152Karl Kraebber
Figure 17.10 (Continued ) Example Visual Controls from St. John’s Hospital main operating
Lean in Healthcare153
Figure 17.11 St. John’s Hospital Birth Center Medication Room: 5S before and after.
154Karl Kraebber
Figure 17.12 St. John’s Hospital Birth Center Clean Utility Area: 5S before and after.
Lean in Healthcare155
4. Timely: 50% to 100% productivity improvement
5. Patient or customer centered: Increased patient satisfaction
6. Equitable: Standard work; reduce rework
Lean allows for continuous improvement, waste reduction, error proong, and employee
engagement in healthcare. Other benets of Lean in healthcare include improved patient and
provider satisfaction; shorter wait times for patients; elimination of delays for all stakeholders;
increased patient admissions and diagnoses; faster bed turn around; improved workplace orga-
nization, improved cleanliness and facility upkeep; better space and supply management; more
streamlined administration processes; more ecient patient record and appointment processes;
and timely delivery of care. Additional benets to the application of Lean to healthcare include
increased prots, increased time at the bedside for clinicians, reduction in errors and rework, and
inappropriate procedures are reduced. In short, Lean helps improve the quality and safety of care,
while reducing costs.
Lean systems are tried and true manufacturing and industrial engineering methodologies for
process improvement and waste elimination. e healthcare industry in the United States contin-
ues to be inecient and costly because of the large number of wasteful processes (e.g., redundant
registrations steps, patient transportation, and inventory management) found within hospitals
and health systems. e Lean methodology, under the watchful eyes of management engineers,
provides healthcare organizations with cost-eective and customer-focused strategies and tools for
waste reduction and quality improvement. e diculty with Lean systems in healthcare is not
the identication of Lean as a viable solution; it is the implementation of sustainable Lean systems.
A system is a network of interdependent components that work together to try to accom-
plish the aim of the system. A system must have an aim. Without an aim, there is no sys-
tem. A system must be managed. e secret is cooperation between components toward
the aim of the organization. We cannot aord the destructive eect of competition.
W. Edwards Deming, e New Economics
Bush, R. W. (2007). “Reducing Waste in US Health Care Systems.Journal of the American Medical Association
297(8): 871–874.
Deming, W.E. (1994). e New Economics: For Industry, Government, Education, 2
ed. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). (2005). Going Lean in Health Care, Innovation series white
paper. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Ohno, T. (1995). Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production. New York: Productivity Press Inc.
Womack, J. P., Jones, D. T., and Roos, D. (1991). e Machine at Changed the World: e Story of Lean
Production. New York: HarperCollins.
Womack, J. P., and Jones, D. T. (2003). Lean inking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation,
ed. New York: Free Press.
156Karl Kraebber
Suggested Reading
Aherne, J. (2007). “ink Lean.Nursing Management 13 (10): 13–15.
Allway, M, and Corbett, S. (2002). “Shifting to Lean Service: Stealing a Page from Manufacturers’ Playbooks.
Journal of Organizational Excellence 21(2): 45–54.
Bhasin, S., and Burcher, P. (2006). “Lean Viewed as a Philosophy.Journal of Management Technology 17(1):
Black, J., and Miller, D. (2008). e Toyota Way to Healthcare Excellence: Increase Eciency and Improve
Quality with Lean. Chicago: HAP.
Chalice, R. (2007). Improving healthcare suing Toyota Lean production methods: 46 Steps for improvement (2
Ed.). Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press.
Fry, H. M., ed. (2008). Advanced Lean inking: Proven Methods to Reduce Waste and Improve Quality in
Health Care. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission Resources.
Graban, M. (2012). Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety and Employee Engagement, 2
ed. New
York: CRC Press.
Healthcare Performance Partners, “5-S Lean Healthcare Program,” http://leanhealthcareperformance.com/
page.php?page=5-S (accessed October 1, 2012).
Healthcare Performance Partners, “Kaizen,” http://leanhealthcareperformance.com/page.php?page=Kaizen
(accessed October 1, 2012).
Jimmerson, C., Weber, D., and Sobek II, D. W. (2005). “Reducing Waste and Errors: Piloting Lean Principles
at Intermountain Healthcare.Joint Commission Journal of Quality and Patient Safety 31(5): 249–257.
Kim, C.S., Spahlinger, D.A., Kin, J.M., and Billi, J. E. (2006). “Lean Health Care: What Can Hospitals
Learn from a World-Class Automaker?” Journal of Hospital Medicine 1(3): 191–199.
Liker, J. K. (2004). e Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the Worlds Greatest Manufacturer.
Chicago: McGraw-Hill.
Liker, J. K., and Morgan, J. M. (2006). “e Toyota Way in Services: e Case of Lean Product Development.
Academy of Management Perspectives 20(2): 5–20.
Nelson-Peterson, D. L., and Leppa, C. J. (2007). “Creating an Environment for Caring Using Lean Principles
of the Virginia Mason Production System.Journal of Nursing Administration 37(6): 287–294.
Porché, R. A., ed. (2006). Doing More with Less: Lean inking and Patient Safety in Health Care. Oakbrook
Terrace, IL: Joint Commission Resources.
Savary, L. M., and Crawford-Mason, C. (2006). e Nun and the Bureaucrat: How ey Found an Unlikely
Cure for America’s Sick Hospitals. Washington, DC: CC-M Production, Inc.
Varkey, P., Reller, M. K., and Resar, R. K. (2007). “Basics of Quality Improvement in Health Care.Mayo
Clinic Proceedings 82(6): 735–739.
Zidel, T. G. (2006). “A Lean Toolbox: Using Lean Principles and Techniques in Healthcare.Journal for
Healthcare Quality (Web Exclusive) 28(1): W1-7–W1-15.
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