Static methods

As you may recall, when you create a class object, Python assigns a name to it. That name acts as a namespace, and sometimes it makes sense to group functionalities under it. Static methods are perfect for this use case since, unlike instance methods, they are not passed any special argument. Let's look at an example of an imaginary StringUtil class:

# oop/
class StringUtil:

def is_palindrome(s, case_insensitive=True):
# we allow only letters and numbers
s = ''.join(c for c in s if c.isalnum()) # Study this!
# For case insensitive comparison, we lower-case s
if case_insensitive:
s = s.lower()
for c in range(len(s) // 2):
if s[c] != s[-c -1]:
return False
return True

def get_unique_words(sentence):
return set(sentence.split())

'Radar', case_insensitive=False)) # False: Case Sensitive
print(StringUtil.is_palindrome('A nut for a jar of tuna')) # True
print(StringUtil.is_palindrome('Never Odd, Or Even!')) # True
'In Girum Imus Nocte Et Consumimur Igni') # Latin! Show-off!
) # True

'I love palindromes. I really really love them!'))
# {'them!', 'really', 'palindromes.', 'I', 'love'}

The preceding code is quite interesting. First of all, we learn that static methods are created by simply applying the staticmethod decorator to them. You can see that they aren't passed any special argument so, apart from the decoration, they really just look like functions.

We have a class, StringUtil, that acts as a container for functions. Another approach would be to have a separate module with functions inside. It's really a matter of preference most of the time.

The logic inside is_palindrome should be straightforward for you to understand by now, but, just in case, let's go through it. First, we remove all characters from s that are neither letters nor numbers. In order to do this, we use the join method of a string object (an empty string object, in this case). By calling join on an empty string, the result is that all elements in the iterable you pass to join will be concatenated together. We feed join a generator expression that says to take any character from s if the character is either alphanumeric or a number. This is because, in palindrome sentences, we want to discard anything that is not a character or a number.

We then lowercase s if case_insensitive is True, and then we proceed to check whether it is a palindrome. In order to do this, we compare the first and last characters, then the second and the second to last, and so on. If at any point we find a difference, it means the string isn't a palindrome and therefore we can return False. On the other hand, if we exit the for loop normally, it means no differences were found, and we can therefore say the string is a palindrome.

Notice that this code works correctly regardless of the length of the string; that is, if the length is odd or even. len(s) // 2 reaches half of s, and if s is an odd amount of characters long, the middle one won't be checked (such as in RaDaR, D is not checked), but we don't care; it would be compared with itself so it's always passing that check.

get_unique_words is much simpler: it just returns a set to which we feed a list with the words from a sentence. The set class removes any duplication for us, so we don't need to do anything else.

The StringUtil class provides us a nice container namespace for methods that are meant to work on strings. I could have coded a similar example with a MathUtil class, and some static methods to work on numbers, but I wanted to show you something different.

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