsizing


{also use in Compassionate and Cross-Cultural Competency}

(1) blend; bring together; federate; merge; tie; solidify; unite

Résumé bullet points:

Unified the parts of the value chain


(1) actually doing what one says or promises regardless of the consequences or cost

(1) Our mangers walked the walk for their employees.

Learn, Grow, Teachable, Willingness to Learn

Learning is the willingness and ability to acquire new or modify existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences.


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Motivated, and Social Intelligence}

(1) advocate; assist; back; back up; encourage; espouse; foment; help incite; put up to; sanction; support; urge (especially in wrongdoing)

Résumé bullet points:

Abetted the decision to expand globally


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Attention to Detail, Cognitive Load Management, Common Sense, Commitment and Detail, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Learn, and Self-Manageable}

(1) acquire; assimilate; attract; consume; digest; endure; engulf; fascinate; imbibe; inure; sustain; soak up; take in; use up

(2) draw into oneself; grasp; realize; recognize; take in; understand

(3) become captivated, interested, engaged, or preoccupied in; fascinate

Résumé bullet points:

Absorbed many new products into line


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Leadership, Learn, Novel Adaptive Thinking, Team Player, and Work Ethic}

(1) acclimatize; adapt; accustom yourself; adjust; become accustomed to a new environment or situation; familiarize; get used to

Résumé bullet points:

Acclimated easily to most situations


(1) acclimate; adapt; adjust; become accustomed; get used to; familiarize

(1) The repair team acclimatized before being transported to the South Pole to do repair work.


{also use in Accountability, Honesty, Integrity, Outgoing, Professional Demeanor, and Self-Manageable}

(1) accept something as fact or truth; admit; allow; avow; concede; confess; fess up; grant; own up; recognize

(2) answer; react; reply; respond; return

Résumé bullet points:

Acknowledged thought leader in business planning


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attention to Detail, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Creativity, Cross-Cultural Competency, and Flexibility}

(1) acclimate; accommodate; adjust; change; conform; fashion; fit; get used to; make suitable; reconcile; square; suit; tailor

(1) Sandra adapted to her new role quicker than she expected.

(2) make fit, often by modification

(3) cause something to change for the better

Résumé bullet points:

Adapted to serve under many different leadership styles


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Creativity, Leadership, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, and Self-Manageable}

(1) correct a mistake; improve; make better; tolerate

(2) correct a deficiency or defect; make right a wrong; take action that makes up for one’s negative or improper actions

(2) The new manual ameliorated for the omission of how to make field repairs.


{also use in Attention to Detail, Design Mind-Set, Learn, Professional Demeanor; HARD SKILLS: Advertising, Branding, PR, Sales, and Marketing; HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) commence; identify and learn from the best business practices; level point of reference; standard; target

Résumé bullet points:

Benchmarked specifications for systems implementation



{also use in Intelligence and Professional Demeanor}

(1) consider; ponder; think; use one’s power of mind

Résumé bullet points:

Cerebrated with industry thought leaders and top management on strategic issues


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Cognitive Load Management, Commitment and Dedication, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Leadership, Social Intelligence, and Team Player}

(1) come together as one; combine; grow together; join; unite

(1) The project management team eventually coalesced around the objectives.


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Communications, and Leadership}

(1) create an understandable point out of a concept; interpret something from the abstract

Résumé bullet points:

Conceptualized the connection of 27 locations by an intranet


{also use in Outgoing and Politeness}

(1) appease; gain the regard or goodwill by good acts; pacify; reconcile; soothe the anger of; win over

(1) They conciliated rather than sought a settlement.


{also use in Attention to Detail and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving}

(1) assume; conclude from evidence; conjecture; figure out; hypothesize; infer; posit; presume; reason; suppose; surmise; suspect; work out

(1) The consulting team deduced from its observations that the firm needed to build brand.

(2) trace the course of deviation


{also use in Intelligence}

(1) dig; examine; explore; inquire; investigate; look into; research; search

(2) dip into; dive; hunt; plunge; reach; rummage

Résumé bullet points:

Delved into the use of new technologies


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Communications, Compassionate, Intelligence, and Social Intelligence}

(1) educate; enlighten; illuminate; improve; inform; instruct; teach

(2) uplift morally, spiritually, or intellectually

(1), (2) The speaker’s message edified and raised the spirits of everyone in attendance.


{also use in Attention to Detail, Communications, and Intelligence}

(1) discipline; edify; inform; impart knowledge; instruct; mentor; teach; train; tutor

(2) develop and train the innate capacities of by schooling or education

(3) provide knowledge in a particular area

Résumé bullet points:

Educated the public about nonprofit’s earn revenues


{also use in Accuracy and Preciseness and Commitment and Dedication}

(1) bring about; cause or accomplish something; effect

Collocates to: change, goals, intent, necessity, plans, policy, purpose, resources, standards


{also use in Cognitive Load Management and Intelligence}

(1) receive in the mind and retain; soak; steep; take in

(1) Repetition advertising imbibed viewers with slogans, jingles, and themes that were supposed to come into their attention unexpectedly.


{also use in Social Intelligence}

(1) absorb; incorporate; take in

Résumé bullet point:

Insorbed multidisciplinary knowledge


(1) become aware or conscious of through the senses; distinguish; identify; make out; notice; pick out; regard as

(2) notice; observe; remark; see; take in

(3) comprehend; feel; realize; sense

Résumé bullet points:

Perceived to be a thought leader


Motivated is to have or give the ability to do something in a more enthusiastic, interested, and committed way.


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Learn, and Social Intelligence}

(1) advocate; assist; back; back up; encourage; espouse; foment; help incite; put up to; sanction; support; urge (especially in wrongdoing)

Résumé bullet points:

Abetted the decision to expand globally


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Commitment and Dedication, Motivated, Self-Manageable, and HARD SKILLS: Time and Organizational Management}

(1) gather speed; go faster; grow; hurry; increase speed of; pick up the pace; speed up; quicken; rush

(2) cause to occur sooner

Résumé bullet points:

Accelerated revenues to bottom-line profits


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Accuracy and Precision, Attention to Detail, Drive, Leadership, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Passion and Tenacity, and Work Ethic}

(1) achieve; attain; bring about; carry out; cause to happen; complete; do; gain; get done; finish; fulfill; make happen; make possible; produce; pull off; reach; realize; undertake

Résumé bullet points:

Accomplished shift from small regional to global business


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attitude, Drive and Passion, Education, Leadership, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Risk Tolerant, and Self-Confidence}

(1) accomplish; attain; complete; conclude; do; finish; get; perform; pull off; reach; realize

(2) succeed in doing something

Résumé bullet points:

Achieved 30 percent market share in highly competitive industry


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attention to Detail, Common Sense, and Novel and Adaptive Thinking}

(1) make real or actual; realize

(2) fulfill the potential of

Résumé bullet points:

Actualized virtual transactions, giving customers a human contact


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Drive and Passion, Education, and Self-Manageable}

(1) accrue; accumulate; assemble; build up; collect; compile; collect; gather together; hoard; pile up; store up

Résumé bullet points:

Amassed 75 customer appreciation letters and recommendations


{also use in Cognitive Load Management and Communication}

(1) visionary thinking; out-of-the-box strategic long-range thinking

Résumé bullet points:

Blue skied strategic long-term strategy


{also use in Communication}

(1) blandish; coax; entice; flatter; inveigle; soft-soap; sweet-talk; wheedle

Résumé bullet points:

Cajoled when necessary


{also use in Reliability, Team Player, and Work Ethic}

(1) persist; put into action; take the most difficult

Résumé bullet points:

Carried through on promises and plans


{also use in Risk Tolerant and Self-Confident)

(1) adopt a cause or mission with great enthusiasm and motivation; campaign for which one has placed a high priority; emotional drive to achieve something; take risk or stakes

(1) Many volunteers crusaded for their causes.


(1) boost; give energy; invigorate; strengthen

Résumé bullet points:

Energized those around me


{also use in Accomplishment and Achievements and Leadership}

(1) add to; augment; boost; develop; endow with beauty and elegance; grace

(2) improve the quality or condition of

(3) digitally or electronically improve the quality, tone, pitch, image of photos, recordings

Résumé bullet points:

Enhanced processes, procedures, and controls of Accounting and Finance Division


(1) appeal to; bring up; call up; call upon; compel observance; enforce; pray to; raise; recall; remember

(2) bring into play; bring up; cite; quote; state; use

(3) call up; conjure up; evoke; make reference to; refer to; remind of

Résumé bullet points:

Invoked proactive callbacks of products to protect the brand and customer relations


(1) activate; assemble; call up; drum up support for; gather people and resources for something; generate support for something; marshal; muster; organize; rally

Résumé bullet points:

Mobilized industry resources to campaign against anti-online bullying


{also use in Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Commitment and Dedication, Communication, Creativity, Drive and Passion, and Leadership}

(1) cause; egg on; encourage; incentivize; induce; inspire; prompt; provide with a motive; provoke; stimulate; trigger

Résumé bullet points:

Motivated people to achieve their best


{also use in Work Ethic}

(1) do or perform better than expected

Résumé bullet points:

Overachieved on most tasks


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Creativity, Drive, Manageable, Motivated, Passion, Self-Confidence, and Tenacity}

(1) be the first to develop new ideas or concepts; lead the way

Résumé bullet points:

Pioneered the concept of training network systems engineers in the field

New Media Literacy

New media literacy is the ability to critically assess and develop content that uses new media forms and to leverage these media for persuasive communications.


{also use in Computational Thinking and Reliability}

(1) annals; collection; documentation; files; place or keep records in archive; library store of data

Résumé bullet points:

Archived large email and Internet data sources and multi-table joined information


(1) teleconference using only audio to communicate

Résumé bullet points:

Audio conferenced AA/BS experience as Senior Producer for Fortune 500 accounts


(1) computerize; mechanize; program

Résumé bullet points:

Automated processes using SSIS or DTS for all business areas


(1) digital inventory; product codes

Résumé bullet points:

Bar coded scanner IOS and Android for Web applications


{also use in Data Mind-Set}

(1) process as a single unit or batch in automatic data processing

Résumé bullet points:

Batch processed SQL scripting


{also use in Computer Literate}

(1) control a function, process, or creation by a computer

(1) The IT department cybernated nearly all office functions.


{also use in Computational Thinking}

(1) retrieve facts and information from large databases

Résumé bullet points:

Date mined for analysis online usage and customer interaction data using GM’s preferred statistical package, SAS, and GM’s preferred database software, Oracle SQL


{also use in Design Mind-Set}

(1) clear up; correct; eliminate errors or malfunctions; fix; mend; repair; restore; service; sort out

Résumé bullet points:

Debugged department’s software


(1) go deeper for information; look for deeper or more subtle patterns or meaning; perform greater in-depth or subtle analysis of data

Résumé bullet points:

Drilled down for more information and patterns to data


{also use in Computer Literate}

(1) connect all of one’s computers by software so that content such as photos, graphics, files, and so on are automatically transferred from one to another.

(1) Our remote sales team dropboxed the photos of its small group meetings.


(1) conduct bartering online, usually in a bartering exchange

Résumé bullet points:

E-bartered for services and equipment not in budget


{also use in Creativity}

(1) transform an idea into a set of symbols during communications process

Résumé bullet points:

Encoded customer data in special-purpose binary format


(1) encipher; encode

(2) add an electronic digital code to software and data being sent over public network to prevent its unauthorized use

Résumé bullet points:

Encrypted digital messages for maximum security


{also use in Computer Literate}

(1) process and tools that electronically allow all activities in digital sourcing process

Résumé bullet points:

E-sourced Six Sigma Promotions


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Advertising and Business and Business Sense}

(1) online retail selling and business activities

Résumé bullet points:

E-tailed high-ticket luxury items


{also use in Communication and HARD SKILLS: Computer Literacy}

(1) connect with someone online on the social network Facebook

(1) Many of our employees in other offices Facebooked each other to hold their own virtual meeting.


(1) allow employees who work outside the office a lot to use any open desk when they come in to the office

Résumé bullet points:

Hot desked 100-person office, significantly reducing overhead


(1) connect or join by a hyperlink to other online sites

(1) Our Web page is hyperlinked to the pages of many of our vendors in our value chain.


(1) publish in greatly reduced form, especially on microfilm or microfiche

Résumé bullet points:

Micro published the hundreds of versions of field manuals


{also use in Professional Demeanor and Presence and Team Player, and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) complex; exchange ideas; interact with others to exchange information and develop contacts; make contacts; meet people; set up; use system of contacts

(2) connect computer hardware in a system designed to support something

Résumé bullet points:

Networked with a diverse group of contacts


(1) send content for mass distribution by Internet

(1) The firm’s annual meeting was Webcasted.

Novel and Adaptive Thinking

Novel and adaptive thinking is the proficiency at thinking and coming up with solutions and responses beyond that which is routine or rule based.


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Leadership, Learn, Professional Demeanor, Team Player, and Work Ethic}

(1) acknowledge or declare approval; applaud; cheer; hail; praise vociferously; sing one’s praises


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Accuracy and Precision, Attention to Detail, Drive, Leadership, Motivated, Passion and Tenacity, and Work Ethic}

(1) achieve; attain; bring about; carry out; cause to happen; complete; do; gain; get done; finish; fulfill; make happen; make possible; produce; pull off; reach; realize; undertake

Résumé bullet point:

Accomplished shift from shift operator to supervisor


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attitude, Drive and Passion, Education, Leadership, Motivated, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Risk Tolerant, and Self-Confidence}

(1) accomplish; attain; complete; conclude; do; finish; get; perform; pull off; reach; realize

(2) succeed in doing something

Résumé bullet points:

Achieved professional-level certification for Cisco Service Provider


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Commitment and Dedication, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving}

(1) acetify; become active; energize; galvanize; get going; initiate; make active; start; set in motion; set off; stimulate; trigger; turn off

(2) call out militia or military for active duty

Résumé bullet points:

Activated backup systems during weather emergencies


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attention to Detail, Common Sense, and Motivated}

(1) make real or actual; realize

(2) to fulfill the potential of

Résumé bullet points:

Actualized the career dreams of interns


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Creativity, Leadership, Learn, and Self-Manageable}

(1) correct a mistake; improve; make better; tolerate

(2) correct a deficiency or defect; make right a wrong; take action that makes up for one’s negative or improper actions


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Leadership, and Self-Confidence}

(1) advocate; back; be a winner; campaign for; crusade for; excel; fight for; stand up for; support; uphold

(1) Sharon championed the new commission plan for the sales team.

Résumé bullet points:

Championed development of software simulation and modeling methods to assist marketing in determining customer’s “voice”—procedure is now standard operating procedure


(1) identify problems and propose and implement effective solutions


(1) encourage; provide one with a reason to work harder; provide with an incentive

Résumé bullet points:

Incentivized customer service staff


(1) anticipate to prevent difficulties or disadvantages; avert; hinder; preclude; prevent

Outgoing, Friendly, and Positive Attitude


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Customer Awareness, Flexibility, and Self-Manageable}

(1) agree; allow; approach; ascend; attain; come to; comply; conform; consent; enter upon; give assent; grant; succeed to; take over


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Compassionate, Cross-Cultural Competency, Customer Awareness, and Flexibility}

(1) house; lodge; provide accommodations; put up

(2) adapt; be big enough for; contain; have capacity for; hold; reconcile; seat

(3) do a favor or a service for someone

(4) adjust; become accustomed; familiarize; get used to; make suitable

(5) allow for; assist; be of service; consider; find ways to help; oblige

Collocates to: change, demand, desire, difference, growth, guest, need, request, passengers, schedule, space, special case(s), student


{also use in Accountability, Honesty and Integrity, Learn, Professional Demeanor, and Self-Manageable}

(1) admit; allow; avow; concede; confess; fess up; grant; own up; recognize

(2) answer; react; reply; respond; return

(3) greet; nod to; salute; wave to

Résumé bullet points:

Acknowledged by industry association as one of the field’s Top 50 Thought Leaders


{also use in Cross-Cultural Competency and Social Intelligence}

(1) align; associate; befriend; confederate; friend; helper; join; league; support


(1) absorb; beguile; distract; divert; engross; entertain; interest; keep amused or busy; occupy; recreate

(2) charm; divert; make laugh or smile; please


(1) ally; bind; combine; join; unite

(2) friend


(1) become overly friendly or familiar with someone

(2) join with another person to do things together


{also use in Learn and Politeness}

(1) appease; gain regard or goodwill by good acts; pacify; reconcile; soothe the anger of; win over

(1) They conciliated rather than sought a settlement.


{also use in Social Intelligence}

(1) have compassion; identify with; sympathize; understand

(2) undergo or feel empathy


(1) aggrandize; demand; dignify; elevate; ennoble; extort; glorify; impose; magnify; raise high in esteem; raise in dignity, status or honor; uplift

(2) heighten the intensity of action or effect of


(1) associate; associate with in a brotherly manner; be on friendly terms; have intimate relations; keep company with


{also use in Accountability, Communications, and Team Player}

(1) to acclaim; applaud; celebrate; extol; mention; praise; speak well of


{also use in Compassionate}

(1) cherish; provide extra care and attention in hopes of developing someone or something into full potential

(1) I nurtured my networking contacts.


(1) extend support, help, or a favor to someone in need

(1) Our group reached out to them as soon as we knew about their concerns.

Polite, Well Mannered, Courteous Phone and Email Etiquette


{also use in Social Intelligence}

(1) bring about harmony and concurrence; cause to conform or agree; make an agreement

(2) bestow on someone

Résumé bullet points:

Accorded each the respect earned and deserved


{also use in Accountability and Flexibility}

(1) accord; affirm; concur; consent; get together; grant; harmonize; jibe; match; say yes; square

(1) Tim agreed to apologize for the insult.


(1) ask; call for; demand; petition for; request; urge

(2) attract; charm; draw; fascinate; grab; interest; please; pull; tempt

Résumé bullet points:

Appealed to people’s self-interest and needs


(1) admire; celebrate; clap; congratulate; express approval; praise; support

Résumé bullet points:

Applauded those who were deserving


(1) harmonize; expiate; reconcile

(1) We all agreed that she had atoned with her good deeds.


(1) abide; act in accordance; conform; follow; fulfill; meet the terms of; obey; observe; submit

(1) I complied with the rule and paid the fine.


{also use in Learn and Outgoing}

(1) appease; gain regard or goodwill by good acts; pacify; reconcile; soothe the anger of; win over

(1) They conciliated rather than sought a settlement.


(1) abet; advance; promote; push; support

(2) embolden; give courage, hope, and confidence to; hearten

(3) be favorable to; foster; give support to; help

Résumé bullet points:

Encouraged and praised staff who put forth the effort


(1) apologize; atone; make amends; make up; pay the penalty for; redress; suffer

(1) The association expiated for the failure to use the donations properly by doubling the amount to the charity the next year.


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Compassionate}

(1) abet; aid; assist; benefit; change for the better; improve; succor

Résumé bullet points:

Helped new employees adjust to the corporate culture


(1) give in great abundance; opulent; shower gifts; squander

(1) He lavished expensive gifts on his top sales people.


(1) anticipate to prevent difficulties or disadvantages; avert; hinder; preclude; prevent


(1) allow; authorize; consent; give blessing to; grant permission to do something; okay; sanction


{also use in Team Player}

(1) communicate something; give one’s portion to another; have in common; use jointly or in common


(1) have a favorable, agreeing, pleasurable appearance

(2) regard with favor or approval

(3) look with a favorable expression


(1) fix a misunderstanding; reunite former friends who had been estranged; settle an argument; undo something that caused bad feelings


(1) greet with pleasure and hospitality


(1) give way to another

(2) produce or bear

(3) give up to another; submit; surrender

(4) give way to physical force

(5) willingly give up a right, possession, or privilege

Professional Demeanor and Presence


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Reliability, Self-Manageable, and Work Ethic}

(1) bear; continue; endure; go on being; put up with; stomach; take; tolerate

(2) hold; remain; stand fast; stand for; stay

(3) remain with someone

Collocates to: agreements, conditions, laws, norms, rules; resolutions, wishes


{also use in Reliability}

(1) make amends for; pay the penalty for


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Leadership, Learn, Professional Demeanor, Team Player, and Work Ethic}

(1) acclimatize; adapt; accustom yourself; adjust; become accustomed to a new environment or situation; familiarize; get used to


{also use in Accountability, Honesty and Integrity, Learn, Outgoing, and Self-Manageable}

(1) admit; allow; avow; concede; confess; fess up; grant; own up; recognize

(2) answer; react; reply; respond; return

(3) greet; nod to; salute; wave to

Résumé bullet points:

Acknowledged by industry association as one of the field’s Top 50 Thought Leaders


{also use in Communication}

(1) be eloquent; be fluent; express; communicate; convey; be lucid; put into words; state; tell; verbalize


{also use in Attention to Detail, Design Mind-Set, Learn; and HARD SKILLS: Advertising, Branding, PR, Sales, and Marketing; and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) commence; identify and learn from the best business practices; leveled point of reference; standard; target


(1) advance; amplify; augment; enhance; further; heighten; hoist; improve; increase; lift; make better; raise



{also use in Intelligence and Learn}

(1) consider; ponder; think; use one’s power of mind

Résumé bullet points:

Cerebrated with industry thought leaders and top management on strategic issues


(1) meet and learn client needs; understand client’s business, operations, policies, and procedures

(2) propose options to solve problems, issues, needs gap; propose solutions to client problems

Résumé bullet points:

Consulted with clients


(1) make official; receive or furnish with professional credentials


(1) carefully manipulate to achieve an end; specific tactic; finagle; jockey; manipulate; navigate; pilot; steer


(1) curb; control; diminish; less extreme or intense; play down; regulate; restrain; temper; tone down

(2) arbitrate; mediate; preside over; referee


{also use in New Media Literacy, Team Player, and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) complex; exchange ideas; interact with others to exchange information and develop contacts; make contacts; meet people; set up; use system of contacts


(1) advise as a course of action; advocate; counsel; make appealing or desirable; oppose; put forward with approval as being suitable; propose; suggest; urge

(2) commend; endorse; mention; put in a good word; vouch for


(1) portray one’s self in a particular way; signify; symbolize; or embody


{also use in Accountability}

(1) assume the burden or responsibility of


{also use in Achievements and Accomplishments and Risk Tolerant}

(1) be in front of something; lead; point; take the lead

Résumé bullet points:

Spearheaded the growth of global catalog business from $200,000 to $1,250,000 annually


(1) carry on; conduct; exceed; excel; go beyond; perform; outdo; rise above; surpass

Reliability, Dependability, Follow-Through, and Responsibility


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Professional Demeanor, Self-Manageable, and Work Ethic}

(1) bear; continue; endure; go on being; put up with; stomach; take; tolerate

(2) hold; remain; stay; stand fast; stand for

(3) remain with someone; to stay

Collocates to: agreements, conditions, laws, norms, rules; resolutions, wishes


(1) be well supplied or have plenty of something in particular that is necessary or desired


{also use in Professional Demeanor}

(1) make amends for; pay the penalty for


{also use in Accountability, Cross-Cultural Competency, Take Direction, and Team Player}

(1) agree; admit; believe; consent; say you will

(2) receive with gladness and approval

(3) receive; take something being offered

(4) bow to; endure; put up with; resign yourself to; tolerate


{also use in Accountability, Attention to Detail, Customer Awareness, and HARD SKILLS: Administration and Organizational}

(1) approve; attribute; authorize; credit to; endorse; recognize; sanction

(2) certify; supply with credentials or authority


{also use in Accountability, HARD SKILLS: Auditing and Finance, Administrative Organizational, Planning and Time Management Self-Manageable}

(1) control; deal out; direct; dispense; furnish a benefit; give out; govern; hand out; manage; mete out; order; run; supervise; oversee a process


{also use in Communications, Compassion, and Self-Manageable}

(1) advance; back; be in favor of; bolster; defend; encourage; promote; sponsor; support


{also use in Computational Thinking and New Media Literature}

(1) annals; collection; documentation; files; place or keep records in archive; library; store of data


(1) accredit; commission; empower; enable; entitle; license; grant; qualify


{also use in Motivated, Team Player, and Work Ethic}

(1) persist; put into action; take the most difficult


{also use in Attention to Detail, Design Mind-Set, and Honesty and Integrity}

(1) assure; attest; confirm; testify; verify; vouch; witness


(1) bank on; count on; expect; influenced by; reckon; rely; trust in


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Accountability}

(1) begin; create; enact; ensconce; found; install; institute; prove; set up; settle; start

(2) make firm; make stable

(3) bring about; cause to happen

(4) settle in an office or position

(5) cause to be accepted or recognized; set up permanently

(6) demonstrate; prove


{also use in Communications}

(1) cover a wide scope of topics; elaborate

(2) add details to an account or an idea

(3) roam or wander freely

(4) speak or write in great detail


{also use in Critical Thinking}

(1) continue an action or activity; finish something you have started


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Accountability}

(1) carry out; complete an assignment; discharge; execute; exercise; implement; perform; satisfy


(1) consider an idea, concept, or plan as trustworthy or credible


{also use in Social Intelligence}

(1) impress a belief or idea on someone by repeating it over and over again until the idea is accepted

(2) teach by persistent urging

(3) implant ideas through constant admonishing


(1) assure; cover; guard; guarantee; indemnify; insist; promise; underwrite


(1) account for; back; confirm; defend; excuse; explain; rationalize; prove or show to be right; maintain; vindicate

Résumé bullet points:

Justified, sourced, and supervised the installation of $24 million CAD assembly process


(1) be first; captain; command; conduct; control; direct the operations, activity, or performance; head; escort; go ahead; go in front; guide on a way especially by going in advance; manage; officer; pilot; show the way

Résumé bullet points:

Led implementation of efficient purchasing and JIT inventory management system


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) cause or enable something to continue; keep something in good condition; keep up; provide with the necessities for life and existence; support; sustain

Résumé bullet points:

Maintained perfect record for attendance and punctuality over nine years


(1) bring to completion; make perfect or nearly perfect according to standards; mistake free; without flaws

Résumé bullet points:

Perfected prototype design that reduced production time by 20%


{also use in Attention to Detail and Design Mind-Set}

(1) continue something; repeat something insistently or over and over again


{also use in Commitment and Dedication}

(1) be steadfast in purpose; continue in some effort or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition; persist


(1) endure; prevail; refuse to give up or quit; remain; take and maintain a stand


(1) gratify completely; glut with an excess of something; provide with more than enough; satisfy an appetite fully


(1) encounter; engage; face; take on; take hold of

(2) fasten by means of tackle

(3) harness a horse

(4) deal with a difficult person or situation

(5) knock or throw to the ground


(1) aim; focus; reduce effort or cost to achieve objective

(2) establish as a target or goal

Risk Tolerance


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attitude, Drive and Passion, Leadership, Motivated, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, and Self-Confidence}

(1) accomplish; acquire; actualize; attain; complete; conclude; discharge; dispatch; do; earn; effect; enact; finish; get; manage; obtain; perform; pull off; reach; reach a goal; realize

(2) succeed in doing something

Résumé bullet points:

Achieved successful conclusion to longest union strike in firm’s history


{also use in Accomplishments, Customer Awareness, Design Mind-Set, and Gather Data and Convert into Information}

(1) attain; buy; come to possess; earn; gain; get; hold; obtain; purchase; receive

Résumé bullet points:

Acquired the skills to work with latest technology


{also use in Leadership and Self-Manageable}

(1) accomplish; acquit yourself; be active; behave; do something; operate; proceed; react; respond; take action; take steps; work

Résumé bullet points:

Acted as facilitator for work group charged with migrating database to cloud


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attention to Detail and Accuracy, Creativity, Customer Awareness, Leadership}

(1) activate; arouse to action; motivate; put into motion; start; trigger

Résumé bullet points:

Actuated work rules that improved productivity by 20 percent


(1) foreshadow; give a general description of something but not the details; obscure; overshadow; predict; prefigure; presage; summarize


(1) await; be hopeful for; expect; discussion or treatment; foresee and deal with in advance; give advance thought; look forward to; wait for; think likely


{also use in Design Mind-Set, Leadership, and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, Computational}

(1) field test; sample prior to rollout; road test


{also use in Drive, Passion, Tenacity, and Risk Tolerant}

(1) unexpected gain or improvement

(2) develop a new idea or concept


{also use in Cross-Cultural Competency}

(1) add new interests or new activities; begin doing new things


(1) contest; deft; dare

(2) goal; obstacle; ordeal


{also use in Creativity}

(1) avoid; dodge; evade; elude; frustrate by surrounding or going around; get around; go around; outwit; skirt; take another route; thwart


{also use in Motivated and Self-Confident}

(1) campaign for which one has placed a high priority; cause; drive; risk or stakes


(1) challenge; confront; dare; disobey; disregard; dissent; face front; flout; hurl defiance; mutiny; out dare; rebel; resist; revolt; rise up; stand up to


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) research; test; trial

(2) make or conduct an experiment

(3) try something new


(1) bet; hazard; risk; speculate; stake; venture; wager


(1) arouse; fire; light; provoke; stir to action


{also use in Achievements and Accomplishments and Professional Demeanor}

(1) be in front of something; lead; point; take the lead

Résumé bullet points:

Spearheaded three year relaunch and rebranding of legacy product



{also use in Accountability and Communications}

(1) release repressed emotions by acting out the situation in words, behavior, or imagination


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Social Intelligence}

(1) acknowledge or declare approval; applaud; cheer; hail; praise vociferously; sing one’s praises


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attitude, Drive and Passion, Education, Leadership, Motivated, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Risk Tolerant}

(1) accomplish; attain; complete; conclude; do; finish; get; reach; perform; pull off; realize

(2) succeed in doing something

Résumé bullet points:

Achieved highest industry certification


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Compassionate and Caring, and Reliability}

(1) advance; back; be in favor of; bolster; defend; encourage; promote; sponsor; support


(1) assume or take responsibility for


(1) accredit; ascribe; assign; attach; classify; connect; credit to; designate; impute; lay at someone’s door; make part of


(1) hold forth in a pompous self-centered way; orate verbosely; speak pompously and at length


(1) brag; cause for pride; crow; display; enjoy; feature; pride yourself in; show off; swank


(1) rebound; recover from misfortune or mishap


(1) convince someone to accept a new prostitution or opinion; persuade


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Customer Awareness, Leadership, and Work Ethic}

(1) bear the main responsibility for something


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Leadership, and Novel and Adaptive Thinking}

(1) advocate; back; be a winner; campaign for; crusade for; excel; fight for; stand up for; support; uphold


(1) choose the best thing; choose something carefully; elect; opt; single out


(1) compare; counter; counterpoint; create a gap; differ; distinguish; diverge; draw a distinction; have a disparity; set off; stand out against


{also use in Motivated and Risk Tolerant}

(1) campaign for which one has placed a high priority; cause; drive; risk or stakes


(1) bear; brandish; disport; exhibit; expose; flash; flaunt; make apparent; make visible; parade; present; reveal; show; show off


{also use in take direction}

(1) copy; follow; imitate; work or strive to copy something admired

(2) try often by copying or imitating a model

(3) rival successfully


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, and Reliability}

(1) begin; create; enact; ensconce; found; install; institute; prove; set up; settle; start

(2) make firm; make stable

(3) bring about; cause to happen

(4) settle in an office or position

(5) cause to be accepted or recognized; set up permanently

(6) demonstrate; prove


{also use in Accomplish and Common Sense}

(1) create; encourage; increase; produce


{also use in Communication and Social Intelligence}

(1) call to action; provoke; stimulate something


(1) find or locate exactly; identify; isolate; pin down


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Creativity, Drive, Passion and Tenacity, Self-Confidence, and Self-Manageable}

(1) be the first to develop new ideas or concepts; lead the way


(1) direct; get the plan started; lead; manage; plan; strategize; take charge


(1) extend one’s self to exert extra effort to achieve a goal or objective

(2) think or remember something from long past in attempt to connect to current issue or point


(1) bring back from failure or near failure; free, resuscitate; save or secure from danger or failure


(1) chance; exposure to danger, failure or hazard for the potential reward


(1) work a high-risk strategy where you gain everything and your opponent loses everything


(1) display results of one’s work; exhibit to good advantage

Self-Manageable, Work Independently


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Professional Demeanor, and Work Ethic}

(1) bear; continue; endure; go on being; put up with; stomach; take; tolerate

(2) hold; remain; stand fast; stand for; stay

(3) to remain with someone

Collocates to: agreements, conditions, laws, norms, rules; resolutions, wishes


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Cognitive Load Management, Commitment and Detail, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, and Learn}

(1) assimilate; acquire; attract; consume; digest; endure; engulf; fascinate; imbibe; soak up; sustain; take in; use up

(2) draw into oneself; grasp; realize; recognize; take in; understand

(3) become captivated, engaged or preoccupied in; fascinated; interested

Résumé bullet points:

Absorbed the work of departments that have been eliminated, doubling my responsibilities


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Commitment and Dedication, HARD SKILLS: Time and Organizational Management, and Motivated}

(1) gather speed; go faster; grow; hurry; increase speed of; pick up the pace; quicken; rush; speed up

(2) cause to occur sooner


{also use in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving}

(1) accumulate; amass; build up; ensue; increase; mount up

(2) come to one as a gain; amass

(3) accrete; add; grow by addition


{also use in Accountability, Honesty and Integrity, Learn, Outgoing, and Personal Demeanor}

(1) admit; allow; avow; concede; confess; fess up; grant; own up; recognize

(2) answer; react; reply; respond; return

(3) greet; nod to; salute; wave to

Résumé bullet points:

Acknowledged by industry association as one of the field’s Top 50 Thought Leaders


{also use in Leadership and Risk Tolerant}

(1) accomplish; acquit yourself; be active; behave; do something; take action; take steps; operate; proceed; react; respond; work

(2) act out; appear in; feign; impersonate; mock; perform; play in; pretend; simulate


{also use in Attention to Detail and Communications}

(1) direct one’s attention to; discourse; lecture; remark; speak directly to; talk to

(2) deliver; direct; dispatch; forward; mark with a destination; refer

(3) adopt; attend to; concentrate on; deal with; focus on; take up


{also use in Accountability, Reliability, HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance, and Administrative, Organizational, Planning and Time Management}

(1) control; deal out; direct; dispense; furnish a benefit; give out; govern; hand out; manage; mete out; order; run; supervise; oversee a process

Résumé bullet points:

Administered and proctored online certification exams for national career development training


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements}

(1) continue; evolve; forward; further; go ahead; go forward; increase; move ahead; move forward; move on; press forward; press on; proceed; progress

(2) build up; develop; enhance; expand; promote; rise; spread


{also use in Communications, Compassion, and Reliable}

(1) advance; back; be in favor of; bolster; defend; encourage; promote; sponsor; support


(1) intelligent; look out for; make aware of impending trouble or danger; watch


{also use in Attention to Detail, Commitment and Dedication, Design Mind-Set, and Social Intelligence}

(1) ally; adjust; bring oneself into agreement with; correct; level; parallel; straighten

(2) arrange something in reference to something else


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Drive and Passion, Education, and Self-Manageable}

(1) accrue; accumulate; assemble; build up; collect; compile; gather together; hoard; pile up; store up

Résumé bullet points:

Amassed 75 customer appreciation letters and recommendations


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Creativity, Leadership, Learn, Novel and Adaptive Thinking}

(1) correct a mistake; improve; make better; tolerate

(2) correct a deficiency or defect; make right a wrong; take action that makes up for one’s negative or improper actions


(1) assume or take responsibility for


(1) affect; be appropriate; be valid; concern; correlate; exercise; pertain; relate

(2) ask for; put in; request

(3) direct; employ; harness; operate; put into operation; use; utilize

(4) put on; rub on; smear; spread over

(5) attach to; fix to; join; stick to


(1) assign; delegate; design; designate; determine; employ; make; take on


{also use in Accountability and Design Mind-Set}

(1) accept; agree to; attest; back up; command; commend; endorse; favor; praise; ratify; sanction; support

(2) allow; authorize; consent; grant; pass; sanction


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Compassionate, and Team Player}

(1) abet; collaborate; facilitate; help with


(1) avoid; divert; forestall; miss; prevent; stop happening; turn away; ward off


(1) agree; barter; contract; covenant; deal; haggle; negotiate between parties; make a pact; reach accord; make a transaction; reach an understanding


{also use in Common Sense and Design Mind-Set}

(1) initiative; manage without assistance; succeed with few resources


{also use in Drive, Passion, Tenacity, and Risk Tolerant}

(1) unexpected gain or improvement

(2) new idea


(1) attack something viciously and ferociously; overcome a difficult obstacle or challenge


(1) direct the outcome of an activity or affair; predict the outcome of something


(1) be in command; lead; command; control; manage something; skipper


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Communication, Cross-Cultural Competency, Take Direction, and Work Ethic}

(1) act as a team; assist; cooperate; pool resources; team up; work jointly with; work together

Résumé bullet points:

Collaborated with training and education providers to ensure courses offered were beneficial to workers


{also use in Computational Thinking and Data Gathering}

(1) collect and edit something; gather and put together in an orderly form


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Education, and Work Ethic}

(1) choate; conclude; be done; entire; finish a task intact; integral; perfect; through; unabridged; uncut; whole; wrap up

Résumé bullet points:

Completed all major job responsibilities without the need for constant direct supervision, thus helping the manager reallocate her time to be more productive


{also use in Accomplishment and Achievements, Accountability, and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving}

(1) create; envisage; imagine; invent original idea; picture; visualize

(2) begin life; dream; elaborate; form; make up


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, and HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) be in charge of; be in command; direct; dominate; govern; have influence or power over; manage; organize; oversee; rule; run


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) bring together; combine; direct; harmonize; manage; match up; organize; synchronize; work together


(1) deal with; encounter; get by; hack it; fight or content with; handle; manage; match; meet; muddle through; survive


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Customer Awareness, Intelligence, and Social Intelligence}

(1) develop; encourage; foster; help; nurture; promote; refine; support

(2) tend to; till; work on


(1) calm; cool; harmless; make less harmful or dangerous; harmless; make less tense; mollify; neutralize; placate; rescue; resolve; save; smooth out; soothe


(1) achieve; advance; build up; evolve; expand; exploit; expound; extend; generate; gain; grow; increase; mature; strengthen; unfold; widen

(2) make known gradually

Résumé bullet points:

Developed first multimedia in-house sales operation with one person to cover two state territories previously covered by three outside sales reps; increased sales by 25 percent, increased retention of customers by 15 percent, and lowered costs by 50 percent


{also use in Cognitive Thinking and Design Mind-Set}

(1) clear; free from entanglements and ties; find solutions to problems; straighten out


(1) begin the process of something; begin to examine something thoroughly; go to work on something

(2) delve; poke around; research; understand


(1) bring about or into being; cause; create; give rise to; originate; produce


(1) absorb; busy; involve; hold

(2) take the entire attention of; occupy wholly

(3) express formally or in legal form


(1) adopt; advocate; back; champion; promote; support; take up


(1) arrange; put details together


{also use in Accountability and HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) carry out; come to grips with; conduct; control; cope with; deal with; have overall influence; manage; manipulate; ply; process; run; see to; sort out; supervise; take responsibility for; undertake; wield

(2) feel; finger; hold; manage with the hands; touch

Résumé bullet points:

Handled more than $4,000 per day in cash sales


(1) ad-lib; extemporize; fake; make; invent or arrange offhand; fabricate out of what is conveniently on hand; spur of the moment


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, and Critical Thinking}

(1) begin; create; commence; inaugurate; induct; install; instate; instigate; introduce; invest; kick off; open; set off; start

(2) coach; instruct; mentor; teach; train; tutor


(1) control, direct, engineer, supervise, or otherwise be the brains behind


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Creativity, Drive, Passion and Tenacity, Motivated, and Self-Confidence}

(1) be first to develop new ideas or concepts; lead the way


(1) arrange; get ready to deal with something; make ready for use or consideration; organize; plan; practice; put in order

(2) coach; groom; make ready; train; warm up


(1) argue in opposition; confute; contradict; deny; disprove; invalidate; oppose; refute

(2) show to be false


(1) rebuild to original state; replace; replenish

(2) give back; make restitution

(3) put back in place, position, or rank

(4) bring back to health or strength


(1) keep from danger; rescue; save from danger, harm, or evil

(2) preserve; put up; store for future use

(3) avoid need to use or spend

(4) prevent or guard against loss, waste, or misuse


{also use in Cognitive Load Management and Time Management}

(1) continue without break; lead into new areas; proceed without interruption; smooth change to next topic


(1) act independently; perform alone

(2) fly alone


(1) personally accept the outcome of something

Social Intelligence

Social intelligence is the ability to connect with others in a deep and direct way—to sense and stimulate reactions and desired interactions.


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Learn, and Motivated}

(1) advocate; assist; back; back up; encourage; espouse; foment; help incite; put up to; sanction; support; urge (especially in wrongdoing)


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Customer Awareness, Flexibility, Outgoing, and Self-Manageable}

(1) agree; allow; approach; ascend; attain; come to; comply; conform; consent; enter upon; give assent; grant; succeed to; take over


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Self-Confident}

(1) acknowledge or declare approval; applaud; cheer; hail; praise vociferously; sing one’s praises


{also use in Polite}

(1) bring about harmony and concurrence; cause to conform or agree; make an agreement

(2) bestow on someone


{also use in Cross-Cultural Competency}

(1) accustom; aware; explain; familiar with; inform; introduce; know; notify; present; run by; tell

(2) come to know personally


{also use in Accountability, Attitude, Cognitive Load Management, and Compassion}

(1) accept; agree; assent; comply with passively; concede; concur; consent; give in; go along with; submit; yield


(1) adulate; appreciate; approve; enjoy; esteem; have a positive feeling toward one; like; marvel; regard; relish; think highly of


{also use in Computational Thinking and HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) accumulate; amass; collect; combine; gather together; sum; total; whole


{also use in Attention to Detail, Commitment and Dedication, Design Mind-Set, and Self-Manageable}

(1) ally; adjust; bring oneself into agreement with; correct; level; parallel; straighten

(2) arrange something in reference with something else


{also use in Cross-Cultural Competency and Outgoing}

(1) align; associate; befriend; confederate; help; league; join; support


(1) bar; combine; disallow; forbid; gang; group; unite in opposition to something; interdict; outlaw; proscribe; veto


{also use in Outgoing}

(1) become overly friendly or familiar with someone

(2) join with another person to do things together


(1) abandon; abdicate; admit; assign; concede; give or hand over; give up; grant; let go; relinquish; render; surrender; transfer; yield


{also use in Compassionate}

(1) stand together; unite; work together


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Cognitive Load Management, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Learn, and Team Player}

(1) combine; come together as one; grow together; join; unite


{also use in Compassionate and Team Player}

(1) bond; go together; hold fast; join together


(1) breathe; disclose; divulge; entrust; make known; pass on; reveal; share; tell; whisper

(2) entrust; deposit with; give to; place with


(1) associate; attach; combine; fasten; interrelate; join; relate; unite


(1) comfort; give hope in time of grief

(2) empathize; sympathize


{also use in Drive, Passion, Tenacity, and Work Ethic}

(1) chip in; come across; come through; donate; give or supply in common with; kick in; subscribe


{also use in Commitment and Dedication}

(1) act together; agree; associate; co-adjudge; collaborate; social capital; work together for a common purpose


{also use in Attitude, Communication, and Compassionate}

(1) advise; deliberate; guide; inform; mentor


{also use in Compassion}

(1) approve; encourage; favorably dispose; sanction; support


(1) analyze and evaluate; critically review


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Customer Awareness, Intelligence, and Self-Manageable}

(1) develop; encourage; foster; help; nurture; promote; refine; support


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Communications, Compassionate, Intelligence, and Learn}

(1) educate; enlighten; illuminate; improve; inform; instruct; teach

(2) uplift morally, spiritually, or intellectually


{also use in Accountability, Cognitive Load Management, Communication, Take Direction, and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) clarify; explain; explicate; expose; expound; illuminate; lucid; make something clear; reveal; throw light on it


{also use in Outgoing}

(1) have compassion; identify with; sympathize; understand

(2) undergo or feel empathy


(1) allure; beguile; lure; persuade; tempt

(2) attract by offering hope, reward, or pleasure

(3) cajole or lure someone


(1) place something or someone into the protection of someone

(2) charge or invest with a trust or duty

(3) assign the care of; turn over for safekeeping


(1) arouse; call forth; inspire; provoke; put into action; stir to action


{also use in Critical Thinking and Leadership}

(1) activate; propel someone or something into sudden action; stimulate


(1) tell what you or your interest group thinks and feels


(1) absorb; bury; dip; engross; throw yourself into

(2) occupy the full attention of


{also use in Reliability}

(1) impress a belief or idea on someone by repeating it over and over again until the idea is accepted

(2) teach by persistent urging


(1) adapt to the needs or special circumstances of an individual; distinguish; particularize


(1) curry favor; gain favor or favorable acceptance for by deliberate effort; defer to; make acceptable to another


{also use in Communication and Self-Confidence}

(1) call to action; provoke; stimulate something


{also use in Learn}

(1) absorb; incorporate; take in


{also use in Creativity}

(1) affect; arouse; encourage; excite; impel; incite; prompt; provoke; motivate; stimulate; stir


(1) come or bring together; engage; intermesh; interweave; merge ideas and concepts


(1) animate; energize; enliven; galvanize; increase; liven; refresh; revitalize; strengthen; stimulate

Take Direction, Follow Directions, Willing to Take Directions


(1) agree; allow; approach; ascend; attain; come to; comply; conform; consent; enter upon; give assent; grant; succeed to; take over


{also use in Accountability, Cross-Cultural Competency, Reliability, and Team Player}

(1) admit; agree; believe; consent; say you will

(2) receive with gladness and approval

(3) receive; take something being offered

(4) bow to; endure; put up with; resign yourself to; tolerate


{also use in Communication}

(1) beg; change under oath; renounce under oath; request earnestly


{also use in Communication}

(1) come back with; counter; react; reply; respond; rejoin; retort

(2) explain one’s actions or behavior


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Commitment and Dedication, Communication, Cross-Cultural Competency, Self-Manageable, and Work Ethic}

(1) act as a team; assist; cooperate; pool resources; team up; work jointly with; work together

Résumé bullet points:

Collaborated closely with project management teams and relevant stakeholders to ensure necessary resources were made available


(1) copy; double; make twice as good; mirror


{also use in Accountability, Attention to Detail, and Communication}

(1) alter; correct; revise and make ready

(2) prepare a written work for publication by selection, arrangement, and annotation

(3) make additions, deletions, or other changes


{also use in Accountability, Cognitive Load Management, Communication, HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational, and Social Intelligence}

(1) clarify; explain; explicate; expose; expound; illuminate; lucid; make something clear; reveal; throw light on it


{also use in Self-Confidence}

(1) copy; follow; imitate; work or strive to copy something admired

(2) try often by copying or imitating a model

(3) rival successfully


(1) bind by a promise; engross; involve; occupy; participate; pledge; tie up

(2) arrange for the services of; employ; hire

(3) arrange for the use of; reserve

(4) draw into; involve

(5) attract and hold; employ and keep busy; occupy

(6) mesh together

Résumé bullet points:

Engaged with the strategic business plan as it relates to the overall mission and goals established by the board


(1) make fine adjustments; regulate


(1) accredit; ascribe a result or quality to anything or anyone; assign; attribute; fix

(2) accuse; allege; assert; challenge; charge; cite; implicate


(1) gain knowledge from experience, observation, or being taught


(1) do what was promised; make something come true


{also use in Engineering and R&D}

(1) assemble; build; construct; create; develop; make; produce


(1) keep under observation; watch so as to regulate; control or record


{also use in Design Mind-Set, Gather Data and Convert into Information, and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) examine; make a remark; monitor; notice; perceive; say; scrutinize; study; survey; view; watch attentively


(1) perceive the intended meanings of something

(2) interpret or view in a particular way

(3) infer from information received

(4) assume that something is present or is the case

Team Player, Transdisciplinary Skills, Works Well with Others Across Departments and Disciplines, and as a Member of Virtual Teams


{also use in Accountability, Cross-Cultural Competency, Reliability, and Take Direction}

(1) admit; agree; believe; consent; consider; hold as truth; say you will

(2) receive with gladness and approval

(3) receive; take something being offered

(4) bow to; endure; put up with; resign yourself to; tolerate

Collocates to: challenge, fact, gift, idea, invitation, offer, position, role, responsibility


{also use in Accountability, Cognitive Load Management, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Leadership, Learn, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Professional Demeanor, and Work Ethic}

(1) acclimatize; accustom yourself; adapt; adjust; become accustomed to a new environment or situation; familiarize; get used to


{also use in Compassionate}

(1) accede; accept; acquiesce; agree; concur; consent


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Compassionate, and Self-Manageable}

(1) abet; collaborate; facilitate; help with


{also use in Motivated, Reliability, and Work Ethic}

(1) persist; put into action; take the most difficult


{also use in Cross-Cultural Competency}

(1) cooperate; work together


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Cognitive Load Management, Commitment and Dedication, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Leadership, Learn, Social Intelligence}

(1) combine; come together as one; grow together; join; unite


{also use in Compassion and Social Intelligence}

(1) bond; go together; hold fast; join together


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Cogitative Load Management, Design Mind-Set, and HARD SKILLS: Gather Data and Convert to Information}

(1) assemble or collect to compare; bring together; gather; pool; pull together


{also use in Accountability}

(1) add to; amplify; augment; boost; enhance; enlarge; improve; multiply; raise; swell

(2) encourage; foster; fuel; intensify; redouble; strengthen

(3) escalate; expand; grow; multiply; mushroom; proliferate; rise; soar; spread; swell

Résumé points:

Increased customer retention by 50 percent over two years, helping to improve profits

Increased operating performance by 20 percent while reducing labor coast by $500,000

Increased profit margins and revenues through product mix diversification and targeted marketing


(1) agree with the agenda, beliefs, and view of something and be willing to follow certain standards signifying one’s acceptance

(2) agree to conditions; become a member associate; combine; enlist; enroll; enter; muster in; sign on


{also use in Accountability, Communications, and Outgoing}

(1) acclaim; applaud; celebrate; extol; mention; praise; speak well of


{also use in Professional Demeanor and Presence and New Media Literacy}

(1) complex; exchange ideas; interact with others to exchange information and develop contacts; make contacts; meet people; set up; use system of contacts


{also use in Compassionate}

(1) aid; assist; be of use; do services for; help; perform duties; treat in a certain way


{also use in Polite}

(1) communicate something; give one’s portion to another; have in common; use jointly or in common


{also use in Leadership}

(1) create cooperative group dynamics

Time Management


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Commitment and Dedication, Motivated, Self-Management, and HARD SKILLS: Time and Organizational Management}

(1) gather speed; go faster; grow; hurry; increase speed of; pick up the pace; quicken; rush; speed up

(2) cause to occur sooner


(1) avoid waste; husband; keep from being damaged; preserve; save


{also use in Critical Thinking}

(1) confer; consider; consult; debate; meditate; mull over; plan; ponder; reflect; think carefully; weigh carefully


{also use in Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Design Mind-Set}

(1) define; demarcate; determine; fix boundaries; restrict; set limits; state clearly


(1) start immediately on something


{also use in Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, and Commitment and Dedication}

(1) allocate; allot; appropriate; assign; set aside or reserve for special purpose


{also use in Critical Thinking and HARD SKILLS: Engineering}

(1) cause; coax; make happen

(2) plan, construct and manage as an engineer

(3) guide; plan and direct skillfully; superintend


{also use in Drive and Passion and Time Management}

(1) accelerate; hurry up; rush

(2) speed up or make easy the process of or action of

(3) dispatch; issue officially; send off



{also use in Design Mind-Set}

(1) hurry or hasten; move very fast


(1) work on several tasks at the same time


(1) move or develop (something) at a particular rate or speed


{also use in Problem Solving and HARD SKILLS: Time, Organizational, Planning and Time Management}

(1) arrange; design; have in mind a project or purpose; intend; prepare; purpose; set up

(2) arrange strategic ideas in diagrams, charts, sketches, graphs, tables, maps, and other documents

Résumé bullet points:

Planned, coordinated, and supervised all aspects of database center relocation from the West Coast to Atlanta, Georgia, with no impact on service


(1) animate; enliven; revive

(2) arouse; stimulate; stir

(3) cause to move more rapidly; hasten


{also use in Attention to Detail}

(1) make arrangements or a plan for carrying out something

(2) plan events and activities for certain times


{also use in Cognitive Load Management and Self-Manageable}

(1) continue without break; lead into new areas; proceed without interruption; smooth change to next topic


(1) get through something quickly

Work Ethic


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Professional Demeanor and Presence, Reliability, and Self-Manageable}

(1) bear; continue; endure; go on being; put up with; stomach; take; tolerate

(2) hold; remain; stand fast; stand for; stay

Collocates to: agreements, conditions, laws, norms, rules, resolutions, wishes


{also use in Cognitive Load Management, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Leadership, Learn, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Professional Demeanor, and Team Player}

(1) acclimatize; accustom yourself; adapt; adjust; become accustomed to a new environment or situation; familiarize; get used to


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Accuracy and Precision, Attention to Detail, Drive, Passion and Tenacity, Leadership, Motivated, and Novel and Adaptive Thinking}

(1) achieve; attain; bring about; carry out; cause to happen; complete; do; gain; get done; finish; fulfill; make happen; make possible; produce; pull off; reach; realize; undertake


{also use in Accountability, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Engineering, Flexibility, and R&D}

(1) accommodate; alter; amend; attune; bend; change; correct; fine-tune; fix; modify; pacify; rectify; regulate; resolve; settle; tune up; tweak


{also use in Commitment and Dedication and Common Sense}

(1) act as a backstop; use as a measure of last resort in case of an emergency


(1) carry; elate; encourage; hold up; lift


(1) campaign; count; debate; drum up support; electioneer; solicit

(2) ballot; investigate; poll; research; seek; survey; test


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Customer Awareness, Leadership, and Self-Confidence}

(1) bear the main responsibility for something


{also use in Motivated, Reliability, and Team Player}

(1) persist; put into action; take the most difficult


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Commitment and Dedication, Communication, Cross-Cultural Competency, Self-Manageable, and Take Direction}

(1) act as a team; assist; cooperate; pool resources; team up; work jointly with; work together


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Education, and Self-Manageable}

(1) be done; choate; conclude; entire; finish a task intact; integral; perfect; through; unabridged; uncut; whole; wrap up

Résumé bullet points:

Completed all job and extracurricular organizational civic requirements with highest proficiency ratings among 100 employees for five straight years


{also use in Drive, Passion, Tenacity, and Social Intelligence}

(1) chip in; come across; come through; donate; give or supply in common with; kick in; subscribe


(1) doubling one’s effort; significantly increasing the risk of one’s involvement


(1) do more; put maximum effort into some endeavor; try extra hard

(2) donate as much as possible for a good cause


{also use in Accountability and Drive, Passion, and Tenacity}

(1) allow; authorize; give authority or power to; sanction

(2) make one stronger and more confident, especially in controlling his life and claiming his rights


{also use in Drive, Passion, and Tenacity}

(1) shine; stand out; surpass

(2) be better, greater, or superior to others in the same field, profession, or endeavor


(1) apply; exercise; use

(2) put forth or use energetically; put into action

(3) apply with great energy or effort


{also use in Drive, Passion, and Tenacity and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) bypass others; move a job ahead on a faster pace than normal; rapidly accomplish; speed up process

Résumé bullet points:

Fast tracked database projects


(1) be willing to take on tough jobs; take on tougher assignments alone; work without much assistance


{also use in Commitment and Dedication}

(1) become determined not to budge from an opinion or position; circle the wagons; get in defensive position; prepare for bad news or prolonged assault; prepare for siege


(1) be equal; of full high quality


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance}

(1) make the best or most effective use of a situation or resource


{also use in Motivated}

(1) do or perform better than expected


(1) chip in; contribute; involve oneself; join in; partake; share in; take part

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