

80/20 principle, 20


aberrate, 33

abet, 33

abide, 34

abide with, 34

abound, 34

absorb, 34

accede, 35

accelerate, 36

accentuate, 36

accept, 36

acclimate, 37

accommodate, 37

accomplish, 38

account (for), 39

accredit, 40

accrue, 40

acculturate, 41

accumulate, 41

achieve, 29, 42

acknowledge, 43

act, 43

activate, 44

active voice, 12-14

actualize, 43

actuate, 44

adapt, 44

adduce, 45

adjust, 45

administer, 46

adopt, 45

advance, 46

advise, 47

advocate, 47

affect, 48

affirm, 49

agree, 50

aim, 50

alert, 50

align, 51

allay, 52

Allen, Woody, 9

alliteration, 28

allow, 53

ally, 53

alter, 54

amygdala, 4

analyze, 54

Angelou, Maya, 1

Annie Hall (film), 9

anticipate, 55

antithesis, 28

apply, 55

appraise, 56

appreciate, 57

approach, 57

approve, 57

arrange, 58

ascertain, 58

assert, 59

assess, 59

assign, 61

assimilate, 60

assist, 61

assume, 62

attack, 30

attain, 63

attempt, 64

attune, 64

authenticate, 64

authorize, 65

aver, 65


backstop, 65

balance, 65

ban, 66

band together, 66

bank on, 66

bargain, 66

bear down, 66

beautiful words, list of, 11

benchmark, 67

body language, 4-5, 8

bolster, 67

boost, 68

bowl over, 68

brainstorm, 69

breakthrough, 69

bridge the gap, 70

budget, 70

build, 70

buoy up, 68

Burke, Edmund, 7

business managers, career coaches versus, 1

buying, investing versus, 10


cache, 71

calculate, 72

capitalize, 72

captain, 73

care, 73

career coaches, business managers versus, 1

carry through, 74

carve, 74

Casablanca (film), 8

celebrate, 74

challenge, 75

challenges, problems versus, 10

champion, 76

change, 76

characterize, 77

chart, 77

Chomsky, Noam, 17-18

choose, 78

Cicero, 2

circumscribe, 78

clarify, 79

classify, 79

clichés, replacements for, 21

coach, 79

coalesce, 80

coexist, 31

cogitate, 81

cohere, 81

collaborate, 82

collect, 82

commit, 83

communicate, 84


language. See also body language; words

competence versus performance in, 18

history of human development, 5-6

inconsistency of English rules, 17

learning process for, 6

phrasing of, 28-29

power of, 6-11

pronunciation, 22

verbal versus nonverbal, 4-5

communication skills, success and, 19-22

competence in language, performance versus, 18

compile, 84

complement, 85

complete, 85

compose, 85

compute, 86

conceive, 87

conceptualize, 87

conclude, 87

condone, 88

conduct, 88

confront, 89

connect, 89

conserve, 90

consider, 90

consist, 91

consolidate, 91

consult, 92

contribute, 92

control, 92

convey, 93

cooperate, 93

coordinate, 93

cope, 94

counsel, 95

cover, 95

create, 95

cultivate, 96


daydreaming, 9

decide, 96

declare, 97

define, 98

delegate, 98

delineate, 99

deliver, 99

delve, 100

demand, 100

Deming, W. Edward, 3

demonstrate, 101

Demosthenes, 2

describe, 101

detail, 102

detect, 103

determine, 103

develop, 103

devise, 104

devote, 105

differentiate, 105

direct, 105

discern, 106

disclose, 106

discover, 107

distinguish, 107

distribute, 108


edit, 108

educate, 109

education in communication skills, lack of, 4-5

Ekman, Paul, 4

elevate, 109

elicit, 109

elucidate, 110

emanate, 111

embark, 111

embody, 111

embolden, 112

embrace, 112

empathize, 113

employ, 113

empower, 114

emulate, 114

enable, 115

encompass, 115

encourage, 116

endeavor, 116

endorse, 116

engage, 117

English language

inconsistency of rules, 17

pronunciation, 22

enhance, 118

enlighten, 119

enlist, 119

ensure, 120

entrust, 120

envisage, 120

envision, 121

establish, 121

estimate, 122

evaluate, 123

evoke, 123

evolve, 123

examine, 124

exceed, 125

excel, 125

exemplify, 125

exert, 126

exhibit, 126

exhort, 127

expand, 128

expect, 128

experience, 128

explain, 128

explore, 129

expose, 130

expound, 130

express, 130

externalize, 130

extol, 131

extrapolate, 131


face, 131

Facebook, 12

facilitate, 132

familiarize, 132

fashion, 132

fast track, 133

feedback, 133

fix, 133

focus, 134

follow, 134

follow through, 135

forge, 135

formulate, 136

foster, 137

Fripp, Patricia, 19

fulfill, 137

future perfect progressive tense, 25

future progressive tense, 24


G.I. Jane (film), 8

gain, 138

garner, 138

gather, 139

gauge, 139

generate, 139

Gere, Richard, 8

get, 140

give, 140

Google, 12

grammar, inconsistency of English language, 17

grasp, 141

grow, 141

guide, 141

handle, 142

harness, 142

head, 143

help, 143

highlight, 143

hire, 143

history of human development, 5-6

Hobbes, Thomas, 7


identify, 144

idioms, replacements for, 21

illustrate, 145

imagine, 145

imbibe, 145

imbue, 146

impact, 146

impart, 147

implement, 147

impress, 147

improve, 148

improvise, 149

impute, 149

inaugurate, 149

incentivize, 150

include, 150

incorporate, 150

increase, 151

indicate, 151

individualize, 152

induce, 152

influence, 153

inform, 153

infuse, 153

initiate, 154

innovate, 155

inquire, 155

inspect, 155

inspire, 155

inspirit, 156

instigate, 157

instill, 157

institute, 157

integrate, 157

interact, 158

interpret, 158

interview, 158

intransitive verbs, 14, 25

introduce, 159

intuit, 159

invest, 160

investigate, 160

investing, buying versus, 10

invigorate, 161

invite, 161

invoke, 162

involve, 162


jazz, 163

job hunt, 163

job search, 163

Johnson, Lyndon B., 9

join, 163

judge, 164

jump-start, 164

Keaton, Diane, 9

Kelly, Kevin, 5

Kennedy, John F., 8

key up, 164

kick the tires, 164

kindle, 165

Kipling, Rudyard, 2

language. See also body language; words

competence versus performance in, 18

history of human development, 5-6

inconsistency of English rules, 17

learning process for, 6

phrasing of, 28-29

power of, 6-11

pronunciation, 22

verbal versus nonverbal cues, 8

laud, 165

launch, 166

lead, 166

learn, 167

lift, 167

lightning, 17

Lincoln, Abraham, 8-9

linguistics, goal of, 17-18

linking verbs, 15

listen, 167

Locke, John, 7

look to ones laurels, 168

Luce, Clare Boothe, 8

Luntz, Frank, 7, 20, 27

lustrate, 168


maintain, 169

make, 169

manage, 170

maneuver, 170

marshal, 171

marvel, 171

master, 171

match, 171

maximize, 172

measure, 172

mediate, 172

meet, 172

meld, 173

mentor, 173


defined, 29

replacements for, 21

mete, 174

methodize, 175

mobilize, 175

model, 175

modify, 175

mold, 176

monitor, 176

“Most Beautiful Words in the English Language,” 11

motivate, 176


navigate, 177

necessitate, 177

negotiate, 177

network, 177

networking skills, success and, 19-20

nominalization, 12

nonverbal cues, 4-5, 8

Noonan, Peggy, 8

nouns, converting to verbs, 12, 16-17

nurture, 178

observe, 178

obtain, 179

obviate, 179

offer, 179

operate, 179

opt in, 180

optimize, 180

orchestrate, 180

organize, 180

originate, 181

oversee, 181

Oxford English Dictionary, 20


parallelism, 29

Pareto’s law, 20

participate, 181

partner, 182

passive voice, 12-14

past perfect progressive tense, 24

past progressive tense, 23

perform, 182

performance in language, competence versus, 18

Perky effect, 9

persevere, 182

persist, 183

persuade, 183

phrasing of language, 28-29

physical effects of words, 7-11

pilot, 184

pioneer, 184

plan, 184

Plato, 7

Plutarch, 2

posit, 185

position, 185

postulate, 185

power of language, 6-11

power of verbs, 20-22

practice, 186

predict, 186

prepare, 187

present, 187

present perfect progressive tense, 24

present progressive tense, 23

presentations, guidelines for, 27

Pretty Woman (film), 8

problem solve, 187

problems, challenges versus, 10

process, 188

produce, 188

progressive tenses of verbs, 23-25

project, 189

promote, 189

pronunciation, 22

propose, 190

prove, 190


qualify, 191

quantify, 191

query, 191

raise, 191

rally, 192

reach back, 192

realign, 192

realize, 193

reason, 193

rebuild, 194

recognize, 194

recommend, 195

recruit, 195

redeploy, 196

refer, 196

reflect, 196

regard, 197

reinforce, 197

reinvent, 197

relay, 198

remind, 198

repetition, 29

represent, 198

require, 199

resolve, 199

respect, 199

respond, 199

reward, 200

Roberts, Julia, 8

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 8

rules of language, inconsistency of English, 17

Russell, Nan, 10


schedule, 200

screen, 200

see through, 201

seek out, 201

seize the day, 203

select, 201

sentences, subjects of, 13

serve, 202

share, 202

shift, 202

showcase, 203

similes, 29

Socrates, 7

solidify, 204

solve, 204

spoken language. See language

sponsor, 204

stand out, 204

stereotype, 205

streamline, 205

strengthen, 205

study, 206

subjects of sentences, 13


communication skills and, 19-22

networking skills and, 19-20

summarize, 206

supervise, 206

support, 207

systematize, 207


tailor, 208

take (on) stock, 208

target, 208

task direct, 209

teach, 209

team build, 209

telecommute, 210

temper, 210

texting, 12

tired phrases, replacements for, 21

tolerate, 210

train, 211

training in communication skills, lack of, 4-5

transform, 211

transition, 212

transitive sentences, 10

transitive verbs, 14, 25

translate, 212

tutor, 213


understand, 213

undertake, 214

unfetter, 215

unlock, 214

validate, 215

value, 215

verbed, 12


active versus passive voice, 12-14

converting nouns to, 12, 16-17

intransitive, 14, 25

linking, 15

power of, 20-22

progressive tenses, 23-25

transitive, 14, 25

vet (positively), 215

vex, 216

vie, 216

visual simulation, 9-10

vitalize, 216

volunteer, 217


What Technology Wants (Kelly), 5

words. See also language; verbs

beautiful words, list of, 11

converting nouns to verbs, 12, 16-17

physical effects of, 7-11

Words that Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear (Luntz), 27

write, 217

zone in, 217

Zwann, Rolf, 10

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