
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Acid phosphate corrosion (APC), 325, 334
Acoustic resonance, 63, 63
Acoustics, 258–260
attenuation methods, 259–260
casing radiated noise, 259
stack radiated noise, 259
Air heating, 117
Air pollution, 145
Air Pollution Control Act, 147, 148
Air-cooled condensers (ACCs), 321
flow-accelerated corrosion in, 328–331
Alarms, 301, 302t
All-volatile treatment
oxidizing, 323
reducing, 323
Ambient air firing, 124–125
Ambient temperature, 289–290
American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA), 248–249
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), 200
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 226
American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), 200, 200
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 200
ASME code, 295–296, 298
Ammonia injection grid (AIG), 157, 368
Ammonia oxidation, 158
Ammonia salt buildup on finned tubes, 370f
Ancillary equipment, 253
equipment access, 261
external access, 261
internal access, 261
exhaust gas path components, 253–260
acoustics, See Acoustics
combustion turbine exhaust characteristics, 253–254, 254f
exhaust flow conditioning, 255–256
exhaust flow control dampers and diverters, See Exhaust flow control dampers and diverters
inlet duct configuration and mechanical design requirements, 254
outlet duct and stack configuration and mechanical design requirements, 256–257
water/steam side components, 260–261
deaerator, 260–261
feedwater pumps, 260
ANSI B31.1 and B31.3, 144
Atomic absorption (AA), 194t
Attenuation methods, 259–260
Augmenting air, 123f, 125–126
Automatic pressure control/control valve bypass, 317–318, 318f
Automatic recirculation (ARC) valve, 260
Automatic relief valve(s), 317
Automatic startup, general comments for, 299
Auxiliary equipment, 215
Auxiliary heat input, 290–291
Auxiliary systems, 285


Baffle type separator, 73
Baker diagram, 391
Base load, 291–292
vs fast startup and/or high cycling, 109–110
Benson HRSG, 11, 13f, 384–387
Biofuels, use of, 196
Bowed/distorted tubes, 367f
Brayton cycle and Rankine cycle, combining, 18–21
Bundle support types, 104
Buoyant forces, 381
Bypass system, 306, 317
Bypass valve, 309–311


Carbon monoxide, 134–135
Carbon monoxide catalyst systems, 285
Carbon monoxide oxidizers, 173
catalyst, 167, 368
design, 183–188
choosing the catalyst, 184–186
defining the problem, 183–184
determining the catalyst volume, 186–187
system considerations, 187–188
future trends, 196
operation and maintenance, 188–196
catalyst characterization, 194–195
catalyst deactivation mechanisms, 191–193
data analysis, 189–191
initial commissioning, 188
reclaim, 195–196
stable operation, 188–189
oxidation catalyst, 179–182
active material, 179–180
carrier, 180–181
putting it all together, 182
substrate, 181–182
oxidation catalyst fundamentals, 174–179
activity and selectivity, 174–176
catalytic reaction pathway, 176–177
effect of the rate limiting step, 177–179
Carbon monoxide–volatile organics oxidation (CO/VOC) catalyst, 157
Carbon steel grade SA-516 Gr. 70, 78
Carnot cycle, 29, 30f
heat transfer in, 29
Casing, 356, 357f, 375
Casing radiated noise, 259, 259
Catalyst and tunnel analogy, 175f
Catalyst characterization tools, 194t
Catalyst design, 182, 183
Catalyst materials and construction, 150–153
Catalyst poisoning, 192, 192f
Caustic treatment (CT), 326
Ceramic catalyst, 194
C-frame modularization, 273–274, 273f, 274f
Challenging the status quo, 339
Circulating boiler, use of, 6
Circulating pumps, 377–379, 381, 381
Circulation ratio, 68, 68
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA), 149
Clean Air Act in 1963, 147
Clean Air Act of 1970, 147
CO catalyst, See Carbon monoxide oxidizers
Coal-fired power plants, 40
Cogeneration, 35–38, 116
Coil bundle modularization, 266–276
C-frame modularization, 273–274, 273f, 274f
goalpost-style modularization, 272–273
harp construction, 266–268
modular or bundle construction, 268–271
O-frame (shop modular) construction, 275, 275f
super modules and offsite erection, 275–276
Coil flexibility, 210–213
comparisons, 211f
Coil modules, 268, 269, 270, 270–271, 272, 272
Coils in the low-temperature region of the HRSG, 368–369
Cold casing construction, 61–62, 62f
Cold inspection and maintenance, 359–373
coils in the low-temperature region of the HRSG, 368–369
distribution grid, 360–363
duct burner, 363–365
emissions control equipment, 368
evaporator coils, 367–368
heating surfaces/HRSG coils, 365–366
HP superheater and reheater coils, 366–367
inlet duct, 360
internal steam drum inspection, 369–372
HP steam drum, 371–372
IP steam drum, 371
LP steam drum, 371
severe service valves, 372–373
stack, 372
Combined cycle (CC), 117, 299
design, HRSGs in, 22–34
decisions affecting heat recovery, 31–34
pressure levels, 23–29, 26f
reheat, 28f, 29–31
Combined cycle cogeneration plant, 35–36
with a reheat HRSG, 38f
with three pressure HRSG and condensing steam turbine, 37f
with two pressure HRSG and backpressure steam turbine, 37f
Combined cycle plants, 1, 3f, 22f
Combustion air and turbine exhaust gas, 122–127
ambient air firing, 124–125
augmenting air, 125–126
equipment configuration and TEG/combustion airflow straightening, 126–127
temperature and composition, 122
turbine power augmentation, 122–123
velocity and distribution, 123–124
Combustion air blower inlet preheaters, 117
Combustion chamber, 174, 187
Combustion turbine (CT), 287–288
CT fuel, 291
CT load, 290
CT ramp rate, 293–294
Combustion turbine exhaust characteristics, 253–254, 254f
Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling, 127–131, 256
wing geometry, 128–131
basic flame holder, 129
flame holders, 128–129
low-emissions design, 129–131
Condensate and feedwater cycle chemistry treatments, 323–324
all-volatile treatment
oxidizing, 323
reducing, 323
film forming products (FFP), 324
oxygenated treatment (OT), 324
Condensate detection, 308f
Condensate detection/removal, 307–308
Condensate management, 215
Condensate pump discharge (CPD), 328–329
Conductivity after cation exchange (CACE), 322
Congruent phosphate treatment (CPT), 325
Construction, of HRSG, 263, 265f
auxiliary systems, 285
coil bundle modularization, 266–276
C-frame modularization, 273–274, 273f, 274f
goalpost-style modularization, 272–273
harp construction, 266–268
modular or bundle construction, 268–271
O-frame (shop modular) construction, 275, 275f
super modules and offsite erection, 275–276
construction considerations for valves and instrumentation, 284–285
details, 243
direct labor, 263–264
exhaust stacks, 281–282
future trends, 285–286
indirect labor, 264
inlet ducts, 278–281
modularization, 277t
levels of, 264–265
piping systems, 282–283
platforms and secondary structures, 284
structural frame, 276–278
Consumption of energy, 17
Contaminant ingress, 339
Continuous blowdown (CBD), 314, 315–316
and intermittent blowoff systems, 76
Continuous emission monitoring (CEM), 153, 256
Continuous online cycle chemistry instrumentation, 339
Controls, 301–318
condensate detection/removal, 307–308
deaerator inlet temperature, 314, 315f
drum blowdown/blowoff, 314–316
continuous blowdown, 315–316
intermittent blowoff (IBO), 316
drum level control, 301–303
single-element control (SEC), 301–302
three-element control, 303
feedwater preheater inlet temperature, 308–311
bypass valve, 309–311
heat exchanger, 311
recirculation pumps, 309
pressure control, 316–318
automatic relief valve(s), 317
control valve bypass, 317–318, 318f
startup vent/steam turbine bypass, 311–313, 313f
steam temperature control, 304–306
bypass system, 306
final stage attemperator, 305–306
interstage attemperator, 306
Coordinated PT, 325
Corrosion, 244, 244f
fatigue, 88
products, 338
Creep, 244–245
strength, 208
Custom design, 81–83
full circuit, 82
half circuit, 83
Custom designed economizer, 81
full-circuit arrangement, 82f
half-circuit arrangement, 83f
Cycle chemistry-influenced damage/failure mechanisms, 326–336
allowing repeat cycle chemistry situations, 345
combined cycle/HRSG steam purity limits, 333
cycle chemistry guidelines and manual for the combined cycle plant, 345
deposition of corrosion products in the HP evaporator, 344
ensure the combined cycle plant has the required instrumentation, 345
failure/damage mechanisms in HRSGs, 334
first address FAC, 343–344
flow-accelerated corrosion
in air-cooled condensers, 328–331
in combined cycle/HRSG plants, 327
in combined cycle/HRSGs, 327–328
HRSG HP evaporators, deposition in, 334–336
steam purity for startup, 333–334
steam turbine phase transition zone failure/damage, 331–333
transport of corrosion products, 344
unit shutdown limits, 334
Cycling, 250–252, 300
draining of condensate, 250–251
scope items for, 249
stress monitors, 251
valve wear, 251–252
water chemistry, 251
Cyclone type separator, 73


Daily walkdown of equipment, 359
Damaged liner system due to overheating, 364f
Damper actuation, 258
Damper seal air systems, 258
Dead loads, 215–216
Deaerators, 78–79, 260–261
inlet temperature, 314, 315f
integral floating pressure deaerator, 79
remote deaerator, 79
Density wave instability, 60–61
Deposition in HRSG HP evaporators, 334–336
Deposits in conventional boilers/evaporators, 338
Design code, 200, 200, 202, 217, 228–229
Desuperheater, spraywater, 106–107
Dew point monitoring, 93–94
DHACI (Dooley Howell ACC Corrosion Index), 330, 331, 331f, 332f
Diesel particulate filter (DPF), 151
Direct labor, 263–264
Distributed control system (DCS), 292
Distribution grid, 360–363
Distribution grid fixed support, 362f
Distribution grid floor guide, 362f
Distribution grid sidewall restraints, 363f
Diverter damper, 257
Drainability and automation, 110
Drum blowdown/blowoff, 314–316
continuous blowdown, 315–316
intermittent blowoff (IBO), 316
Drum carryover, 338
Drum internals, 73–75
primary separator, 73
secondary separator, 74–75
Drum level control, 301–303, 303, 304f
single-element control (SEC), 301–302
three-element control, 303
Drum thickness, 243
Drum water levels and volumes, 72–73
high high water level (HHWL), 72
high water level (HWL), 72
low low water level (LLWL) trip, 72–73
low water level (LWL), 72
normal water level (NWL), 72
Duct burners, 115, 285, 355–356, 356f, 363–365
applications, 116–118
air heating, 117
cogeneration, 116
combined cycle, 117
fume incineration, 118
stack gas reheat, 118
combustion air and turbine exhaust gas, 122–127
ambient air firing, 124–125
augmenting air, 125–126
equipment configuration and TEG/combustion airflow straightening, 126–127
temperature and composition, 122
turbine power augmentation, 122–123
velocity and distribution, 123–124
design guidelines and codes, 143–144
ANSI B31.1 and B31.3, 144
Factory Mutual, 143
NFPA 8506, 143
Underwriters’ Laboratories, 143–144
distorted lower burner runners, 364f
drilled pipe duct burner, 130f
emissions, 131–138
CO, UBHC, SOx, and particulates, 134–138
NOx and NO versus NO2, 132–134
visible plumes, 132
fuels, 121–122
natural gas, 121–122
grid configuration, 118–119, 119–121
in-duct or inline configuration, 118
maintenance, 138–142
accessories, 138–142
burner management system, 138–139
fuel train, 139–142, 139f, 140f
physical modeling, 127–131, 128f
CFD modeling, 127–131
Duct firing, See Supplementary firing


Economizers, 32, 48, 81
custom design, 81–83
full circuit, 82
half circuit, 83
feedwater heaters, 89–94
arrangements, 89–93
concerns, 89
dew point monitoring, 93–94
flow distribution, 84–86
mechanical details, 86–88
corrosion fatigue, 88
steaming, 87–88
tube orientation, 86–87
venting, 87
standard design, 83–84
full circuit, 83–84
half circuit, 84
Elastic/plastic behavior, 206–207
Electron microprobe analysis (EPMA), 194t
Emission reduction catalysts, 382
Emission regulations, 149
Emissions, 2, 131–138
carbon monoxide, 134–135
NOx and NO versus NO2, 132–134
particulate matter, 136–138
sulfur dioxide, 136
unburned hydrocarbons (UHCs), 135–136
visible plumes, 132
Emissions control equipment, 368
EN 12952–3 method, 243, 243
Energy balance, 46–47
Engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor, 201, 299
Engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) firm, 264–265
Enhanced oil recovery HRSGs, 388–393
controls, 393
design, 11–12
mechanical design, 391–392
process design, 389–391
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 147–148
Environmental regulations, 174
Equilibrium phosphate treatment (EPT), 325
Equipment access, 261
external access, 261
internal access, 261
Evaporator coils, 367–368
Evaporator designs, 59, 66–71
flow accelerated corrosion (FAC), 68–71
heat transfer/heat flux, 66–67
natural circulation and circulation ratio, 68
Exhaust flow conditioning, 255–256
Exhaust flow control dampers and diverters, 257–258
damper actuation, 258
damper seal air systems, 258
flow diverter dampers, 257–258
isolation dampers, 257
Exhaust gas path components, 253–260
acoustics, 258–260
attenuation methods, 259–260
casing radiated noise, 259
stack radiated noise, 259
exhaust flow control dampers and diverters, 257–258
damper actuation, 258
damper seal air systems, 258
flow diverter dampers, 257–258
isolation dampers, 257
HRSG inlet duct design and combustion turbine exhaust flow conditioning, 253–256
combustion turbine exhaust characteristics, 253–254, 254f
exhaust flow conditioning, 255–256
inlet duct configuration and mechanical design requirements, 254
outlet duct and stack configuration and mechanical design requirements, 256–257
Exhaust stacks, 281–282
Exposed insulation at liner system, 360, 361f
External access, of equipment, 261
External heat exchanger, 90–91


Fabrication, 228–229
Factory Mutual (FM), 143
Failure/damage mechanisms in HRSGs, 334
Fast start cycles, multiple drum designs for, 78
Fast-start and transient operation, 231
change in temperature, 234–240
components most affected, 233
construction details, 243
corrosion, 244, 244f
creep, 244–245
effect of pressure, 233–234
HRSG operation, 245–248
layup, 248
load changes, 247–248
shutdown and trips, 247
startup, 246–247
life assessments, 248–249
fast start, 249
methods, 248–249
responsibilities, 249
scope items for cycling, 249
materials, 241–242
miscellaneous cycling considerations, 250–252
draining of condensate, 250–251
stress monitors, 251
valve wear, 251–252
water chemistry, 251
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 250
Feedwater control valve, 87–88
Feedwater flow distribution, 85
Feedwater heaters, 89–94
arrangements, 89–93
alternative external heat exchanger, 92f
basic feedwater heater, 89, 90f
benefits, 91
external heat exchanger, 90–91
high-efficiency feedwater heater, 92–93, 93f
water recirculation, 89–90
concerns, 89
dew point monitoring, 93–94
Feedwater preheater inlet temperature, 308–311
bypass valve, 309–311
heat exchanger, 311
recirculation pumps (with bypass), 309
Feedwater pumps, 260
Feedwater recirculation, 215
Feedwater velocities, 83–84
Field erection and constructability, 228
Film forming amine product, 322–323
Film forming product (FFP), 322–323, 324
Fin material selection, 112–113
Final stage attemperator, 305–306
Finned tubes, 54–55, 55f
ammonia salt buildup on, 370f
sulfur buildup on, 370f
Firetube heat recovery boiler, 4
Flame impingement, liner damage from, 365f
Flow arrangements, 99f
Flow distribution, 84–86, 110–112
gas side, 111–112
steam side, 110–111
Flow diverter dampers, 257–258
Flow velocity (turbulence), 70
Flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC), 68–71, 85, 320–321, 328f, 369f, 374
in air-cooled condensers, 328–331
in combined cycle/HRSG plants, 327
in combined cycle/HRSGs, 327–328
Fluid temperature, 70
Fluidized bed boilers, 117
Fluidized bed startup duct burner, 117f
Forced circulation, 7–8, 377–379
Fossil fuels, 116
Fuel-bound nitrogen NOx, 133
Full load exhaust gas temperatures, evolution of, 24f
Fume incineration, 118


Gas firing, 118–119
Gas flow HRSGs
Gas fuel train, 140f
Gas ports, 138
Gas turbine combined cycle systems (GTCCs), 150–151, 151, 152, 164
Gas turbine exhaust, 246–247
Gas turbine–based power plants, 1–4, 4
advantages, 1–2
history, 2–3
outlook, 3–4
Goalpost-style modularization, 272–273
Grid burners, 120f, 123–124


Harp construction, 266–268
Hazardous air pollutant (HAP), 184
Headers, 200
Heat exchanger design, 54–61
evaporation and circulation, 58–59
finned tubing, 54–55
instability, 59–61
pressure drop, 54
tube arrangement, 55
two-phase flow, 55–58
Heat recovery boiler, 4
Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), 1, 2–3, 4–14
characteristics, 5–6
in power plant, 4–5
types, 6–14
Benson design, 11, 13f
enhanced oil recovery design, 11–12
horizontal gas flow, vertical tube, natural circulation design, 7, 7f
large once-through design, 11, 12f
small once-through design, 10–11, 10f
vertical gas flow, horizontal tube, forced circulation design, 7–8, 8f
vertical gas flow, horizontal tube, natural circulation design, 8–10, 9f
very high fired design, 12–14, 14f
Heat Transfer Research, Inc. (HTRI), 391
Heat transfer/heat flux, 66–67
Heating surfaces/HRSG coils, 365–366
Henry’s law of partial pressures, 79, 260–261, 314
High-energy piping and support system, 358–359
High-pressure superheaters and reheaters, 97, 112–113
Homogeneous flow, 57
Honeycombs, 181, 181
Hooke’s law, 206–207
Horizontal gas flow HRSGs, 382, 382
Horizontal tube economizers, 86, 87
Hot inspection, of HRSG, 354–359
casing, 356, 357f
casing penetration seals, 356–357, 358f
duct burner, 355–356, 356f
high-energy piping and support system, 358–359
inlet duct, 355
inlet expansion joint, 354–355
HP steam drum, 369–370, 371–372
HP superheater and reheater coils, 32, 366–367
Hybrid power augmentation (PAG) cycle, 39–40, 40f


Independent power producers (IPPs), 2–3, 3
Indirect labor, 264
Inductively coupled plasma electron spectrometry (ICP), 194t
Inlet chillers/foggers, 291
Inlet duct, 278–281, 355, 360
burner in, 103
configuration, 254
Inlet expansion joint, 354–355
Inline burner, 118, 119f
Insertion type desuperheater, 106f
Inspection and maintenance, of HRSG, 353–373
cold inspection and maintenance, 359–373
coils in the low-temperature region of the HRSG, 368–369
distribution grid, 360–363
duct burner, 356f, 363–365
emissions control equipment, 368
evaporator coils, 367–368
heating surfaces/HRSG coils, 365–366
HP superheater and reheater coils, 366–367
inlet duct, 360
internal steam drum inspection, 369–372
severe service valves, 372–373
stack, 372
daily walkdown of equipment, 359
hot inspection, 354–359
casing, 356, 357f
casing penetration seals, 356–357, 358f
duct burner, 355–356, 356f
high-energy piping and support system, 358–359
inlet duct, 355
inlet expansion joint, 354–355
Integral drum style evaporator, 69f
Integral floating pressure deaerator, 79
Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), 34–35, 40, 40–41, 40–41, 41f
Interconnecting piping, 211, 212f
Intermittent blowoff (IBO), 76, 314, 316
Internal access, of equipment, 261
Internal steam drum inspection, 369–372
HP steam drum, 371–372
IP steam drum, 371
LP steam drum, 371
International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS), 324, 335f, 348
Interstage attemperator, 306
Interstage spraywater desuperheater, 106–107, 107, 107
IP steam drum, 371
Isolation dampers, 257


Jobsites, 265, 269, 270, 278


Kyoto Protocol of 1998, 147


Larson–Miller curve, 244–245, 245f
Lateral force-resisting system, 222–224, 223f
Layup, of HRSG, 248
Lead/lag unit, 297–299
Ledinegg instability, 59–60, 60
Life assessments, 232, 248–249
cycling, scope items for, 249
fast start, 249
methods, 248–249
responsibilities, 249
Ligament reduction factor variables, 206f
Linear burner elements, 118–119, 119–121, 120f
Linear burners, 116, 118–119, 119–121, 120f
Liner failures, 375
Liner system, 280–281, 355
damaged liner system due to overheating, 364f
exposed insulation at, 360, 361f
Liquid firing, 119–121
Liquid fuels, 118, 119–121, 122
Live loads, 216
Load changes, of HRSG, 247–248
Logistics, 265
Long-chain hydrocarbons, 135
Longitudinal force-resisting system, 221, 224
Louver dampers, 257, 257
Low-cycle fatigue, 210, 210–213, 232
Lower heating value (LHV), 23
Low-pressure economizer, 34
Low-pressure evaporator, 79
Low-pressure steam drum, 371
Low-pressure steam turbine, 332


Main oil fuel train, 141f, 142f
Main steam temperature control, 304, 307f
Materials, 241–242
alumina materials, 180
carbon steel material, 70–71
catalyst materials, 150–153, 158–159, 164, 179–180
fin material, 112–113
higher-strength materials, 78
selection, 202–203, 226
transitions, 213–214
tubesheet material, 391
Mechanical design, of HRSG, 61–63, 199
allowable design stress, 206–209
code of design
mechanical, 200–201
structural, 201
fabrication, 228–229
field erection and constructability, 228
general information, 204
internal “hoop” stress, 204–205
nonpressure parts, 61–62
owner’s specifications and regulatory body/organizational review, 201–202
piping and support solutions, 226–227
pressure parts, 62, 202–204
design methods, 202
design parameters, 202
material selection, 202–203
mechanical component geometries and arrangements, 203–204
pressure parts design flexibility, 209–215
auxiliary equipment, 215
coil flexibility, 210–213
condensate management, 215
feedwater recirculation, 215
general information, 209–210
material transitions, 213–214
preventing quenching, 214
reinforced openings, 205–206
requirements, 254
structural components, 215–221
dead loads, 215–216
live loads, 216
operating loads, 221
seismic loads, 217–221
wind loads, 216–217
structural solutions, 221–226
anchorage, 224–226
design philosophy, 221, 222f
lateral force-resisting system, 222–224, 223f
longitudinal force-resisting system, 224
material selection, 226
tube vibration and acoustic resonance, 62–63
Mechanical details, 86–88
corrosion fatigue, 88
steaming, 87–88
tube orientation, 86–87
venting, 87
Medium-pressure (MP) process steam header, 36, 38
Mesh pads, 74–75, 372, 373f
secondary separator with, 372f
Metal composition, 70–71
Modular or bundle construction, 268–271
Modularization, coil bundle, 266–276
C-frame modularization, 273–274, 273f, 274f
goalpost-style modularization, 272–273
harp construction, 266–268
modular or bundle construction, 268–271
O-frame (shop modular) construction, 275, 275f
super modules and offsite erection, 275–276
Modularization, levels of, 264–265
Multiple drum evaporator designs for fast start cycles, 78
Multiple pressure systems, 53


National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), 149, 184
National Board Inspection Code (NBIC), 373
National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), 184
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 250
Natural and assisted circulation, 379
Natural circulation and circulation ratio, 68
Natural circulation design, 377, 387–388
Natural circulation evaporator designs, 65–66
Natural circulation HRSGs, 58
Natural gas (NG), 121–122, 155–156
liquid fuels, 122
low heating value, 121–122
refinery/chemical plant fuels, 121
NFPA 8506, 143
Nitric oxide
ammonia oxidation to, 158
Nitrogen oxides
formation mechanisms in gas turbines, 152–153
reaction chemistry, 147f
reduction of, 145–146, 146
NO to NO2 conversion, 186
Nonpressure parts, 61–62, 366
Nonreheat steam turbine configurations, 27f


Octadecylamine (ODA), 324
O-frame (shop modular) construction, 275, 275f
Oklahoma Gas & Electric’s Belle Isle Station, 22
Oleylamine (OLA), 324
Oleylpropylendiamine (OLDA), 324
Once-through steam generator (OTSG), 382–388, 385f
Benson HRSG, 384–387
serpentine coil OTSG, 383
supercritical, 387–388
Open cycle gas turbine generator, 19f
Operating loads, 221
Operation, of HRSG, 245–248, 288–301
alarms, 301, 302t
base load, 291–292
cycling, 300
layup, 248
load changes, 247–248
part load/shut down, 299–300
plant influences, 288–291
ambient temperature, 289–290
auxiliary heat input, 290–291
balance of plant operating pressure, 290
combustion turbine load, 290
CT fuel (natural gas or fuel oil), 291
inlet chillers/foggers, 291
shutdown and trips, 247
CT ramp rate, 293–294
general comments for automatic startup, 299
lead/lag, 297–299
startup type, 294–295
steam temperature (interstage/final), 296–297
superheater/reheater drain(s), 295–296
Operator-defined power load, 292
Optimum cycle chemistry, developing, 319
case studies, 340–343
damage/failure in PTZ of steam turbine in combined cycle/HRSG plants, 341–342
under-deposit corrosion—hydrogen damage, 342–343
understanding deposits in HRSG HP evaporators, 343
for combined cycle/HRSG plants, 343–345
allowing repeat cycle chemistry situations, 345
cycle chemistry guidelines and manual for combined cycle plant, 345
deposition of corrosion products in the HP evaporator, 344
ensuring the combined cycle plant has the required instrumentation, 345
first address FAC, 343–344
transport of corrosion products, 344
condensate and feedwater cycle chemistry treatments, 323–324
all-volatile treatment (oxidizing), 323
all-volatile treatment (reducing), 323
film forming products (FFP), 324
oxygenated treatment (OT), 324
cycle chemistry-influenced damage/failure mechanisms, 326–336
combined cycle/HRSG steam purity limits, 333
failure/damage mechanisms in HRSGs, 334
flow-accelerated corrosion in air-cooled condensers, 328–331
flow-accelerated corrosion in combined cycle/HRSG plants, 327
flow-accelerated corrosion in combined cycle/HRSGs, 327–328
HRSG HP evaporators, deposition in, 334–336
steam purity for startup, 333–334
steam turbine phase transition zone failure/damage, 331–333
unit shutdown limits, 334
HRSG evaporator cycle chemistry treatments, 325–326
caustic treatment (CT), 326
phosphate treatment, 325–326
repeat cycle chemistry situations (RCCS), development of, 337–339, 339–340
challenging the status quo, 339
contaminant ingress, 339
continuous online cycle chemistry instrumentation, 339
conventional boiler/evaporator deposits, 338
corrosion products, 338
drum carryover, 338
shutdown/layup protection, 339
Oscillating pressures, 62–63, 63
Outlet duct and stack configuration and mechanical design requirements, 256–257
Overhead, 264
damaged liner system due to, 364f
damaged vibration supports due to, 365f
Overstrength factors, 220
Oxidation catalyst, 174–179, 177, 179–182, 188, 189, 191
active material, 179–180
activity and selectivity, 174–176
carrier, 180–181
catalytic reaction pathway, 176–177
effect of the rate limiting step, 177–179
putting it all together, 182
representative performance of, 185f
substrate, 181–182
Oxygenated treatment (OT), 324
Ozone, 147–148, 147f


PACE (Power at Combined Efficiency), 2
Part load/shut down, 299–300
Partial water side bypass, 88, 88f
Particulate matter (PM), 136–138
Pegging steam, 79, 79, 291, 309–311
Penetration seals, casing, 356–357, 358f
Phase transition zone (PTZ), 320–321, 332
Phosphate treatment, 325–326
Photovoltaic (PV) power, 41–42
Pigging, 389
Pilot gas train, 140f, 141f
Pilot oil train, 142f, 143f
Pinch point, 46, 46, 47, 47
Piping, 204, 282–283
high-energy piping, 358–359
interconnecting, 211, 212f
less-than-desirable pipe routings, 226–227
steam piping, 227
and support solutions, 226–227
Platforms and secondary structures, 284
Platinum and chromium (III) oxide based catalysts, 150
Power cycle variations that use HRSGs, 34–43
cogeneration, 35–38
integrated gasification combined cycle, 40–41
solar hybrid, 41–43
steam power augmentation, 38–40
Preoperational acid cleaning, 67
balance of plant operating pressure, 290
effect of, 233–234
high-pressure evaporator, 104
high-pressure superheater, 108–109, 112–113
integral floating pressure deaerator, 79
intermediate-pressure superheaters, 109
levels, 23–29
multiple pressure systems, 53
nonpressure parts, 61–62
reheater pressure loss, 100–101
single pressure level, 26
sliding/floating pressure operation, 102
steam pressures, 11
three-pressure nonreheat cycle, 27, 27, 27–29
two-pressure nonreheat cycle, 27
Pressure control, 316–318
automatic relief valve(s), 317
control valve bypass, 317–318, 318f
Pressure drop, 54
Pressure parts, 62, 202–204
design flexibility, 209–215
auxiliary equipment, 215
coil flexibility, 210–213
condensate management, 215
feedwater recirculation, 215
general information, 209–210
material transitions, 213–214
preventing quenching, 214
design methods, 202
design parameters, 202
material selection, 202–203
mechanical component geometries and arrangements, 203–204
headers, 200
piping, 204
steam drums, 204
tubes, 203
Pressure safety valves (PSVs), 317, 317, 317
Process steam, 96–97
Proportional integral derivative (PID) controller, 301, 312
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), 2–3, 35
Pumpable insulation, 355


Qualifying facility (QF), 35
Quenching, preventing, 214


Ramp rates, 235, 294, 294–295, 295
Rankine cycle, 20, 20–21, 21, 21, 21
combining Brayton cycle and, 21
T-S diagram, 20f
Reciprocating engines, 116
Recirculation pumps (with bypass), 309
Redundancy, 220–221
Refinery/chemical plant fuels, 121
Remote deaerator, 79
Remote drum style evaporator, 69f
Repair, of HRSG, 373–375
casing or liner failures, 375
flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC), 374
thermal fatigue, 374–375
under-deposit corrosion, 375
Repeat cycle chemistry situations (RCCS), 320–321, 339–340, 340t
development of, 337–339
challenging the status quo, 339
contaminant ingress, 339
continuous online cycle chemistry instrumentation, 339
conventional boiler/evaporator deposits, 338
corrosion products, 338
drum carryover, 338
shutdown/layup protection, 339
Retention time, 73
Ring type desuperheater, 106f
Roof beams, 271, 271f, 272, 272, 273, 276–277


Saturation temperature, 47, 48, 246–247, 247, 294, 296
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 194t
Seismic loads, 217–221
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology, 145, 174, 285, 285
catalyst materials and construction, 150–153
catalyst performance vs temperature graph, 155f
catalyst seal, 162f
drivers and advances in, 165–170
advancements in multifunction catalyst, 167–170
enhanced reliability and lower pressure loss, 165–166
transient response, 167
future outlook for, 170–171
history, 146
impact on HRSG design and performance, 153–164
performance impacts, 162–164
SCR configuration, 157–158
SCR location within the HRSG, 153–156
SCR support structure, 158–161
regulatory drivers, 147–150
SCR catalyst, 368
Separated (or slip) flow, 66
Separated flow condition, 57
Serpentine coil OTSG, 383
Severe service valves, 372–373
Shipping bundle versus individual coil, 98f
Shutdown and trips, of HRSG, 247
Shutdown/layup protection, 339
Side-fired oil gun, 119–121, 120f
Siemens Benson OTSG technology, 384
Silica-based carriers, 180
Single-element control (SEC), 76–77, 301–302
Single-row harp isometric, 267f
Sintering, 191, 191
Sliding/floating pressure operation, 102
Sodium hydroxide, 325
Solar hybrid, 41–43
Solar hybrid cycle, 34–35
Specialty steam drums, 77–79
deaerators, 78–79
fast start cycles, multiple drum designs for, 78
Split superheater, 52, 52f, 103
Spraywater desuperheater, 106–107
interstage, 107
water source vs steam purity, 107
Spring can with indicator in proper location, 358f
Stack, 372
exhaust stacks, 281–282
Stack gas reheat, 118
Stack radiated noise, 259
Stack temperature, 33–34
STAG plant, 2
Standard design, 83–84, 87
full circuit, 83–84, 84f
half circuit, 84, 85f
Starting up a power/process plant, 293–299
automatic startup, general comments for, 299
CT ramp rate, 293–294
lead/lag, 297–299
startup type, 294–295
steam temperature (interstage/final), 296–297
superheater/reheater drain(s), 295–296
Startup, of HRSG, 246–247
Startup drum level, 77
Startup vent/steam turbine bypass, 311–313, 313f
Steam bypass attemperator, 108–109, 252
Steam drum design, 71–75, 71f
drum internals, 73–75
primary separator, 73
secondary separator, 74–75
drum water levels and volumes, 72–73
high high water level (HHWL), 72
high water level (HWL), 72
low low water level (LLWL) trip, 72–73
low water level (LWL), 72
normal water level (NWL), 72
Steam drum inspection, 369–372
HP steam drum, 371–372
IP steam drum, 371
LP steam drum, 371
Steam drum operation, 75–77
continuous blowdown and intermittent blowoff systems, 76
drum level control, 76–77
single-element control, 76–77
three-element control, 77
startup drum level, 77
Steam drums, 204
Steam injection, See Steam power augmentation
Steam power augmentation, 38–40
Steam purity
combined cycle/HRSG limits, 333
for startup, 333–334
vs various applications, 97
water source vs, 107
Steam side flow distribution, 110–111
Steam temperature, 52, 296–297
Steam temperature control, 304–306
bypass system, 306
final stage attemperator, 305–306
interstage attemperator, 306
Steam turbine phase transition zone failure/damage, 331–333
Steam/water injection, 389
Steaming in economizer, 87–88
Stress due to change in temperature, 234–240
Stress monitors, 251
Stress–strain curve for a metal, 207f
Structural frame, 276–278
Sulfur, 193, 193
Sulfur buildup on finned tubes, 370f
Sulfur dioxide, 136
Sulfur oxides, 155–156, 163
Sulfuric acid, 156
Super modules and offsite erection, 275–276
Supercritical steam cycles, 387–388
Superheater, 49–50
Superheater and reheater, 95
base load vs fast startup and/or high cycling, 109–110
design types and considerations, 97–105
bundle support types, 104
circuitry, 100–101, 101f
countercurrent/cocurrent/crossflow, 98–99
headers/jumpers vs upper returns, 99–100
sliding/floating pressure operation, 102
staggered/inline, 98
tube-to-header connections, 105
unfired/supplemental fired, 103–104
drainability and automation, 110
flow distribution, 110–112
gas side, 111–112
steam side, 110–111
general description of superheaters, 96–97
power plant steam turbine, 97
process steam, 96–97
steam purity vs various applications, 97
materials, 112–113
outlet temperature control, 105–109
mixing requirements for each, 109
spraywater desuperheater, 106–107
steam bypass attemperator, 108–109
Superheater/reheater drain(s), 295–296
Supplemental firing, 50–51, 51f, 52f, 103–104
burner in inlet duct, 103
at combustion gas turbine part load, 104
impact downstream of the high-pressure evaporator, 104
screen evaporator, 103–104
split superheater/reheater, 103
Supplementary firing, 32–33, 116
Surface area sequencing, 32
Surface of the superheaters (SHTR), 289
Sweetwater condenser desuperheater, 107
Swell/shrink volume, 73


Taitel & Dunkler chart, 391
Technical Guidance Document (TGD), 331
Terminal point spraywater desuperheater, 106–107
Thermal deactivation of catalyst, 191, 192f
Thermal design, 46–61
economizer, 48
energy balance, 46–47
heat exchanger design, 54–61
evaporation and circulation, 58–59
finned tubing, 54–55
instability, 59–61
pressure drop, 54
tube arrangement, 55
two-phase flow, 55–58
multiple pressure systems, 53
split superheater, 52
superheater, 49–50
supplemental firing, 50–51
Thermal fatigue, 374–375
Thermal NOx, 133
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA/DTA), 194t
Three-element control, 66, 303
Titania-based carriers, 180
Top-supported modular style bundle, 271f
Total dissolved solids (TDS), 389
Tripping a power plant/process plant, 288
Trisodium phosphate (TSP), 325
TSP (total suspended particulate), 136
Tube orientation, 86–87
Tubes, 203
Tube-to-header connections, 213–214, 243, 243f, 250, 369, 369
Tube-to-header joints, 366, 374f
Turbine exhaust gas (TEG), 116, 118–119, 122, 125, 126
Turbine exhaust gas distribution, 111–112
Turbine power augmentation, 122–123
Turbine sound power, 259
Two-phase density, 57
Two-phase flow heat transfer, 66


Ultimate tensile strength, 208
Ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD), 155–156, 156
Unburned hydrocarbons (UHCs), 135–136
Under-deposit corrosion (UDC), 320–321, 367–368, 375
Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL), 143–144
Unit shutdown limits, 334
Uprighting device, 270f
US Energy Information Administration projects, 3–4


Valve wear, 251–252
Venting, 87
Vertical gas flow HRSGS, 377–382, 378f, 380f
forced circulation, 377–379
horizontal HRSG, comparison to, 379–382
installation, 382
space requirements, 382
support and flexibility, 381–382
thermal performance, 379–381
natural and assisted circulation, 379
Vertical tube economizer, 87, 381
Vertical tube HRSGs, 381
Vertical tube natural circulation evaporators, 65
evaporator design fundamentals, 66–71
flow accelerated corrosion (FAC), 68–71
heat transfer/heat flux, 66–67
natural circulation and circulation ratio, 68
specialty steam drums, 77–79
deaerators, 78–79
fast start cycles, multiple drum designs for, 78
steam drum design, 71–75
drum internals, 73–75
drum water levels and volumes, 72–73
steam drum operation, 75–77
continuous blowdown and intermittent blowoff systems, 76
drum level control, 76–77
startup drum level, 77
Very high fired HRSGs, 393–394, 393f
Void fraction, 57, 58f
Volatile organic compound (VOC), 131, 174, 183, 183


Waste heat boilers, 4
Water chemistry, 70, 251, 322
Water/steam flow mixture, 381
Water/steam side components, 260–261
deaerator, 260–261
feedwater pumps, 260
Watertube heat recovery boilers, 4
Welding, 277–278
Whirling instability, 62–63, 63
Wind loads, 216–217


X-ray diffraction (XRD), 194t
X-ray fluorescence (XRF), 194t
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), 194t


Yield strength, 207
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