Chapter 4. Experience, Credentials, Education

Accomplishments and Achievements History


{also use in Accountability, Attention to Detail, Cognitive Load Management, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Learn, and Self-Manageable}

(1) become captivated, fascinated, engaged, interested, or preoccupied in; fascinate

(1) The strategic planning process absorbed much of my time.

(2) draw into oneself; grasp; grip; realize; recognize; take in; understand

(3) acquire; assimilate; attract; consume; digest; endure; engulf; imbibe; soak up; sustain; take in; take up; use up

Résumé bullet points:

Absorbed additional new department, including personnel, budget, and objectives, and led all managers in department productivity gains of prior year


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Self-Manageable, Motivated, and Time and Organizational Management}

(1) gather speed; go faster; grow; hurry; increase speed of; pick up the pace; quicken; rush speed up

(2) cause to occur sooner

Collocates to: change, depreciation, development, process, program, place, time, trend

Résumé bullet points:

Accelerated the process of new hire to fully trained status by 20 percent without any loss in efficiency


{also use in Self-Confident and Social Intelligence}

(1) acknowledge or declare approval; applaud; cheer; commend; hail; praise vociferously; sing one’s praises

(1) Steve Jobs was widely acclaimed as a visionary.

Collocates to: actor, author, critic, entertainer, film, hero, inventor, movie, musician, public, television, writer

Résumé bullet points:

Acclaimed by industry trade press to have developed the most innovative training process in the industry, enabling new hires to achieve certification status in half the time of the industry standard


{also use in Common Sense, Compassion, Cross-Cultural Competency, Customer Awareness, and Outgoing}

(1) house; lodge; provide accommodations; put up

(2) adapt; be big enough for; contain; have capacity for; hold; reconcile; seat

(3) do a favor or a service for someone; oblige

(4) acclimate; acclimatize; adjust; become accustomed; familiarize; get used to; make fit or suitable for

(5) allow for; assist; be of service; consider; find ways to help; oblige

Collocates to: change, demand, desire, difference, growth, guest, need, passengers, request, schedule, space, special case(s), student


{also use in Accountability, Accuracy and Precision, Attention to Detail, Drive, Leadership, Motivated, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Passion and Tenacity, and Work Ethic}

(1) achieve; attain; bring about; carry out; cause to happen; complete; do; finish; gain; get done; finish; fulfill; make happen; make possible; produce; pull off; reach; realize; undertake

Collocates to: aim, feats, goals, learning, luminary, mission, objectives, purpose, tasks

Résumé bullet points:

Accomplished record for new sales increasing new accounts by 25% over prior year


(1) accrue; add; amass; build up; collect; gather; hoard

(2) accrete; grow larger by adding; mount up

Collocates to: assets, data, debt, evidence, information, influence, knowledge, power, money, wealth


{also use in Attitude, Drive and Passion, Education, Leadership, Motivated, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Risk Tolerant, and Self-Confident}

(1) accomplish; attain; complete; conclude; do; finish; get; perform; pull off; reach; realize

(2) succeed in doing something

Collocates to: balance, fame, goals, honor, objectives, outcome, reputation, results, success

Résumé bullet points:

Achieved the status of Fellow


{also use in Customer Awareness, Design Mind-Set, Gather Data and Convert into Information, and Risk Tolerant}

(1) attained; buy; come to possess; earn; gain; get; hold; obtain; purchase; receive

Résumé bullet points:

Acquired the highest IEEE certification in 2012


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, HARD SKILLS: Time and Organizational Management, and Novel and Adaptive Thinking}

(1) acetify; become active; energize; galvanize; get going; initiate; make active; set in motion; set off; start; stimulate; trigger; turn off

Résumé bullet points:

Activated the budget contingency for the project and delivered the results on schedule


{also use in Attention to Detail, Common Sense, Motivated, and Novel and Adaptive Thinking}

(1) make real or actual; make something actual or real; realize; represent or describe realistically

(2) fulfill the potential of

Collocates to: act, communion, desire, ideal, goal, potential, virtue

Résumé bullet points:

Actualized virtual transactions, giving customers a human contact


{also use in Attention to Detail, Accuracy, Creativity, Customer Awareness, Leadership, and Risk Tolerant}

(1) activate; arouse to action; give incentive for action; motivate; move to act; put into motion; start; trigger

Collocates to: application, breaks, desire, device, drive, motion, plan, program, shock


{also use in Attention to Detail, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Creativity, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, HARD SKILLS: Engineering and R&D, and Learn}

(1) acclimate; accommodate; adjust; change; conform; fashion; fit; get used to; make suitable; reconcile; square; suit; tailor

(2) make fit, often by modification

(3) cause something to change for the better

Résumé bullet points:

Adapted innovative database approaches and identified two new untapped market segments that added 10 percent profits in 2 years


(1) add up; adjoin; affix; append; attach; combine; count up; include; insert; put in; tally; total; tote up

(2) augment; complement; enhance; enlarge; improve; increase; intensify; supplement; swell


(1) allege; bring forward; cite as evidence; lead to; present; provide advance evidence for something; put forward

(1) “Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory.”

—Leonardo da Vinci

Collocates to: argument, authority, case, concept, data, development, evidence, example, reason, term, theory


{also use in Accountability and Commitment and Dedication}

(1) accept; agree to; approve; assume; embrace; endorse; espouse; foster; implement; take in as one’s own; talk on; take up; take on board

Résumé bullet points:

Adopted the ISO standards for Environmental Management System (EMS)


{also use in Self-Manageable}

(1) continue; evolve; forward; further; go ahead; go forward; proceed; increase; move ahead; move forward; move on; press forward; press on; proceed; progress

(2) build up; develop; enhance; expand; promote; rise; spread

Résumé bullet points:

Advanced a more rigorous standard for customer service representatives


(1) act physically on something or someone; change; concern; connect closely and often indiscriminately; have an effect on; have an emotional or cognitive impact on; impinge on; impress; influence; move; shape; strike; sway; touch

(2) distress; disturb; move; touch; upset

(3) assume; fake; imitate; pretend or have; put on

Collocates to: ability, behavior, change, community, condition, decisions, factor, health, issue, level, life, performance, policy, quality

Résumé bullet points:

Affected the more adopted timely approach for resolving customer complaints by showing employees videos of the actual impact of customer service failures


(1) combine; fuse; integrate; join together; merge; mix; unite


{also use in Drive and Passion, Education, Motivated, and Self-Manageable}

(1) accrue; accumulate; assemble; build up; collect; compile; gather together; hoard; pile up; store up

Résumé bullet points:

Amassed 75 customer appreciation letters and recommendations


{also use with Accountability. Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Creativity, Leadership, Learn, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, and Self-Manageable}

(1) amend; correct a mistake; enhance; enrich; get better; improve; make better; perfect; tolerate; upgrade

(2) correct a deficiency or defect; make right a wrong; take action that makes up for one’s negative or improper actions

Collocates to: concern, condition, consequences, distress, effect, effort, pain, plan, problem, situation, stress, symptom, system, tension


(1) determine; discover; establish; find out; learn; realize; uncover

(2) find out with certainty


(1) accumulate; combine; convene; group; mass produce; produce standardized goods in large volumes; unite


{also use in Education}

(1) accomplish; acquire; achieve; arrive at; conquer; gain; make; manage; obtain; procure; reach; realize

Résumé bullet points:

Attained the highest level of certification awarded by the IEEE


{also use in Communications and Creativity}

(1) create; pen; scribe; source; write

(1) “He who purposes to be an author should first be a student.”


Résumé bullet points:

Authored the company’s diversity engagement strategy which received national acclaim for the firm


(1) be of advantage, help, take; use to one’s advantage to accomplish an end

Collocates to: benefit, freedom, language, opportunity, option, privilege, protection, resource, service, tool


(1) cause something; create something; father; lead to; procreate; reproduce


(1) attract; charm into doing; deceive; divert; enthrall; entice; fascinate; influence by slyness; lure; mesmerize; put under a spell; sawder; woo

(1) “I am not merry; but I do beguile the thing I am, by seeming otherwise.”

—William Shakespeare

(2) “If the weak hand, that has recorded this tale, has, by its scenes, beguiled the mourner of one hour of sorrow, or, by its moral, taught him to sustain it—the effort, however humble, has not been vain, nor is the writer unrewarded.”

—Ann Radcliffe

Collocates to: audience, composition, view


(1) advance; amplify; augment; enhance; further; heighten; hoist; improve; increase; lift; make better; raise

(1) Tim’s new idea boosted sales in the market by 20 percent.


(1) throw or force something

(2) advance quickly over peers; leap frog or jump obstacles or barriers


(1) go around but not through; pass; get around something by intelligence, nerve, guile, luck or determination; skirt


(1) cooperate; work together


{also use in Accountability, Cognitive Load Management, Commitment and Dedication, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, Leadership, Learn, Social Intelligence, and Team Player}

(1) blend; combine; come together as one; fuse or cause to grow together; join; merge; mingle; mix together different elements or parts; unite

Collocates to: beliefs, filter, ideas, image, matter, movement, shapes, opposition, views


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Communication, Cross-Cultural Competency, Self-Manageable, Take Direction, and Work Ethic}

(1) act as a team; assist; cooperate; pool resources; team up; work together on a common enterprise or project; work jointly with

(1) Dawn successfully collaborated with two other agencies.

(2) cooperate as a traitor; quisling

Résumé bullet points:

Collaborated with local universities to develop hands-on industrial training programs as extensions to classroom learning


(1) arrange; assemble; catalog; check; classify; codify; compare critically; gather; order; organize; set up

Collocates to: data, information, numbers, record, results, report, study, survey

Résumé bullet points:

Collated 75 years of consumer records into firm’s first searchable database


(1) be in touch; commune; connect; converse; convey something; correspond; exchange a few words; share; transfer; write


{also use in Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Education, Self-Manageable, and Work Ethic}

(1) be done; choate; conclude; entire; finish a task; integral; perfect; through; unabridged; uncut; whole; wrap up

Résumé bullet points:

Completed the industry’s top certification in less time than anyone at the firm


(1) act; agree; behave in a certain, proper way


(1) collect; contain; control; cool down; practice; restrain; settle; simmer down

(2) create; incite; produce; write


{also use in Accountability, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Self-Management}

(1) create; envisage; imagine; invent original idea; picture; visualize

(1) I conceived and wrote the firm’s long term strategic plan.

(2) begin life; dream; elaborate; form; make up


{also use in Self-Manageable and HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) be in charge of; be in command; direct; dominate; govern; have influence or power over; manage; organize; oversee; rule; run


{also use in Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Self-Manageable}

Résumé bullet point:

Coordinated $20 million sales and marketing budget for gaming division of global firm


{also use in Creativity}

Résumé bullet points:

Created a spreadsheet report process that improved productivity and reduced division costs by $200,000


{also use with Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Design Mind-Set}


{also use in Creativity and HARD SKILLS: Computer Literate, Engineering, and Research}

(1) aim; contrive; devise; intend; make designs; mean; plan; propose; set apart for some purpose

(2) conceive; construct; create; draw up blueprints or plans; fabricate; invent; originate

(3) blueprint; cast; chart; draw up; frame; map; project; set out

Résumé bullet points:

Designed a tracking system that allowed service repairman and their vehicles to be routed to jobs by an algorithm based on geographic and priority


{also use in Self-Manageable}

(1) achieve; advance; build up; evolve; expand; exploit; expound; extend; gain; generate; grow; increase; mature; strengthen; unfold; widen

(2) make known gradually

Résumé bullet points:

Developed and maintained documentation and communications for two worldwide projects


{also use in Creativity and HARD SKILLS: Engineering and R&D}

Résumé bullet point:

Devised the solution for more efficient routing of service trucks, saving thousands of dollars of fuel and making service calls more efficient. Developed algorithm that calculated new emergency calls, distance from current call, and estimated time of service


(1) conduct; command; lead; take action immediately

(2) control the course; guide; point the way; show the way

Résumé bullet points:

Directed the firm’s diversity awareness program

Directed in-house sales training classes


{also use in Common Sense, Intelligence, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Gather Data and Convert into Information}

(1) ascertain; be first to learn something; determine; expose; find out; hear; learn; realize, see, or uncover something

Résumé bullet points:

Discovered new market for industrial waste creating a new revenue channel of $100,000 annually


(1) apportion; arrange; deal; dispense; divide; divvy; dole out; measure; parcel; portion; scatter; share; spread

Résumé bullet points:

Distributed surplus material from production to sheltered workshops in the area providing hundreds of handicapped workers with continued employment


(1) duplicate; improve or grow something twice its previous level or size

Résumé bullet points:

Doubled customer retention rates increasing profits by $800,0000


(1) force; guide; herd; impel; make; motor; plunge; pilot; propel; push; ram; run; shove; steer; thrust; wheel


{also use in Education}

(1) acquire as a result of one’s behavior or effort; draw down; gain; make; merit; pull down; receive; receive wages; win; work for

(2) receive salary, commission, pay, or rent for one’s effort

(3) gain interest as profit

Résumé bullet points:

Earned an MBA and CPA in less than three years while working full time


{also use in Leadership and Motivated}

(1) add to; augment; boost; develop; endow with beauty and elegance; grace

(2) improve the quality or condition of

(3) digitally or electronically improve the quality, tone, pitch, image of photos, recordings, images

Résumé bullet points:

Enhanced key account cross-selling activities by 17 percent in one year using multidiscipline team approach to customer renewal project


{also use in Accountability, Reliability, and Self-Confidence}

(1) begin; create; enact; ensconce; found; install; institute; prove; set up; settle; start

(2) make firm; make stable

(3) bring about; cause to happen

(4) settle in an office or position

(5) cause to accept or recognize; set up permanently

(6) demonstrate; prove

Résumé bullet points:

Established first company job share policy allowing firm to keep more experienced workers and hire additional talented candidates


{also use in Accountability and Drive, Passion, and Tenacity}

(1) be more or greater than; beat; go beyond; surpass what was expected or thought possible; outdo

Résumé bullet points:

Exceeded all company records for reduction of loss prevention, reducing losses as percent of sales by 30 percent in one year


(1) enlarge; increase; inflate; swell

(2) open up; spread out; stretch out; unfold

(3) dilate; enlarge; extend; make greater in size, bulk, or scope

(4) work out or show the full form of

Résumé bullet points:

Expanded the conversion rate of leads by 75 percent in 2 years, increasing the number of new sales by 40 percent


{also use in Drive and Passion and Time Management}

(1) accelerate; hurry up; rush

(2) speed up or make easy the process or action of

(3) dispatch; issue officially; send off

Résumé bullet points:

Expedited the acceptance pace of new policy applications by 50 percent by adding automated policy holder data from firm’s data warehouse


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Critical Thinking}

(1) affix; arrange; assign; attach; blame; fasten; impute; pin on; place saddle; produce deep impression; secure

(2) engrave

(3) mend; replace; restore

Résumé bullet points:

Fixed and repaired many old pieces of production equipment still functional, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in capital costs


(1) begin; constitute; create; establish; institute; organize; set up; start

Résumé bullet points:

Founded the firm’s first employee social capital training program


{also use in Accountability and Reliability}

(1) carry out; complete an assignment; discharge; execute; exercise; implement; perform; satisfy

Résumé bullet points:

Fulfilled the requirements for certification, becoming the first employee from the company to be recognized by the Project Management Institute


(1) additional; advance; back; give aid; go beyond; support; promote

Résumé bullet points:

Furthered my education by volunteering to work the graveyard shift so I could attend morning classes at a nearby university


{also use in Accountability}

(1) channel; conduct; direct; funnel; point

(2) escort; lead; pilot; route; show; steer; supervise; surround; usher

Résumé bullet points:

Guided the project management team tasked with rebranding the 75-year-old flagship brand; succeed in re-launching with a 10% gain in market share


{also use in Companionate and Polite}

(1) abet; aid; assist; benefit; change for the better; improve; succor

Résumé bullet points:

Helped strategic planning committee draft the firm’s new mission statement


(1) affect

(1) My business plan impacted the investment club by creating a great deal of positive publicity.

(2) fix firmly; forcefully wedge; make contact, especially force tightly together

Résumé bullet points:

Impacted positive consumer reaction to the firm’s new market entry by heavy use of celebrity endorsements and the mass media


{also use in Accountability and HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) accomplish; apply; carry out; complete; effect; employ; enforce; execute; fulfill; finish; instigate; put into action; put into operation; put into place; put into practice; put into service; realize; use

Résumé bullet points:

Implemented first social media marketing campaign improving brand awareness by 30%


{also use in Accountability and HARD SKILLS: Research and R&D}

(1) ameliorate; amend; better; build up; develop; employ; enhance in value; enrich; expand; further; get better; help; increase; make better; meliorate; perfect; raise to a better quality; upgrade use

(2) convalesce; get better; get stronger; get well; make progress; mend; perk up; rally; recover

Résumé bullet points:

Improved customer cross sales by over $250,000 in first year of program


{also use in Critical Thinking and Self-Manageable}

(1) begin; commence; create; inaugurate; induct; install; instate; instigate; introduce; invest; kick off; open; set off; start

(2) coach; instruct; mentor; teach; train; tutor

Résumé bullet points:

Initiated customer retention, renewal, and referral program which resulted in an increase in renewals and referred sales leading to a growth in profits of $600,000


(1) be first; captain; command; conduct; control; direct the operations, activity, or performance; escort; go ahead; go in front; guide on a way especially by going in advance; head; manage; officer; pilot; show the way

Résumé bullet points:

Led all 500 salespeople in the firm in new sales for five consecutive years (2007-2011)


{also use in Engineering and R&D}

(1) assemble; become; build; cause; compose; construct; create; develop; do; enact; erect; execute; fabricate; fashion; forge; form; frame; manufacture; mold; prepare; produce; put together; require; shape

Résumé bullet points:

Made 20% more prototypes in the same time frame than any department


{also use in Administrative, Organization, and Planning, and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) administer; be in charge of; conduct or direct affairs; oversee; regulate; run; supervise

(2) do; fare; fend; get along; get by; make do; muddle through

(3) control the behavior of; handle; succeed in dealing with

(4) succeed despite difficulties

Résumé bullet points:

Managed a department with a budget of $22 million


(1) arrange; assemble; gather all resources to achieve a goal; mobilize; organize

(2) put in delineated order


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Drive, and Passion and Tenacity}

(1) make best use of; make as great or as large as possible; raise to the highest possible degree

Résumé bullet points

Maximized the annual bonus opportunity for sales people by June four years in row (2008-2012)


(1) arrange systematically; categorize; make arrangements, plans, or preparations for; order; put in order; sort out; systematize

(2) control; coordinate; fix; manage; take charge

Résumé bullet points:

Organized the annual company 3-day sales meeting and training seminar for 300 attendees


(1) bring into being; create or initiate; have a specified beginning; initiate; invent; make; start off

(2) begin; come from; derive; start; stem from

Résumé bullet points

Originated the “money back membership guarantee” for association memberships which increased memberships with no negative financial backlash


{also use in Creativity, Drive, Passion and Tenacity, Motivated, Self-Confidence, and Self-Manageable}

(1) be the first to develop new ideas or concepts; lead the way

Résumé bullet points

Pioneered free trials in an expendable product field resulting in 10-13% growth rates over five years


(1) achieve; accomplish; finish a task

(2) bring forth; produce; yield

Résumé bullet points

Produced the largest increase in personal sales over the prior year in company history, 280% (2011–2012)


(1) direct; lead; manage


(1) bring in; hire for specific skills, abilities, and capabilities; seek out over others

Résumé bullet points:

Recruited to turn around unprofitable, unproductive, inefficient division


{also use in SOFT SKILLS: Accountability and HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance}

(1) amend; correct; fix; put right; resolve; set right

(2) adjust; cure; remedy; repair; mend

(3) convert


(1) fasten; fix securely; hold; lock; make safe

(2) acquire; get hands on; get hold of; obtain


(1) choose; pick; vote

(2) chose one in preference over another; pick out one based on some quality of excellence

(3) limit to certain groups based on some standard

Résumé bullet points:

Selected to lead corporate team tasked with applying for the JD Powers award for customer satisfaction

Selected to create and develop firm’s exhibit and presence at global logistics conference and exhibit, Hamburg, Germany 2012


{also use in Creativity, Design Mind-Set, and Accounting and Finance}

(1) find a solution; settle

(2) provide or find a suitable answer to a problem

Résumé bullet points:

Solved numerous marketing problems by serving as inside consultant willing to look at issues with unbiased point of view


{also use in Professional Demeanor and Risk Tolerance}

(1) be in front of something; point; take the lead

Résumé bullet points:

Spearheaded the firm’s strategic redeployment into recycling of Freon gases


(1) change from one form to another; remake; renew; upgrade

(2) change the personality or character of one

(3) change the condition, nature, or function of

Résumé bullet points:

Transformed out of date, demoralized, logistics operation into a state of the art career maker


(1) claim victory; succeed

Résumé bullet points:

Won the Industry’s Star Performer award three years (2009-2011)

Education and Training, Degrees, and Certifications


{also use in Achievements and Accomplishments, Attitude, Drive and Passion, Leadership, Motivated, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Risk Tolerant, and Self-Confident}

(1) accomplish; attain; complete; conclude; do; finish; get; perform; pull off; reach; realize

(2) succeed in doing something

Résumé bullet points:

Achieved the highest industry certification possible


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Drive and Passion, Motivated, and Self-Manageable}

(1) accrue; accumulate; assemble; build up; collect; compile; gather together; hoard; pile up; store up

Résumé bullet points:

Amassed 75 customer appreciation letters and recommendations


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements}

(1) accomplish; achieve; acquire; arrive at; conquer; gain; make; manage; obtain; procure; reach; realize

Résumé bullet points:

Attained the industry’s highest certification


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, Commitment and Dedication, Self-Manageable, and Work Ethic}

(1) be done; choate; conclude; entire; finish a task; integral; perfect; through; unabridged; uncut; whole; wrap up

Résumé bullet points:

Completed four-year training and apprenticeship in plumbing and pipefitting at ABC Technical and Vocational School


{also use in Accomplishment and Achievements}

(1) acquire as a result of one’s behavior or effort; draw down; gain; make; merit; pull down; receive; wages; win; work for

(2) receive salary, commission, pay, or rent for one’s effort

(3) gain interest as profit

Résumé bullet points:

Earned profit in first year after taking over failing division


(1) achieve passing grades in a course, training, or skill development

(2) advance by proficiency, skill, or achievement; mark in degrees of measurement

Résumé bullet points:

Graduated with an MBA having gone to school while continuing to work full time


(1) acclaim; admire; celebrate; distinguish; exalt; extol; glorify; hail; laud; magnify; panegyrize; praise someone or something for going beyond normal responsibilities; venerate

Résumé bullet points:

Honored by Industry Trade Association for innovative ideas to grow business


(1) acclaim; applaud; celebrate; extol; mention; praise; speak well of


(1) certify again; meet the standards; qualify again

(2) declare something true, accurate, or certain

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