Attribute shadowing

When you search for an attribute in an object, if it is not found, Python keeps searching in the class that was used to create that object (and keeps searching until it's either found or the end of the inheritance chain is reached). This leads to an interesting shadowing behavior. Let's look at another example:

# oop/
class Point:
x = 10
y = 7

p = Point()
print(p.x) # 10 (from class attribute)
print(p.y) # 7 (from class attribute)

p.x = 12 # p gets its own `x` attribute
print(p.x) # 12 (now found on the instance)
print(Point.x) # 10 (class attribute still the same)

del p.x # we delete instance attribute
print(p.x) # 10 (now search has to go again to find class attr)

p.z = 3 # let's make it a 3D point
print(p.z) # 3

# AttributeError: type object 'Point' has no attribute 'z'

The preceding code is very interesting. We have defined a class called Point with two class attributes, x and y. When we create an instance, p, you can see that we can print both x and y from the p namespace (p.x and p.y). What happens when we do that is Python doesn't find any x or y attributes on the instance, and therefore searches the class, and finds them there.

Then we give p its own x attribute by assigning p.x = 12. This behavior may appear a bit weird at first, but if you think about it, it's exactly the same as what happens in a function that declares x = 12 when there is a global x = 10 outside. We know that x = 12 won't affect the global one, and for classes and instances, it is exactly the same.

After assigning p.x = 12, when we print it, the search doesn't need to read the class attributes, because x is found on the instance, therefore we get 12 printed out. We also print Point.x, which refers to x in the class namespace.

And then, we delete x from the namespace of p, which means that, on the next line, when we print it again, Python will go again and search for it in the class, because it won't be found in the instance any more.

The last three lines show you that assigning attributes to an instance doesn't mean that they will be found in the class. Instances get whatever is in the class, but the opposite is not true.

What do you think about putting the x and y coordinates as class attributes? Do you think it was a good idea? What if you added another instance of Point? Would that help to show why class attributes can be very useful?

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