Solution details

Traditionally, a page containing a lot of data was paginated to reduce page loading time and thereby improve the user experience. Then, Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX) technologies gave browsers the ability to asynchronously load content.

Thus, the Infinite Scrolling design pattern was born, where by new content was continually added as the user reached the bottom of the page. This is a very common technique in social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter to increase user engagement with minimal interaction.

However, not all users consider Infinite Scroll pages to be an improvement. They can get disoriented when they look for specific content in a page several screens long. Poor implementations can break the Back button functionality of the browser when trying to return to the same place on the previous page.

The recommended solution is as follows:

  1. Use JavaScript to listen to the scroll event until it reaches a certain mark.
  2. When the mark is reached, the next page link is asynchronously requested (AJAX).
  3. The link is handled by a Django service or REST API. It returns the appropriate page and next page link.
  4. The new content is appended to the page.
  5. Optionally, use the browser's pushState API to update the URL to the last loaded page.

Essentially, we need an AJAX backend provided by Django that supplies the appropriate page of content. A suitable generic view for this case might be the ListView, with the paginate_by parameter set to the number of objects per page.

Infinite Scroll is a very impressive trick, which, when executed well, can feel literally seamless to users. However, it requires careful user testing to understand whether it is appropriate to the content being viewed. For example, Google uses infinite scrolling for Google Images searches but uses pagination for regular searches, so it might not be the best technique for all scenarios.

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