

80/20 principle, 16


abandon, 27

abash, 28

abate, 28

abdicate, 28

abduce, 29

aberrate, 29

abet, 29

abjure, 33

abnegate, 33

abominate, 33

abort, 30

abridge, 30

abrogate, 31

absorb, 31

absquatulate, 34

abstain, 32

accede, 34

accelerate, 34

accentuate, 35

acclimate, 35

accomplish, 36

achieve, 25, 36

acquiesce, 37

acquire, 37

actuate, 38

adapt, 38

adduce, 39

adjust, 40

administer, 41

adopt, 40

adulterate, 41

adumbrate, 42

advance, 42

affect, 42

affiliative leadership style, 22

air out, 43

align, 44

allay, 44

Allen, Woody, 9

alleviate, 43

alliteration, 24

allocate, 45

allude, 45

alter, 46

amalgamate, 46

ameliorate, 46

amplify, 46

amygdala, 4

analyze, 47

Angelou, Maya, 1

Annie Hall (film), 9

anodyne, 48

anticipate, 48

antithesis, 24

appeal, 48

apportion, 49

appraise, 49

apprise, 49

approve, 49

arrange, 50

articulate, 50

ascertain, 50

assemble, 51

assess, 51

asseverate, 52

assimilate, 52

assist, 52

assuage, 53

attack, 26

attain, 53

attenuate, 53

attune, 53

augment, 54

augur, 54

authorize, 55

aver, 55

avow, 55


back down, 55

back out, 56

balance, 56

be argus-eyed, 56

beautiful words, list of, 12

belabor, 57

belie, 57

benchmark, 57

besmirch, 58

bestride something like a colossus, 59

bet the farm/ranch, 59

bifurcate, 59

blandish, 60

blaze, 60

blow hot / cold, 60

blow someones doors off, 61

blue sky, 61

body language, 4-5, 8

boost, 61

bootstrap, 62

bowdlerize, 62

brainstorm, 62

breakthrough, 63

bridge, 63

broach, 63

build, 64

burble, 65

burgeon, 65

burn ones boats, 65

burnish, 66

buttress, 66

buying, investing versus, 10


cachinnate, 66

cajole, 66

calibrate, 67

call the shot, 67

capitalize, 68

capitulate, 68

care, 69

careen, 69

Casablanca (film), 9

castigate, 69

catalog, 70

catapult, 70

catch fire, 71

catch the wave, 71

cavil, 71

chafe, 72

challenge, 72

challenge the process/status quo, 73

challenges, problems versus, 11

champion, 73

channel, 72-74

Chomsky, Noam, 14

choose, 74

Cicero, 1

circle the drain, 75

circumscribe, 75

circumvent, 75

cluster, 75

coach, 76

coaching leadership style, 22

coalesce, 76

coax, 77

collaborate, 77

combine, 78

command, 78

commanding leadership style, 23

communicate, 79


language. See also body language; words

competence versus performance in, 14

history of human development, 5-6

inconsistency of English rules, 13-14

learning process for, 7

phrasing of, 24-25

power of, 6-11

verbal versus nonverbal, 4-5

communication skills, success and, 15-17

competence in language, performance versus, 14

comprise, 80

concatenate, 80

conceive, 80

concentrate, 80

conform, 81

conjure, 86

connect, 81

connote, 83

conquer, 83

conserve, 82

consider, 82

consolidate, 84

constitute, 83

construct, 84

contemporize, 85

contend, 85

contradistinguish, 84

contravene, 86

control, 86

convey, 87

convoke, 87

cooperate, 88

coordinate, 89

corroborate, 88

counsel, 90

count, 90

counter, 90

countermand, 91

cozen, 91

create, 91

cross the rubicon, 92

crowd fund, 92

cultivate, 93

curtail, 93


daunt, 94

daydreaming, 10

deal with, 94

decide, 94

decompress, 95

deduce, 95

deem, 95

deescalate, 96

defenestrate, 96

defer, 96

defuse, 97

deign, 98

deke (out), 97

delegate, 98

deleverage, 100

deliberate, 98

delimit, 99

delineate, 99

demand, 100

democratic leadership style, 23

Demosthenes, 1

demystify, 100

denote, 101

deplete, 101

depreciate, 101

derail, 102

describe, 102

designate, 102

detect, 103

determine, 103

develop, 104

devise, 105

devolve, 104

diagnose, 105

differentiate, 106

direct, 106

disburse, 107

discern, 107

disclose, 108

discombobulate, 107

discomfit, 108

disparage, 108

disseminate, 109

dissipate, 109

dissuade, 110

distinguish, 110

dither, 111

divagate, 111

do a one-eighty, 111

do your homework, 111

document, 112

dont fly too close to the sun, 112

double down, 112

down scope, 112

draw lines in the sand, 113

dream, 113

drink from the waters of lethe, 114

drive, 114


earmark, 115

earn ones wings, 115

edify, 116

educate, 115

education in communication skills, lack of, 4-5

educe, 116

effect, 116

effectuate, 117

Ekman, Paul, 4

elicit, 117

emanate, 117

embark, 118

embed, 118

embody, 119

embrace, 120

empower, 120

emulate, 121

enable, 122

enable others, 122

encourage, 122

encroach, 123

energize, 124

enervate, 124

engage, 124

engender, 125

English language, inconsistency of rules, 13-14. See also language

enhance, 126

enlist, 126

enmesh, 127

ennoble, 127

ensure, 127

entail, 128

entreat, 129

envisage, 128

envision, 128

eschew, 129

espouse, 130

establish, 130

esteem, 130

evoke, 131

exalt, 131, 137

exceed, 131

excel, 132

excogitate, 132

exculpate, 133

exemplify, 133, 138

exhort, 133

expatiate, 134

expedite, 135

experiment, 138

expiate, 134

explicate, 135

expostulate, 135

expunge, 136

expurgate, 136

extend, 138

extol, 136

extrapolate, 137

extricate, 137


facilitate, 139

fashion, 140

fight on death ground, 140

finesse, 140

first move, 141

flaunt, 141

flog, 142

flounder, 142

flout, 142

focus, 142

follow, 143

forbear, 143

forecast, 144

forego, 145

forge, 144

formulate, 145

forsake, 145

forswear, 146

foster, 146

fuel, 147

fulfill, 147

future perfect progressive tense, 19

future progressive tense, 18


G.I. Jane (film), 9

galvanize, 148

garner, 148

gel, 149

generate, 149

Gere, Richard, 9

get crosswise with someone, 149

get up to speed, 150

gild the lily, 150

gin up, 150

give authority and responsibility, 150

go down the line, 150

go on an odyssey, 151

Goleman, Daniel, 22

the goose hangs high, 224

grammar, inconsistency of English language, 13-14

grapple, 151

gravitate, 151

ground break, 151

guide, 152

harangue, 152

harness, 152

hector, 153

history of human development, 5-6

Hobbes, Thomas, 4, 7

hypothecate, 153

hypothesize, 153


ignite, 154

imagine, 154

imbue, 155

impact, 155

impede, 156

implement, 156

imply, 157

improve, 157

impugn, 158

impute, 158

inaugurate, 159

incentivize, 160

incorporate, 159

increase, 160

inculcate, 160

inculpate, 161

indemnify, 161

induce, 162

infer, 162

influence, 162

infuse, 163

ingratiate, 163

initiate, 164

innovate, 164

insinuate, 165

insource, 165

inspire, 166

instigate, 167

institute, 167

integrate, 167

interject, 168

interlard, 168

intermesh, 168

interpolate, 168

interpose, 168

intersperse, 169

intervene, 169

intransitive verbs, 19

inundate, 169

inure, 169

invest, 170

investing, buying versus, 10

invigorate, 171

iterate, 171


jack it, 171

jettison, 172

jibe with, 172

jockey, 172

Johnson, Lyndon B., 9

join forces, 172

judge, 172

jump onboard, 173

jump through hoops, 173

justify, 174

juxtapose, 174

Keaton, Diane, 9

keep on keeping on, 174

Kelly, Kevin, 5

Kennedy, John F., 8

kick someone to the curb, 175

kick the tires, 175

kick-start, 174

kindle, 175

Kipling, Rudyard, 1


lament, 176

lampoon, 176

language. See also body language; words

competence versus performance in, 14

history of human development, 5-6

inconsistency of English rules, 13-14

learning process for, 7

phrasing of, 24-25

power of, 6-11

verbal versus nonverbal cues, 8

laud, 176

launch, 176

Lavater, 15

lead, 177

leadership styles, 22

affiliative, 22

coaching, 22

commanding, 23

democratic, 23

visionary, 22

learn, 178

leverage, 178

lightning, 13

Lincoln, Abraham, 8-9

linguistics, goal of, 14

liquidate, 178

listen, 179

litigate, 179

loath, 180

Locke, John, 7

Luce, Clare Boothe, 8

Luntz, Frank, 7, 16, 23


macerate, 180

malinger, 180

manage, 180

management styles. See leadership styles

maneuver, 181

marshal, 181

maximize, 181

measure, 182

mediate, 183

meliorate, 183

metaphors, 24

militate, 183

mitigate, 183

mobilize, 183

model the way, 184

mollify, 185

monitor, 184

“Most Beautiful Words in the English Language,” 12

motivate, 184

mulct, 185

Murray, Alan, 22

natter, 185

navigate, 185

net down, 186

network, 186

networking skills, success and, 15-16

nonverbal cues, 4-5, 8

Noonan, Peggy, 8

nouns, converting to verbs, 12-13


obfuscate, 186

objurgate, 186

obsecrate, 187

obtrude, 187

obviate, 187

occlude, 187

open pandoras box, 188

open the kimono, 188

opine, 188

oppugn, 188

optimize, 189

orchestrate, 189

order, 190

organize, 190

overcome, 191

overlook, 191

oversee, 191

Oxford English Dictionary, 16


pacify, 192

palliate, 192

parallelism, 24

Pareto’s law, 16

parlay, 192

parody, 193

parse, 193

partner, 193

pass the buck, 193

past perfect progressive tense, 19

past progressive tense, 18

patronize, 194

performance in language, competence versus, 14

Perky effect, 10

permeate, 194

perpetuate, 195

perseverate, 195

personify, 195

persuade, 195

peruse, 196

pervade, 196

pettifog, 197

phrasing of language, 24-25

physical effects of words, 8-11

pigeonhole, 197

pioneer, 197

pivot, 197

placate, 197

plan, 198

Plato, 7

Plutarch, 1

polarize, 198

posit, 199

power of language, 6-11

power of verbs, 16

precipitate, 201

preclude, 199

predict, 200

preempt, 201

preponderate, 200

prepossess, 201

present, 200

present perfect progressive tense, 19

present progressive tense, 17

presentations, guidelines for, 21

preside, 201

Pretty Woman (film), 9

prevail, 201

Primal Leadership (Goleman), 22

problems, challenges versus, 11

produce, 201

profess, 203

progressive tenses of verbs, 17-19

project, 202

proliferate, 203

promulgate, 203

propitiate, 202

proscribe, 203

prototype, 203

purloin, 203

pursue, 203


qualify, 204

quantify, 204

quash, 204

raise, 205

raise the bar, 205

range, 205

ratiocinate, 206

raze, 206

reassess, 206

rebuke, 206

rebut, 206

recant, 206

recognize, 207

recognize and support good ideas, 207

refurbish, 207

refute, 207

rein in, 207

reinforce, 208

reintegrate, 208

reiterate, 209

relate, 209

relegate, 209

relinquish, 209

remonstrate, 209

renounce, 209

repetition, 25

repine, 210

replenish, 210

repose, 210

reproach, 210

reprove, 210

repudiate, 210

require, 210

reshape, 211

reverberate, 211

revere, 211

risk, 212

Roberts, Julia, 9

roister, 212

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 8

rules of language, inconsistency of English, 13-14

ruminate, 212

Russell, Nan, 11


satiate, 213

scintillate, 213

screw the pooch, 213

scrutinize, 214

scurry, 213

search out, 214

select, 214

sequester, 215

serve, 215

set up, 215

shape, 216

share, 216

shoot the moon, 216

shore up, 216

similes, 25

Socrates, 7

solve, 216

sow dragons teeth, 217

spawn, 217

spearhead, 217

spoken language. See language

standardize, 217

start-up, 218

streamline, 218

strengthen, 218

strike the right note, 218

stultify, 219

styles of leadership. See leadership styles

stymie, 219

subjugate, 219


communication skills and, 15-17

networking skills and, 15-16

superannuate, 220

supervise, 220

supplant, 220

supply the lack, 221

support, 221

sustain, 221

synchronize, 221

systematize/systemize, 221


tailor, 221

take risks, 222

take up the cudgel for, 222

target, 222

team build, 223

teaming, 223

temporize, 223

tender, 224

tergiversate, 224

the goose hangs high, 224

topline, 224

tout, 224

train, 224

training in communication skills, lack of, 4-5

transact, 225

transcend, 225

transform, 225

transition, 226

transitive sentences, 10

transitive verbs, 19


unbosom, 226

understand, 227

undertake, 227

underwrite, 228

unify, 228

unleash, 228

upgrade, 228

usurp, 228

vacillate, 229

validate, 229

venture out, 229

verbed, 12


converting nouns to, 12-13

intransitive, 19

power of, 16

progressive tenses, 17-19

transitive, 19

vex, 229

vie, 230

vilify, 231

vindicate, 231

visionary leadership style, 22

visual simulation, 10

vitalize, 231

vitiate, 231

vivid imagery, 25

Voltaire, 7

vouch safe, 232

voyage, 232


wade in, 232

walk the walk, 232

The Wall Street Journal Essential Guide to Management (Murray), 22

wane, 233

wangle, 233

weigh in, 233

What Technology Wants (Kelly), 5

wheedle, 233

where the shoe pinches, 234

whiteboard, 234

whittle, 235

wildcat, 234

window dress, 234

winnow, 234

with an eye to, 235

words. See also language

beautiful words, list of, 12

converting nouns to verbs, 12-13

physical effects of, 8-11

Words that Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear (Luntz), 23

work on, 235

write, 235

write-out, 235

write-up, 235


yield, 235

yield the palm to, 236

zero in, 237

zero out, 237

Zwann, Rolf, 10

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