Filtering a comprehension

We can apply filtering to a comprehension. Let's do it first with filter. Let's find all Pythagorean triples whose short sides are numbers smaller than 10. We obviously don't want to test a combination twice, and therefore we'll use a trick similar to the one we saw in the previous example:

from math import sqrt
# this will generate all possible pairs
mx = 10
triples = [(a, b, sqrt(a**2 + b**2))
for a in range(1, mx) for b in range(a, mx)]
# this will filter out all non pythagorean triples
triples = list(
filter(lambda triple: triple[2].is_integer(), triples))

print(triples) # prints: [(3, 4, 5.0), (6, 8, 10.0)]
Pythagorean triple is a triple (abc) of integer numbers satisfying the equation a2 + b2 = c2.

In the preceding code, we generated a list of three-tuples, triples. Each tuple contains two integer numbers (the legs), and the hypotenuse of the Pythagorean triangle whose legs are the first two numbers in the tuple. For example, when a is 3 and b is 4, the tuple will be (3, 4, 5.0), and when a is 5 and b is 7, the tuple will be (5, 7, 8.602325267042627).

After having all the triples done, we need to filter out all those that don't have a hypotenuse that is an integer number. In order to do this, we filter based on float_number.is_integer() being True. This means that of the two example tuples I showed you before, the one with 5.0 hypotenuse will be retained, while the one with the 8.602325267042627 hypotenuse will be discarded.

This is good, but I don't like that the triple has two integer numbers and a float. They are supposed to be all integers, so let's use map to fix this:

from math import sqrt
mx = 10
triples = [(a, b, sqrt(a**2 + b**2))
for a in range(1, mx) for b in range(a, mx)]
triples = filter(lambda triple: triple[2].is_integer(), triples)
# this will make the third number in the tuples integer
triples = list(
map(lambda triple: triple[:2] + (int(triple[2]), ), triples))

print(triples) # prints: [(3, 4, 5), (6, 8, 10)]

Notice the step we added. We take each element in triples and we slice it, taking only the first two elements in it. Then, we concatenate the slice with a one-tuple, in which we put the integer version of that float number that we didn't like. Seems like a lot of work, right? Indeed it is. Let's see how to do all this with a list comprehension:

from math import sqrt
# this step is the same as before
mx = 10
triples = [(a, b, sqrt(a**2 + b**2))
for a in range(1, mx) for b in range(a, mx)]
# here we combine filter and map in one CLEAN list comprehension
triples = [(a, b, int(c)) for a, b, c in triples if c.is_integer()]
print(triples) # prints: [(3, 4, 5), (6, 8, 10)]

I know. It's much better, isn't it? It's clean, readable, shorter. In other words, it's elegant.

I'm going quite fast here, as anticipated in the Summary of Chapter 4Functions, the Building Blocks of Code. Are you playing with this code? If not, I suggest you do. It's very important that you play around, break things, change things, see what happens. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what is going on. You want to become a ninja, right?
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