
According to the official Python documentation:

map(function, iterable, ...) returns an iterator that applies function to every item of iterable, yielding the results. If additional iterable arguments are passed, function must take that many arguments and is applied to the items from all iterables in parallel. With multiple iterables, the iterator stops when the shortest iterable is exhausted.

We will explain the concept of yielding later on in the chapter. For now, let's translate this into code—we'll use a lambda function that takes a variable number of positional arguments, and just returns them as a tuple:

>>> map(lambda *a: a, range(3)) # 1 iterable
<map object at 0x10acf8f98> # Not useful! Let's use alias
>>> _(map(lambda *a: a, range(3))) # 1 iterable
[(0,), (1,), (2,)]
>>> _(map(lambda *a: a, range(3), 'abc')) # 2 iterables
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c')]
>>> _(map(lambda *a: a, range(3), 'abc', range(4, 7))) # 3
[(0, 'a', 4), (1, 'b', 5), (2, 'c', 6)]
>>> # map stops at the shortest iterator
>>> _(map(lambda *a: a, (), 'abc')) # empty tuple is shortest
>>> _(map(lambda *a: a, (1, 2), 'abc')) # (1, 2) shortest
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b')]
>>> _(map(lambda *a: a, (1, 2, 3, 4), 'abc')) # 'abc' shortest
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]

In the preceding code, you can see why we have to wrap calls in list(...) (or its alias, _, in this case). Without it, I get the string representation of a map object, which is not really useful in this context, is it?

You can also notice how the elements of each iterable are applied to the function; at first, the first element of each iterable, then the second one of each iterable, and so on. Notice also that map stops when the shortest of the iterables we called it with is exhausted. This is actually a very nice behavior; it doesn't force us to level off all the iterables to a common length, and it doesn't break if they aren't all the same length.

map is very useful when you have to apply the same function to one or more collections of objects. As a more interesting example, let's see the decorate-sort-undecorate idiom (also known as Schwartzian transform). It's a technique that was extremely popular when Python sorting wasn't providing key-functions, and therefore is less used today, but it's a cool trick that still comes in handy once in a while.

Let's see a variation of it in the next example: we want to sort in descending order by the sum of credits accumulated by students, so to have the best student at position 0. We write a function to produce a decorated object, we sort, and then we undecorate. Each student has credits in three (possibly different) subjects. In this context, to decorate an object means to transform it, either adding extra data to it, or putting it into another object, in a way that allows us to be able to sort the original objects the way we want. This technique has nothing to do with Python decorators, which we will explore later on in the book.

After the sorting, we revert the decorated objects to get the original ones from them. This is called to undecorate:

students = [
dict(id=0, credits=dict(math=9, physics=6, history=7)),
dict(id=1, credits=dict(math=6, physics=7, latin=10)),
dict(id=2, credits=dict(history=8, physics=9, chemistry=10)),
dict(id=3, credits=dict(math=5, physics=5, geography=7)),

def decorate(student):
# create a 2-tuple (sum of credits, student) from student dict
return (sum(student['credits'].values()), student)

def undecorate(decorated_student):
# discard sum of credits, return original student dict
return decorated_student[1]

students = sorted(map(decorate, students), reverse=True)
students = _(map(undecorate, students))

Let's start by understanding what each student object is. In fact, let's print the first one:

{'credits': {'history': 7, 'math': 9, 'physics': 6}, 'id': 0}

You can see that it's a dictionary with two keys: id and credits. The value of credits is also a dictionary in which there are three subject/grade key/value pairs. As I'm sure you recall from our visit in the data structures world, calling dict.values() returns an object similar to iterable, with only the values. Therefore, sum(student['credits'].values()) for the first student is equivalent to sum((9, 6, 7)).

Let's print the result of calling decorate with the first student:

>>> decorate(students[0])
(22, {'credits': {'history': 7, 'math': 9, 'physics': 6}, 'id': 0})

If we decorate all the students like this, we can sort them on their total amount of credits by just sorting the list of tuples. In order to apply the decoration to each item in students, we call map(decorate, students). Then we sort the result, and then we undecorate in a similar fashion. If you have gone through the previous chapters correctly, understanding this code shouldn't be too hard.

Printing students after running the whole code yields:

$ python
[{'credits': {'chemistry': 10, 'history': 8, 'physics': 9}, 'id': 2},
{'credits': {'latin': 10, 'math': 6, 'physics': 7}, 'id': 1},
{'credits': {'history': 7, 'math': 9, 'physics': 6}, 'id': 0},
{'credits': {'geography': 7, 'math': 5, 'physics': 5}, 'id': 3}]

And you can see, by the order of the student objects, that they have indeed been sorted by the sum of their credits.

For more on the decorate-sort-undecorate idiom, there's a very nice introduction in the sorting how-to section of the official Python documentation (

One thing to notice about the sorting part: what if two or more students share the same total sum? The sorting algorithm would then proceed to sort the tuples by comparing the student objects with each other. This doesn't make any sense, and in more complex cases, could lead to unpredictable results, or even errors. If you want to be sure to avoid this issue, one simple solution is to create a three-tuple instead of a two-tuple, having the sum of credits in the first position, the position of the student object in the students list in the second one, and the student object itself in the third one. This way, if the sum of credits is the same, the tuples will be sorted against the position, which will always be different and therefore enough to resolve the sorting between any pair of tuples.

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