Time for action — implementing the rocket launchers

As you will see yourself, quite a few things look similar to the city class definition and its wrapper functions. However, the launchers are different objects, and so we need different methods and functions for them. Not every step of code is explained now, as some is the same as for the city class.

  1. Create an empty script and save it under the name launcherClass.monkey.
  2. At the beginning of the script, tell Monkey to switch into Strict mode and import the gameClasses.monkey file.
    Import gameClasses
  3. Create a new list that stores all instances of the launcher class.
    Global launchers := New List<launcher>

    Launchers will have to be updated for each frame, so we will have a new wrapper function to call the corresponding method for all existing launchers.

  4. Create a wrapper function called UpdateLaunchers. In it, we will loop through the launcher's list and call their Update method.
    Function UpdateLaunchers:Int()
    'Loop through the list of launchers
    For Local launcher := Eachin launchers
    'Call the Update method of each launcher
    Return True

    The same goes here with drawing the launchers to the canvas.

  5. Add a function called RenderLaunchers. In it, we will loop through the launcher's list to call their Render method.
    Function RenderLaunchers:Int()
    For Local launcher := Eachin launchers
    Return True
  6. At some point, we will want to know how many rockets are left totally in the game. So, create a new function called GetTotalRocketcount. In this function, we will add up all the rockets from each launcher found.
    Function GetTotalRocketcount:Int()
    Local rc:Int = 0 'Var to store the total amount of rockets
    'Loop through the list of launchers
    For Local launcher := Eachin launchers
    'Add the rocket count to the global var rc
    rc += launcher.cRockets
    Return rc 'Return back the number of rockets found.

    To add rockets to to each launcher, we will build another function that does just that.

  7. Add a function called AddLauncherRockets. As a parameter, it will take the amount, which then will be added to a launcher inside the loop.
    Function AddLauncherRockets:Int(ramount:Int)
    For Local launcher := Eachin launchers
    launcher.cRockets += ramount 'Add rockets to the launcher
    Return True

    Now, we will add a function to actually create a rocket launcher.

  8. The function you will now add will get the name CreateLauncher. As parameters, it will have the x position of the launcher, the keyboard key that triggers a shot, and the number of rockets it has initially.
    Function CreateLauncher:Int(xpos:Float, triggerkey:Int, rcount:Int)
    Local l:launcher = New launcher 'Create a new launcher
    l.Init(xpos, triggerkey, rcount) 'Initialize it
    launchers.AddLast(l) 'Add the launcher to the launchers list
    Return True

    The last wrapper function we will add is to remove all existing launchers.

  9. Add a function called RemoveLaunchers. In it, we will call the Clear method of the launchers list.
    Function RemoveLaunchers:Int()
    Return True

    Phew! Again, quite a few wrapper functions! But now it is time for the actual launcher class.

  10. Create a new class called launcher.
    Class launcher
  11. It will feature four fields for the position, the rocket count, and a trigger key.
    Field x:Float = 0.0 'x pos of a launcher
    Field y:Float = 0.0 'y pos of a launcher
    Field cRockets:Int = 0 'Rocket count
    Field triggerKey:Int = 0 'Trigger key to shoot

    To initialize a launcher, the class has an Init method.

  12. Add a method called Init, parameters for the x position, the trigger key, and the count of rockets.
    Method Init:Int(xpos:Float, trigkey:Int, rcount:Int)
    x = xpos 'Set the x position
    y = game.cHeight - 40.0 'Calculate the y position
    cRockets = rcount 'Set the rocket count
    triggerKey = trigkey 'Set the trigger key
    Return True

    Updating a launcher means checking if the trigger key was pressed and then launching a rocket at the target.

  13. To update a launcher, add the Update method.
    Method Update:Int()
  14. Check if the trigger key was hit and that there are still rockets left.
    If KeyHit(triggerKey) And cRockets > 0 Then
  15. The next function call is one that doesn't exist at the moment. CreateRocket will be featured in the next class that we add. Still, add it as a comment.
    'CreateRocket(MouseX(), MouseY(), Self.x )
  16. Reduce the rocket count and close off the IF check and the method.
    cRockets -= 1
    Return True

    Again, as with the city class, we have a render method here too. After all, we need to render the launchers, right?

  17. Add a Render method.
    Method Render:Int()
  18. First, we set the color to turquoise. Then, we draw a circle for the launcher head and a rectangle for the launcher base.
    SetColor(0, 255, 255)
    DrawCircle(x, y - 15, 5)
    DrawRect(x-2, y - 15, 4, 15)
  19. Next, we will draw some markers for the remaining rockets. Start with setting the color to white.
    SetColor(255, 255, 255)
  20. Next, we will calculate the local xdiff variable that will be an offset, to draw the rocket markers.
    Local xdiff:Int = cRockets*3 / 2
  21. Now, check if some rockets are left.
    If cRockets > 0 Then
  22. For each rocket, we will draw a small line beneath the launcher.
    For Local i:Int = 1 To cRockets
    DrawLine(x + i*3 - xdiff, y+20, x + i*3 - xdiff, y + 30)
  23. Close the method and the class.
    Return True

We're done! The launcher class is ready to be implemented.

What just happened?

Now we have the device to fire our rockets. Sadly there aren't any rockets to fire, but we will get there. But what have we done? We built a class for a launcher with its own Init, Update, and Render methods. Also, we created some wrapper functions that will help us to act on several launchers at once. The class is ready to be implemented; the only thing we have to change later on is a small line in the Update method, so that it becomes active:

CreateRocket(MouseX(), MouseY(), Self.x )

Implementing the launcher class into the game

Without implementing the launcher class now into the game, we won't be able to fire just one rocket. So, what are you waiting for?

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