Combining input parameters

You can combine input parameters, as long as you follow these ordering rules:

  • When defining a function, normal positional arguments come first (name), then any default arguments (name=value), then the variable positional arguments (*name or simply *), then any keyword-only arguments (either name or name=value form is good), and then any variable keyword arguments (**name).
  • On the other hand, when calling a function, arguments must be given in the following order: positional arguments first (value), then any combination of keyword arguments (name=value), variable positional arguments (*name), and then variable keyword arguments (**name).

Since this can be a bit tricky when left hanging in the theoretical world, let's look at a couple of quick examples:

def func(a, b, c=7, *args, **kwargs):
print('a, b, c:', a, b, c)
print('args:', args)
print('kwargs:', kwargs)

func(1, 2, 3, *(5, 7, 9), **{'A': 'a', 'B': 'b'})
func(1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, A='a', B='b') # same as previous one

Note the order of the parameters in the function definition, and that the two calls are equivalent. In the first one, we're using the unpacking operators for iterables and dictionaries, while in the second one we're using a more explicit syntax. The execution of this yields the following (I printed only the result of one call, the other one being the same):

$ python
a, b, c: 1 2 3
args: (5, 7, 9)
kwargs: {'A': 'a', 'B': 'b'}

Let's now look at an example with keyword-only arguments:

def func_with_kwonly(a, b=42, *args, c, d=256, **kwargs):
print('a, b:', a, b)
print('c, d:', c, d)
print('args:', args)
print('kwargs:', kwargs)

# both calls equivalent
func_with_kwonly(3, 42, c=0, d=1, *(7, 9, 11), e='E', f='F')
func_with_kwonly(3, 42, *(7, 9, 11), c=0, d=1, e='E', f='F')

Note that I have highlighted the keyword-only arguments in the function declaration. They come after the *args variable positional argument, and it would be the same if they came right after a single * (in which case there wouldn't be a variable positional argument).

The execution of this yields the following (I printed only the result of one call):

$ python
a, b: 3 42
c, d: 0 1
args: (7, 9, 11)
kwargs: {'e': 'E', 'f': 'F'}

One other thing to note is the names I gave to the variable positional and keyword arguments. You're free to choose differently, but be aware that args and kwargs are the conventional names given to these parameters, at least generically.

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