Chapter 3. Hard Skills

Accounting and Finance


{also use in Accountability, Common Sense, Cross-Cultural Competency, Flexibility, and Work Ethic}

(1) accommodate; alter; amend; attune; bend; change; correct; fine-tune; fix; modify; pacify; rectify; regulate; resolve; settle; tune up; tweak

Résumé bullet points:

Adjusted to Sage accounting software


{also use in Accountability, HARD SKILLS: Administrative, Organizational, Planning and Time Management, Reliability, and Self-Manageable}

(1) control; deal out; direct; dispense; furnish a benefit; give out; govern; hand out; manage; mete out; order; oversee a process; run; supervise

Résumé bullet points:

Administered accounts payable system


{also use in Attention to Detail, Computational Thinking, and Design Mind-Set}

(1) appraise; assess; check; count; examine; inspect; review; verify the accounting records of

Résumé bullet points:

Audited corporate client reports containing equities, fixed income, and derivatives


(1) assess; calculate; collate; compare; consider; evaluate; even out; equalize; keep upright; offset; settle; square; stabilize; stay poised; steady; tally; total; weigh; weight up

Résumé bullet points:

Balanced all books and completed state and federal tax forms


{also use in Accountability, Computational Thinking, Engineering, and R&D}

(1) account; coax; compute; consider; deem; determine something; entice; enumerate; figure; persuade; rate

Résumé bullet points:

Calculated P/E ratios, DCF, EPS, NPV, and beta for equity security analysis


(1) accumulate; amass; assemble; bring together; gather; pull together

(2) have a passion for; hoard; save; stockpile

Résumé bullet points:

Collected 90 percent of 180-day past due accounts


{also use in Critical Thinking, HARD SKILLS: Computational Thinking, and Software Developing}

(1) calculate; determine a number; equate; figure

Résumé bullet points:

Computed midcap investment options using free float market capitalization weighted method


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, SOFT SKILLS: Accountability, and Drive, Passion and Tenacity}

(1) make best use of; make as great or as large as possible; raise to the highest possible degree

Résumé bullet points:

Maximized limited advertising budget by using coop ads and sponsors


{also use in SOFT SKILLS: Work Ethic}

(1) make the best or most effective use of a situation or resource


{also use in SOFT SKILLS: Design Mind-Set}

(1) estimate; expect; forecast; plan; propose; scheme

(2) extend outward toward something else

Résumé bullet points:

Projected five-year cash flow


{also use in Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) express something in quantifiable terms

(2) express or explain something numerically

(3) determine, express, or explain the quantity of, numerical measure of, or extent of


{also use in SOFT SKILLS: Attitude and Design Mind-Set}

(1) work toward a solution through logical thinking and reason


(1) distribute; newly allocate; opportune; set apart


(1) calculate again; refigure


(1) convert debt into stock or shares


{also use in Accountability and HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance}

(1) amend; correct; fix; put right; resolve; set right

(2) adjust; cure; mend; remedy; repair

(3) convert


(1) new capital or funds for a project


(1) pay what is due

(2) abate; cancel; decrease; diminish; forgive or pardon; lessen; reduce

(3) cancel

(4) dispatch; forward; pay; send

(5) pass on; refer; submit


(1) settle debt or other financial obligations

(2) pay or compensate for work done


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) downsize; reorganize; resize

(2) plan or provide for new structure

(3) change the terms of a loan to reduce the burden on the debtor


{also use in Accomplishments, Creativity, and Design Mind-Set}

(1) find a solution; settle

(2) provide or find a suitable answer to a problem


{also use in Attention to Detail, Computational Thinking, and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) add up; chart; count; put facts in a table or column tally; total

Administrative, Organizational, Time, and Planning Skills


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Commitment and Dedication, Motivated, Self-Manageable, and HARD SKILLS: Time and Organizational Management}

(1) gather speed; go faster; grow; hurry; increase speed of; pick up the pace; quicken; rush; speed up

(2) cause to occur sooner


{also use in Accountability, Attention to Detail, Customer Awareness, and Reliable}

(1) approve; attribute; authorize; credit to; endorse; recognize; sanction

(2) certify; supply with credentials or authority


{also use in Attention to Detail and HARD SKILLS: Time and Organizational Management}

(1) specific course of action; respond to


{also use in Commitment and Dedication, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving}

(1) acetify; become active; energize; galvanize; get going; initiate; make active; set in motion; set off; start; stimulate; trigger; turn off


{also use in Accountability, Reliability, HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance, and Self-Manageable}

(1) control; deal out; direct; dispense; furnish a benefit; give out; govern; hand out; manage; mete out; order; oversee a process run; supervise

Résumé bullet points:

Administered National Windows NT 4.0/Exchange Server 4.0 with 3,000 users


{also use in Computational Thinking and Social Intelligence}

(1) accumulate; amass; collect; combine; gather together; sum; total; whole


{also use in Accountability and Creativity}

(1) array; authorize; catalogue; classify; fix; order; organize; position; set up

(2) make plans for something to be done


{also use in Accountability, Accuracy and Preciseness, and Computational Thinking}

(1) allocate; allot; choose; consign; dispense; dole out; give; hand over; pick; select; transfer

(2) appoint; delegate; designate; detail; name


(1) accumulate; collect; hide; hoard; store; supply


{also use in Attention to Detail and Design Mind-Set}

(1) bring power of something to the central organization; consolidate


(1) arrange; compose; direct


(1) arrange; catalog; set up


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Self-Manageable}

(1) be in charge of; be in command; direct; dominate; govern; have influence or power over; manage; organize; oversee; rule; run


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving}

(1) bring together; combine; direct; harmonize; manage; match up; organize; synchronize; work together

Résumé bullet points:

Coordinated with industry compliance consultants and product managers to verify applications and meet regulatory compliance


{also use in Critical Thinking and Time Management}

(1) confer; consider; consult; debate; meditate; mull over; plan; ponder; reflect; think carefully; weigh carefully


(1) detail; give proof; record; verify; write down


(1) aid; assist; ease; help


(1) be adroit; outmaneuver; skillfully handle


(1) advance; encourage; promote; support


{also use in Accountability and Self-Manageable}

(1) carry out; come to grips with; conduct; control; cope with; deal with; have overall influence; manage; manipulate; ply; process; run; see to; sort out; supervise; take responsibility for; undertake; wield

(2) feel; finger; hold; manage with the hands; touch

Résumé bullet points:

Handled online reservations and answered reference inquires


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Accountability}

(1) accomplish; apply; carry out; complete; effect; employ; enforce; execute; finish; fulfill; instigate; put into action; put into operation; put into place; put into practice; put into service; realize; use


{also use in Reliable}

(1) cause or enable something to continue; keep something in good condition; keep up; provide with the necessities for life and existence; support; sustain

Résumé bullet points:

Maintained document sets and all revisions for four mid-range servers


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) administer; be in charge of; conduct or direct affairs; oversee; regulate; run; supervise

(2) do; fare; fend; get along; get by; make do; muddle through

(3) control the behavior of; handle; succeed in dealing with

(4) succeed despite difficulties

Résumé bullet points:

Managed successful launch of branch location


(1) be in effect; bring about a desired or appropriate effect; control the function of; have a certain influence

Résumé bullet points:

Operated crane, backhoes, conveyer belts, bends, and loaders in multifaceted work


(1) arrange systematically; categorize; make arrangements, plans, or preparations for; order; put in order; sort out; systematize

(2) control; coordinate; fix; manage; take charge

Résumé bullet points:

Organized workforce for large hotel


{also use in Accountability and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) administer; control; direct; keep an eye on; manage; run; supervise

Résumé bullet points:

Oversaw sales force and house accounts fee calculation for slow-moving product, increasing sales by 50 percent in one year


{also use in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving}

(1) arrange; design; have in mind a project or purpose; intend; prepare; set up

(2) arrange strategic ideas in diagrams, charts, sketches, graphs, tables, maps, and other documents

Résumé bullet points:

Planned and implemented server moves to brand new data center in Utah, including specifications, implementation, and support for EMC Clarion SAN storage solution

Advertising, Branding, Public Relations, Sales, and Marketing (Also See Branding, Marketing, Sales Experience)


{also use in Attention to Detail, Design Mind-Set, HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense, Learn, and Professional Demeanor}

(1) commence; identify and learn from the best business practices; level a point of reference; standard; target

Résumé bullet points:

Benchmarked a number of industrial calls to close


(1) follow; observe; watch for the purpose of learning


(1) count and observe consumer behavior on Web sites

Résumé bullet points:

Click streamed Web site traffic for market growth, product optimization, increased profitability, and enhanced customer satisfaction


(1) advertise, market, promote in conjunction with another brand

Résumé bullet points:

Co-branded credit card with American Express


(1) act as a team; assist; cooperate; pool resources; team up; work jointly with; work together

Résumé bullet points:

Collaborated with other stakeholders to create a customer-centric value chain


(1) analyze gap between needs and delivered goods/services; audit, examine

Résumé bullet points:

Conducted needs analysis for new franchise territories


{also use in Common Sense}

(1) identify a group with common demographic or psychographic characteristics and determine how to best make contact with them to deliver a message such as a sales or advertising message

Résumé bullet points:

Crowd sourced three start-up firms


(1) use a database to target and market selected products, services, or concepts to individuals with an identifiable need or desire through interactive multimedia marketing channels

Résumé bullet points:

Direct marketed previously low-margin products sold by sales force, increasing overall profits for line by 23 percent


{also use in New Media Literacy and HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) sell retail and conduct business activities online


(1) connect by a hyperlink or hotlink; join a digital community, blog, Web site, or other social media

Résumé bullet points:

Hyperlinked Web site with partners and sponsors, increasing site traffic by 40 percent


(1) advertise; offer to sell; promote

Résumé bullet points:

Marketed new products into new markets, achieving profitability in 18 months


(1) produce, market, and distribute a large volume of a single product, idea, concept, or service to one consumer marketplace

Résumé bullet points:

Mass marketed high-ticket aspirational goods, successfully employing saturation pricing


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) market goods; promote selling of goods

Résumé bullet points:

Merchandised electronics and communications equipment


(1) create; lay out; plan; strategize

(2) make a storyboard

Résumé bullet points:

Storyboarded creative troubleshooting problems


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense}

(1) sample; try something in limited scope

Résumé bullet points:

Test marketed product appeal prior to launch

Analytical/Research, Computational, and Math


{also use in Attendance and Punctuality, Attention to Detail and HARD SKILLS: Business Sense}

(1) have available; have at hand; consider; analyze; explain

(2) know the state of or whereabouts of something or someone


{also use in Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking, and HARD SKILLS: Gather Data and Convert into Information}

(1) consider; dissect; evaluate; examine; explore; interpret; investigate; probe; question; scrutinize; study

Résumé bullet points:

Analyzed quantitative data


{also use in Attention to Detail and Design Mind-Set}

(1) gamut; place in an orderly arrangement; set out for display or use

(2) marshal troops; parade; place an order

(3) dress in fine or showy attire

Résumé bullet points:

Arrayed data in JavaScript


{also use in Design Mind-Set}

(1) affirm; allege; aver; avow; claim; contend; declare; emphasize; protest; state strongly; stress

(2) champion; defend; establish; insist upon; maintain; make a claim for; stand up for; support; uphold


{also use in Design Mind-Set, Leadership, and Risk Tolerant}

(1) field test; road test; sample prior to rollout

Résumé bullet points:

Beta tested cloud accounting software


{also use in Accountability, Accounting and Finance, Computational Thinking, and Accounting and Finance}

(1) account; coax; compute; consider; deem; determine something; entice; enumerate; figure; persuade

Résumé bullet points:

Calculated statistical significance and confidence of polls


(1) ascertain by mathematics; calculate


{also use in Critical Thinking, Accounting and Finance, and Software Developing}

(1) calculate; determine a number; equate; figure; make a mathematical calculation

(1) I computed the cost of the new material in just minutes.

Résumé bullet points:

Computed tomography angiograms


{also use in Communication}

(1) conduct; express; lead; make known; pass; put into words

(2) bring; carry; move; take from one place to another; transfer


{also use in Attention to Detail, Computational Thinking, and Cross-Cultural Competency}

(1) associate; bring into mutual relation; calculate or show the reciprocal relation between; come together; correspond; parallel

Résumé bullet points:

Correlated subquery (also known as a synchronized subquery)


{also use in Accountability, Attention to Detail, and Communication}

(1) describe accurately; determine; draw an outline; identify or indicate by marking with precision; fix boundaries; represent something


{also use in Accountability, Cognitive Load Management, Communication, Social Intelligence, and Take Direction}

(1) be lucid; clarify; explain; explicate; expound; expose; illuminate; make something clear; reveal; throw light on it


{also use in Risk Tolerant}

(1) research; test; trial

(2) make or conduct an experiment

(3) try something new


{also use in Cogitative Load Management and Critical Thinking}

(1) construct an image; estimate; infer

(2) arrive at conclusion or results by hypothesizing from known facts or observations


{also use in Cogitative Load Management and Critical Thinking}

(1) make educated guess of some outcome

(2) be lucid clarify; explain; make something clear; explicate; expose; expound; illuminate; reveal; throw light on it


{also use in Design Mind-Set, Gather Data and Convert into Information, and Take Direction}

(1) examine; make a remark; monitor; notice; perceive; say; scrutinize; study; survey; view; watch attentively


{also use in Accountability, Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving}

(1) assume; conceive; conjecture; hypothesize; imagine; postulate; put forward; speculate; state or assume as fact; suggest; theorize


{also use in Communication}

(1) assume; claim; guess; hypothesize; look for a reason or take for granted without proof; propose; put forward; suggest


{also use in Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking, and HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance}

(1) express something in quantifiable terms

(2) express or explain numerically

(3) determine, express, or explain the quantity of, numerical measure of, or extent of


(1) make an inquiry; survey; investigate thoroughly

Résumé bullet points:

Researched, analyzed, and recommended new technology

Researched proper components for clients, ensuring value, reliability, and substantial savings


{also use in Communications and Critical Thinking}

(1) chew over; cogitate; contemplate; mull over; ponder; reflect on; think over

(2) mediate; turn over in one’s mind


(1) imitate; model; pretend

(2) use a computer simulation to represent


(1) assume; conclude; conjecture; construe; deduce; gather; guess; hypothesize; imagine; postulate; presume; speculate; suppose; suspect; theorize; work out


{also use in Attention to Detail, Computational Thinking, and HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance}

(1) add up; chart; count; put facts in a table or column; tally; total

Business and Business Sense


{also use in Analytical, Research, and Computational, Attendance and Punctuality, Attention to Detail, and HARD SKILLS: Business Sense}

(1) analyze; consider; explain; have available; have at hand

(2) know the state of or whereabouts of something or someone


(1) finance; supply money for a project

(2) privately fund a capital investment

Résumé bullet points:

Bankrolled two entrepreneurial start-ups


{also use in Attention to Detail, HARD SKILLS: Advertising, Branding, PR, Sales, and Marketing, HARD SKILLS: Business and Business Sense, Learn, and Professional Demeanor}

(1) commence; identify and learn from the best business practices; level a point of reference; standard; target

Résumé bullet points:

Benchmarked the start-up costs for a small business


(1) identify differently; separate by some identity


(1) agree; dispatch; entrust; pack off; relegate; submit

(2) deliver; send; transfer


(1) raise money from multiple individuals online for a start-up business


{also use in Cross-Cultural Competency and Flexibility}

(1) branch out; expand; spread out; vary


(1) downsize a project; reevaluate whether a project should be done

Résumé bullet points:

Down scoped low-volume business units


(1) cut back in size or scope; economize; rationalize; scale back; slim down; trim


(1) rapidly move prices as a result of supply or demand matching

(1) We employed dynamic pricing to deal with the rapid increase in the fall in consumer demand.


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Advertising and New Media Literacy}

(1) conduct retail business activities online


{also use in Drive, Passion, Tenacity, and Work Ethic}

(1) move someone or something in an accelerated manner, past normal requirements, time limitations, and experience

(2) bypass others; move rapidly; speed up

Résumé bullet points:

Fast tracked database projects


(1) control; own; trademark


(1) make worldwide in scope or application


(1) grant the personal service of someone; take or offer employment


(1) be first to investigate; check for early warning signs; look into something by checking the obvious things

(1) As the economic conditions worsened, I kicked the tires of all new funding requests.


(1) accredit; allow; authorize; certify; grant permit

Résumé bullet points:

Licensed the firm’s products in 15 global markets


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Administrative, Organization, and Planning}

(1) administer; be in charge of; conduct or direct affairs; oversee; regulate; run; supervise

(2) do; fare; fend; get along; get by; make do; muddle through

(3) control the behavior of; handle; succeed in dealing with

(4) succeed despite difficulties

Résumé bullet points:

Managed the in-house key accounts, accounting for 25 percent of total sales


{also use in Advertising, Branding, PR, Sales, Marketing}

(1) market goods; promote selling of goods


(1) blend gradually into something else; combine two or more organizations into one; mix

(1) The second and third largest firms merged and became the industry leader.


(1) move business operations such as manufacturing, customer service, and human resources back to the home country; reshore

Résumé bullet points:

Nearshored half of firm’s previously international manufacturing operations, creating 4,000 US jobs


{also use in Professional Demeanor and Presence and Team Player}

(1) complex; exchange ideas; interact with others to exchange information and develop contacts; make contacts; meet people; set up; use system of contacts

(1) I networked my way into several great job interviews.


{also use in Accountability and HARD SKILLS: Administrative and Organizational}

(1) administer; control; direct; keep an eye on; manage; run; supervise

Résumé bullet points:

Oversaw the merger and acquisition that accounted for tripling the size of the firm in four years


(1) help bring about the growth or popularity of something or someone

Résumé bullet points:

Promoted to section chief


{also use in Creativity}

(1) create models and replicas of what is to be produced


(1) reassign resources or attention; redirect along a desired path

Résumé bullet points:

Rechanneled $20 million of value channel partnership resources into developing just in time parts allocation system for new products


(1) move business operations such as manufacturing, customer service, and human resources back to the home country; nearshore


{also use in HARD SKILLS: Accounting and Finance}

(1) downsize; reorganize; resize

(2) plan or provide for new structure

(3) change the terms of a loan to reduce the burden on the debtor

Résumé bullet points:

Restructured the firm’s long-term debt, saving $33 million in interest payments


(1) reengineer; rebuild; redesign

(2) adapt; rethink the plan to meet new conditions

Résumé bullet points:

Retooled 170,000 square foot plant in less than 30 days, allowing production to resume before that of top competitors


(1) start a campaign after a test; start a new product

(2) begin a process from one point with ongoing plans to complete

(3) flatten into sheets by rolling

Résumé bullet points:

Rolled out $35 million rebranding campaign to relaunch firm under new ownership


(1) create targets and objectives; make plans


{also use in Design Mind-Set}

(1) stack strategies, ideas, or plans

Résumé bullet points:

Stove piped marketing, communications, and financial ideas to have them ready to implement on short notice


(1) administer; control; direct; handle; observe; organize; oversee; manage; run; take charge of; watch

Résumé bullet points:

Supervised, instructed, and scheduled nine staff members

Supervised six paralegal and secretarial staff


{also use in Advertising, Branding, PR, Selling, and Marketing}

(1) sample; try something in limited scope

Résumé bullet points:

Test marketed beta test products

Computer Literate


(1) Interpret results from research, testing, or lab work

Résumé bullet points:

Analyzed evaluation data


(1) operate or produce by means of a computer

(2) equip with computers


(1) change for equal value; change from one form to another; commute; lead; metamorphose; mutate; transfer; transfigure; transform; transmute; turn


{also use in New Media Literacy}

(1) control a function, process, or creation by a computer


{also use in New Media Literacy}

(1) connect all of one’s computers by software so that content such as photos, graphics, and files are automatically transferred from one to another


{also use in New Media Literacy}

(1) process and tools that electronically allow all activities in digital sourcing process


{also use in Communications and New Media Literacy}

(1) connect with someone online on the social network Facebook


{also use in New Media Literacy}

(1) check a reference on a Google site; search online for word or phrase

(2) gaze; see; look intently


(1) combine songs or digital content into a new file

(2) brew or infuse

(3) combine two or more Web sites into a single site


{also use in Communications}

(1) deliberate attempt to adjust one’s communications style to accommodate others

(1) Too many people have styleflexed their communications styles.

Engineering, Research, and Development, Including Software, New Products, and Services


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Attention to Detail, Commitment and Dedication, Common Sense, Creativity, Cross-Cultural Competency, and Flexibility}

(1) acclimate; accommodate; adjust; change; conform; fashion; fit; get used to; make suitable; reconcile; square; suit; tailor

(2) make fit, often by modification

(3) cause something to change for the better

Résumé bullet points:

Adapted unified communications solutions which increased organizational agility, saving businesses time and money


(1) interpret results from research, testing, or lab work

Résumé bullet points:

Analyzed evaluation data


(1) accumulate; combine; convene; group; mass produce; produce standardized goods in large volumes; unite

Résumé bullet points:

Assembled PCBA prototyping process output


(1) analyze, audit, examine, and evaluate employee and client needs for training and education

Résumé bullet points:

Assessed employee and client training needs and developed in-house training and development solution which accomplished all objectives and saved firm $250,000 annually


{also use in Accountability and Customer Awareness}

(1) construct; erect; put up; raise; rear

(2) grow; improve; increase

Résumé bullet points:

Built IE 6 computers from board level, installed operating systems and software, and configured systems


{also use in Accountability, Accounting and Finance, and Computational Thinking}

(1) account; coax; compute; consider; deem; determine something; entice; enumerate; figure; persuade

Résumé bullet points:

Calculated P/E ratios, DCF, EPS, NPV, and beta for equity security analysis


(1) audit, examine, and analyze gap between needs and delivered goods/services

Résumé bullet points:

Conducted needs analysis for major accounts


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Creativity, and HARD SKILLS: Computer Literate, Engineering, and Research}

(1) aim; contrive; devise; intend; make designs; mean; plan; propose; set apart for some purpose

(2) conceive; construct; create; draw up blueprints or plans; fabricate; invent; originate

(3) blueprint; cast; chart; contrive; draw up; frame; intent; map; project; set out

Résumé bullet points:

Designed and implemented global Windows 2008 production/test environment for firm’s six locations


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Creativity}

(1) create, invent, put together, and produce output

(2) achieve; advance; build up; evolve; expand; exploit; expound; extend; gain; generate; grow; increase; mature; strengthen; unfold; widen

Résumé bullet points:

Developed and delivered online engineering fluid flow simulator


{also use in Critical Skills and Time Management}

(1) cause; coax; make happen

(2) plan, construct, and manage as an engineer

(3) guide; plan and direct skillfully; superintend

Résumé bullet points:

Engineered, troubleshot, and fully documented IIS solutions


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements and Critical Thinking}

(1) mend; replace; restore

Résumé bullet points:

Fixed challenging electrical engineering problems to avoid the high risk and repercussions from downtime


(1) accomplish; apply; carry out; complete; effect; employ; enforce; execute; finish; fulfill; instigate; put into action; put into operation; put into place; put into practice; put into service; realize; use

Résumé bullet points:

Implemented solutions for corporate network architecture of 2,500 person firm with 6 locations


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Accountability, and HARD SKILLS: Research and R&D}

(1) ameliorate; amend; better; build up; develop; employ; enhance in value; enrich; expand; further; get better; help; increase; make better; meliorate; perfect; raise to a better quality; upgrade use

Résumé bullet points:

Improved operations that were adopted and made benchmarks by the industry trade association


{also use in Creativity}

(1) begin with something new; create; derive; devise; coin; commence; instigate; invent; make; modernize; originate; remodel; renew; renovate; transform; update; revolutionize

Résumé bullet points:

Innovated solutions for unique problems with mechanical, electrical, and fluid systems


(1) establish in an indicated place; position; put into use; set up for service or use

Résumé bullet points:

Installed aggressive materials improvement and equipment refurbishing program


(1) concoct; contrive; cook up; create; devise; dream up; fabricate; formulate; hatch; imagine; make up; think up

Résumé bullet points:

Invented core technologies


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements}

(1) assemble; become; build; cause; compose; construct; create; develop; do; enact; erect; execute; fabricate; fashion; forge; form; frame; manufacture; mold; prepare; produce; put together; require; shape

Résumé bullet points:

Made Industry “Top Ten Performers” five consecutive years (2007–2012)


(1) oversee, manage, and supervise process of creating or developing an asset

Résumé bullet points:

Managed development of 3D prototyping


{also use in Take Direction}

(1) assemble; build; construct; create; develop; make; produce

(2) concoct; fabricate; invent; make up

Résumé bullet points:

Manufactured with six-axis robots

Gather Data and Convert to Information


{also use in Accomplishments, Customer Mind-Set, Design Mind-Set, and Risk Tolerant}

(1) attain; buy; come to possess; earn; gain; get; hold; obtain; purchase; receive

Résumé bullet points:

Acquired census tract data and merged it into customer database


{also use in Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking, and HARD SKILLS: Analytical, Research, and Computational}

(1) consider; dissect; evaluate; examine; explore; interpret; investigate; probe; question; scrutinize; study

Résumé bullet points:

Analyzed customer data


{also use in Attention to Detail and Computational Thinking}

(1) arrange; assort; catalog; categorize; class; distribute into groups; grade; group; list by some order or sequence; organize; sort

Résumé bullet points:

Classified datasets


{also use in Computational Thinking}

(1) organize into a system of rules, codes, or principles to make clear and coherent

Résumé bullet points:

Codified data to prompt diagnosticians

Codified rating system to rank the industry’s more efficient logistics systems


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Cogitative Load Management, Design Mind-Set, and Team Player}

(1) assemble or collect to compare; bring together; gather; pool; pull together

Résumé bullet points:

Collated binary search or half-interval search algorithms


{also use in Leadership and Management and HARD SKILLS: Gather Data and Convert into Information}

(1) accumulate; amass; assemble; bring together; gather; pull together

Résumé bullet points:

Collected customer retention data


{also use in Computational Thinking and Self-Manageable}

(1) collect and edit something; gather and put together in an orderly form

Résumé bullet points:

Compiled data on cycle time for plant closings


{also use in Accomplishments and Achievements, Common Sense, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Intelligence}

(1) ascertain; be first to learn something; determine; expose; find out; hear; learn; realize, see, or uncover something

Résumé bullet points:

Discovered the level of personal identifiable information consumers would be willing to give up in exchange for more personalized products


(1) accumulate; assemble; collect; come together; garner; group; harvest

Résumé bullet points:

Gathered detailed data on competitors


{also use in Design Mind-Set, Gather Data and Convert into Information, Take Direction}

(1) examine; make a remark; monitor; notice; perceive; say; scrutinize; study; survey; view; watch attentively


(1) check; prove; validate

(2) confirm or substantiate; prove to be true by demonstration, evidence, or testimony

(3) check or confirm the accuracy of

Résumé bullet points:

Verified trades and hedges

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