Inheritance and composition

But this is just half of the story, OOP is much more powerful. We have two main design constructs to exploit: inheritance and composition.

Inheritance means that two objects are related by means of an Is-A type of relationship. On the other hand, composition means that two objects are related by means of a Has-A type of relationship. It's all very easy to explain with an example:

# oop/
class Engine:
def start(self):

def stop(self):

class ElectricEngine(Engine): # Is-A Engine

class V8Engine(Engine): # Is-A Engine

class Car:
engine_cls = Engine

def __init__(self):
self.engine = self.engine_cls() # Has-A Engine

def start(self):
'Starting engine {0} for car {1}... Wroom, wroom!'

def stop(self):

class RaceCar(Car): # Is-A Car
engine_cls = V8Engine

class CityCar(Car): # Is-A Car
engine_cls = ElectricEngine

class F1Car(RaceCar): # Is-A RaceCar and also Is-A Car
pass # engine_cls same as parent

car = Car()
racecar = RaceCar()
citycar = CityCar()
f1car = F1Car()
cars = [car, racecar, citycar, f1car]

for car in cars:

""" Prints:
Starting engine Engine for car Car... Wroom, wroom!
Starting engine V8Engine for car RaceCar... Wroom, wroom!
Starting engine ElectricEngine for car CityCar... Wroom, wroom!
Starting engine V8Engine for car F1Car... Wroom, wroom!

The preceding example shows you both the Is-A and Has-A types of relationships between objects. First of all, let's consider Engine. It's a simple class that has two methods, start and stop. We then define ElectricEngine and V8Engine, which both inherit from Engine. You can see that by the fact that when we define them, we put Engine within the brackets after the class name.

This means that both ElectricEngine and V8Engine inherit attributes and methods from the Engine class, which is said to be their base class.

The same happens with cars. Car is a base class for both RaceCar and CityCar. RaceCar is also the base class for F1Car. Another way of saying this is that F1Car inherits from RaceCar, which inherits from Car. Therefore, F1Car Is-A RaceCar and RaceCar Is-A Car. Because of the transitive property, we can say that F1Car Is-A Car as well. CityCar too, Is-A Car.

When we define class A(B): pass, we say A is the child of B, and B is the parent of A. The parent and base classes are synonyms, are child and derived. Also, we say that a class inherits from another class, or that it extends it.

This is the inheritance mechanism.

On the other hand, let's go back to the code. Each class has a class attribute, engine_cls, which is a reference to the engine class we want to assign to each type of car. Car has a generic Engine, while the two race cars have a powerful V8 engine, and the city car has an electric one.

When a car is created in the initializer method, __init__, we create an instance of whatever engine class is assigned to the car, and set it as the engine instance attribute.

It makes sense to have engine_cls shared among all class instances because it's quite likely that the same instances of a car will have the same kind of engine. On the other hand, it wouldn't be good to have one single engine (an instance of any Engine class) as a class attribute, because we would be sharing one engine among all instances, which is incorrect.

The type of relationship between a car and its engine is a Has-A type. A car Has-A engine. This is called composition, and reflects the fact that objects can be made of many other objects. A car Has-A engine, gears, wheels, a frame, doors, seats, and so on.

When designing OOP code, it is of vital importance to describe objects in this way so that we can use inheritance and composition correctly to structure our code in the best way.

Notice how I had to avoid having dots in the script name, as dots in module names make it imports difficult. Most modules in the source code of the book are meant to be run as standalone scripts, therefore I chose to add dots to enhance readability when possible, but in general, you want to avoid dots in your module names.

Before we leave this paragraph, let's check whether I told you the truth with another example:

# oop/
from class_inheritance import Car, RaceCar, F1Car

car = Car()
racecar = RaceCar()
f1car = F1Car()
cars = [(car, 'car'), (racecar, 'racecar'), (f1car, 'f1car')]
car_classes = [Car, RaceCar, F1Car]

for car, car_name in cars:
for class_ in car_classes:
belongs = isinstance(car, class_)
msg = 'is a' if belongs else 'is not a'
print(car_name, msg, class_.__name__)

""" Prints:
car is a Car
car is not a RaceCar
car is not a F1Car
racecar is a Car
racecar is a RaceCar
racecar is not a F1Car
f1car is a Car
f1car is a RaceCar
f1car is a F1Car

As you can see, car is just an instance of Car, while racecar is an instance of RaceCar (and of Car, by extension) and f1car is an instance of F1Car (and of both RaceCar and Car, by extension). A banana is an instance of banana. But, also, it is a Fruit. Also, it is Food, right? This is the same concept. To check whether an object is an instance of a class, use the isinstance method. It is recommended over sheer type comparison: (type(object) == Class).

Notice I have left out the prints you get when instantiating the cars. We saw them in the previous example.

Let's also check inheritancesame setup, different logic in the for loops:

# oop/
for class1 in car_classes:
for class2 in car_classes:
is_subclass = issubclass(class1, class2)
msg = '{0} a subclass of'.format(
'is' if is_subclass else 'is not')
print(class1.__name__, msg, class2.__name__)

""" Prints:
Car is a subclass of Car
Car is not a subclass of RaceCar
Car is not a subclass of F1Car
RaceCar is a subclass of Car
RaceCar is a subclass of RaceCar
RaceCar is not a subclass of F1Car
F1Car is a subclass of Car
F1Car is a subclass of RaceCar
F1Car is a subclass of F1Car

Interestingly, we learn that a class is a subclass of itself. Check the output of the preceding example to see that it matches the explanation I provided.

One thing to notice about conventions is that class names are always written using CapWords, which means ThisWayIsCorrect, as opposed to functions and methods, which are written this_way_is_correct. Also, when in the code, you want to use a name that is a Python-reserved keyword or a built-in function or class, the convention is to add a trailing underscore to the name. In the first for loop example, I'm looping through the class names using for class_ in ..., because class is a reserved word. But you already knew all this because you have thoroughly studied PEP8, right?

To help you picture the difference between Is-A and Has-A, take a look at the following diagram:

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