

$*, in description key format

$+, in description key format

* (asterisk) as wildcard

in layer name

< (less than) operator, in flowchart logic

> (greater than) operator, in flowchart logic

3D Points, Transparent Commands setting for prompt

3DPOLY command


AASHTO 2001 standard

AASHTO 2004 standard

AASHTO TransXML files, for pay item list file

abs API function (Math class)

AcadObjectsInQTO.dwg file

AcadObjectsInQTO_FINISHED.dwg file

Acos API function (Math class)

Active Drawing View

active styles

Add Automatically boundary tool, for corridors

Add Boundaries dialog

Add Breaklines dialog

Add Contour Data dialog

Add Conveyance Link tool (SSA)

Add DEM File dialog

Add Distances tool

Add Fitting glyph

Add Fixed Curve tool

Add Fixed Line tool

Add From Polygon tool, for corridors

Add Interactively boundary tool

for corridors

Add Items tool (Table contextual tab)

Add Labels dialog

for feature lines

Add Labels tool, for pipe networks

Add Line option, for surface edit

Add Point File dialog

Add Point option, for surface edit

Add Points To Surface wizard

Add Rain Gauge (SSA)

Add Rule dialog

Add Subbasin tool (SSA)

Add Tables tool, for pipe networks

Add To Surface As Breakline tool

Additional Broken References message

ADEQUERY command

Adjacent Elevations By Reference tool

adjusted coordinate information text file, from traverse analysis

Advanced Options, variations in default


aerial images

Alignment contextual tab on ribbon

Launch Pad panel, Surface Profile
Modify panel
Geometry Editor
Move To Site
Reverse Direction
Superelevation, Calculate/Edit Superelevation

alignment curves, superelevation station connection to

Alignment Design Check Set dialog

Alignment From Corridor tool

Alignment From Network tool

Alignment Grid View tool

alignment label set

Alignment Label Set dialog

Alignment Labels dialog

importing label set

Alignment Layout Parameters dialog

Alignment Layout Tools toolbar

Alignment Grid View tool
Delete Sub-Entity tool
Fixed Line (Two Points) tool
Line and Curve drop-down
Pick Sub-Entity tool
Reverse Sub-Entity Direction tool

Alignment Point-Creation options, on Create Points toolbar

Alignment-Profiles.dwg file

Alignment Properties dialog

Constraint Editing tab
Design Criteria tab
Masking tab
Point Of Intersection tab
Station Control tab
Add Station Equations

alignment segment table

Alignment Style dialog

Alignment Table Creation dialog

alignment tables

Alignment&ProfileLabels.dwg file

AlignmentConstraints_FINISHED.dwg file

AlignmentFromNetworkParts.dwg file

AlignmentLabels. dwg file

AlignmentLabels_FINISHED.dwg file

AlignmentObjectTemplate_FINISHED.dwt template file

AlignmentProperties_FINISHED.dwg file

AlignmentReverseEdit_ FINISHED.dwg file

AlignmentReverse_FINISHED.dwg file


adding to data shortcuts list
applying cant to
applying to superelevation design
best fit
changing components
with design constraints and check lists
by layout
from line, arc, or polyline
data shortcuts and
design speed
flagging for
component-level editing
graphical grip editing
tabular design
label sets
geometry points
major station labels
left-to-right or right-to-left
marker points
moving to site
as objects
for pipe networks
for Plan Production
road centerline
roadside swale modeling with
for roundabouts
and sites
starting station for
styles for
for superelevations
for view frames

Alignments From Corridor utility

Alignments-Profiles.dwg file

AlignmentsBestFit.dwg file

AlignmentsBestFit_FINISHED.dwg file

AlignmentsByLayout.dwg file

AlignmentsByLayout_FINISHED.dwg file

AlignmentsChecked_FINISHED.dwg file

AlignmentsFromPolylines.dwg file

AlignmentsFromPolylines_FINISHED.dwg file

AlignmentStations.dwg file

AlignmentStations_FINISHED.dwg file

AlignmentTables_FINISHED.dwg file

_All Points group

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets

American Water Works Association (AWWA)

Analysis Options dialog

analysis styles

Analyze tab on ribbon

Design panel
Edit In Storm And Sanitary Analysis tool
Hydraflow functions
Ground Data panel
Catchments, Create Catchment From Object
Catchments, Create Catchment From Surface
Catchments, Create Catchment Group
Survey, Mapcheck
Inquiry commands panel
QTO panel
QTO Manager
Volumes And Material panel
Compute Materials
Mass Haul
Total Volume Table
Volume Report
Volumes Dashboard

Anchor Component option for label

Anchor Point option for label

AND operator, in flowchart logic

angle between adjacent TIN lines, settings for

Angle Distance transparent command

Angle Information tool

angle units (AutoCAD), vs. Surveyors Units

angled triangular grip, on PVI-based layout profile

angles, entry into Civil 3D

angular units

Annotate tab on ribbon, Labels & Tables panel

Add Labels
Alignment, Add Alignment Labels
Parcel, Add Parcel Labels
Pipe Network, Spanning Pipes Profile
Surface, Contour – Multiple
Surface, Spot Elevations On Grid
Add Tables

annotation scale

and section views

annotations, for profile views

AOR Assembly.dwg file

AOR (axis of rotation) subassembly

API functions

Elevation Target
in expressions
link and auxiliary link
Offset Target class
point and auxiliary point

Application menu

Export, DWG
New, Drawing
Publish, eTransmit
Save As

Apply Feature Line Names tool

Apply Feature Line Style dialog

Apply Feature Line Styles tool

Apply Rules tool

Apply Sea Level Scale Factor setting

Apply To X option, in description keys

Apply To X-Y option, in description keys

ApplyingProfileLabels.dwg file

ApplyingProfileLabels_FINISHED.dwg file

approximations, of surfaces


in pressure network parts list

arc inquiry, command-line results for

arch pipe, adding to part catalog

arcs, creating alignments from

area labels, splitting into two layers

arrow grip

arrowhead style

for label leader

ASCII file, with survey data, importing

ASCII Output Table tool (SSA)

Asin API function (Math class)

assemblies. See also subassemblies

for nonroad uses
road assembly
for corridors
for cul-de-sacs
frequency applied to corridor
for intersections
labels for
link labels for
marked points
names for
within Prospector
pipe trench
Quantity Takeoff and
for roundabouts
storing completed in Tool palette
without superelevation

Assembly contextual tab on ribbon, Modify Assembly panel, Assembly Properties

assembly offset, for corridors

Assembly Properties dialog

Construction tab
marked point placement on
Information tab

assembly sets, for intersections

Assign Elevations dialog, for feature line

Assign Elevations option, for feature line creation

asterisk (*)

as wildcard
in layer name

Astronomic Direction Calculator

Atan API function (Math class)

ATI files

Attach Multiple Entities command

attached parcel segments

Attachment option, for labels

attachment parameters, subassembly help on

attachment points, of assembly

AUNITS variable

AutoCAD angle units, vs. Surveyors Units

AutoCAD attribute extraction

AutoCAD BLOCK Symbol for Marker

_AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS.dwt file

_AutoCAD Civil 3D (Metric) NCS.dwt file

AutoCAD entries, boundary created by

AutoCAD Erase tool

for removing part from profile view

AutoCAD Modify comoands, for pipe structures

AutoCAD objects, as pay items

AutoCAD POINT for Marker

AutoCAD Properties palette

Design tab, Advanced Parameters

AutoCAD Select Color dialog, for contour colors

AutoCAD, visual styles

Autodesk Map 3D

Autodesk Subassembly Composer for AutoCAD Civil 3D. See also Subassembly Composer

Autodesk Vault Collaboration

Automate tab on ribbon, Labels & Tables panel, Add Labels button

Automatic Begin On Figure Prefix Match setting

Automatic Layout, of parcels

Automatic - Object option, for points

Automatic Surface Adjustment, Rim Insertion Point grip and

Automatic Surface Creation option, grading group creation and

auxiliary link API functions

auxiliary point API functions

available point numbers, listing

axis of rotation (AOR) subassembly

Azimuth Distance transparent command

azimuth, rotating network to known


background mask, for labels


of part catalogs
of superelevation tables

balanced, for mass haul

Band Set - New Profile View Band Set dialog, Information tab

band sets


in profile views

Baseline And Region Parameters dialog

Baseline class API functions


adding for intersecting road to corridor
adding for intersection
for corridors
for cul-de-sacs
for grading objects
intersection sketch of required
multiregion, for corridors

BasicLane subassembly

BasicLaneTransition subassembly

BasicShoulder subassembly

BasicSideSlopeCutDitch subassembly

BasicSidewalk subassembly

BasicSite.dwg file

Bearing Distance transparent command

bearing, rotating network to known

Begin Full Super (BFS)

Begin Normal Crown (BNC)

Begin Shoulder Rollover (BSR)

beginning station, label set values for


best fit alignments

Best Fit Entities

best fit profile

Best Fit Report dialog

best practices

for alignments
formula file storage with project files
receiving outside drawing
for storm management

bike path

offset assembly for

binoculars icon, in QTO Manager

block insertion, Locate Using Geographic Data option

blown points, surface with

Blunder analysis text file


vs. boundaries
grips for adjusting
for labels

borrow, for mass haul


adding for corridor surface
vs. borders
for catchments
for corridor surfaces
for surfaces

boundary parcels, creating



Break tool, for feature line


adding information
flagging figure as
surface properties for

broken external references (XREFs), fixing

buffer areas, in profile-view band set style

By Range Of Stations option (Sample Lines toolbar)

bypass link


C3DtoSSA.dwg file

CAD variables, Civil 3D templates and

Calculate Superelevation dialog

Attainment page
Lanes page
Roadway Type page
Shoulder Control page


applying to alignment
example data table


of subassemblies


creating groups
importing objects to SSA

categorization files

sources for

Ceiling API function (Math class)

center design, for roundabouts

Center Pivots Not Applied When Only One Group warning

centerline alignment

centerline options for pipe, style to set

Change Flow Direction tool

ChangeAreaLabel.dwg file

Channel subassembly

defining water shape
for drainage
flowcharts for
in Layout mode
in Preview panel
for stream

ChannelAssembly_FINISHED.dwg file

ChannelLinkDaylight_FINISHED.dwg file

Channel_modified.pkt file

Channel.pkt file

Character Map dialog

check lists, for creating alignments

Child Override column, for settings

child styles, and overrides


circle cross symbol, points with

circular connection marker, for pipe networks

circular grips

for feature line
on PVI-based layout profile

Civil 3D

exporting SSA project to
lack of backward compatibility
sharing with earlier versions
tutorials for creating custom structures

Civil 3D 32-bit object enabler, for SSA

Civil 3D (Imperial) Plan and Profile.dwt file

Civil 3D Template-in-progress.dwg file

Civil 3D Template-in-progress_Rules.dwg file

Civil 3D templates

CAD variables and
checking mapping
description keys in
parts lists in
saving sites on
sending to another person

Civil 3D tool palettes, importing subassembly into

Civil Imperial Subassembly tool palette

cleaning up drawings, Overkill command for

cliff effect, for intersection

closed polygon, for parcels

code, in description keys

Code Set Style - All Codes dialog, Codes tab

code set styles

expressions in

Code Set Styles.dwg file

codes, for flowchart points, links and shapes

coding diagram

COGO (coordinate geometry) points

to connect corridor surface gaps
vs. survey

COGO Point contextual tab on ribbon

Modify panel, Edit/List Points

collection, viewing contents

color. See also banding

analysis tools' use
for labels

columns in table

static text in heading

command line, data entry to

command settings

Commands folder

commands, retaining changes to

comparing surfaces

compass glyph

Component Hatch Display characteristics

component-level editing

for alignments

ComponentEditingProfiles.dwg file


of labels
removing default
of styles, layer for

composite surface

compound curves

transition station overlap and

Compute Materials dialog

Compute Quantity Takeoff dialog

computer network storage, for working folder and data shortcut folder

Concord Commons Corridor.dwg file

conditional logic, in flowcharts

Connect And Disconnect Part tool

connecting subbasins to inlet

connection arrows, in flowcharts

connection marker, for pipe networks

connections, between drawings


for alignments

content browser interface

Content Builder

CONTENT package

contextual tab on ribbon. See also specific tab names

Continue Layout option, for pressure network plan view

Continuous Distance tool

Contour Analysis tool

contour smoothing, vs. surface smoothing


applying to surface
AutoCAD Select Color dialog for colors
creating polylines from
minimizing flat areas and

control points, in survey network

convergence angle

Convert AutoCAD Line and Spline tool

Convert Land Desktop Points option

Convert LDT Points.dwg file

converting points, from non-Civil 3D sources

converting polyline to feature line

Conveyance Link dialog (SSA)

conveyance link, in SSA

Conveyance Link tool (SSA)

coordinate geometry (COGO) points

to connect corridor surface gaps
vs. survey

Coordinate Geometry Editor

Traverse report from

Coordinate Geometry glyph

coordinate line commands

coordinate system

adjusting survey to match known
setting for locale
transforming aerial image to Civil 3D drawing system
transforming to local
troubleshooting rotated

COORDS command (AutoCAD)

copy and paste flowchart elements

Copy Profile Data dialog

Copy Profile tool

Copy To Site command, for feature line


components for labels
Prospector pipe network data to Excel

Corridor contextual tab on ribbon

General Tools panel, Object Viewer
Launch Pad panel
Alignment From Corridor tool
Profile From Corridor tool
Modify Corridor panel
Corridor Properties
Reverse Direction tool
Modify Corridor Sections panel, Section Editor
Rebuild Corridor
Superelevation, Create Superelevation View

Corridor Extents As Outer Boundary option

Corridor Modeling Catalog

Corridor Parameter Editor

Corridor Properties dialog

Boundaries tab
Codes tab
Feature Lines tab
Parameters tab
Surfaces tab

Corridor Properties palette, Surfaces tab

Corridor Section Editor contextual tab on ribbon

Corridor Edit Tools panel
Apply To A Station Range
Parameter Editor
Station Selection panel

Corridor Section Editor: Viewport Configuration dialog

corridor surfaces

adding boundary
for each link
from feature lines
from link data

Corridor Swale.dwg file

Corridor Target Mapping dialog

CorridorBoundary.dwg file

CorridorBoundary_FINISHED.dwg file

CorridorChannel.dwg file

CorridorChannel_FINISHED.dwg file

CorridorFeatureLine.dwg file

CorridorFeatureLine_FINISHED.dwg file

CorridorPipeTrench.dwg file

CorridorPipeTrench_FINISHED.dwg file


in 3D view
adding surface boundary
anatomy of
assembly offset for
checking and fine-tuning model
creativity with models
data shortcuts and
editing sections
feature lines
exporting grading feature line from
as width and elevation targets
intersection modeled with
lane widening
long build time for
multiregion baselines
for pipe trench
property modifications
quantifying construction costs
and surface update
right-click menu for object
roadside swale modeling with alignment and profile targets
for roundabout
tips and tweaks
unexpected frequency

CorridorVolume.dwg file

CorridorVolume_FINISHED.dwg file

Cos API function (Math class)

cost estimates. See also Quantity Takeoff (QTO) feature

counting, incremental, in view frames

Cover And Slope rule

Cover Only rule

Create A Corridor Surface For Each Link tool

Create Alignment dialog

for pressure pipe

Create Alignment From Network Parts dialog

Create Alignment From Objects dialog

General tab

Create Alignment - Layout dialog

Create Assembly dialog

Create Best Fit Alignment command

Create Best Fit Alignment dialog

Create Best Fit Arc command

Create Best Fit Entities menu

Create Best Fit Line command

Create Best Fit Parabola command

Create Best Fit Profile dialog

Create Catchment From Object dialog

Create Catchment From Object option

Create Catchment From Surface dialog

Create Catchment From Surface option

Create Corridor Baseline dialog

Create Corridor dialog

for nonroad corridor

Create Corridor Region dialog

Create Cropped Surface dialog

Create Curve Between Two Lines command

Create Curve From End Of Object command

Create Curve On Two Lines command

Create Curve Through Point command

Create Feature Line From Alignment dialog

Create Feature Line From Corridor dialog

Create Feature Line From Corridor tool

Create Feature Line From Stepped Offset tool

Create Feature Line tool

Create Feature Lines dialog

Create Feature Lines From Alignment tool

Create Feature Lines From Objects tool

Create Full Parts List tool

Create Grading Group dialog

Create Grading tool

Create Interference Check dialog

Create Interference Check tool

Create Intersection wizard

Corridor Regions page
General page
Geometry Details page

Create Line By Angle command

Create Line By Azimuth command

Create Line By Bearing command

Create Line By Deflection command

Create Line By Extension command

Create Line By Grid Northing/Easting command

Create Line By Latitude/Longitude command

Create Line By Northing/Easting command

Create Line By Point Name command

Create Line By Point Object command

Create Line By Point # Range command

Create Line by Side Shot command

Create Line by Station/Offset command

Create Line command

Create Line From End of Object command

Create Line Perpendicular From Point command

Create Line Tangent From Point command

Create Mass Haul Diagram dialog

Balancing Options page
General page

Create Multiple Curves command

Create Multiple Profile Views wizard

Multiple Plot Options page

Create Multiple Section Views wizard

Data Bands page
Elevation Range page
General page
Offset Range page
Section Display Option page
Section Placement page

Create Offset Alignments dialog

Create Parcel From Objects tool

Create Parcel From Remainder option

Create Parcel tool

Create Parcels - From Objects dialog

Create Parcels - Layout dialog

Create Parts List tool

Create Pipe Network By Layout

Create Pipe Network dialog

Create Pipe Network From Object command

Create Pipe Network From Object dialog

Create Point Cloud dialog

Information page
Source Data page
Summary page

Create Points dialog

default layer setting
Point Identity settings

Create Points toolbar

Create Pressure Pipe Network dialog

Create Profile dialog

Create Profile - Draw New dialog, General tab

Create Profile From Surface dialog

for pressure pipe
for roundabout

Create Profile View dialog

Data Bands Options page
General page
Pipe Network Display page
Profile Display Options page
Profile View Height page
Stacked Profile page
start and end stations
Station Range page

Create Quick Profiles dialog

Create Reverse Or Compound Curves command

Create Right Of Way dialog

Create Right Of Way tool

Create Roundabout dialog

Approach Roads page
Circulatory Road page
Islands page
Markings and SIgns page

Create ROW tool

Create Sample Line Group dialog

Create Sample Lines - By Station Range dialog

Create Sample Lines tool

Create Section Sheets dialog

Create Section View wizard

Data Bands page
Elevation Range page
General tab
Offset Range page
Section Display Option page
Section View Tables page

Create Sheets Wizard

Data References page
Profile Views page
Sheet Set page
View Frame Group And Layouts page

Create Snapshot option, for surfaces

Create Surface dialog

for TIN volume surface

Create Surface From GIS Data page

Connect To Data page
Data Mapping page
Geospatial Query page
Object Options page
Schema And Coordinates page

Create Surface Reference dialog

Create Table - Convert Child Styles warning dialog

Create Total Volume Table dialog

Create Transmittal dialog

Create View Frames wizard

Alignment page
Match Lines page
Profile Views page
Sheets page
View Frame Group page

Create Widening command

CreateBoundaryParcel.dwg file

CreateChecks_FINISHED.dwg file

CreateCorridor command

CreateFreeForm.dwg file

CreatePressurePartListFull command

CreateROWParcel.dwg file

CreateSite.dwg file

CreateSubdivisionLots.dwg file

CreatingChecks.dwg file

CreatingFeatureLines.dwg file

CreatingFeatureLines_FINISHED.dwg file

CreatingGradingSurfaces.dwg file

CreatingGradingSurfaces_FINISHED.dwg file

CreatingSectionSheets.dwg file

CreatingSectionSheets_FINISHED.dwg file

criteria-based design

Criteria dialog

critical points, on grading plan

cropping surfaces

cropping, surfaces

Cross Section Area

cross-section sheets, sending to separate drawing

cross-section views

with link labels
showing ROW Lines

cross sections

crossing breaklines

options for

crossing pipe

Crossing Section pipe label type

Crossing Window selection

Crown Point Code, and item pricing

CSV (Comma Delimited) files

creating, in Data Extraction Wizard
for pay item list file

Cul-de-sac_Design.dwg file

Cul-de-sac_Profile.dwg file


assemblies and baselines
EOP design profiles
multiple baselines
putting pieces together

CulDeSacBlock.dwg file

culverts in SSA


Culvert.spf file

curb return

assembly for

Curb Return Fillets assembly

curb subassemblies

converting linear measurement to incremental count for light poles
superelevations and

current drawing, switching

Curve Calculator

curve number (CN) lookup table

curve tags

creating table from


and frontage offset
labels for
relationships during grip edit
table for

custom enumeration, creating

Custom Markers

custom subassemblies, sharing

Customize Columns dialog

cut and fill shading

cut-fill analysis

cut-fill contours

cycling through open drawings, Ctrl+Tab for


data clip boundaries type

data entry

Data Extraction tool

Define Data Source
Refine Data
Select Objects
Select Properties

data references

creating to profile
in labels

data shortcuts

adding surface data
best practices
changing path to
for cross sections
vs. external references (XREFs)
folder for
network storage for folder
objects available through

Data Shortcuts Definitions, message on change

Data Shortcuts Editor

Data Tree (SSA)


figure prefix
linework code set

Datum links, connecting for surface

datum surfaces, overhang correction for confused

Davenport, Cyndy

daylight assemblies

when to ignore parameters

daylight links, in assembly

DaylightBasin subassembly


corridor not showing
with generic links

DaylightInsideROW subassembly

DaylightMaxOffset subassembly


DaylightToROW subassembly

Decimal Degrees, for AutoCAD angular units

Decision element, in flowchart

decisions, conditional logic in flowcharts

Deed Create Start.dwg file

deed, re-creating using line tools

default object layer

Define Basin From Entities dialog

Define Enumeration dialog

Define Query of Attached Drawing(s) dialog

deflection angle

Deflection Distance transparent command

deflection glyph

for pressure network plan view

deflection validation settings, for pressure network

degree of curvature, for railway plans

DeKalb Rational hydrology method

Delete Duplicate Objects dialog

Delete Elevation Point tool

Delete Elevation tool, in Grading Elevation Editor

Delete Entity tool

Delete Line option, for surface edit

Delete Line Surface edits, triangles for

Delete Orphan Nodes, in SSA

Delete PI tool, for feature line

Delete Pipe Network Object tool

Delete Point option

for surface edit
triangles for

Delete PVI tool, for profile layout

Delete Sub-Entity tool

Delete Surface Item tool

DeleteSegments.dwg file


components for labels
connection arrows, in flowcharts
inlets in SSA
parcel segment labels
profile views
section views
segments, to edit parcels
surface boundary
test database

DEM (Digital Elevation Model) files

building surface directly from

Depth Check command

depth check, for pressure network

depth label

Description Key Sets Search Order dialog

description keys

activating set
vs. point groups


of object style
of points
vs. name
prompt for
of subassemblies

design checks

vs. design criteria
for pressure networks

design constraints, for creating alignments

Design Criteria Editor

Modify panel

design criteria files

preparing for superelevations

design speeds

assigning as alignment property
for rail

DesignSpeed_FINISHED.dwg file

destination coordinate system

Destination.dwg file


detention basin, modeling

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files

point clouds for

Direction, Ambient Settings for

direction-based line commands


applying to surface
in survey network

discharge point, of catchments

display styles, for Plan Production

DistanceTo API function (Point class)

DistanceToSurface API function (Point class)


Double parameter type, in Subassembly Composer

downstream link, for inlets on grade

drainage areas. See also catchments

for roundabouts

Draw Order Icons tool, for pipe networks

Draw Parts in Profile View tool

Draw Pipes and Structures tool

Draw Slip Lane dialog

Draw Tangent drop-down button, for profile layout

Draw Tangent-Tangent tool

Draw Tangents tool

Draw Tangents With Curves option

drawing objects

Drawing Scale setting

Drawing Settings dialog

Abbreviations tab
Ambient Settings tab
Object Layers tab
Transformation tab
Units And Zone tab

Drawing Unit setting


best practices for receiving outside
connections between
Ctrl+Tab for cycling through open
switching active


Driving Direction setting

DST files

for new sheet

Dulaunay triangulation

dump site, adding for mass haul

duplicate segments, adjacent parcels with

duplicating flowchart elements

DWG files, data storage in

.dwt file extension. See also templates

dynamic area labels

dynamic feature lines

dynamic input, and pipe network editing

dynamic links

dynamic models, corridor as


earthwork. See also mass haul diagrams

calculating quantities
depth labels for
for road corridor, volume calculation
surface analysis to minimize

Easements site

Easting Then Northing, Transparent Commands setting for prompt

EATTEXT command

Edit Best Fit Data For All Entities tool

Edit Command Settings - CreateCorridor dialog

Edit Command Settings - CreatePoints dialog

Edit Curve tool, for feature lines

Edit Drawing Settings dialog

Edit Elevations tool

Edit Feature Line Curve dialog

Edit Feature Line Style command

Edit Feature Settings - Corridor dialog

Edit Geometry tool

Edit In Storm And Sanitary Analysis tool

Edit Interference Style tool

Edit Label Style Defaults dialog

Edit Linework Code Set dialog

Edit Material List dialog

Edit Parcel Properties dialog

Edit Part Sizes dialog

Edit Parts List tool

Edit Pay Items dialog

Edit Pipe Network tool

Edit Pipe Style tool

Edit Structure Style tool

Edit Table Style tool (Table contextual tab)

Edit Values dialog

EditingAlignments_FINISHED.dwg file

EditingFeatureLineElevations.dwg file

EditingFeatureLineElevations_FINISHED.dwg file

EditingGrading.dwg file

EditingGrading_FINISHED.dwg file

EditingPipesPlan.dwg file

EditViewFramesAndMatchLines.dwg file

elements, numbers for

Elements toolbar (SSA)

elevation analysis

Elevation API function (Baseline class)

Elevation API function (Elevation Target class)

Elevation API function (Point class)

Elevation Banding surface

Elevation Editor

elevation element

elevation factor

elevation labels, for profile stations

Elevation Target API functions


adding existing to structure labels
adjusting in profile view
applying to surface
of corridor model, checking
feature lines as target
of feature lines, editing
matching at intersections
of objects
options for surface properties
pipe and gutter data in SSA
for points
prompt for
report listing
of vertices, checking

Elevations Editor

Elevations From Surface tool

in Grading Elevation Editor


End Full Super (EFS)

end line size for pipe, style to set

End Normal Crown (ENC) station

ending station, label set values for

EndPoint API function (Link class)

entity-based layout profiles


Enumeration Type class API functions

EOP (edge of pavement)

alignment and profiles for
design profiles, for cul-de-sacs

EPA-SWMM hydrology method

Equal Interval method, for surface analysis

equations, superelevation attainment

equipment database

Equipment Database Manager

Equipment Properties dialog

Erase All Unreferenced Assemblies option

Erase Existing Entities option, for feature line creation

error message. See also warning message

on missing subassembly

Error Tolerance, settings for survey

estimate of costs. See also Quantity Takeoff (QTO) feature

eTransmit command

Event Viewer

Excel, copying Propspector pipe network data to

Excel Table tool (SSA)

exclamation point flag, yellow

Expand Toolbar button

expansion factor for soil

exploding objects, survey figures and

Export Drawing Name dialog

Export To LandXML dialog

Export To Storm Sewers dialog


hydrograph to CAD
pipes for SSA
pond designs
superelevation tables

Express tool

Expression Editor

Expression.dwg file


API functions in

Extend command (AutoCAD)

Extended Properties, of survey LandXML file

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) format, for report

external references (XREFs)

vs. data shortcuts
fixing broken
Locate Using Geographic Data option
out of date

Extract Objects from Surface utility

Extract Objects tool


Facet Deviation

FACETDEV system variable

FACETMAX system variable

Favorites list, for pay items

adding to

Feature Line contextual tab on ribbon

Edit Elevations panel
Adjacent Elevations By Reference
Elevation Editor
Grade Extension By Reference
Insert Elevation Point
Insert High/Low Elevation Point
Set Grade/Slope Between Points
Edit Geometry panel
Edit Curve tool
Fillet tool
Join tool
Trim tool
Weed tool
Modify panel
Apply Feature Line Styles
Edit Elevations
Edit Geometry
Feature Line Properties
Move To Site

Feature Line Properties dialog

Feature Line Properties tool

Feature Line Style dialog, Profile tab

Feature Line Styles collection

Feature Line Target.dwg file

feature lines

creating swale from
tools for elevation
tools for
labels for
modifying grade
names for
for pipe networks, creating storm drainage from
for pond design
for pond grading
styles for

feature lines for corridors

applying vertical information from
creating surfaces from
as width and elevation target

Feature Lines From Corridor utility

FeatureLineGeometry.dwg file

FeatureLineGeometry_FINISHED.dwg file

Fence selection mode

Field dialog

figure groups, in survey database

figure prefix database

Figure Prefix Database Manager

figure prefix library.dwg file


in survey database

file format, for importing points

File menu (SSA)

Export, Hydraflow Storm Sewers FIle
Import, Layer Manager

files, generating profile from

fill distance, for parcel style

Fillet tool, for feature lines

filters, for point group

FinalTouches.dwg file

finding map tools

Fit Curve tool, for feature lines

fittings, in pressure network parts list

Fixed Line (Two Points) tool

Fixed Scale parameter, in description keys

fixed segments, alignments

Fixed Vertical Curve tools

Flatten Grade Or Elevations tool, in Grading Elevation Editor

flattening objects, before creating parcels

Flip Anchors With Text option, for labels

flip glyph, for pipe

Floating Curve tool

floating curves, tangency

floating segments, alignments

Floor API function (Math class)

Florida DOT files, for pay item list file

flow direction in pipe networks


flow diversion node, in SSA

flow path, of catchments

Flowchart panel, in Subassembly Composer


for Channel subassembly
codes for flowchart points, links and shapes
combined point and link element in
conditional logic
duplicating elements
sequential elements in
for subassemblies
of Switch element


creating, for data shortcut project
setting for survey

Forced Insertion feature, for labels

Format column, in description keys

Format Example_FINISHED.dwg file

formula file

for pay items
storage with project files

formulas, for pay items

Free Form Create tool

free haul area

free segments

frequency, for assemblies, applied to corridor

frequency lines, vs. sample lines

Frequency To Apply Assemblies dialog

From Corridor Stations option (Sample Lines toolbar)

From File breaklines

frontage offset, and curves


gap, for label border

gapped profile views


General collection

settings and styles in
multipurpose styles

General Note labels

Generate Custom Report tool (SSA)

generic links

daylighting with

Generic Subassembly tool palette

GenericLinks_FINISHED.dwg file

GenericPavementStructure subassembly

Geodetic Calculator




geometric triangulation

Geometry Editor

Geometry locking

geometry objects, interaction between sites and

geometry points


Geometry Points dialog

applying labels in

Geometry Points To Label In Band dialog

Getting Started - Catalog screen

Getting Started.csv file


on pressure pipe end
rotation, for pressure pipe
on Tee fitting

governing requirements, and curve radius requirements

government digital elevation models

Grade API function (Baseline class)

grade breaks, labels


Grade Extension By Reference tool

Grade parameter type, in Subassembly Composer

Grading contextual tab on ribbon

Modify panel
Create Grading Infill
Grading Editor
Grading Group Properties
Grading Groups Properties

Grading Creation Tools toolbar

Grading Elevation Editor


grading feature lines

tools for

Grading Group Properties - Pond Grading dialog

grading groups

Automatic Surface Creation option and
creating surfaces from

grading infill, for pond

grading objects. See gradings

grading plans

critical points on

Grading site


data shortcuts and

GradingThePond.dwg file

GradingThePond_FINISHED.dwg file

graphical grip editing


grid line on profile view, selecting

Grid Northing Grid Easting transparent command

Grid Scale Factor setting

grid spacing, in profile views

grip-editing, contour label line

GripEditingProfiles.dwg file


for adjusting border
circular radius
curve relationships in edit
for attached parcel segments
on label
for fine-tune editing of superelevation stationing
graphical editing
on layout profile
for offset alignments
for pipe
profile editing
Rim Insertion Point
on sample line
square pass-through
square vs. circular, for feature line
at sump depth
vertical movement edits in profile view
for view frames and match lines

group plot styles

Group Plot Styles dialog

Array tab
Display tab
Plot Area tab

groups, names of

guardrail, options in daylight subassemblies

gutter flow between inlets

gutter slope, cross-section in SSA

gutter subassemblies, superelevations and


HasIntersection API function (Link class)


pipe options in style
for pipe section view
for pipe walls, style for
for profile views

Hatch Editor contextual tab, Properties panel

“Hatch pattern is too dense” warning

HEC-1 for hydrology calculations

height of text, in labels


for Channel subassembly
file in subassembly packet
input and output paramter information in
for subassemblies
for TrenchPipe1 assembly

Help icon

hidden files, displaying

hide boundaries type

highlighting pay items

Highway 10 Criteria.dwg file

Highway 10 Super.dwg file

Home tab on ribbon

Create Design panel
Alignment, Alignment Creation
Alignment, Alignment Creation Tools
Alignment, Create Alignment From Corridor
Alignment, Create Alignment From Objects
Alignment, Create Best Fit Alignment
Alignment, Create Offset Alignment
Alignment, Create Widening
Assembly, Add Assembly Offset
Assembly, Create Assembly
Corridor, for pipe trench
Create Best Fit Profile
Feature Line
Feature Line, Create Feature Line
Feature Line, Create Feature Line From Stepped Offset
Feature Line, Create Feature Lines From Alignment
Feature Line, Create Feature Lines From Objects
Feature Line From Corridor
Intersection tool
Intersections, Add Turn Slip Lane
Intersections, Create Intersection
Intersections, Create Roundabout
Network, Pressure Network Creation Tools
Parcel, Choose Parcel From Objects
Parcel, Create Parcel From Objects
Parcel, Create Right Of Way
Parcel, Parcel Creation Tools
Part Builder
Pipe Network Catalog Settings
Pipe Network, Pipe Network Creation Tools
Profile, Create Profile From File
Profile, Create Superimposed Profile
Profile, Profile Creation Tools
Profile, Quick Profile
Set Pressure Network Catalog
Create Ground Data panel
Import Survey Data
Points, Convert Land Desktop Points
Surfaces, Create Surface
Surfaces, Create Surface From Corridor
Surfaces, Create Surface From GIS Data
Data panel
Define Query
Draw panel
3D Polyline
Create Line command
Curves drop-down
Layers panel, Layer Freeze
Modify panel, Overkill
Palettes panel
Content Browser
Survey button
Tool Palettes
Profile & Section Views panel
Create Surface Profile
Profile View, Create Multiple Profile Views
Profile View, Create Profile View
Profile View, Project Objects To Profile View
Sample Lines
Section Views, Create Multiple Views
Section Views, Project Objects To Section View
Toolspace button

horizontal geometry bands

HTML format, for subassembly help file

HWY10-BikePath.dwg file

Hydraflow, access to functions

Hydraflow Hydrographs program

Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension

hydraulic calculations

hydraulically most distant point, of catchments

Hydrawflow Express program


exporting to CAD
from SSA

Hydrographs tool

hydrology methods, assumptions about rainfall

hydrology methods in SSA



IF function

If statement, in flowchart logic


in subassembly packet

Immediate And Independent Layer On/Off Control Of Display Components setting

Imperial To Metric Conversions setting

Imperial units

coordinate settings for DEM import

Import Civil 3D Styles dialog box

import events

in survey database

Import Field Book dialog

Import LandXML dialog

Import Point File dialog

Import Points dialog

Import Profile From File - Select File dialog

Import Subassemblies dialog

Import Survey Data wizard

Import Options
Specify Data Source


catchment objects and pipes to SSA
industry model
point clouds
points from text file

Imprevious Areas site

In-Canvas View Controls

incremental counting

converting linear measurement to
in view frames

Independent Layer On setting

industry model, importing

Inlet tool (SSA)

Inlets dialog (SSA)

inlets in SSA

connecting subbasin to
gutter flow between

input parameters, subassembly help on

Inquiry commands

Point Inverse option

Inquiry Tool palette

Insert command

Insert dialog

Insert Elevation Point tool

Insert Elevation tool, in Grading Elevation Editor

Insert High/Low Elevation Point tool

Insert Image dialog

Insert PI tool, for feature line

Insert PVI tool, for profile layout

Insert PVIs dialog

Insert PVIs - Tabular tool

Insert tab on ribbon

Block panel, Insert
Import panel
Import Subassemblies
Points From File
Storm Sewers
Reference panel, Attach



Integer parameter type, in Subassembly Composer

intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curve, for computing rainfall



Interference Check

marker in plan view

Interference Check Properties dialog

Interference Style dialog

Interference.dwg file

Interfreence Properties tool

Interpolation Point-Creation options, on Create Points toolbar

Intersection Curb Return Parameters dialog

Intersection Lane Slope Parameters dialog

Intersection Offset Parameters dialog

Intersection Point-Creation options, on Create Points toolbar

intersection points, geometry types

Intersection.dwg file


adding baseline for road
adding baselines, regions and targets for
assemblies for
assembly sets for
creation wizard
manually modeling
matching profile elevations at
modeled with corridor
required regions for modeling
in sketch form
sketch of required baselines

inventorying pay items

invisible arrow trick

invisible profile views

inward branching for corridor

Irregular Cross Sections dialog

ISD files

Isolate Objects tool, for pipe networks

IsValid API function (Elevation Target class)

IsValid API function (Link class)

IsValid API function (Offset Target class)

IsValid API function (Point class)

IsValid API function (Surface Target class)

Item Preview Toggle icon



Join tool, for feature lines

junction node in SSA

converting storage nodes to


K value



L1.slope API function

Label Basics.dwg file

Label Fixed Rotation option, in description keys

Label Properties dialog

Label Rotate Parameter option, in description keys

label sets

for alignments
group labels, selecting
for profiles

Label Style Composer

Dragged State tab
General tab
Layout tab
Summary tab

label styles

frequently seen tabs
General tab
Information tab
Layout tab
Summary tab
general labels
for grade breaks
for lines
for parcels
for points
for profile views
for view frames

LabelingFeatureLines.dwg file

LabelingFeatureLines_FINISHED.dwg file


for alignments
geometry points
major station labels
station offset
for assemblies
on cross-section views
for feature lines
General Note
in intersection model
layers for components
layout profiles with
for lines
for lines and curves
for links
for match lines
for parcel areas
for parcel segments
for pipe networks
for points
precision, vs drawing precision
for profiles
removing default components
overhanging segment and
for structures
for surfaces
surface grid
surface points

Land Desktop point database, converting

Land Desktop point objects, converting into Civil 3D points

Land Desktop with Civil Design

land divisions. See parcels

LandXML file format

parcels and

LandXML-OUT.dwg file

lane slope parameters, changing

lane widening

LaneBrokenBack subassembly

LaneOutsideSuperWithWidening subassembly

LaneParabolic subassembly

LaneSuperElevationAOR subassembly

point codes in
warning symbol

Latitude Longitude transparent command

Layer column

in description keys
in Figure Prefix Database Manager

Layer Manager (SSA)



for alignments
Civil 3D and AutoCAD
default for object
Freeze vs. Off for managing
for label components
for object style component
vs. point groups, for display control
for view frames
wildcard suffixes for

Layout preview mode (Subassembly Composer)

Channel subassembly in

layout profiles

grips on
with labels
layout by entity

layout sheets, creating

layout tools, for pipe network creation

LayoutByEntity.dwg file

LayoutByEntity_FINISHED.dwg file

LayoutByPVI.dwg file

LayoutByPVI_FINISHED.dwg file

LayoutByPVITransport.dwg file

LayoutByPVITransport_FINISHED.dwg file

layouts, creating alignments from

leader for label

Least Squares Analysis Defaults, settings for survey

left, in naming conventions

legacy drawings, for pipe networks

legend table, for slopes

Length API function (Link class)

Length Check rule

length of match line, changing

Lengthen option, for pressure network plan view

Level Crown (LC) station

Level Of Detail display

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)

Line And Arc Information tool

Line and Curve Labels.dwg file

Line By Bearing And Distance command

line inquiry, command-line results for

line tables

linear measurement, converting to incremental count

linear object styles

LinearRegressionInterceptY API function (Link class)

LinearRegressionSlope API function (Link class)


coordinate commands
creating alignments from
direction-based commands
label styles
labels for
tools for creating
tools for re-creating deed


for feature lines, from styles
for label border

lineweight, for labels

linework code set


link API functions

LinkPointSlope intersection point type


for corridors
creating corridor surface from data
labels for
to marked point
in SSA
in subassemblies
daylighting with

LinkSlopesBetweenPoints subassembly

LinkSlopetoSurface generic subassembly

LIST command (AutoCAD)

List Slope tool

ListAvailablePointNumbers command

local coordinates, transforming to

Locate Using Geographic Data option

location glyph, for pressure network plan view

Lock column, in Settings dialog


child styles
regions for corridors

Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files

logic operators, in flowcharts

Longitude Then Latitude, Transparent Commands setting for prompt

Lot Line column, in Figure Prefix Database Manager

lot size, basis for

Low Shoulder Match (LSM)

Lower Incrementally tool, in Grading Elevation Editor

LTSCALE variable


major station labels

Manage tab on ribbon

Data Shortcuts panel
Create Data Shortcuts
Set Working Folder
Styles panel, Import Styles

Manning's roughness for SCS Sheet flow

manual edits, preserving

ManualFineTune.dwg file

ManualIntersection.dwg file

Map 3D Attach command

Map Data Connect tool

map tools


Mapcheck Analysis palette, completed deed in

Mapcheck glyph

Mapcheck reports


marked points assembly

Marker Fixed Rotation option, in description keys

marker points

for corridors
in subassemblies

Marker Rotate Parameter option, in description keys

marker styles


MarkPoint subassembly

mass haul diagrams


mass haul, dump site for

Mass Haul Line Properties dialog

Mass Haul View contextual tab on ribbon, Modify panel, Balancing Options

MassHaul.dwg file

master coordinate zone for database, setting

Master View

Mastering Point Creation.dwg file

Mastering Point Display.dwg file

Mastering Point Groups.dwg file

Mastering Points.dwg file

MasteringBoundary.dwg file

MasteringLabelSurface.dwg file

MasteringSlopeAnalysis.dwg file

Match Length transparent command

Match Line Properties dialog

match lines

adjusting location and length
grips for
for Plan Production
for plan views

Match Radius transparent command

matching transparent commands


adding soil factors to list
creating list
volume report generation
volume table creation

Materials.dwg file

math API functions

Max API function (Math class)

maximum pipe length

Maximum Pipe Size Check rule

maximum width, for labels

MaxInterceptY API function (Link class)

MaxY API function (Link class)

Measurement Corrections, settings for survey

Measurement Type Defaults, settings for survey

measurement units, specifying

Merge Networks command

messages. See warning message

metric units, specifying

Min API function (Math class)

Minimize Flat Areas option, for surface edit

minimum pipe length

Minimum Radius Table

MinInterceptY API function (Link class)

MinY API function (Link class)

Mirror Subassemblies command

miscellaneous alignment type

Miscellaneous Point-Creation options, on Create Points toolbar

model space, splitting into two views

modeless toolbar

modelspace linetype scale

modelspace viewports, Viewport controls in

Modified Ration hydrology method

Modify Pl tool

Modify Point option

for surface edit
triangles for

Modify tab on ribbon, Design panel, Feature Line

Move Point option

for surface edit
triangles for

Move PVI tool, for profile layout

Move To Site command, for feature line

Move To Site dialog


alignment to site
view frames

MSLTSCALE variable

Mtext, for assemblies

Multi-RegionCorridor.dwg file

Multiple contextual tab on ribbon

Multiple Parcel Properties dialog

multiple-parcel segments, labels for

MultipleSectionViews.dwg file

MultipleSectionViews_FINISHED.dwg file

multipurpose styles

Code Set Styles

multiregion baselines, for corridors

Mystery Plat.dwg file


Name Template dialog

name templates, for sheets


for assemblies
for feature lines
formatting for corridors
for label components
for layouts
for marked points
for objects
changing on reference creation
for pipe networks
in Plan Production template
for points
vs. description
prompt for
for view frame group

Natural Neightbor Interpolation (NNI)

natural vertices

and spanning labels


flowchart elements
workflow inside flowchart

network groups, in survey database

Network Layout Creation tools, for pipe networks

Network Parts List dialg, Pipes tab

Network Properties tool, for pipe networks

networks. See also survey networks

manipulating, real world scenario
in survey database

New Data Shortcut Folder dialog

New Design Check dialog

New Entity Tooltip State setting

New Expression dialog

New Figure Prefix Database dialog

New Local Survey Database dialog

New Point Cloud Database - Processing In Background dialog

New Traverse dialog

New User-Defined Property dialog

NNI (Natural Neightbor Interpolation)

No Center Pivots Found warning

“no show” label style, for parcels

nodes, in SSA

non-Civil 3D sources, converting points from

non-control points, in survey network

non-destructive breaklines

non-destructive outer boundary

non-road corridors

none label style, for parcels

North Arrow Block, for aligning layouts

Northing Easting transparent command

NRCS (National Resources Conservation Service)

Null Assembly

null structures, in pipe networks

numbers, for elements


object styles

frequently seen tabs
Display tab
Information tab
Summary tab
for Plan Production

Object Viewer

corridor in
for pipe networks
surface in plan and in model

ObjectProjection.dwg file

ObjectProjection_FINISHED.dwg file


alignments as
elevation of
exploding, survey figures and
feature line dynamically related to
multiple pay items on single
projection from plan view
projection into section views
referencing in station offset labels
renaming on reference creation
selecting multiple
types in SSA projects

octagon, pipe appearance as

offset alignment

Offset Alignment Name Template

Offset Alignment Parameters palette

offset alignments, for ROW location

Offset API function (Offset Target class)

Offset API function (Point class)

offset assemblies

and axis of rotation superelevation assembly

offset grips

Offset Target class API functions

offsite outfall, in SSA

one-point slope labels

Open Channel, for conveyance links

Open Pay Item File dialog

Open Source Drawing command

Options command

Options dialog, Files tab, template files

OR operator, in flowchart logic

orbit commands, and point cloud

organizing assemblies

Orientation Reference option

for labels
for marker symbol

Orifice tool

Orifices dialog

orifices, in SSA

origin point, for mass haul

orthometric height scale

OtherProfileEdits.dwg file

OtherProfileEdits_FINISHED.dwg file

outer boundaries type


outer boundary parcel

outfall node

invert elevation for
in SSA

Outfall tool (SSA)

Outfalls dialog (SSA)

outflow riser, modeling

outlets, in SSA

output parameters, subassembly help on

Output tab on ribbon

Export panel, Export To LandXML
Plan Production panel
Create Section Sheets
Create Sheets
Create View Frames

outward branching for corridor

over haul

overhang correction, for confused datum surfaces

overhanging segment, spanning labels and

overlapping links. See also bow-ties

Override column, for settings

overrides, and child styles


Pan To Object command

panels on ribbon tabs

Panorama Display Toggle icon

Panorama Event Viewer vista

Panorama window

alignment segments in
all alignment elements
for best-fit parabola
for catchments
for corridors, error message
creating and saving custom views
Events tab
Grading Elevation Editor
Point Editor
point modification tools
Profile Entities tab
QTO Manager
and quick profile
with regression data chart for best fit
review of designs
superelevation table
for tabular edits to pipe network
tangency constraints in
Volumes Dashboard tab

Parabola By Best Fit dialog

parameter and panorama profile editing

Parameter Constraint Lock

ParameterEditingProfiles.dwg file

ParameterEditingProfiles_FINISHED.dwg file


of subassemblies
editing for single
types in Subassembly Composer

parametric parts, in Civil 3D pipe network catalogs

Parcel contextual tab on ribbon

Labels & Tables panel
Add Curve
Renumber Tags
Modify panel
Multiple Panel Properties

Parcel Creation tools

Parcel Layout Tools toolbar

Delete Sub-Entity tool
New Parcel Sizing option
Parcel Sizing section

Parcel Properties dialog

Composition tab

Parcel Segment Label contextual tab on ribbon, Modify panel

Flip Label

parcel segments

constructing with appropriate vertices
creating table for
Slide Line - Create tool for
Swing Line - Create tool for

Parcel Union tool


attached segments
best practices
forming from segments
reaction to site objects
boundary, creating
editing by deleting segments
flattening objects before creating
labels for areas
labels for segments
LandXML and
outer boundary
Overkill command for
precise sizing tools
styles for
subdivision lot

parent sites

Part Builder

adding part using
catalog tools
part families in
for pipe networks

Part Catalog dialog

part catalogs, adding arch pipe

Part Matchup settings, Civil 3D vs. SSA

part properties, pay items as

Part Publishing Wizard

part rules for pipe networks

pipe rules
structure and pipe rule sets
structure rules


Parts List dialog, Structure tab

Parts List tool (Network Layout Tools toolbar)

parts lists

assigning pay items
assigning to network
for pipe networks
putting together
for pressure networks

Paste Surface option, and TIN information

pay item categorization file

sources for

Pay Item column, in parts list

pay item files

Pay Item List dialog

pay items

assigning in parts list
assigning to drawing item
AutoCAD objects as
code set editing for
Favorites list for
formulas for
as part properties
pipes and structures as
searching for
selecting, to add as favorite

PEDIT command

PennDOT drainage design manual

perpendicular line

Pi API function (Math class)

PI points, manipulating for feature line

Pick In CAD icon, for inquiry

Pick Sub-Entity tool

Pipe and Structure Labels.dwg file

pipe data bands

pipe diameter, dynamic input for

Pipe Drop Across Structure rule

pipe endpoint edits, dynamic input for

pipe length, dynamic input for

pipe-length grip

Pipe List tool

Pipe Network Catalog Settings dialog

Pipe Network contextual tab on ribbon

Analyze panel
Edit In Storm And Sanitary Analysis
Interference Check
Edit Pipe Network
General Tools panel
Labels & Tables panel
Add Labels, Entire Network Profile
Add Tables, Add Pipe
Add Tables, Add Structure
Launch Pad panel
Alignment From Network
Modify panel
Change Flow Direction
Network Tools panel
Draw Parts in Profile
Swap Part

Pipe Network Properties dialog

Layout Settings tab
Profile tab
Section tab
Statistics tab

Pipe Network Vistas tool

pipe networks. See also pressure networks

adding to sample line group
composite finished grade surface for
labeled profile including crossings
with layout tools
with Network Layout Creation tools
placing parts
creating storm drainage from feature line
data shortcuts and
deflection glyph to move pipe
dynamic input and
with Network Layout Tools toolbar
in plan view
in tabular form
flow direction changes
flow direction preview
interference check
Part Builder for
part rules
pipe rules
structure and pipe rule sets
structure rules
parts lists
putting together
planning typical
profile views
drawing parts in
removing part from
sharing custom part
with single-pipe run
starting point for
structure table for

Pipe Networks contextual tab on ribbon, Modify panel, Merge Networks

pipe objects

Pipe Properties tool

Pipe Rule Set dialog, Rules tab

pipe rules

creating sets
for pipe networks

Pipe Style dialog

Plan tab
Profile tab
Section tab

pipe styles

changing in current profile view only

Pipe Table Creation dialog

pipe tables


Pipe To Pipe Match rule

pipe trench assembly

pipe trench, corridor for

pipes, as pay items

pipes catalog folder

Pipes-Exercise1.dwg file

Pipes-Exercise3.dwg file

PipeStyle.dwg file

PipeStyle_FINISHED.dwg file

PipeStyleHatch_FINISHED.dwg file

PipeTrenchAssembly_FINISHED.dwg file

pivot point, for superelevations

PKT files

for subassemblies

Place Lined Material parameter

Place Remainder In Last Parcel option

Plan Production

drawing template for
sheet types for
template files
view frames and match lines
viewports on sheets

Plan Profile label type

Plan Readable option, for labels

plan sets, preparation for

plan view

editing pipe networks in
pressure networks in
sanitary pipe in
transparent commands in

plane, three points defining

Planning And Analysis workspace, switching to

planning pipe networks

Plot Options dialog (SSA)

Plotted Unit Display Type setting

plus sign grip

point API functions

point blocks

Point Cloud contextual tab on ribbon

Point Cloud Tools panel, Add Points To Surface

point cloud surfaces


point clouds, importing

point description

Point File Formats dialog

point files, for surfaces

Point Group Properities dialog

Exclude tab
Include tab
Information tab
Overrides tab

point groups

changing display precedence
vs. description keys
for point display control
for surfaces

Point Groups dialog

Point Labels.dwg file

Point Name transparent command

point number

for line creation

Point Number transparent command

Point Object transparent command

Point Style dialog, Marker tab

Point Table Creation dialog

Point Table.dwg file

point tables

Point to Point tool


PointCloud.dwg file

PointObjectTemplate_FINISHED.dwt template file


anatomy of
best practices
with circle cross symbol
COGO vs. survey
Create Points toolbar
converting from non-Civil 3D sources
importing from text file
point settings
creating surfaces from
display control
panorama and prospector points
physical point editing
elevation changes
label styles
in description keys
grid of
names for
styles for
surface with blown
user-defined properties
warning of duplicate

Points From Corridor utility

Points-Surface.dwg file

Polyline From Corridor utility


boundaries as
converting to feature line
creating alignments from
creating from contour
surfaces from information on


analysis in SSA
time series plot for max outflow
designs, exporting
feature line grading
feature lines to design
grading infill

Pond-Eval_FINISHED.aeccsst file

PondDrainageDesign.dwg file

PondDrainageDesign_FINISHED.dwg file

Pond.spf file

pop-up for new layer, preventing

precise sizing tools

for parcels


drawing vs. label
survey database defaults

Pressure Network Plan Layout tab on ribbon

Pressure Network Profile Layout contextual tab on ribbon

pressure networks

from industry model
in plan view
data shortcuts and
depth check for
design checks
glyphs on pipe end
glyphs on Tee fitting
parts lists
adding parts to
pipe styles
in profile views

Pressure Networks contextual tab on ribbon

Analyze panel, Depth Check
Launch Pad panel, Alignment From Network
Modify panel, Edit Network, Profile Layout tools

pressure parts lists

PressureDesignCheck.dwg file

Pressure.dwg file

PressureProfile.dwg file

Preview Area Display Toggle icon

Preview panel

Channel subassembly in
in Subassembly Composer

Primary Road Full Section assembly

Primary Road Part Section-Daylight assembly

Primary Road-Through Intersection assembly

PRMD files

problem-solving. See troubleshooting

Profile contextual tab on ribbon

Geometry Editor
Labels panel, Edit Profile Labels
Modify Profile panel, Geometry Editor
Profile Creation tools

Profile Data Band Style dialog, Band Details tab

Profile Display Options wizard

Profile From Corridor utility

Profile Grade Length (PGL) transparent command

Profile Grade Station (PGS) transparent command

Profile Grid View tool

profile label sets

Profile Labels dialog

Profile Layout Parameters dialog


Profile Layout Parameters tool

Profile Layout Tools toolbar

Copy Profile tool
Delete Entity tool
Delete PVI tool
Draw Tangents tool
More Fixed Vertical Curves
Fixed Vertical Curve (Entity End, Through Point) option
Free Vertical Curve (Parameter) option
Profile Layout Parameters
Raise/Lower PVIs tool
Tangent Creation button, Float Tangent

profile objects, vs. profile view objects

profile plot

Profile Plot Options dialog (SSA)

Profile Plot tool (SSA)

Profile Properties dialog, Profile Data tab

Profile Station Elevation (PSE) transparent command

Profile Style dialog, Markers tab

profile targets, roadside swale modeling with

Profile View contextual tab on ribbon

Launch Pad panel, Profile Creation tools
Modify View panel
Profile View Properties, Edit Profile View Style

Profile View Properties dialog

Bands tab
Elevations tab
Hatch tab
Information tab
Pipe Network tab
overriding style on
Profiles tab
for removing pipe part from profile view
Stations tab

Profile View Style dialog

Display tab
Graph tab
Grid tab
Horizontal Axes tab
Title Annotation tab
Vertical Axes tab

Profile View wizard

profile views

adjusting elevations
changing pipe style only in current
manually limited
during sampling
dynamic input in
grid spacing in
label styles
pipe display in
for pipe networks
drawing parts in
removing part from
pressure networks in
profile display options
sanitary pipe in
vertical movement edits using grips

ProfileBands.dwg file

ProfileBands_FINISHED.dwg file

ProfilefromFile.dwg file

ProfileFromFile_FINISHED.dwg file


best fit
for corridors
creating reference to
data shortcuts and
component-level editing
grip profile editing
parameter and panorama
tools for
from file
layout for
surface sampling for
label sets
marker points
matching elevations at intersections
object projection
for Plan Production
for roundabouts

ProfileSampling.dwg file

ProfilesViews.dwg file

ProfileViewBands.dwg file

ProfileViewBandSets.dwg file

ProfileViewBandSets_FINISHED.dwg file

ProfileViewBands_FINISHED.dwg file

ProfileViewLabels.dwg file

ProfileViewLabels_FINISHED.dwg file

ProfileViewProperties.dwg file

ProfileViewProperties_FINISHED.dwg file

ProfileViews_FINISHED.dwg file

ProfileViewsSplit.dwg file

ProfileViewsSplit_FINISHED.dwg file

ProfileViewStyles.dwg file

ProgramData folder, displaying

Project Checklist.doc file

Project Objects To Profile View dialog

Project Options dialog (SSA)

Curve Number tab
for detention basin
General tab
SCS TR-55 TOC tab

Projected Object contextual tab on ribbon, Modify Projected Object panel, Projection Properties

Projection View Properties dialog


formula file storage with
starting new


of surfaces
user-defined, for points

Properties dialog, Design tab

Properties palette

for labels
for points

Properties panel, in Subassembly Composer

Proposed Pond.dwg


Alignments branch
Centerline Alignments
Offset Alignments
Assemblies group
context-sensitive menus
Data Shortcuts branch
Alignments, Centerline Alignments
deleting section views
options related to snapshots
organizing assemblies within
Pipe Networks branch
Interference Check
Networks, Sanitary Network, Pipes
Points collection display in
profiles in
sample line groups
site creation
Feature Lines
Subdivision Lots
Surfaces branch
Composite, Definition
Surfaces collection
View Frame Groups
yellow exclamation point flag

proximity breaklines

PSLTSCALE variable

pumps, in SSA

PVI-based layout profiles

PVI or Entity Based drop-down button, for profile layout

PVI points, grade-break labels at




QTO Manager

assignments, changes in parts and
Edit Pay Items On Specified Object
favorites list in
filter tool
Highlight Objects With Pay Items
Highlight Objects Without Pay Items
selecting similar parts for

QTOCategories_FINISHED.dwg file

QTOCorridors_FINISHED.dwg file

QTOHighlighting.dwg file

QTOHighlighting_FINISHED.dwg file

QTOPipeNetworks.dwg file

QTOPipeNetworksPart1_FINISHED.dwg file

QTOPipeNetworksPart2_FINISHED.dwg file

QTOPractice.dwg file

QTOPractice_FINISHED.dwg file

QTOReporting_Finished.dwg file

Quantile method, for surface analysis

Quantity Takeoff (QTO) feature. See also pay items

assemblies and
quantifying corridor construction costs
report creation

Quantity Takeoff Report dialog

Quick Elevation Edit tool

Quick Profile tool

in Grading Elevation Editor

quick profiles

Quick Select (QSelect) tool, for pipe networks

Quick View Drawings tool


Rail Alignment contextual tab on ribbon

Cant Calculation tools
Modify panel, Cant, Calculate/Edit Cant

rail alignments

rail design standards, default location for

Rail subassembly


RailAlignment.dwg file

Rail.dwg file

railroads, cant tools for

Rain Gauge dialog (SSA)


data on
intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curve for computing

Rainfall Designer dialog (SSA)

Raise Incrementally tool, in Grading Elevation Editor

Raise/Lower By Reference tool

Raise/Lower PVI Elevation dialog

Raise/Lower PVIs tool

Raise/Lower Surface option, for surface edit

Raise/Lower tool

in Grading Elevation Editor

Rational Method for sizing sewer pipes

raw closure file, from traverse analysis

Reactivity Mode, for alignment table

Readability Bias option

Realign Stacks tool (Table contextual tab)

Rebuild Automatic, for surfaces

Rebuild command

Rebuild Snapshot option, for surfaces

Redistribute Remainder option

Reference Point setting

reference text, in General Note label

references. See data references; external references (XREFs)

Refill Factor value

REGEN command

RegionEnd API function (Baseline class)

regions for corridors

adding for intersection

RegionStart API function (Baseline class)

Regression Data vista

Remainder Distribution parameter options

Remove Items tool (Table contextual tab)

Remove Snapshot option, for surfaces

removing pipe network part from profile view

Rename Parts tool

Render Material column, in parts list

Renumber/Rename Parcels dialog

Replace Items tool (Table contextual tab)

Replace multiple-segment tool

replacing subassemblies

Report Extents, limiting

Report Quantities dialog


from Quantity Takeoff
running from SSA

Reports toolbar (SSA)

Profile Plot

Reset Labels tool, for pipe networks

Resolve Crossing Breaklines tool

Reverse Crown (RC) station

reverse curves

transition station overlap and

Reverse Direction tool

in Grading Elevation Editor

Reverse Sub-Entity Direction tool

Reverse tool, for feature lines

Ribbon. See also specific tab names

contextual tabs
COGO vs. survey points

right, in naming conventions

right-of-way parcels

Rim Insertion Point grip

road assembly

road design standards, default location for

RoadCorridor.dwg file

RoadCorridor_FINISHED.dwg file


centerline alignments

Roads and Lots site

roadside swale modeling with alignment and profile targets

Roadway preview mode

in Subassembly Composer

RoadwayFigures.dwg file


match lines
network to known bearing or azimuth
text, for labels
view frames

rotation angle, for labels

Rotation Direction option, in description keys

Rotation Point setting

rotational grip, for pipe structure

Round API function (Math class)

Roundabout Layout.dwg file

RoundaboutExample_FINISHED.dwg file


assemblies for
center design
corridor regions and targets
drainage areas
finishing touches
turn lane in
tying together

ROW location, offset alignments for

ROW (right-of-way) parcels

run-by-run paradigm

RunDepthCheck command

Runoff Coefficient, in culvert design


Sample Line contextual tab on ribbon

Launch Pad panel, Create Section view
Modify panel
Group Properties
Section Views, Create Multiple Views

Sample Line Group Properties dialog, Sample Lines tab

sample line groups

adding pipe network to
editing widths of

Sample Line Tools toolbar

sample lines

and data from external drawing references
vs. frequency lines
grips on
for Plan Production

SampleLines.dwg file

sampling, creating profile views during

sanitary sewer network

manhole and cleanout
sanitary pipe in plan view and profile view

Save Command Changes To Settings option


sites on Civil 3D template
in Storm and Sanitary Analysis

Scale Inserted Objects setting

Scale Objects Inserted From Other Drawings option

Scale parameter, in description keys

SCS (Soil Conservation Service)

SCS TR-20 Method

SCS TR-55 Method

SDTS (Spatial Data Transfer Standard)

sdts2dem program

search, for pay items

Seconary Road Full Section assembly

Seconary Road Half Section-Daylight Left assembly

Seconary Road Half Section-Daylight Right assembly

section data bands

Section Editor

for corridors
problem from not exiting

Section Editor contextual tab on ribbon

Station Selection panel
View Tools panel, Viewport Configuration

section sheets

page layout, group plot styles for

Section Sources dialog

Section View contextual tab on ribbon

Modify Section panel, Sample More Sources
Modify View panel
Update Group Layout
View Group Properties

Section View Group Properties dialog

Section Views tab
Sections tab

section view groups, creating

section views

and annotation scale
for single section
final touches
object projection

section workflow

sectional data bands

SectionROW.dwg file


for Plan Production

SectionStyles.dwg file

SectionStyles_FINISHED.dwg file

SectionViews.dwg file

Section View contextual tab, Modify View panel, Update Group Layout

sediment removal, accounting for

Sediment Removal.spf file

segment tables

SegmentLabels.dwg file

Select A Feature Line dialog

Select A Profile dialog

Select A Sample Line Group dialog

Select Alignment tool (Network Layout Tools toolbar)

Select Coordinate Zone dialog

Select Drawings To Attach dialog

Select Existing Polylines option (Sample Lines toolbar)

Select Grading Group dialog

Select Label Set dialog

Select Label Style dialog

Select Layout As Sheet Template dialog

Select PVI or Select Entity tool

Select Similar tool, for pipe networks

Select Source File dialog

Select Style Set dialog

Select Surface dialog

Select Surface To Paste dialog

Select Surface tool (Network Layout Tools toolbar)

Select Target Surface tool

Select Template dialog

Select tool, in Grading Elevation Editor


Fence selection mode for
grid line on profile view
lots in Prospector
multiple objects
view frame group

Selection Rule, for alignment table

Selectioncycling command

sequential elements, in flowcharts

Set AutoCAD Units setting

Set AutoCAD Variables To Match option

Set Elevation By Reference tool

Set Grade/Slope Between Points tool

Set Increment tool, in Grading Elevation Editor

Set Network Catalog tool

Set Pipe End Location rule

Set Pressure Network Catalog dialog

Set Slope Or Elevation Target dialog

Set Sump Depth rule

Set Width Or Offset Target dialog

setups, in survey network

sewer pipes, methods for sizing


in code set styles
in corridors
in subassemblies


custom pipe part
custom subassemblies
files with earlier Civil 3D versions
project data, data shortcuts and

sheet flow

velocity for

Sheet Set Manager

sheet sets, file storage location

sheets. See also section sheets

cross-section, sending to separate drawing
name templates for

SheetsWizard.dwg file

shortcut folder, creating

shortcut references

shoulder assemblies

superelevations and

ShoulderExtendAll subassembly

ShoulderExtendSubbase subassembly

show boundaries type

Show Event Viewer option

Show Grade Breaks Only tool, in Grading Elevation Editor

Show Tooltips option

shrinkage factor for soil

Side parameter type, in Subassembly Composer

Side Shot transparent command

sight distance

Simplify Surface dialog

Reduction Options page
Region Options page
Simplify Methods page

Simplify Surface option, for surface edit

Sin API function (Math class)

single-section view, creating

single segment labels

Site column, in Figure Prefix Database Manager

site geometry objects

Site Properties dialog

3D Geometry tab
Information tab

siteless alignment


and alignments
feature lines in
multiple in single drawing

slide glyph, for pipe

Slide Line Create/Edit tool


match lines
view frames

slip turn lanes, in roundabout

slope analysis tools

Slope API function (Link class)

slope arrows, applying to surface

Slope parameter type, in Subassembly Composer

Slope Point-Creation options, on Create Points toolbar

SlopeAnalysis.dwg file

SlopeAnalysis_FINISHED.dwg file


applying to surface
labels for
legend table for

SlopeTo API function (Point class)

Smooth Surface dialog

Smooth Surface option, for surface edit

Smooth tool, for feature lines

smoothing surfaces

snapshots, of surfaces

soil boring data, user-defined properties

Soil Borings.dwg file

soil boundaries

soil factors, adding to materials list

sorting alignments alphabetically

source coordinate system

spanning labels

overhanging segment and
for pipes

Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)

Specify Grid Rotation Angle setting

SPF files

Split and Merge Network tools

split-created vertices

Split Region tool, for corridors


area labels into two layers
pipe or structure table
profile views

spot grade

square grips, for feature line

square pass-through grips

SSA. See Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA)

SSA Intro.dwg file

SSA-Rain.spf file

SSA-Reports.spf file

stacked profile views, creating,

StackedProfiles.dwg file

Stage Storage dialog

staggered profile views, creating

standard breaklines

standard curves

Standard Deviation, for surface analysis

Standard style

starting point, for pipe networks

starting station, for alignments

StartPoint API function (Link class)

static export of surface

Static Mode tool (Table contextual tab)

Station API function (Baseline class)

station elevation label, on profile view

station equation

Station Locking

station offset labeling

Station Offset transparent command

station range, for view frames



adjusting limits for profile view
for cul-de-sacs
label set values for

Stepped Offset tool, for feature lines

SteppedOffset.dwg file

SteppedOffset_FINISHED.dwg file

stock subassemblies, in Subassembly Composer

Storage Curves dialog (SSA), for detention basin

Storage Nodes dialog (SSA)

storage nodes in SSA

converting junction to

Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA)

basic example
catchment objects and pipes imported to
connecting subbasin to inlet
creating new project
culvert design
data tree
Analysis Options
Hydrology branch
guided tour
hints for working
hydrology methods
inlets vs. manholes
object types in projects
pipe and gutter elevation data in
pond analysis
rainfall information
Reports toolbar
running reports from
startup steps in CAD
exporting pipes
exporting pond designs

Storm Sewers tool

stream, modeled with corridor

String parameter type, in Subassembly Composer

Structure Connection marker, for pipe networks

structure grips, for pipe structure

Structure List tool (Network Layout Tools toolbar)

Structure Properties dialog

Part Properties tab

Structure Properties tool

structure rotation, dynamic input for

structure rules

creating sets
for pipe networks

Structure Style dialog

Model tab
Plan tab
Profile tab
Section tab

Structure Table Creation dialog

structure table, for pipe networks


as pay items
in pipe networks

StructureStyle.dwg file

StructureStyle_FINISHED.dwg file

Style column, in Figure Prefix Database Manager

styles. See also label styles; object styles

for alignments
changing for pipe only in current profile view
child, and overrides
code set
for contours
in description keys
for feature lines
group plot
for markers
for parcel area labels
for parcels
for pipes
for Plan Production
for points
for profile view labels
for profile views
for section views
for structures
for surfaces
for survey points
for tables
for view frames

Sub-Entity Editor

changing constraints in

Sub-Entity tool


adding to Tool palette
commonly used
for lanes
for shoulders and curbs
correcting placement
designed for marked point
editing parameters
help for
names for
sharing custom
Tool palettes
understanding previously made
zero values

Subassembly Composer

Input/Output Parameters tab, Create Parameter
prefixes for points
Settings and Parameters panel
stock subassemblies in
user interface

Subassembly contextual tab on ribbon

Modify Subassembly panel
Subassembly Properties

subassembly creation

Input/Output parameters
packet settings
Target parameters

Subassembly Properties dialog, Parameters tab


connecting to inlet
in SSA

Subbasins dialog, Flow Properties tab

subdivision lot parcels

sump depth

triangular grip at


superelevation bands

superelevation geometry bands

Superelevation parameter type, in Subassembly Composer

Superelevation tool


applying to design
transition station overlap
assemblies without
backing up tables
and cant views
cant vs.
critical stations and regions calculated
pivot point for
preparation for
design criteria files

Superimposed Profile tool

SuperimposeProfiles.dwg file

SuperimposeProfiles_FINISHED.dwg file

superimposing profiles

surface analysis

elevation banding
slopes and slope arrows

Surface contextual tab on ribbon, Analyze panel, Water Drop

surface editing tools

Surface Point-Creation options, on Create Points toolbar

surface points, labels

Surface Properties dialog

Analysis tab
setting color scheme
Definition tab
Build options
reordering build operations
Information tab
current style in
Statistics tab
Watersheds tab

surface sampling, for profile generation

surface smoothing, vs. contour smoothing

surface spot elevations, expressions for

Surface Style dialog

Contours tab
Display tab
Triangles tab

Surface Style Editor

Surface Target class API functions

SurfaceAnalysis.dwg file

SurfaceAnalysis_FINISHED .dwg file

SurfaceBoundary.dwg file

SurfaceBoundary_FINISHED .dwg file

SurfaceBoundaryPolyline_FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceBreaklines_ FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceBreaklines.dwg file

SurfaceCropping.dwg file

SurfaceCropping_FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceEdits.dwg file

SurfaceEdits_FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceFromPoints_FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceFromPolylines_ FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceFromPolylines.dwg fi le

SurfaceGIS_FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceLabeling.dwg file

SurfaceLabeling_FINISHED .dwg file

SurfaceProperties _FINISHED.dwg file


for corridors
components in definition
corridor. See corridor surfaces
from GIS data
government digital elevation models
from grading groups
from points or text files
creating catchment from
data points and derived data points
labels for
surface grid
surface points
for pipe networks
point cloud
refining and editing
manual edits
point and triangle editing
triangles from

SurfaceSimplifying _FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceSimplifying.dwg file

SurfaceSmoothing_FINISHED .dwg file

SurfaceStyleContours_FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceStylesContours.dwg file

SurfaceStyleTriangles_FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceStyleWatershed_FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceVisibility _FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceVolumeGridLabels_ FINISHED.dwg file

SurfaceVolumeSurface_FINISHED.dwg file

Survey Command Window, default settings

survey data

manipulation methods

survey database

version specificity of

Survey Database Settings dialog

survey in Civil 3D

database setup

survey networks

in survey database
Traverses section

Survey palette

survey point groups, in survey database

survey points

vs. COGO
styles for
in survey database

Survey Queries, in survey database

Survey User Settings dialog

survey working folder, setting

Surveyors Units, vs. AutoCAD angles

swale, creating from feature lines

Swap Edge option

for surface edit
triangles for

Swap Part Size dialog

Swap Part tool

swath width, of sample line group, editing

Swing Line - Create tool

Switch element, in flowchart

switching, current drawing

symbol types for markers

size option

synchronizing data shortcut definitions


Table contextual tab on ribbon

Table Creation dialog

Table Properties tool (Table contextual tab)

Table Style - Length & Direction dialog, Data Properties tab

Table Tag Renumbering dialog


alignment segment
for curves and lines, labels referencing
for parcel segments, creating

Tables.dwg file

tabular design, for alignment editing

tag numbers, renumbering

tag-only labels

Tan API function (Math class)

tangency of floating curves

Tangent By Best Fit dialog

Tangent Creation button, for profile layout

tangent lines

Tangent setting, for curve between 2 lines

tangent slope length

Tangent-Tangent tool

TaperShoulder.dwg file

Target Mapping dialog

for cul-de-sacs

target parameters, subassembly help on

TargetPractice.dwg file

TargetPractice_FINISHED.dwg file


adding for intersection
for assembly reference
cul-de-sac without
for subassemblies
using multiple

template drawing, settings in

Template folder


for Plan Production
for project
setting object layers in
for viewports

temporary object, quick profile as

terrain modeling

Tessellation Angle value

Tessellation Spacing value

test database, for survey database default settings


height in labels
label styles for
rotation in labels

Text Component Editor

adding Northing and Easting values
adding smart text
for alignment label style
for General Note label
for line labels
for static text in table column heading

Text Editor contextual tab, Insert tab, Field tool

text files

creating profile from
creating surfaces from
importing points from

Text For Each component, in structure labels

text style, for labels

ticks in profile view

grid details
turning off visibility

TIFF image

time of concentration

for catchments
for subbasins

Time Of Concentration (TOC) method

Time Series dialog

time series plot, for max pond outflow

Time Series Plot tool (SSA)

TIN (triangulated irregular network)

TIN files

TIN surface

creating from point cloud

TIN Surface contextual tab on ribbon

Analyze panel
Stage Storage
Visibility Check
Labels & Tables panel
Add Labels, Contour – Single
Add Labels, Surface, Slope
Add Legend
Modify panel, Surface Properties
Surface Tools panel
Create Cropped Surface
Extract Objects

TIN-to-TIN omposite volume calculation

TIN volume surface

Toggle Upslope/Downslope tool (Network Layout Tools toolbar)


in Delete Duplicate Objects dialog
for survey database

Tool Box (Subassembly Composer)

Advanced Geometry, Intersection Point element
dragging and dropping to build flowchart
Geometry, Point element
Miscellaneous branch, Set Output Parameter element

Tool palettes

Bridge And Rail tab
for custom assemblies
storing completed assembly in
for subassemblies
storing customized on

Tool Palettes window

adding subassembly to
Assemblies tab
changing assembly sets in
Curbs tab
Daylight tab
Generic tab

Tool Properties dialog

toolbar, modeless


Toolspace. See also Prospector

common symbols and meaning
Settings tab
Alignment, Alignment Styles
Alignment, Design Checks
Alignment, Label Styles, Station, Major Station
Alignment, Label Styles, Station Offset
Corridor, Commands
Drawing settings
Edit Label Style Defaults
Expand option
General, Label Styles, Link
General, Label Styles, Note
General Multipurpose Styles
General Multipurpose Styles, Code Set Styles
General, Multipurpose Styles, Marker Styles
Parcel, Label Styles, Line
Pipe, Label Styles, Plan Profile
Pipe Network, Parts List
Point Collection
Point, Commands
Point, Description Key Sets
Point group
Point, Label Styles
Point, Point File Formats
Point, Point Styles
Pressure Network
Pressure Network, Commands
Profile, Label Styles, Line
Profile View, Band Styles, Profile Data
Section View, Group Plot Styles
Section View, Section View Style, Road Section
Section View, Band Styles, Section Data
for styles editing
Surface, Surface Styles
Survey tab
Equipment Databases
New Local Survey Database
toggle orientation


description on
for object style
pay items and
for pipe networks
for subassemblies, description in

Top links, connecting for surface

TR-55 (Technical Release 55)

traffic circles. See roundabouts

transferring project to another person, zip file for

transforming, to local coordinates

transition station overlap

Translate command

Translate Survey Database command

Translate.dwg file

transparent commands


Transparent Commands setting


Transparent Commands toolbar

Profile Grade Length (PGL) transparent command
Profile Station Elevation transparent command

Transparent_Commands.dwg file

Traverse Analysis Defaults, settings for survey

Traverse Analysis dialog

Traverse Editor

Traverse report, from Coordinate Geometry Editor

traverses, creating definition

trenching, assemblies for

TrenchPipe1 assembly, help for

triangular grips

triangulated irregular network (TIN)

Trim tool, for feature line


corridor surfaces
rotated coordinate system

turn lane, in roundabout

TurnDirection API function (Baseline class)

two-point slope labels

TwoLinks intersection point type

TwoPointsSlope intersection point type

typical section

TypicalRoadAssembly_FINISHED.dwg file


Uncheck Added button, for style

Uncheck Deleted style

US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydraulic Engineering Center

US Environmental Protection Agency, Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) method

United States Geological Survey (USGS)

US Imperial Pipe Catalog

US Imperial Structure Catalog

making changes to

Unreconciled New Layers message

Unselect All Rows tool, in Grading Elevation Editor

Unsupported in Assemblies Containing Offsets warning

Unsupported Subassemblies warning

Update Content tool (Table contextual tab)

“Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds” (Technical Release 55)

UrbanCurbGutterGeneral subassembly

UrbanCurbGutterValley subassembly

UrbanSidewalk subassembly

point codes in

UrbanSidewalkSlopes subassembly

UrbanSidewalkSlopes_Flowchart.pkt file

UrbanSidewalkSlopes_Sequence.pkt file

Use Drawing Scale option, in description keys

Use Maximum Triangle Length

user-defined contours, applying to surface

user-defined criteria files, sharing

user-defined properties, for points


Value API function (Enumeration Type class)

velocity, for sheet flow

vertical adjustment file, from traverse analysis

Vertical Curve Creation drop-down button, for profile layout

Vertical Curve Settings dialog

vertical geometry bands

vertical movement edits, using grips in profile views

vertical scale, in profile view style

vertical triangular grip, on PVI-based layout profile


checking elevations
constructing segments with appropriate

view frame group, selecting

View Frame Properties dialog

view frames

changing location and rotation
Create View Frames wizard
grips for
incremental counting in
parameters for
for Plan Production

View menu (Subassembly Composer)

Define Enumeration
Restore Default Layout

View tab on ribbon

Coordinates panel
Model Viewports panel
Viewport Configuration, Two: Vertical
User Interface panel, Toolbars, CIVIL, Transparent Commands

ViewFrameWizard_FINISHED.dwg file


in drawing templates
irregular shapes
templates with predefined

views. See also profile views

section, creating
splitting model space into two


of label border
of label component
of style component

Visibility Checker

VisibilityCheck.dwg file

visual styles, AutoCAD

Visual Styles Manager

volume calculation

volume reports


VolumeSurface.dwg file

VolumeSurface_FINISHED.dwg file


wall breaklines

wall sizes for pipe, style for

warning message

Additional Broken References
on corridor definition change
Create Table - Convert Child Styles
on Data Shortcut Definition changes
on Depth Check violations
on formula storage in external file
“Hatch pattern is too dense,”
on out of date XREF
restoring display
for reversing station
Unreconciled New Layers message

warning symbol, importing items with

waste, for mass haul

Water Drop command

surface paths from

Water Drop dialog

WaterDrop.dwg file

waterfall, for corridors

watermain system, pressure pipe network tools for creating


applying to surface
surface style for analysis

WBLOCK command, and pay item assignment

web browser, volume report display

Weed Points option, for feature line creation

Weed tool, for feature lines

Weed Vertices dialog

weeding grade-break labels

Weirs dialog (SSA)

weirs, in SSA

wetlands, parcel representing

WetlandsParcel.dwg file

Wetted Perimeter values

what-if scenarios, Zone of Visual Influence tool for


width, maximum for labels


asterisk (*) as
asterisk (*) in layer name
suffixes for layers

Windows Explorer, project folder in

Windows folders, view options for hidden folders


word wrap, in labels


creating data shortcuts
data references, creating
setting working folder and data shortcuts folder
starting project

working folder

network storage for

workspaces, changing

World Coordinate System, and text orientation


X API function (Point class)

X Offset, for labels

XLength API function (Link class)

XML file

for assemblies list
design criteria file as
for part matching
for volume report

XML Notepad

XOR operator, in flowchart logic

XREFs. See external references (XREFs)


Y API function (Point class)

Y Before X, Transparent Commands setting for prompt

Y Offset, for labels

yellow exclamation point flag

Yes/No parameter type, in Subassembly Composer

YLength API function (Link class)

York Co PA.idfdb file


zero offset, specifying

zero values

intersection drops to
for subassembly parameters

zip file, for transferring project to another person

Zone of Visual Influence tool

Zone, settings for

Zoom To Object command

Zoom To Point transparent command

Zoom To tool, in Grading Elevation Editor

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