Management Skills Exercises

Learning activities in this section are aimed at helping you develop management skills.


Wal-Mart Plans to Have What You Want

“Wal-Mart Plans to Have What You Want” (p. 106) was written to help you better understand the management concepts contained in this chapter. Answer the following discussion questions about the Challenge Case to better understand how principles of planning can be applied in a company like Wal-Mart.

  1. 5-4. What special challenges would Wal-Mart face in automating its planning by using a distribution resource planning (DRP) system? What steps would you take to meet these challenges?

  2. 5-5. Would you have Wal-Mart’s chief executive officer or an appointed planning executive do the planning for Black Friday? Why?

  3. 5-6. List three criteria that you would use to evaluate Wal-Mart’s planning for Black Friday. Explain why you chose each criterion.

Miche Bag Goes from Idea to Worldwide Success

Read the case and answer the questions that follow. Studying this case will help you better understand how concepts relating to planning can be applied in a company such as Miche Bag.

In 2004, a young woman named Michelle Romero spilled a drink on her favorite purse. The purse was stained and she was frustrated. Many women can probably relate to Romero’s situation. Seeing this event as a unique opportunity, she wondered if it was possible to have a purse or handbag that could change its outside “shell” while leaving all the contents in place. With glue and some fabric, she made a prototype right then (

Thus, the Miche bag was born. The name (pronounced MEE-CHEE) comes from Michelle’s nickname. By 2005, a patent had been established, and the company was in business. The sales of the product have been growing, and there is almost a cultlike following among women, who readily identify when another is carrying a Miche bag. According to the website, the bag is considered “one of the greatest gifts to womankind since waterproof mascara” (

But to go from a concept to a full-fledged firm, a plan was needed. The company needed a proven business leader, and that person was Corbin Church. He liked the idea and saw potential; he had already started and sold six other businesses, so entrepreneurial experience was on his side. He just needed to determine how viable a product it was. Serving in his new role as Miche’s CEO, he set up a kiosk at a local mall and sought feedback from potential customers. With overwhelming interest, he planned on franchising kiosks throughout the country. Unfortunately, the greatest economic recession since the Great Depression soon hit, and franchising locations in malls was not a sound approach (“Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist”).

That’s when he decided to approach the sales of the bag in a different way altogether. Using the direct sales home party method of selling, he recruited what is today a network of thousands of representatives who eagerly sell the product in their own homes. Made famous by Tupperware, the direct sales home party method is very simple, yet quite effective. A person agrees to “host” a party in his or her home. Friends and family are invited; hors d’oeuvres are served; and the product is shown to guests. These partygoers have an opportunity to see and feel the product. Of course, the intent is to convince the guests to buy the product. In return, the host receives either a commission for each sale or free merchandise in exchange for his or her efforts.

Miche provides these hosts with all they need to get started. The foundation of the product is four sizes of handbags: Prima, Classic, Demi, and Petite. Along with these is an almost endless array of shells in a variety of textures, fabrics, and colors that can be attached to the bag. Hosts demonstrate the versatility of the bags and the ease with which shells can be traded out, depending on the occasion or preference of the person.

A wide variety of companies are now using the direct sales home party approach. Some, such as Kraft, Procter & Gamble, and Kimberly-Clark, are using this approach in conjunction with television advertising (Patton, 2011). Microsoft held house parties to build buzz around its Windows 7 product, and approximately 60,000 hosts attracted nearly 7 million people (McMains, 2011). This kind of marketing can be incredibly cost effective for companies because often, the only expense involved is that of mailing out a basic kit for the host. And consumers tend to trust a family member or friend who is hosting a party rather than a 30-second commercial.

For Church, the thousands of hosts who sell Miche bags not only increase sales but also spread the word about the product in a fast, friendly manner. It’s all a matter of recruiting, which is why the company is constantly seeking new representatives through current hosts as well as through Miche’s website. “Transitioning to this exciting new business structure,” says Church, “will afford a greater number of new representatives the chance to become part of our ground-breaking company, which has experienced explosive growth over the last four years both in the United States and internationally” (“Salt Lake City–Based Miche Bag”).

Today, the private company is earning millions of dollars per month through its extensive network of hosts, whose parties continue to expand consumer awareness. As Miche’s website states, “Relax, take your time, and find your inner Miche” (


  1. 5-7. Assess Corbin Church’s plan for selling Miche bags. How was changing his approach from franchising to a direct sales home party approach a more effective strategic plan?

  2. 5-8. Would you characterize Corbin Church’s sales method as a standing plan or a single-use plan? Why?

  3. 5-9. As the economy improves, should Corbin Church change his plan? In other words, should he consider switching to a franchise model of sales?

Experiential Exercises

Developing Objectives for the Don Cesar

Directions. Read the following scenario and then perform the listed activities. Your instructor may want you to perform the activities as an individual or within groups. Follow all of your instructor’s directions carefully.

You have just been hired as the new assistant manager at the Don Cesar Beach Resort ( in St. Petersburg, Florida. This resort, which opened in 1928, has a storied history. The manager of the resort has assigned you and your team the task of identifying new objectives for the resort. He thinks that your fresh perspective might help the organization thrive for the next 100 years. Lead your group by outlining five objectives for the resort. Then, use the “Guidelines for Establishing Quality Objectives” listed on page 115 to better understand the quality of the five objectives your team developed. Based on these guidelines, which objective was the best? Which objective was the worst? Why?

You and Your Career

Planning Skill and Your Career

The previous section discusses the role of objectives in the planning process. Understanding the importance of objectives will help you further develop your planning skills. As you think about your academic career thus far, describe the role of your own objectives in determining your course grades. Do you have objectives regarding your course grades? Now, think about your career in the future. Do you think employers will find your planning skills attractive? Thinking longer term, how do you think your planning skills will influence your career progression?

Building Your Management Skills Portfolio

Your Management Learning Portfolio is a collection of activities specially designed to demonstrate your management knowledge and skill. Be sure to save your work. Taking your printed portfolio to an employment interview could be helpful in obtaining a job.

The portfolio activity for this chapter is Developing Your Planning Skills. Read the following about Fox Restaurant Concepts, and answer the questions that follow.

Fox Restaurant Concepts ( is a collection of boutique restaurants in Arizona, California, Colorado, Texas, and Kansas. Fox is exploring potential opportunities for growth, and you have been hired to develop a new restaurant concept for the company. Sam Fox, CEO, summarizes the company’s philosophy by saying that “Dining isn’t just about the meal—it’s about the overall experience.” Fox has committed the funds necessary to test your new concept restaurant in an area around your school. If the new concept works well in that area, Fox may seek to expand the concept in a larger geographical area.

Your mission involves establishing a plan to introduce this new concept restaurant. After deciding on your new concept restaurant, Fox wants you to work through the first five steps of the planning process: (1) state organizational objectives; (2) list alternative ways of reaching the objectives; (3) develop premises on which to base each alternative; (4) choose the best alternative for reaching the objectives; and (5) develop plans to pursue the chosen alternative. In the space provided here, respond to the following inquiries regarding the first five steps of the planning process.

  1. 5-10. Briefly describe the most important characteristics of your new concept for Fox.




  2. 5-11. Develop three organizational objectives for your new restaurant.




  3. 5-12. Choose one of the three objectives to explore in more detail. List three alternative ways to reach this objective.




  4. 5-13. Develop premises to evaluate each of these three alternatives.




  5. 5-14. Based on these premises, choose the alternative that is most likely to reach the objective.




  6. 5-15. As you think about this alternative, list the significant steps needed to implement this alternative.




MyManagementLab : Writing Exercises

If your instructor has assigned this activity, go to for the following assignments:

Assisted Grading Questions

  1. 5-16. Summarize the primary advantages and disadvantages regarding planning. In your opinion, what is the principal advantage of planning? What is the principal disadvantage of planning?

  2. 5-17. Explain five of the primary reasons why plans fail. In your opinion, which one of these reasons is most important? Why?

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