• Accountability, 205206, 212

  • Achievement behavior, 298

  • Adaptive strategies, 165

  • Adhocracy culture, 371372, 373f

  • Administrative theory, 450

  • Affirmative action, 53, 6264, 66

    • compliance with, 68

    • hostility towards, 63

    • programs, 225

  • Affordable Care Act, 157

  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 225

  • Alderfer’s ERG theory, 323, 327

    • existence need, 324

    • growth need, 324

    • relatedness need, 324

    • v. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 325

  • Algebraic break-even analysis, 434435

    • advantages of, 436

  • Allocating skill, 165

  • Americans with Disabilities Act, 225

  • Angel investors, 473474

  • Argyris’s maturity-immaturity continuum, 323, 327

    • human needs, 325

    • v. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 326

  • Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), 90, 90f

  • Assessment centers, 227

  • Assimilation approach to pluralism, 6566

  • Authentic leadership, 308

    • moral courage, 309

  • Authority, 202, 450

    • acceptance of, 203

    • functional, 205

    • line authority, 203

    • line-staff relationships, 204

    • model, 206f

    • staff authority, 204

    • staff personnel, 204

  • Automation, 420421

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