Time for action — refilling the tile map

  1. Create a new method called FillTiles inside the game class.
    Method FillTiles:Int()
  2. Add two local variables with the type BOOL. They will be used to determine if a row was filled.
    Local filled:Bool = False
    Local filled2:Bool = False
  3. Start two FOR loops for the rows and the columns.
    For Local r:Int = rows To 1 Step -1
    For Local c:Int = columns To 1 Step -1
  4. Set filled2 to False and check if the tile map is in the initial position (= -1).
    filled2 = False
    If tileMap[c-1][r-1] = -1 Then
  5. If yes, then check if the current row is not the top one.
    If r > 1 Then
  6. If yes, start another FOR loop going backwards to create a temporary row ranging from the current row minus one to one (the top row).
    For Local r2:Int = r-1 To 1 Step -1
  7. Get the current object with a new method of the fantomEngine, called GetObjAt.
    Local obj:ftObject = layerGame.GetObjAt(c*64, r2*64)
  8. If an object was found, check if it is not in transition.
    If obj <> Null And obj.GetTransitionCount()=0 Then
  9. If it isn't, set filled with True, as we've now found a gem that needs to be moved to our empty slot.
    filled = True
  10. Initialize the corresponding slot tile ID of the gem that was found.
    g.SetSlotTile(g.GetSlotX(obj), g.GetSlotY(obj),-1)
  11. Create a position transition with the current column and row as target. The transition ID is set to 99.
    obj.CreateTransPos(c*64.0,r*64.0,300,False, 99)
  12. Set filled2 to True and exit the method. Close the IF check and the FOR loop.
    filled2 = True
  13. If filled2 is False, then no gem was found above. Set filled to True.
    If filled2 = False Then
    filled = True
  14. Add a new gem tile with the method CreateTile.
    Local newObj:=CreateTile(x,0)
  15. Create a position transition for this new tile, and then close the IF check.
    newObj.CreateTransPos(c*64.0,r*64.0,300,False, 99)
  16. If we are actually in row 1, then set filled to True and directly add a new gem tile.
    filled = True
    Local newObj:=CreateTile(c,0)
  17. Again, create a position transition for this new gem.
  18. Close the last two IF checks and the FOR loop.
  19. If filled is set to True, then exit the method.
    If filled = True Then Exit
  20. Close the top FOR loop and close the method.
    Return 0

What just happened?

Wow, what a method! But it will do the dirty job of iterating through the tile map and filling it with new tiles.

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