In view of this attitude toward practice, we provide guidance for using pre-programmed
software. Guidance is offered for both commercial software and academically developed finite el-
ement codes via the online video tutorials found at the wiki site SimCafe (https://confluence.
cornell.edu/display/SIMULATION/Home) [Bhaskaran, 2012]. e NSF-sponsored project
team at Cornell University [Bhaskaran and Dimiduk, 2010] has graciously supplied ANSYS tu-
torials for the collection of illustrative case studies presented here. All tutorials for this book can
be found at https://confluence.cornell.edu/display/SIMULATION/Prantil+et+al.
In summary, we write this book for student and faculty colleagues who are willing to un-
1. iterative learning in a supportive environment in which students are unafraid to make er-
rors, confront misconceptions, and revisit problems, and in which instructors are present to
provide support “when things go wrong;”
2. a strong navigational approach that is orderly and progressive, but not necessarily “top
down;” and
3. an approach in which MoM theory and FEA are intimately entwined.
Most current textbook treatments of the mathematical theory of finite elements draw on vari-
ational calculus and linear algebra. As suggested previously, we intend this book to serve as a
supplement for more advanced undergraduates and as a resource to inform teaching of earlier
stage students. Our focus is not on treatment of the mathematical rigor and underpinnings of the
finite element method, but rather a guide to good practice. erefore, this book is not intended to
be a reference or text on the formulation, theory, or mathematical underpinnings of the finite ele-
ment method. ere are many excellent treatments outlining the method [Cook et al., 2002, Kim
and Sankar, 2009, Logan, 2001, ompson, 2004, Zienkiewicz and Taylor, 2005, Zienkiewicz
et al., 2005]. Any one of these would be sufficient for an introductory course in an undergraduate
mechanical engineering curriculum.
is book is also not intended to be a tutorial guide for applying the method or a step-by-
step users guide to a particular commercial software package, e. g., Kurowski [2013], Lawrence
[2012], Lee [2012]. We assume that the instructor using this book is already providing such
tutorial instruction or that the reader already has a working knowledge of such. We emphasize,
however, that we do provide online video tutorials at the SimCafe wiki site, which include further
user guidance and suggested follow-up exercises. We encourage the student or novice reader to open
a tutorial or start an FEA session from scratch and directly attempt the exercises and examples that are
provided in both the tutorials and the book.
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