



ABC, see Advertising Bureau of Circulation

Account executive (AE)

function, 250 Internet account executive, 262-265

Accrual basis, 117

ADS, see Alternative delivery system

Advertising Bureau of Circulation (ABC), audits, 164

AE, see Account executive

Affiliate models, revenue sharing, 359-360

Affinity models, marketing, 347-348

Alternative delivery system (ADS), 247

Amortization, 117

Aristotle, 397-398

Assembly line

digital assembly line creation, 301-302

traditional versus digital, 44-46

Assets, 118

Audience, see Consumers Audience aggregation models free service models, 338

horizontal portals and destinations, 336-338 overview, 336

Audience segregation models

Internet community models, 339-340

overview, 338 vertical portal and destination model, 339


Balance sheet, 122-123

Banner ad, 262


broadband explosion, 21-22 definition, 17

Behavioral segmentation, consumers, 152-153

Big bite models, 356

Brand extension, 230

Branding, marketing, 213

Breakdown, script, 183

Budgeting, see Financial management

Bundling, 229-230, 356

Bush, Sam, 126-127

Bushnell, Nolan, 64

Business models

case study, 364 content models

audience aggregation models free service models, 338

horizontal portals and destinations, 336-338

overview, 336

audience segregation models

Internet community models, 339-340

overview, 338 vertical portal and destination model, 339

content aggregation models

bundling and buckets, 331-332

consumer experience, 330-331

enhanced TV model, 334

interface control model, 332-333

licensing, 335-336

overview, 330

screen real estate model, 333-334

syndication, 335-336 user-created, 334-335

digital media and entertainment, 329

least common denominator programming, 327

definition, 20

distribution models cross-media/platform models, 351-352

overview, 349-350

walled garden models, 352

windowing models, 350-351 marketing models

affinity models, 347-348

data mining, 348

longitudinal cohort models, 348-349

overview, 344

spiral model, 344-347

viral models, 347 overview, 325-326

revenue models

ad-supported models, 354-355

commerce-supported revenue models, 357

data sale models, 363

licensing fees, 358

multiple revenue stream models, 353

overview, 353

piggyback models, 358 revenue sharing models affiliate models, 359-360

Business models (Continued...)

cybermediary models, 360-361

user-generated content revenue sharing, 363

subscription models, 356-357

transactional pay-per models, 355-356 usage fees, 357-358

Business plan, elements, 326


Caching, Internet ads, 263

CAGR, see Compound annual growth rate

Camp-building, 321-322

Cannibalizing, brand extensions, 230

Capital asset, 118-119

Capital budget, 130-131

Capital expense, 117

Carter, Debbie, 148

Cash Flow Statement, 123-124

CBA, see Collective bargaining agreement

CFO, see Chief financial officer

CGI, see Computer-generated imagery

Channel marketing

customer relationship

management, 238-239

overview, 231-234

retail mechanisms, 237-238

screens, 234, 235 wholesale mechanisms, 234-237

Charismatic leaders, 70

Chief financial officer (CFO)

day in the life, 126 function, 115

Children's Television Act of 1990, 376

Circulation, print media, 164

Click, Internet ads, 263

Click rate, 263-264

Click stream, 263

Clickthrough, 263

CMS, see Content management system

CNA, see Customer needs analysis Collective bargaining agreement (CBA), 103

Color grading, 186

Community outreach, 265-266

Compound annual growth rate

(CAGR), calculation, 6, 8

Computer-generated imagery (CGI), 186

Concept testing, 146

Conduit-conduit partnership, 108-109

Confucius, 397-398

Conlon, Richard, 316-318

Consumers, see also Marketing

audience measurement

diaries, 153, 156

Internet, 165-168

print media, 164

radio, 161-164

television, 154-161

videogames, 168-170

case study, 171 market segment identification

behavioral segmentation, 152-153

demographic segmentation, 151-152

overview, 150-151 psychographic segmentation, 152

overview, 144-145

research and content, 145-147

Content management system (CMS), 192, 298

Content models, see Business models

Content-conduit partnership, 108

Content-content partnership, 108

Contract workers, 107

Cookie, Internet, 165


definition, 8

industry, 4, 5 law, 372-374

Copywriter, 250

Cost of revenue, 117

Cost per action, 264

Cost per lead, 264

Cost per sale, 264

Cost per thousand (CPM)

broadcast audience, 157 Internet, 264

CPM, see Cost per thousand

CRM, see Customer relationship management

Cuban, Mark, 76

Current asset, 118

Customer needs analysis (CNA), 252-253, 267

Customer relationship management (CRM), 238-239

Cybermediary models, revenue sharing, 360-361


Data mining, marketing, 215, 348

Data sale models, 363

Daypart, broadcast day, 156, 259-260

Deferred tax asset, 118

Demographic segmentation, consumers, 151-152

Depreciation, 117

Derivative works, 374

Designated market area (DMA), 155

DI, see Digital intermediate Digital asset management, 192

Digital downloads, popularity growth, 22-23

Digital intermediate (DI), 187

Digital rights management (DRM), 301

Digital subscriber line (DSL), 290

Digital workflow

film industry, 48 overview, 47-49

Discrimination, federal law, 376

Disney, Walt, 66


broadband Internet

digital subscriber line, 290

hybrid fiber/coaxial cable network, 288

broadcast stations, 280-282 business models

cross-media/platform models, 351-352

overview, 349

walled garden models, 352 windowing models, 350-351

cable television, 283-288

case study, 301

computer networks, 291-293

digital revolution versus contemporary channels, 273-276

digital rights management, 301

ethics, 405-406

overview, 272-273

physical versus electronic delivery, 277

print media, 280

theaters, 278-280

transcoding into different formats

content management system, 297

mass customization and personalization, 298-299 overview, 297-298

wireless systems

overview, 293-295 satellite, 295-297

Distribution chain, content, 50, 51

DMA, see Designated market area

DRM, see Digital rights management

DSL, see Digital subscriber line


Economics, 116

Edit decision list, 186

Electromagnetic spectrum, 293-294

Employee life cycle

development, 101-102

hiring, 98-101

overview, 98-99 termination, 102-103

Enhanced TV model, 334

Enterprise applications software, 33

Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 43

Entertainment ethics, 402-404

ERP, see Enterprise resource planning


case study, 388-390, 408-409

law obeying, 390-392

Potter Box application decision maker's loyalty balancing, 400-401

ethical principles of moral philosophy, 397-400

fact defining, 395

value identification, 395-396

limitations, 401-402 overview, 393-394

practical perspectives

content ownership/distribution, 405-406

entertainment, 402-404

journalism, 402-403

sales, 404-405

protonorms, 389 user-generated content, 406-407

Expense, 117


FAA, see Federal Aviation Administration

Fayol, Henri, 79

FCC, see Federal Communications Commission

FDA, see Food and Drug Administration

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 376

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 367-368, 377, 384

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 376, 378-379

Film festival director, day in the life, 232

Financial management


capital budget, 130-131

content creation one-off projects, 132

union versus nonunion projects, 132-133

overview, 129-130

setting, 140

case studies, 140

departmental positions, 115

fundamental concepts, 115-119

monthly reports, 133-134

overview, 113-115

Sarbanes-Oxley Act impact, 125 statements

balance sheet, 122

Cash Flow Statement, 123-124

overview, 119-120 Statement of Operations, 120-121


cost controls, 135-136

making money, 135

raising money, 136-137 tax management, 138-139

systems, 129

First Amendment, Constitution, 370-372

Fixed asset, 118

Fold, Internet ad, 264

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 376

FTC, see Federal Trade Commission


Gateway, 291

Geller, Valerie, 283

General sales manager (GSM), function, 249

Gillen, Anne Marie, 188

Google, employee benefits, 80

Grove, Elliot, 232

GSM, see General sales manager


collective bargaining agreement, 103

overview, 104

runaway production, 105-107 types, 105


HFC network, see Hybrid fiber/ coaxial network

Historical perspective, mass media, 1-3

Hit, Internet ad, 264

Horizontal staffing, 95

HR, see Human resources Hui, Dorothy, 209

Human resources (HR)

case studies, 111

contract workers, 107

creatives versus suits, 93-95

creativity control, 109-110

employee life cycle development, 101-102

hiring, 98-101

overview, 98-99

termination, 102-103

flexibility, 97

interview conducting, 111

overview, 91-93


outsourcing, 97

overview, 95-96 project-based organizations, 96-97

Hybrid fiber/coaxial cable (HFC) network, 288


iGoogle, 197

IM, see Instant messaging

Impression, Internet ad, 15, 264

Inbound logistics, 308

Industry, see Media industry Instant messaging (IM), 34

Intangible asset, 118

Integrated marketing communications (IMC), 211

Interface control model, 332-333

International regulation, media, 383


advertising and access spending, 13-15

audience measurement, 165-168

broadband explosion, 21-22

campaigns, 266

community models, 339-340


digital subscriber line, 290

hybrid fiber/coaxial cable network, 288

federal law, 378-379

household connectivity by region, 16

portals, 195 sales

ad revenues, 261-262

overview, 260

spot features, 262-266

terminology, 262-266

syndication, 196


Jesus Christ, 398

Jobs, Steve, 71

Journalism, ethics, 402-403


Kant, Immanuel, 398

Kaplitz, Bob, 341-344

Kaufman, Lloyd, 40-43

Keiretsus, 321-322

King, Terry, 161-164


Lansing, Sherry, 84

Leadership, see also Management


individual traits or attributes, 64-65

leader-follower relationships, 69-70

overview, 61-62

position, 67-68

situational theory, 68

specific observable behaviors, 65-66

case studies, 87

definition, 62-63 meta approaches

charismatic leaders, 70

service-oriented leadership, 73-74

transactional leaders, 71 transformational leaders, 72-73

motivation and linking leadership and management

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, 74-75

theories, 75

Theory X/Theory Y, 75-76 types of motivation, 74

Least common denominator programming, 327

Liability, 119

Licensing, 230-231, 358

Linver, Stuart, 40

Listeners, see Consumers LMDS, see Local multipoint distribution service Local laws, media regulation, 380

Local multipoint distribution service (LMDS), 296

Local people meter (LPM), 156-158

Local sales manager (LSM), function, 249

Long-term asset, 118

LPM, see Local people meter LSM, see Local sales manager


Macroeconomics, 116

MAM, see Media asset management

Marcom, 208

Marketing, see also Channel marketing

business models

affinity models, 347-348

data mining, 348

longitudinal cohort models, 348-349

overview, 344

spiral model, 344-347

viral models, 347

case studies, 220-221

communication processes, 205

management, 206-207

market defining

audience/consumer segmentation, 217

global market, 217

overview, 203-206

plans, 207-209


branding, 213

data mining, 215

integrated marketing

communications, 211

overview, 211

positioning, 214

product placement within context, 212-213

spiral marketing, 215

viral marketing, 215

universal selling proposition, 219-220 vice president day in the life, 209

Marketing manager, function, 249-250

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, 74-75

Mayo, Elton, 79-81

Media asset management (MAM), 192-195, see also Financial management; Leadership

broadcast industry example, 85-87

definitions, 77-78

motivation and linking leadership and management Maslow's hierarchy of needs, 74-75

theories, 75

Theory X/Theory Y, 75-76

types of motivation, 74

theories human relations school theory, 79-81

modern theories, 82-84

overview, 78

scientific theories, 78-79 Theory Z, 82

Media convergence, 57

Media industry, see also Organization

case studies

media expansion, 25

success planning, 26

content classification, 23-24

copyright industry, 4-5

cultural and social sensitivity, 24-25

digital downloads, 22-23

filmed entertainment, 6-8

global distribution and local diversity, 23

information push versus pull, 22

Internet advertising and access spending, 13-15

market segment identification, 150-170

market size by sector, 147

mobile device growth, 23

music, 10-12

overview, 1-3

publishing, 20

pyramid structure of sectors, 30

radio, 12-13

segments, 5-20

size and composition, 4-5

technology change sensitivity, 20-23


distribution, 10

networks, 8-10

videogames, 16-20

Medical leave, federal law, 375

Metadata, 193-194

Metrics, television audience measurement, 157

Microeconomics, 116

Mill, John Stuart, 398

MMDS, see Multichannel multipoint distribution service

Motivation, linking leadership and management

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, 74-75

theories, 75

Theory X/Theory Y, 75-76 types of motivation, 74

Multichannel multipoint distribution service (MMDS), 296

Music, industry, 10-12


NAB, see National Association of Broadcasters

National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), 369, 380

National Labor Relations Board, 375

National sales manager (NSM), function, 249

Negative pick-up deal, 273

Network access point, 292

Nielson company, 9, 154-161

NSM, see National sales manager


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 375

On-air promotion, 265

One-off projects, budgeting, 132


case studies, 56-57

coordination in media businesses, 33

definitions, 31-32

digital workflow, 47-49

economic factors affecting creative enterprises, 51-52

elements, 32

information flow, 32-43


digital assembly line, 44-47

distribution chain, 50-51

enterprise resource planning, 43

revenue chain, 51

traditional versus digital, 44

value chain, 49-50

socioeconomic context, 51-52 types in media industry

conglomerates, 36-38


organizations, 34-35

marketing, distribution, and exhibition organizations, 35-36

media ecology components, 39 transport organizations, 36

OSHA, see Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Output supply chain, see Distribution

Outsourcing, 97



case studies, 241-242 overview, 224-226

Packet-switched network, 291


formation, 108 types, 108-109

Path-goal theory, 68-69

Pay-per-click (PPC), 167

PBO, see Project-based organization

PDF agreement, see Production/ finance/distribution agreement

Peering payment, 292

Persistent cookie, 165

Pilot testing, 146

Ping, Internet, 165

Poe-Howfield, Lisa, 158-161

Portable people meter, 156

Positioning, marketing, 214

Postproduction, 185-187

Potter Box


decision maker's loyalty balancing, 400-401

ethical principles of moral philosophy, 397-400

fact defining, 395

value identification, 395-396

limitations, 401-402 overview, 393-394

PPC, see Pay-per-click Predistribution, 187-188

Preproduction, 182-184

Presale agreement, 273


discounts, 240

tiers, 240 windows of opportunity, 239

Print media

audience measurement, 164 distribution, 280


brand extensions, 230

bundles, 229-230

content segment and products, 225

defining, 224

licensing, 230-231

long tail of content, 226-228

packaging, 224-226 real-time content, 228-229


acquisition and aggregation as content strategies, 195-197

content management system, 192

digital asset management, 192

digital versus analog creation, 178-179

film producer day in the life, 188

media asset management, 192-195

organizationally generated content, 197-198 overview, 175-178


management roles, 180

overview, 179-180

postproduction, 185-187

predistribution, 187-188

preproduction, 182-184

production, 184-185 videogames, 190-192

Production/finance/distribution (PDF) agreement, 273

Project-based organization (PBO), 96-97

Promotions, 265-266

Prospecting, see Sales Protonorms, ethics, 389

Psychographic segmentation, consumers, 152

Public relations, 265

Pull, information, 22

Push, information, 22


Qualitative research, 147



audience measurement, 161-164 industry, 12-13

Rating, television, 9, 154-157

Rawls, John, 398-399

Readers, see Consumers Regulatory cycles, 382-383

Research analyst, 250

Revenue, 116

Revenue chain, 51

Revenue models

ad-supported models, 354-355

commerce-supported revenue models, 357

data sale models, 363

licensing fees, 358

multiple revenue stream models, 353

overview, 353

piggyback models, 358

revenue sharing models affiliate models, 359-360

cybermediary models, 360-361

user-generated content revenue sharing, 363

subscription models, 356-357

transactional pay-per models, 355-356 usage fees, 357-358

Ring back, 11

Ring tone, 11

Ring tune, 11

Robinson, Craig, 18

Ross, William David, 399-400

Router, 291-292



account executives, 250, 262-266

customer needs analysis, 253, 267

day in the life

director of sales, 148

television sales manager, 256


television, 259-260

radio, 260

department structure, 247-250

ethics, 404-405

existing clientele, 258-260

first appointment, 252

follow up, 258

generating new business, 250-251

Internet sales

ad revenues, 261-262

overview, 260-261

spot features, 262-266

terminology, 262-266

overview, 245-247

promotions, 265-266

pitch case study, 268


close, 254-256

elements, 254

terms and conditions, 258

production appointment, 258

prospecting, 251

rapport establishment, 252

second appointment, follow up, and meeting, 254, 258 station information presentation, 253

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 125

Satellite distribution, 297-299

Screen real estate model, 333-334

Securities and Exchange Commission, 375

Service-oriented leadership, 73-74

Session cookie, 165

Share, television, 9, 157

Shelton, Wendy Y., 256


Spiral marketing, 215

Spiral model, 344-347

State laws, media regulation, 379

Statement of Operations, 120-121

Storyboard, 183-184


communication, 33

Sweeps, 155

Syndication, 335-336


Tartikoff, Brandon, 67


federal, 375 management, 138-139

Taylor, Frederick W., 78-79

Telecommunications Act of 1996, 371


audience measurement, 154-161

distribution, 10

general manager day in the life, 18

networks, 8-10 sales, see Sales Thalberg, Irving, 69

Theory X/Theory Y, 75-76

Theory Z, 82, 110

Transactional leaders, 71

Transformational leaders, 72-73

Transit payment, 292

Turner, Ted, 72

Two-sided market, 306, 310



collective bargaining agreement, 103

managers, 104-105

overview, 104

runaway production, 105-106 types, 108

Unique user, Internet, 166, 264

Universal selling proposition (USP), 219

User engagement, 167

User-created model, 334-335

User-generated content (UGC)

ethics, 406-407

overview, 177, 198-199 revenue sharing, 363

User session, 264

USP, see Universal selling proposition


Value chain

case study, 323

consumer-to-advertiser value chain, 310

digital value chain, 306-312

disruptive innovations, 318-321

framework, 311

organization processes, 47-49


camp-building and keiretsus, 321-322

overview, 321

technology impact, 312-318 translation into media industry activity, 308

Vendor, relationships, 109-110

Video-on-demand (VOD), 289


audience measurement, 168-170

industry, 16-20

players, see Consumers production, 190-192

Viewers, see Consumers

Viral marketing, 215, 347

VOD, see Video-on-demand


Walled garden models, distribution, 352

WARN, see Worker adjustment and Retraining Notification Act Wasserman, Lew, 86

Williams, Brad, 380-382

Windows of opportunity, 239

Worker adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN), 103


Zigler, Vivi, 361-363

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