
*Words in bold are power verbs.


abduce, 55

aberrate, 113

abet, 5, 68, 158, 163, 200

abide, 5, 63, 68, 113, 178, 181, 191, 213

abound, 40, 181

abreach, 34

abreact, 75, 188

absorb, 6, 40, 55, 63, 68, 113, 141, 158, 192, 245

absterge, 29, 41

abstract, 56, 147

aby, 178, 181

accede, 6, 68, 123, 142, 173, 200, 205

accelerate, 69, 163, 192, 211, 220, 245

accentuate, 6, 29, 41, 56, 69, 75, 93, 135

accept, 7, 113, 181, 206, 208

accessorize, 38

acclaim, 188, 200, 246

acclimate, 41, 56, 63, 114, 142, 149, 159, 171, 178, 208, 213

acclimatize, 159

accommodate, 63, 89, 114, 123, 142, 173, 246

accomplish, 7, 29, 41, 135, 150, 163, 171, 213, 246

accomplishments. See achievements

accord, 175, 200

account for, 33, 42, 227, 231

accountability verbs, 5-29

accounting and finance verbs, 217-220

accredit, 7, 42, 181, 221

accredite, 123

accrue, 100, 192

accumlate, 247

accuracy verbs, 29-33, 40-55

accustom, 143

achieve, 34, 135, 150, 163, 171, 185, 188, 247, 263


finding in book, 2

in résumés, 2

verbs, 245-263

acknowledge, 8, 145, 159, 173, 178, 192

acquaint, 114, 200

acquiesce, 8, 35, 56, 89, 201

acquire, 123, 125, 186, 242, 247

act, 150, 193

act on, 42, 221

activate, 69, 100, 171, 221, 247

actualize, 42, 64, 150, 164, 172, 248

actuate, 43, 93, 124, 151, 186, 248

adapt, 35, 43, 64, 69, 94, 114, 143, 159, 238, 248

adaptive thinking verbs, 171-173

add, 126, 248

address, 43, 76, 193

adduce, 8, 76, 151, 249

adhere, 100, 126

adjudicate, 9, 57, 101, 126

adjure, 76, 206

adjust, 9, 64, 115, 143, 214, 217

administer, 9, 182, 193, 217, 221

administrative verbs, 220-225

admire, 201

adopt, 10, 70, 249

adorn, 38

adumbrate, 57, 151, 186

advance, 193, 249

advertise, 76

advertising verbs, 225-227

advise, 89

advocate, 70, 90, 182, 188, 193

affect, 249

affirm, 10, 43, 101, 145

aggregate, 118, 201, 221

agree, 10, 143, 175

aid, 10, 115

alert, 193

align, 44, 70, 126, 194, 201

allay, 90, 115

alleviate, 90

allocate, 118

allude, 57, 76

ally, 115, 174, 201

alter, 11

alternate, 144

amalgamate, 250

amass, 136, 164, 194, 250, 264

ameliorate, 11, 30, 44, 94, 151, 160, 172, 194, 250

amend, 126

amuse, 174

analytical research verbs, 227-231

analyze, 44, 101, 152, 227, 237-238, 242

animate, 94

annotate, 57

answer, 76, 206

answer for, 189, 194

anticipate, 64, 186

appeal, 175

appearance verbs, 38-40

appertain, 152

applaud, 176

apply, 194

appoint, 11, 194

apportion, 119

appraise, 127

apprise, 127

approachability verbs, 34-38

approve, 11, 127, 195

arbitrate, 101, 144

archive, 119, 167, 182

argue, 101

arrange, 12, 94, 221

array, 95, 127, 228

articulate, 77, 179

ascertain, 12, 30, 44, 102, 152, 250

ascribe, 12, 30, 45, 119, 145

assemble, 33, 238, 250

assent, 90, 209

assert, 127, 228

assess, 128, 239

asseverate, 45, 57, 77, 128

assign, 13, 31, 119, 222

assimilate, 116, 152

assist, 58, 90, 195, 209

associate, 174

assuage, 58, 70

assure, 146

atone, 176

attain, 250, 264

attend, 34

attendance verbs, 33-34

attention to detail verbs, 40-55

attest, 77, 146

attitude verbs, 34-38, 173-175

attract, 124

attribute, 45, 189

audio conference, 167

audit, 45, 120, 128, 217

augment, 116

authenticate, 13, 31, 46, 128, 153

author, 77, 95, 251

authorize, 13, 182

automate, 120, 167

avail, 251

availability verbs, 141-145

aver, 35, 46, 146

avert, 195


backcast, 95

backstop, 65, 71, 214

balance, 13, 46, 102, 116, 218

band together, 201

bandy about, 77

bankroll, 232

banter, 78

bar code, 167

bargain, 195

batch process, 128, 167

battle, 136

battle test, 46, 128

bedazzle, 39

bedeck, 39

befriend, 90

beget, 251

begin, 13

beguile, 251

benchmark, 46, 129, 160, 179, 225, 232

beta test, 129, 153, 186, 228

bifurcate, 129

bird dog, 225

blandish, 78

blazon, 78

blog, 78

bloviate, 189

blue pencil, 14, 47

blue sky, 58, 164

boast, 189

bolster, 129

bookend, 129

boost, 58, 179, 251

bootstrap, 65, 129, 195

bounce back, 189

bowdlerize, 47

brainstorm, 58, 78

branch out, 116, 187

brand, 232

branding verbs, 225-227

break through, 187, 195

bring about, 71, 130

bring around, 189

bring together, 124

broaden, 116

broke through, 136

buddy up, 174, 201

build, 14, 124

built, 239

bull dog, 195

bulleted points in résumés, 2

bump the shark, 65, 136

buoy up, 214

business sense verbs, 231-236


cache, 222

cajole, 78, 164

calculate, 14, 120, 218, 228, 239

calenderize, 47

calibrate, 47, 102

call the shots, 195

campaign, 71

canvas, 214

capitalize, 102

captain, 195

carry the water, 71, 125, 153, 189, 214

carry through, 164, 182, 209, 214

carve out, 95

catalog, 14, 130

catapult, 252

categorize, 47, 95, 102

cede, 202

centralize, 47, 130, 222

cerebrate, 147, 160, 179

certification verbs, 263-265

certify, 48, 130, 146, 182

chair, 15

challenge, 136, 187

champion, 15, 71, 153, 172, 189

channel, 137

chart, 130

cherry-pick, 48, 189

chip away, 137

chop wood, 65

chope, 35

choreograph, 222

chronicle, 78

cipher, 228

circumnavigate, 252

circumvent, 96, 187

cite, 48

classify, 48, 120, 243

clean up well, 39

click stream, 225

close ranks, 91, 202

co-brand, 225

coach, 91

coadjute, 116, 209, 252

coalesce, 15, 58, 72, 117, 144, 153, 160, 202, 209, 252

code, 131

codify, 120, 243

cogitate, 59, 103

cognitive load management verbs, 55-62

cohere, 91, 202, 209

collaborate, 72, 117, 196, 206, 214, 225, 252

collate, 59, 131, 209, 243, 252

collect, 154, 218, 243

collocate, 121, 222

command, 137

commit, 72

commitment verbs, 68-75

common sense verbs, 62-67

communicate, 79, 253

communication verbs, 75-89

compare, 154

compassion verbs, 89-93

compete, 137

compile, 121, 196, 243

complete, 15, 72, 196, 214, 253, 264

comply, 176

comport, 35, 73, 253

compose, 79, 253

computational thinking verbs, 118-122

computational verbs, 227-231

compute, 103, 218, 229

computer literacy verbs, 167-170, 237-238

computerize, 237

concatenate, 48

conceive, 15, 103, 196, 253

conceptualize, 59, 79, 154, 161

conciliate, 161, 174, 176

concur, 144

conduct, 137

conduct needs analysis, 226, 239

confide, 202

confidence verbs, 188-191

configure, 131

connect, 202

conserve, 211

consign, 232

consolidate, 103, 117

construct, 103

construe, 16, 79

consulate, 202

consult, 79, 179

contemporize, 104

contrast, 189

contribute, 137, 202, 215

control, 196, 222, 253

convene, 138

convert, 237

convey, 80, 229

convoke, 80, 154

cooperate, 73, 203

coordinate, 49, 104, 197, 222, 254

cope, 197

correlate, 49, 117, 121, 229

corroborate, 49, 104

coruscate, 36

counsel, 36, 80, 91, 203

countenance, 91, 203

cowboy up, 65

create, 96, 254

creativity verbs, 93-100

credential, 179

critical thinking verbs, 100-112

critique, 203

cross-cultural competency verbs, 113-118

crowd fund, 232

crowd source, 66, 226

crusade, 165, 187, 190

cull, 104, 154

cultivate, 73, 125, 147, 197, 203

customer relationship verbs, 123-125

customize, 73, 96

cybernate, 168, 237


data mine, 121, 168

data warehouse, 121

data-gathering verbs, 242-244

database, 122

debate, 80

debug, 131, 168

dedicate, 73

dedication verbs, 68-75

deduce, 49, 104, 161

deduct, 59

define, 16, 31, 50, 105, 131, 254

defuse, 197

defy, 187

degrees and certification verbs, 263-265

deliberate, 105, 211, 222

delimit, 50, 105, 132, 211

delineate, 16, 50, 80, 229

delve, 148, 161

demarcate, 50, 132

demystify, 59

denote, 81

depend, 182

dependability verbs, 181-185

depict, 16, 60, 81, 96

depute, 132

descant, 96

design, 96, 239, 254

design mind-set verbs, 125-134

designate, 17, 132

detail, 50

determine, 105

develop, 60, 197, 254

develop and deliver, 240

devise, 97, 255

devote, 74, 91

diagnose, 106

dialogue, 81

dig deep down, 215

dig into, 198

digitize, 122

direct, 255

direct market, 226

direction-following verbs, 205-208

disabuse, 36, 51, 81

discover, 66, 106, 148, 244, 255

disencumber, 138

disentangle, 60, 132, 197

display, 190

dissuade, 106

distribute, 138, 255

dive into, 211

diversify, 117, 144, 232

document, 223

double, 255

double down, 215

down scope, 232

downscale, 232

drill down, 168

drive, 256

drive verbs, 135-141

dropbox, 168, 237

dulcify, 81

duplicate, 206

dynamic price, 233


e-barter, 169

e-source, 169, 237

e-tail, 169, 226, 233

earmark, 17, 31, 51, 74, 211

earn, 256, 264

earwig, 81

edify, 60, 82, 91, 148, 161, 203

edit, 17, 51, 82, 206

educate, 51, 82, 148, 162

education verbs, 263-265

educe, 52, 60, 106, 148, 155

effectuate, 32, 74, 162

elaborate, 82

elevate, 92

elicit, 83

elucbrate, 74, 83

elucidate, 17, 32, 61, 83, 203, 207, 229

embellish, 83

embrace, 118

emend, 74, 155

empathize, 174, 204

employability skills. See soft skills

empower, 18, 138, 215

emulate, 190, 207

encode, 97, 169

encourage, 176

encrypt, 169

endorse, 18

energize, 165

enforce, 18

engage, 207

engender, 198

engineer, 106, 211, 240

engineering verbs, 238-242

engross, 198

enhance, 155, 165, 256

enkindle, 97

ensure, 18, 32

entice, 204

entrust, 204

enumerate, 19, 83

envisage, 97

epitomize, 98

espouse, 19, 198

establish, 19, 107, 182, 190, 256

estimate, 107

etiquette verbs, 175-178

evince, 84

exalt, 174

examine, 107

exceed, 19, 138, 257

excel, 138, 215

excite, 204

execute, 139

exemplify, 139

exert, 215

exhort, 36, 139

expand, 257

expatiate, 84, 183

expedit, 139, 212, 257

experience verbs, 245-263

experiment, 187, 229

expiate, 176

explicate, 107

explore, 108

exposit, 108

expound, 84

extoll, 84

extrapolate, 61, 108, 230


Facebook, 84, 169, 237

facilitate, 84, 155, 223

factor, 146

fast track, 140, 216, 233

fathom, 108

ferret out, 66, 108

finance and accounting verbs, 217-220

finding and fixing problems, 172

fine-tune, 207

finesse, 223

firm up, 198

fix, 109, 257

flexibility verbs, 141-145

focus, 52

follow through, 109, 183

following directions verbs, 205-208

forge, 20

formulate, 20, 109

foster, 223

found, 258

franchise, 233

fraternize, 174

freelance, 146

fulfill, 20, 183, 258

further, 258


galvanize, 109, 156, 204

gamble, 187

garner, 61, 147

gather, 20, 244

gauge, 109

gave, 92

generate, 21

gin up, 21, 66, 190

give credence, 183

give voice, 204

glean, 85

globalize, 233

Google, 237

graduate, 265

grease the skids, 66

guide, 21, 258

handle, 21, 198, 223

hard skills

accounting and finance, 217-220

administrative and planning, 220-225

advertising, branding, public relations, sales, marketing, 225-227

analytical/research, computational, mathematics, 227-231

business sense, 231-236

computer literacy, 237-238

data gathering, 242-244

engineering, research and development, 238-242

held down the fort, 216

help, 92, 177, 258

hie, 212

hire, 233

honesty verbs, 145-147

honor, 265

hot desk, 170

hot link, 226

hunker down, 75, 216

hyperlink, 170, 226

hypothesize, 61, 110, 230


identify, 52

illustrate, 85

imagine, 110

imbibe, 61, 149, 162

imbricate, 118

imbue, 132

immerse, 204

impact, 259

impart, 85

implement, 22, 223, 240, 259

imply, 85

impose, 22

improve, 22, 241, 259

improvise, 198

impute, 23, 33, 207

incandesce, 39

incentivize, 156, 172

increase, 23, 209

inculcate, 183, 204

independent work verbs, 191-200

individualize, 205

induce, 110

inform, 85

information-gathering verbs, 242-244

infuse, 23, 98

ingratiate, 205

initiate, 110, 198, 259

innerve, 85, 190, 205

innovate, 98, 241

insorb, 162, 205

inspire, 98, 205

install, 241

institute, 24

insure, 183

integrate, 52

integrity verbs, 145-147

intelligence verbs, 147-149

interject, 85

interlard, 99

intermesh, 205

interpose, 24, 140

interpret, 52, 149

interview, 86

invent, 241

invigorate, 24, 205

invoke, 165


jerry-rig, 67

jockey, 67

join, 210

jump-start, 67

justify, 184

juxtapose, 53, 86

kick the tires, 67, 233

kindle, 188

laud, 24, 86, 175, 210, 265

launch, 140, 156

lavish, 177

lead, 184, 260

leadership verbs, 149-158

learn, 207

learning verbs, 158-162

leverage, 25, 156

license, 233

life stream, 39

listen, 86

lucubrate, 62


maintain, 184, 223

make, 241, 260

make good, 207

manage, 156, 224, 234, 242, 260

management verbs, 149-158

maneuver, 179

manufacture, 208, 242

market, 226

marketing verbs, 225-227

marshal, 140, 260

mash up, 238

mask, 39

mass market, 227

mastermind, 199

mathematics verbs, 227-231

maximize, 25, 140, 218, 261

measure, 110

measure up, 216

mediate, 25

meditate, 111

meliorate, 25, 36

mentor, 92

merchandize, 227, 234

merge, 234

methodize, 53, 111

micro publish, 170

militate, 26, 157

mobilize, 166

model, 122

moderate, 180

mollify, 36

monitor, 208

motivate, 141, 166

motivation verbs, 163-166

multitask, 212


nail down, 26

nearshore, 234

negotiate, 145

netiquette verbs, 175-178

network, 170, 180, 210, 234

new media literacy verbs, 167-170

note, 86

novel thinking verbs, 171-173

nuance, 53

nurture, 92, 175

objectify, 86

observe, 133, 208, 230, 244

obviate, 62, 173, 177

ogle, 39

operate, 224

opine, 87

oppunge, 87

optimize, 216, 219

orchestrate, 26, 53, 133

organizational verbs, 220-225

organize, 111, 224, 261

originate, 26, 261

outperform, 26

overachieve, 166, 216

overdress, 40

oversaw, 224, 235

oversee, 26


pace, 212

parlay, 87

parse, 87

participate, 216

passion verbs, 135-141

perceive, 62, 162

perfect, 184

perform, 27

permit, 177

perseverate, 53, 133, 184

persevere, 37, 75, 184

persist, 185

personal hygiene verbs, 38-40

personal skills. See soft skills

personality verbs, 34-38

pinpoint, 54, 190

pioneer, 99, 141, 166, 191, 199, 261

pique, 87

plan, 111, 212, 224

planning skills verbs, 220-225

pontificate, 87

posit, 27, 62, 111, 230

positive attitude verbs, 173-175

postulate, 87, 230

precipitate, 27

preciseness verbs, 29-33

preempt, 27

preen, 40

prepare, 199

present, 88

prioritize, 54

problem solving verbs, 100-112

produce, 261

professionalism verbs, 178-180

profile, 54

project, 133, 219

promote, 235

promulgate, 88

proof, 88

propitiate, 37

prototype, 99, 235

public relations verbs, 225-227

publish, 88

pull the trigger, 67

punctuality verbs, 33-34


quantify, 54, 112, 219, 230

quarterback, 191, 262

quicken, 212

R&D verbs, 238-242

ratiocinate, 37, 133, 219

rationalize, 28

reach back, 191

reach out, 175

reallocate, 219

rebut, 199

recalculate, 219

recapitalize, 219

recertify, 265

rechannel, 235

recommend, 180

recrudesce, 37

recruit, 262

rectify, 28, 219, 262

refinance, 220

reliability verbs, 181-185

remit, 220

remunerate, 220

represent, 180

rescue, 191

research, 231

research and development verbs, 238-242

reshore, 235

responsibility verbs, 181-185

restore, 199

restructure, 220, 235

résumés, bulleted points, 2

retool, 236

revamp, 157

revivify, 99

risk, 191

risk tolerance verbs, 185-188

roll out, 236

ruminate, 88, 112, 231


sales verbs, 225-227

sanction, 28, 33

satiate, 185

satisfy, 112

save, 199

schedule, 34, 54, 213

scrutinize, 88, 112

seagull, 37

secure, 262

segue, 62, 199, 213

select, 262

self-confidence verbs, 188-191

self-management verbs, 191-200

serve, 93, 210

set goals, 236

share, 177, 210

shoot the moon, 191

shoulder, 28, 180

showcase, 191

simulate, 231

size up, 112

smile, 177

smooth over, 177

social intelligence verbs, 200-205

soft skills

accountability, 5-29

accuracy and preciseness, 29-33

appearance and personal hygiene, 38-40

attendance and punctuality, 33-34

attention to detail and accuracy, 40-55

attitude, approachability, personality, 34-38

cognitive load management, 55-62

commitment and dedication, 68-75

common sense, 62-67

communication, 75-89

compassion, 89-93

computational thinking, 118-122

creativity, 93-100

critical thinking and problem solving, 100-112

cross-cultural competency, 113-118

customer relationship, 123-125

design mind-set, 125-134

drive, passion, tenacity, 135-141

etiquette, 175-178

finding in book, 2

flexibility, availability, 141-145

following directions, 205-208

honesty and integrity, 145-147

intelligence, 147-149

leadership, 149-158

motivation, 163-166

new media literacy, 167-170

novel and adaptive thinking, 171-173

positive attitude, 173-175

professionalism, 178-180

reliability, 181-185

risk tolerance, 185-188

self-confidence, 188-191

self-management, 191-200

social intelligence, 200-205

teamwork, 208-211

time management, 211-213

willingness to learn, 158-162

work ethic, 213-216

solo, 200

solve, 99, 134, 220, 263

sort, 122

spearhead, 180, 188, 263

start, 157

storyboard, 227

stove pipe, 134, 236

streamline, 134

street smarts verbs, 62-67

styleflex, 89, 238

suit up, 40

supervise, 236

support, 125

surmise, 231

synchronize, 134

synthesize, 55

systematize, 157


tabulate, 55, 122, 220, 231

tackle, 67, 185

take responsibility for, 200

target, 185

teachableness verbs, 158-162

team build, 211

teamwork verbs, 208-211

temper, 38

tenacity verbs, 135-141

test market, 227, 236

thinking skills verbs, 171-173

time management verbs, 211-213, 220-225

titivate, 40

took charge, 157

training verbs, 263-265

transcend, 180

transform, 29, 263

troubleshot, 157

tutor, 93


understood, 208

unify, 93, 118, 158

venerate, 38

verify, 244

vet, 55

visualize, 100

walk the walk, 158

webcast, 170

weigh in, 141

welcome, 177

white board, 134

win, 263

work ethic verbs, 213-216

write, 89

yield, 178

zero in, 141

zoom through, 213

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